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Tired of Thai blokes staring at my missus


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as for the guy who introduced the "Westerner" to a pavement.... yeah.... I'd like you to try that with me.... because I am one of those judgmental Westerners who stares, but so far no one took any action whatsoever. As a matter of fact, most seem to avoid eye contact with me. I wonder why....



What makes me laugh about this thread is that farangs don't consider the possibility that Thai men are staring at their wives because, in general, they're so bloody awful.

As someone has correctly pointed out already, if you ever see a farang with a pretty girl it's 99% likely she's a hooker.

If you're in the market for a regular Thai girl, you'll need to accept that the cream of the crop has already been snapped up by Thai men.

That's just not true buddy, not where I am anyway. Maybe Bangkok. Had plenty of opportunities with beautiful, educated girls with jobs from good families. If I had my time over I'd be targeting just such a lady but not a young one. Single educated 40s lady with a child and a job. Suit me fine

If I had my time over I'd be targeting just such a lady but not a young one. Single educated 40s lady with a child and a job. Suit me fine

What about the spec above, but without a job?

More than welcome to come to Bkk where I can introduce you to the following.

Single Thai lady (widow) house worth about 10 million baht, bought and paid for, daughter studying at Uni in Australia, she picks up a pension of about 30k baht per month.

Spends most of her time hanging around at the fitness centre with her friends.

Widow, house bought and paid for, worth about 6 million, picks up a pension from her late Japanese husbands firm, son works for a large MNC here in Thailand, son is multi lingual, speaks Thai, Japanese and English, earns a salary most can only dream of.

Nice lad, more Japanese than Thai, the lady only moved back to Thailand when her son secured his job here.

Widow, owns 5 houses in Bkk, bought and paid for by late husband, total value of houses, about 25 milion baht, picks up a pension as well, speaks Thai English and French.

Widow, owns various houses in Bkk, Cha Am and Nakon Nayok, lives of pension from her late husband and rental incomes.

Daughter lives in Germany and has no intention of coming to Thailand.

If you wear wife beaters and flip flops, dont bother applying.

If you want to hang out with the local drinks, dont bother applying.

Everyone of them has the same problem, they are scared of living on their own, afraid of burglars and being ripped off.

You wont be asked to buy land houses etc you wont even be asked for money each month.

One of them told me straight to my face, if your mrs doesnt take care of you, you come and see me, I will.

These women are out there, your normal 2 week millionaire will never see them.

Answers the question, what happens to these young women who marry old men after the husband dies.

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Blokes looking at a ladies arse? I have never heard of that before.

Farangs in Thaialnd would never do it...
I would. But Im not that impressed with too many of the mia farangs that arent hookers.

Every Thai man can spot them, hence the reason they are with falang mugs and not Thai men.

Your average Somchai wants nothing to do with them, he sure as ferk doesnt want her 3 kids and debts, he wants her money.

Ever seen a go go bar or karaoke club at closing time?

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With the wife she always gets studied & heads turn to get a better look/stares....I've kind of gotten used to that over the years.....

What bothers me more is the salivating Thai a$$wipe men of all ages just drooling over our 15 year old daughter literally spinning around looking & letting her know their looking.....Very unnerving for her.....

Yes much better than a$$wipe old falang men who drool over much much younger Thai women, then marry them, then brag about how young their wife is on anonymous forums. Yes much better.

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I am tired of Thai blokes staring at my ass and I am not even kidding.

I never get any attention from the ladies here.

How do you know they are staring at your ass? Do you walk around with your head facing backwards?

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I am tired of Thai blokes staring at my ass and I am not even kidding.

I never get any attention from the ladies here.

It's such a nice ass.

I was thinking you should stick it out your shirt collar and learn to walk with ur head in ur trousers.


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Presumably your wife is spared the discomfort of having anyone stare longingly at you. Interesting that it only bothers you when it's Thai men staring at your wife.

Anyway better than having people avert their eyes and shepherd their children away.

All in all probably probably the first time you've experience anyone displaying envy for anything that's yours.

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OP, you seem a bit thin skinned, time to toughen up, get over it, as males we all, including Thais, will look at a nice ass. It's evolution and the need to breed. My other account has been "blocked" for a few days because of another thin skinned dude complained because I called him an "idiot" so I won't call you one, but to get so angry, and worked up, over something so trivial then you probably need to seek medical advise, because you won't change basic human nature.

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Accept the fact you are a guest in their country, with more money, with an attractive Thai women....

What do you expect?

It must be painful for many Thai men with little money, little hope, with many problems to see so many Thai women with foreignors.

It would be different if you were all on a level playing field.

Your not, so accept their frustration. You both should show some empathy.

Be thankful for the position you are in.

I would explain to your wife to control her frustration and language as well if she doesn't want both of you transported to the Morgue.

Edited by Kabula
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You blokes are gold. I need medical advice? Empathy? First time Ive ever experienced envy (in 52 years?). Absolute geniuses. Did it ever occur to you blokes it made my Mrs uncomfortable? Of course not

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Develop a thick skin, a high EQ, and turn the tables on them, if your missus is on board, you can both stand there, winking at the guys with big smiles in a full cuddle embrace...let em know they're the losers... Or just ignore it completely. Don't get rattled.

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Had it once with a couple of Arabs in the Ambassador hotel with the wife. I went to our room to get my wallet and they were staring when I got back. Being the nice guy I am I asked if they had a problem to which they answered "No" so I informed them in a nice way they would have if they continued. They left

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I was living in the same place for 5 years but my Thai neighbors always stare at me . If I buy something from 7/11, they'll look into my plastic to see what farang is eating. Staring is a part culture so take it easy ? 55555

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Most Thai blokes think that a Farangs Thai Girl/Wife is not a Proper girl(more like a bar girl or Loose

one)so they think that she is Below Thai Hi So standard They think that they are better so they treat

the ladies like Shit,,,While they are actually are Shit people..

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You blokes are gold. I need medical advice? Empathy? First time Ive ever experienced envy (in 52 years?). Absolute geniuses. Did it ever occur to you blokes it made my Mrs uncomfortable? Of course not

if she's a half decent looking girl she will of come across this in her life many times , she should be able to deal with it.

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I get a lot of looks particularly from women when I am out with my GF. She typically wears short shorts and a fully filled halter top. She is a very youthful looking 24 and I am a shipwrecked looking old fart who hopefully will be 78 later this year. Some people have trouble believing in true love. Bottoms up!.

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I get a lot of looks particularly from women when I am out with my GF. She typically wears short shorts and a fully filled halter top. She is a very youthful looking 24 and I am a shipwrecked looking old fart who hopefully will be 78 later this year. Some people have trouble believing in true love. Bottoms up!.


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Oh mate,drives me nuts.my girls a nurse ,33 im 49 but look 39 (really)shes tall ,slim ,big breasts.yesterday we went 2 a water park wer she wore a bikininf****k me..even the women wer giving her dirty looks..the men////i mean jealous monkeys ,, gobs hittin da floor,, even wen i said w t f,,,k u looking at,,,still didnt turn away!!!!we had 2 kids with us as well..amazing!!!nearly had a fite 3 or 4 times,, jing jing,,i can handle myself..but these sh--t houses cudnt handle me alone!! Thats y i refraind from giving 1 of them a lights out!!!!true))))

Eh? What? Pardon?

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Why waste your time, I don't any longer. Like you said these types are like a pack of Soi Dogs waiting around stalking waiting for the other to get in heat or have a moment of weakness. You can't fight everyone they are the cowards they are like the one in Hue Hin who punch a Sixty plus lady. I look at it this way, they grew up with nothing, have nothing today and will have nothing tomorrow. And if they are lucky on the way home will kill themselves on their motorbike!

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