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UK to pay for Calais ‘wall’ to deter migrants


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UK to pay for Calais ‘wall’ to deter migrants


CALAIS: -- Migrants in the French port of Calais are resorting to increasingly desperate measures to get to Britain.

After the so-called Jungle camp was cleared last month, many refused to be relocated to container-homes offered by the French government.

Some migrants are now throwing tree trunks and branches onto the road to stop lorries using the Channel Tunnel.

Once stopped, they will try to climb on board in the hope of reaching the UK.

The driver of one truck was forced to stop when one of his tyres exploded after hitting a tree trunk.

Authorities in Britain have proposed building new barriers and even a wall along the road.

“The idea is to extend the fences that have already been installed by 300 metres, and then in the south, we’re thinking of building a wall,” explained Vincent Breton, Deputy Prefect of Calais.

French authorities searching the rail network find five people well-hidden on a freight train bound for Britain.

Building a wall to secure the transport networks would cost the British government eight million euros.

A price, it seems, they’re prepared to pay to end this desperate and dangerous activity.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-29
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Can somebody, anybody, please explain why these so called refugees are not forced to register and stay in the "1st safe country" they arrive at after supposedly fleeing their home countries in fear for their lives? By 1st safe country I am referring of course to Turkey, Italy or possibly Spain as the likely entry routes. This is clearly defined in law as per the Dublin convention. It is my opinion that by throwing away the law books to appease the new favorites, we will create unimaginable problems and horrors.

If I had fled my life and some kind country agreed to give me refuge I would be grateful. Very grateful. In fact, I would be so grateful I would be out there on the streets picking up trash, sweeping dust and dirt, generally doing all I could to repay and thank the citizens of my newly adopted nation. I would not be hanging out at children's swimming baths in a crowd of 10 year old boys knowing a sexual emergency could be imminent. Neither would I be trashing nor burning my new residence.

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70 years ago, the pommies knew how to repel an invasion. it wasn't by building a wall.

Well; we still have quite a few Spitfires and Hurricanes in working order and a lot more potent equipment to go with them these days. However; what we have also got in very large numbers that we didn't have in 1940 is BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS that feel that we should open up the country to every waif and stray that comes along.

The majority of the latter were born after around 1965 and have no recollection of the suffering of war or its effect on those that fought in both world wars to secure the freedom of expression they now so vociferously enjoy. They also never suffered the hardships of the post-war austere period with shortages of just about everything, or ever saw the bomb sites that their home town and surrounding area became. They have no idea that the principle of what their ancestors fought for is based on the proper belief that you should not let the enemy cross your shores, be it by means of war or stealth. In recent decades these so called 'peace lovers' have been spoiled by spineless and gutless Politicians with never ending streams of 'benefits' that they have never had to work for and have come to the conclusion that everyone is entitled to everything for absolutely nothing.

If it was me, i would build an 18ft wall all the way along the French Coast and probably beyond !!

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I love France and have French friends ... but the <deleted> French politicians really make me angry. IMO, they are just a bunch of incompetent, ineffective, inept aristocrats or egocentrics with old school-tie connections that are contributing to the downfall of the European Union and jeopardizing national security across the continent.

Seems any illegal migrant of Muslim persuasion can just say <deleted> off and the government will say OK ... OK ... no problem ... What do you want?

This whole debacle was allowed by the French government and should be remedied and paid for by the French government.

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I love France and have French friends ... but the <deleted> French politicians really make me angry. IMO, they are just a bunch of incompetent, ineffective, inept aristocrats or egocentrics with old school-tie connections that are contributing to the downfall of the European Union and jeopardizing national security across the continent.

Seems any illegal migrant of Muslim persuasion can just say <deleted> off and the government will say OK ... OK ... no problem ... What do you want?

This whole debacle was allowed by the French government and should be remedied and paid for by the French government.

So Schengen has nothing to do with it

And you resent the French allowing us to build a wall on their side of the channel


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I love France and have French friends ... but the <deleted> French politicians really make me angry. IMO, they are just a bunch of incompetent, ineffective, inept aristocrats or egocentrics with old school-tie connections that are contributing to the downfall of the European Union and jeopardizing national security across the continent.

Seems any illegal migrant of Muslim persuasion can just say <deleted> off and the government will say OK ... OK ... no problem ... What do you want?

This whole debacle was allowed by the French government and should be remedied and paid for by the French government.

So Schengen has nothing to do with it

And you resent the French allowing us to build a wall on their side of the channel


I believe according to Schengen, Italy, Greece, and Spain could be kicked out for not securing their outer borders. Part of being allowed into Schengen in the first place is being able to secure your outer border and they have failed in an epic way.

Also, non-EU citizens must have passports even for crossing internal borders and here France has failed. I have been checked at internal borders before (both on the bus near the border and even before allowed to board a bus in the first place).

Funny how when Hungary announced they would obey the EU conditions for Schengen that they were labelled fascists.

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70 years ago, the pommies knew how to repel an invasion. it wasn't by building a wall.

Well; we still have quite a few Spitfires and Hurricanes in working order and a lot more potent equipment to go with them these days. However; what we have also got in very large numbers that we didn't have in 1940 is BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS that feel that we should open up the country to every waif and stray that comes along.

The majority of the latter were born after around 1965 and have no recollection of the suffering of war or its effect on those that fought in both world wars to secure the freedom of expression they now so vociferously enjoy. They also never suffered the hardships of the post-war austere period with shortages of just about everything, or ever saw the bomb sites that their home town and surrounding area became. They have no idea that the principle of what their ancestors fought for is based on the proper belief that you should not let the enemy cross your shores, be it by means of war or stealth. In recent decades these so called 'peace lovers' have been spoiled by spineless and gutless Politicians with never ending streams of 'benefits' that they have never had to work for and have come to the conclusion that everyone is entitled to everything for absolutely nothing.

If it was me, i would build an 18ft wall all the way along the French Coast and probably beyond !!

And have all of them building camp fires by the side of the walls and wait for the few seconds that the search lights are not shining upon them.

Or are you suggesting some kind of 'Atlantic wall' with all the guns pointing inland? Dumb solution boys.

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With only 1 in 5 migrants arriving in Europe who could claim to be a genuine refugee fleeing conflict it begs the question 'why aren't the 4 out of every 5 that are bogus refugees removed immediately?'

Don't know when you got your figure of only one in five being assesses as refugees, must be fairly recent. However, the URL below, although further legislation has likely been enacted, will shed some light on the problems for removing economic refugees (e.g. in Germany) originating from Balkan countries. Some countries for returning economic refugees have achieved government to government agreements such as the Cotonou Agreement with sub Saharan countries. There are a number of countries where government to government agreement for accepting returnees has yet to reached by EU nations, such as Afghanistan and Iran.


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Everyone is coming at it from just one side. One of the big reasons migrants want to

come to the UK is once they arrive it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Change

some simple rules and invest a few billion in detention centers and the numbers

wanting to get to the UK will drop dramatically. Detain all those claiming asylum

who arrive with no passports. Collect the passports of those that have them so

when/if there asylum is denied the claimants can be deported quickly and efficiently.

Currently if they do not have a passport (they hide it or throw it away) the UK

has to apply for one (or a travel document) from their embassy. This takes at least

a year. Meanwhile they are free to wander and work illegally. Then you have to find

them again. No easy thing to do. When they are caught, detain them. Currently

families who have a child under 1 are not deported. End this and deport them

as soon as they have had there claims denied. Another consideration would be to

change citizenship laws. Citizenship would be granted by birth in the UK only when

at least one parent is a citizen. This is the way it is in Singapore, Thailand and

many other countries. Singapore has a well developed system to register births

of foreign nationals with their embassies so infants have citizenship at birth, just not

Singaporean. (I was born there in the RAF Hospital, Changi) Invest in refugee

staff processing to both streamline and speed the process of refugee claims.

Far smarter people than me can come up with a workable solution to the problem.

The answer is not the bleeding hearts, just let them all in. Of course the first step

is to get out of the EU. From there you control your boarders. thumbsup.gif

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I love France and have French friends ... but the <deleted> French politicians really make me angry. IMO, they are just a bunch of incompetent, ineffective, inept aristocrats or egocentrics with old school-tie connections that are contributing to the downfall of the European Union and jeopardizing national security across the continent.

Seems any illegal migrant of Muslim persuasion can just say <deleted> off and the government will say OK ... OK ... no problem ... What do you want?

This whole debacle was allowed by the French government and should be remedied and paid for by the French government.

So Schengen has nothing to do with it

And you resent the French allowing us to build a wall on their side of the channel


Do any of these illegal economic migrants have Schengen visas? Are they entitled to the same freedom of movement as EU citizens or Schengen visa holders?

Of course not. They are illegal migrants hoping to get to a country that will provide for them where they can continue to behave without any regard for the law to get what they want.

What is astonishing is that some countries let them arrive, allow to travel on to another EU country and ignore the law or their responsibility to it. Passing the book and not giving a toss as long as the problem is someone else.

France has laws but chooses not to enforce them. They see the easy way out as passing the problem on - but the way to Britain isn't open. Now the spineless French wan't us to pay - partly out of arrogance, partly due to their basket case economy, and partly because their government is inept.

I resent the French not enforcing their and international laws and expecting another country to pick up the tab.

We got them out the &lt;deleted&gt; twice, and are still having to wipe their &lt;deleted&gt;.

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70 years ago, the pommies knew how to repel an invasion. it wasn't by building a wall.

Well; we still have quite a few Spitfires and Hurricanes in working order and a lot more potent equipment to go with them these days. However; what we have also got in very large numbers that we didn't have in 1940 is BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS that feel that we should open up the country to every waif and stray that comes along.

The majority of the latter were born after around 1965 and have no recollection of the suffering of war or its effect on those that fought in both world wars to secure the freedom of expression they now so vociferously enjoy. They also never suffered the hardships of the post-war austere period with shortages of just about everything, or ever saw the bomb sites that their home town and surrounding area became. They have no idea that the principle of what their ancestors fought for is based on the proper belief that you should not let the enemy cross your shores, be it by means of war or stealth. In recent decades these so called 'peace lovers' have been spoiled by spineless and gutless Politicians with never ending streams of 'benefits' that they have never had to work for and have come to the conclusion that everyone is entitled to everything for absolutely nothing.

If it was me, i would build an 18ft wall all the way along the French Coast and probably beyond !!

And have all of them building camp fires by the side of the walls and wait for the few seconds that the search lights are not shining upon them.

Or are you suggesting some kind of 'Atlantic wall' with all the guns pointing inland? Dumb solution boys.

Your right - no camps. That just creates more problems and cost.

Just deport them back to where they came from. They are illegal migrants, economic chancers, who chose to pay illegal people traffickers and smugglers. They demonstrate their complete disregard for the law and readiness to resort to violence and criminal activities if they don't get what they want.

Send them back and stop pussyfooting around.

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Here's a "feel good" article that will make you Europeans feel really good about Muslim migration:


A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war. Anjem Choudary was secretly filmed mocking non-Muslims for working in 9-5 jobs their whole lives, and told followers that some revered Islamic figures had only ever worked one or two days a year.

“But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-believers].“So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.”

He went on to tell a 30-strong crowd: “We are going to take England — the Muslims are coming.”

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Here's a "feel good" article that will make you Europeans feel really good about Muslim migration:


A Muslim preacher is secretly filmed urging followers to take benefits from the state to fund a holy war. Anjem Choudary was secretly filmed mocking non-Muslims for working in 9-5 jobs their whole lives, and told followers that some revered Islamic figures had only ever worked one or two days a year.

“But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar [non-believers].“So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance. You need to get support.”

He went on to tell a 30-strong crowd: “We are going to take England — the Muslims are coming.”

well at least he is honest, and I respect him more for speaking his mind than the other 99% feverishly trying to deny their agreement with him(until the time is right).
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Put a big f***ing wall up around Europe; deport all refugees AND people (irrespective of their nationality EU or non-EU) who live off the state!

Shoot all the bleeding do-gooders!

Problem solved.

But, unfortunately, Europe isn't going to go that route and therefore it will/must fail under the weight of its obligations.

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The government would do better to dispense with all benefits for the migrants and make sure the message is heard loud and clear by them.

'Some migrants are now throwing tree trunks and branches onto the road to stop lorries using the Channel Tunnel.' As for this, they are becoming a menace and a danger to others. Pick them up and forcibly repatriate them.

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