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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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Garbage ! These guys doing the kicking need to be taken out and shot. Why couldn't this lady do her own dirty work ? The C word comes to mind. Total garbage !!!

I didn't know it was a contest to see who can be the most outraged of all. How about, Drawn and Quartered? Garotted? Death of a thousand cuts? Guillotined? Keelhauled? Crucified even!

Garbage? Really? Let's ditch the rule of law and the writ of habeas corpus and introduce summary executions in the street. Not what I would call a great leap forward. Mr T tried it a few years back and after almost 3000 'summary executions' it achieved nothing.

No scales of punishment either? One size fits all. OK. So what would you do if they had actually murdered the girl? Shoot them. Bury them. Dig them up, and shoot them again?

Why couldn't she do her own dirty work? I agree! What ever happened to the good ole days where the wife would just cut off the adulterers penis while he was sleeping and feed it to the ducks!

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Typical behavior of gangs anywhere in the world.

yes it is of gangs but not of the people,who stood up and walked away - the man in the video!

I have never seen this elsewhere in my travels or life!

Intervene and you`re likely to get knifed or shot. Unless you are with about 20 mates who are all fit strong healthy young men then you are putting your life on the line and may end up just being another statistic.

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  • 2 months later...

Reading through (most) of this thread, i am surprised with the number of posters that refer to this incident as a fight and that this is the only way Thai males can fight, etc.

This was not a fight, it was a punishment beating which happened to be captured on CCTV and released on the social media. As horrible as it sounds, the girl got off fairly lightly, no deliberate broken bones, no weapons used. The show of force was for intimidation purposes, there were only two who carried out the beating.

As appalling as the actions were, this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis. The only difference being that they do not get captured on CCTV or that the incident doesn't justify national (or international) media. Because it is so common and, unless supported by visual coverage as in this case, it is not a selling story. Despicable isn't it?

This is not a baiting post, it is just an insight into the reality of today's world. Just to clarify my position on this, where scum like this (everywhere) overstep the boundaries of our separate societies, their entitlement to human rights should end.

As someone once said:

There can never be true justice again in this world because of the laws we have made and are bounded by.

You made a mistake. You said "this happens in every country in the 'civilized' world on a regular basis"

No problem, I will correct this for you....

"girls getting kicked in the face by several men happens in Thailand on a regular basis"

So you mean ppl don't get their face kicked in in western countries or just only the men?

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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

On a different subject, what is it that makes Thai males so full of anger and malevolence? It seems to be there just under the surface.

They are poor

They are uneducated

They are stupid

They have no way to get ahead in life except by socially unacceptable means, in the caste hierarchical and racist/bigoted society in which they live..

They are buddhist, and are taught to suppress their anger

So... the foreigners come...

They are richer

They are more educated and smarter, doing well in life

They are more handsome, endowed, and treat their women with respect

They haven't needed to suppress their anger

They take their girlfriends, their sisters, their mothers and so on and so forth

The women get the money, they get nothing

I'm surely not condoning it, but really... it ain't rocket science why they're angry... it's just human animalistic nature, sort of like Lord of the Flies with some twists.

Welcome to the Land of Crocodile Smiles

The point you are missing, is that there is very little Thai on farang crime here. Very little. The few attacks that do occur, are usually reported, and we hear about them, and they become big news. But, there are so few. In my ten plus years here, I have never felt threatened by Thai men, even in Bangkok or Pattaya, late at night. I find if you treat them with respect, kindness, and deference, they are so rarely aggressive. No so in the Philippines, the US, or many other places. So, get your facts straight please, before engaging in fear mongering.

Some of the facts that you stated are probably correct. Some. But, does that mean most Thai guys take their frustrations out on foreigners? Thankfully, the answer is an emphatic no. That does not mean that some do not dislike us. But, there is a huge gap between disliking someone, and attacking someone. And the attacks rarely happen. That is a fact, and we are all thankful for that. Instances like the murders on Dark Tao (committed by a serial killing son, of a very rich and influential man, most likely), and the attack in Hua Hin, are quite rare here. Most Thai people are not violent.

And my guess is that even in Hua Hin, had the son just turned around and offered a wai, and a sorry, did not mean to bump into you, I am fairly certain none of that would have escalated. That family was completely out of their element, and slapping a drunk Thai man is about as ignorant an act, as a tourist can commit, regardless of the justification. It just escalated from there.

in fact more farang take it on out on asian men in their own countries.

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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time

Yes I can endorse this..many years ago I knew a football team from the dock ares of Liverpool...hard as nails and cross one and you cross them all and there was only one end result !!! However if any one of them had seen a woman abused or attacked God help the guy doing it...They did and always will respect a woman and would never hit or attack one! Sad infantile and sick mentality that comes from the reverence Thai males are held in...Imhave yet to see any proof that they justify any form of respect and are just little boys who grow up,as little boys! Guns or not if they had tried that in Liverpool God help them. Some would not be alive to crawl back to there holes on the ground! Scum !!hope the young girl recovers..

Utter crap, spend 3 minutes in the emergency ward of any Liverpool hospital and see what comes in and it will sure as hell include plenty of beaten-up Liverpool women.

No excuses for whatever country it happens in, but don't expect people who know to believe your "Liverpool Hero's" fantasies.

Liverpool has one of the worst histories of violence of any UK city. Including gang violence and "punishment" violence.

Not in any way exonerating these shit guys, but lets have a bit of perspective on this, when was the last time you heard of "kneecapping" a woman in Thailand.

I just did a quick Google and maybe I should apologise about Liverpool men.............

FOUR women falsely imprisoned another woman and subjected her to “appalling violence”.

The gang used at least four different weapons – including a corkscrew and a road sign – to assault Sian Hollywood, 21, during their premeditated attack.

Liverpool crown court heard the vicious attack was sparked because Miss Hollywood had previously dated the cousin of one of the women, Clare Stanley, and the relationship did not end well

Well, well, dated a cousin, does that sound a little bit familiar? Only in Thailand, utter bullshite.

why is it always farang full of these double standards and they say them without any hint of irony in them like they can totally ignore the stuff that they commit which is similar and often times worse than what thais commit. Very much akin to US foreign policy which is to accuse other nations of "human rights violations" when they commit the worst types of human rights violations.

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Kicking someone's head in - literally - seems to be commonplace now. Is this the new fashion or has it always been the way they fight? In any case, better try and stay upright at all costs.

when thais fight they try to hurt you as much as possible or kill you.

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Kicking someone's head in - literally - seems to be commonplace now. Is this the new fashion or has it always been the way they fight? In any case, better try and stay upright at all costs.

when thais fight they try to hurt you as much as possible or kill you.

Thais really emphasize "kicking" when fighting; that's what Muey Thai Boxing is all about. It's quite effective for them since they are often smaller and thus want to keep their distance.

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Kicking someone's head in - literally - seems to be commonplace now. Is this the new fashion or has it always been the way they fight? In any case, better try and stay upright at all costs.

when thais fight they try to hurt you as much as possible or kill you.

Thais really emphasize "kicking" when fighting; that's what Muey Thai Boxing is all about. It's quite effective for them since they are often smaller and thus want to keep their distance.

Smaller than who? Thais usually fight erm..... Thais.

ta158, you must be new to Thailand as in my experience Thais show a lot more compassion than most farang when involved in fights.

In thirty years here, I've seen less fights than I'd see in Glasgow or Manchester in a weekend.

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Kicking someone's head in - literally - seems to be commonplace now. Is this the new fashion or has it always been the way they fight? In any case, better try and stay upright at all costs.

when thais fight they try to hurt you as much as possible or kill you.

Thais really emphasize "kicking" when fighting; that's what Muey Thai Boxing is all about. It's quite effective for them since they are often smaller and thus want to keep their distance.

Smaller than who? Thais usually fight erm..... Thais.

ta158, you must be new to Thailand as in my experience Thais show a lot more compassion than most farang when involved in fights.

In thirty years here, I've seen less fights than I'd see in Glasgow or Manchester in a weekend.

Thai show more compassion when fighting ? So that's why they operate mob handed and see the need to carry knives and guns ? Is eight men attacking a woman regarded as a fight or maybe it is Thai style.

Can I take it you've been to Glasgow and Manchester to study fights there ?

Your previous stout deference of all things Thai has become ridiculous.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time

the thais would just shot them or hack them with machetes

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Another gang attack?

The attack on the British couple still being fresh.

Thailand, Quo Vadis?

AND LOOK AT THE THIA MEN!!! Totally disgusting

Loving caring families who really don't care!


i am hating this place day by day more and more

Please fly to Miami airport, get lost and please ask some guys for the way to your hotel. You might face a gun and lose all your money, or your life.

Go to Mexico and you might wake up with only one kidney.

Go to Germany and a right wing freak kicks the ' out of you, because you don't agree with his beliefs.

Go to Brazil and experience how nice it can be when people give you drugs that make you to a zombie who does all they want you to do.

Go to Belgium, rent a bicycle, stop at a bakery to buy a drink and when you come back the bike's gone.

The go to's can go on and on and on.

Would I hate this country I would definitely leave it and go home to the place where i was born.

Please do a lot of Thais and maybe even some members here a big favor and go back home. Whining foreigners complaining about all and everything in this country is something I never understood and I do not want to understand it.

If you can't afford it to buy a ticket back home, then please create a farcebook page where people will help you with money to go home.

I'll put a few baht in as well.

This website really becomes to a place where all sorts of people are bashing Thai people in general without even knowing much about this country and its culture.

And look at the Thai men,....( your words).....please have a look at some farang men here. Have a good flight back home.- wai2.gif

the drug in brazil is called devil breath it is used in thailand as well

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Says a lot about the Thai view of manhood. Perish the thought that the Vietnamese might come one day: the prospect of seeing these types running for the hills would be of some amusement

I am not being a wise ass with this reply mate. I take ti Vietnam guys can handle themselves and would give a lot better back? (i'd love to see that)

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/29/2016 at 6:51 PM, Thaidream said:

It is all about 'loss of face'. Once an insult causes loss of face- Thais fly into a rage and even more so when it happens in public. This man caused his wife to lose face in the community. Once the rage started it was out of control and she struck back with a vengeance. The thugs- either hired or family saw this as a personal insult to the family or simply believed what they were told. The thugs looked as if they had done this type of thing before- they were organized. When the man goes home- he may or may not get a taste of her rage but if I were him I would be real careful for a long time.

I have said this before and I will say it again- never, ever cause a Thai person to lose face. Think before you act and watch how you say things especially in a public setting. If alcohol is involved be especially careful. I don't know whether Thais can ever overcome this part of their psyche. I have noticed that when Thais live abroad for a considerable period of time they realize how ridiculous this concept is so it can be unlearned.


Face is no doubt, the greatest form of weakness, a human can engage in. Many will say it is societal, cultural, etc. No matter. It is the absolute and complete lack of the ability to introspect, and look within for the source of any problem, shortcoming, conflict, or issue. It is the polar opposite of spirituality, and therefore an absolute scourge on Buddha, and all of the precepts he taught. By practicing face, you are denying your spiritual heritage. You are refusing to man up. A real man or woman will take responsibility for their actions. If a man or a woman cannot, and will not take responsibility for their actions, the problems they create, the mistakes they make, and the issues they involve themselves in, what are they really? Are they still an adult? Are they a complete individual, if they allow themselves to be limited by such infinitely small social conventions? 


Who cares what people think of you? For those of us with high self esteem, it just does not matter. Sure, close friends and family. But strangers on the street? Who gives a rat's butt about this? It means nothing what they think, nor what they say about you. They count for nothing. They are just people, and people you do not know, nor will ever see again. Face is rife with self doubt, and by subscribing to this weakness, a man or woman is made a far lesser person. For those of us with high self esteem, we know who we are. What others think, what society thinks, what a guy or gal thinks, means less than zero.


Real men or women, simply own a situation, and take responsibility for their errors or mistakes. Small men, social deviants, or emotional adolescents deflect, obfuscate, attempt to confuse, and do everything in their power to deny that they made a mistake, or that they are responsible in any way, or on any level. They make up narratives about fake news, or alternative facts. Anything to avoid looking within, for the source of the problem. Anything.


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