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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time

Yes I can endorse this..many years ago I knew a football team from the dock ares of Liverpool...hard as nails and cross one and you cross them all and there was only one end result !!! However if any one of them had seen a woman abused or attacked God help the guy doing it...They did and always will respect a woman and would never hit or attack one! Sad infantile and sick mentality that comes from the reverence Thai males are held in...Imhave yet to see any proof that they justify any form of respect and are just little boys who grow up,as little boys! Guns or not if they had tried that in Liverpool God help them. Some would not be alive to crawl back to there holes on the ground! Scum !!hope the young girl recovers..

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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

My understanding is a "gik" can be either gender and is not necessarily financially dependent on the other gender. I suppose the nearest English term is F**kbuddy. Willing to be corrected on this.

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Its getting very scary now. Seriously though what are the cops / army playing at? You'd have thought this thuggery would be off limits with a military police outfit in office.

Deplorable, cowardly and the rest. Hope the poor victim recovers and gets the justice she deserves

She won't. She comes from Laos. A Thai soi dog would have better chance at getting justice from maltreatment than her. Feel very sorry for what she has gone through.

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Within the world of gang members this affair could be 1 or 2 of the potential members initiation into the gang or achieving a higher ranking within the gang by volunteering to accept the contract and perform what is seen here in the Video.

The police probably use them often enough for doing some of their dirty work also.

Meantime I have no male Thai friends at all while I have never been inclined to hang around with Thai males and try to be their buddies.....and certainly NOT their drinking buddies...knowing that all too many of them get all screwed up on alcohol...just like other men do in many other countries...and all sorts of aggressive behavior and conduct occurs.

Hope the girl can get some sort of justice for the pain she had to suffer.


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Another gang attack?

The attack on the British couple still being fresh.

Thailand, Quo Vadis?

AND LOOK AT THE THIA MEN!!! Totally disgusting

Loving caring families who really don't care!


i am hating this place day by day more and more

Me too Marcus. I have had increasingly stronger feelings about pulling the plug on my stay in this shithole over the last 3 years or so. These recent events have made me lose some sleep about my decision to live here. At least in Australia I KNOW that the police and judicial system will do their job without bias, whether I am the victim or perpetrator of a crime. I am so glad that I had the wisdom to never burn my bridges financially to be able to return home. To any Thais reading this- WE get the message loud and clear. You hate foreigners and so does you non elected prime minister with his silence on these issues and his comments about (and assistance in covering up) the Koh Tao murders was an embarrassment for his nation and will be even worse in the very near future.

To any Thai apologists who feeol the urge to tell me to go home if i don't like it here... ......You're wasting your breath.


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More Thai excrement, not been a good week for Thailand.

Says a lot about the people of a nation when trouble comes.

I sure would not like to get in trouble in Thailand, your very much on your own.

One day the people of Laos, Cambodia, Burma etc will have their revenge of the way the majority of the Thai people treat them, and I for one look forward to it.

So, you look forward to more mindless violence, way to go and how brave of you.

These guys are utter scum for attacking that woman, but you think people from other nations mindlessly attacking Thais is a good way to go? You are no worse than them.

Newsflash, not all Thais are like this!

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This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.

In other words...the hiso-Thais know it is unsafe to move freely about the country...and establish personal safe zones...a kind of self-imposed prison...to live safely? Is this about right?

I don't think this is correct.

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So instead of dealing with her husband, the cheating rat that he his, she sends a mob around and viciously attack a defenceless girl ...that says a lot about thai culture ...

You beat me to it macee! But I know who my wife would target if I ever did the wrong thing by her with another woman!! I must remember to put a lock on the knife drawer!

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sadly this girl will never get justice, she might have some broken bone/tooth, she will certainly have a mental scar for the rest of her life. I truely pity her!

And sadly.... sadly this video will not go viral like the savage attack on the biritsh ederly couple...

thailand, land of shit!

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This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.

And send their kids to International schools (to interact with other hi-so's )with good security (to keep out the riff raff) Chauffer driven drop off and pick up of course!

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These pack attacks by thai males on young girls, come up on my facebook feed almost on a daily basis, several men and girls hit a terrified young girl for about 5 minutes, the poor girl screams and cries as she is pulled around by her hair, kicked and punched until she is knocked out, or the attackers get tired. I always regret having hit play, I can't get the pathetic cries, and the images of merciless cruelty out of my head for days, then another one comes up. What has happened? Why has Thailand become this way? I abhor violence, but witnessing such brutally violent attacks on young girls and elderly people just cuts me right to the bone.

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Quo vadis,what does that mean? i thought it was where one of the disciples met jesus on the road to/from Damascus.I was led to believe it translated into 'wither goest thou, goest i.Please correct me if i am wrong.And if it means wither goest thou. I would like to know just to be able to relate its importance to this post.

Thanx in advance

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These pack attacks by thai males on young girls, come up on my facebook feed almost on a daily basis, several men and girls hit a terrified young girl for about 5 minutes, the poor girl screams and cries as she is pulled around by her hair, kicked and punched until she is knocked out, or the attackers get tired. I always regret having hit play, I can't get the pathetic cries, and the images of merciless cruelty out of my head for days, then another one comes up. What has happened? Why has Thailand become this way? I abhor violence, but witnessing such brutally violent attacks on young girls and elderly people just cuts me right to the bone.

perhaps it was always like this and its only cctv and phone cameras that are bringing it to light?

one of the worst things i saw was video, taken by one of the attackers, of a group of young thai males surround a soi dog on their bikes and ram/run it over and then stomp it to death.

Most thais can be quite callous, think of the half starved mange riddled dogs they ignore on a daily basis, which is made all the worse because the whole soi dog problem is created by stupid thais buying animals and letting them wander the street without being desexed

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Says a lot about the Thai view of manhood. Perish the thought that the Vietnamese might come one day: the prospect of seeing these types running for the hills would be of some amusement

I have lived in Vietnam for about ten years and spent about one third of that time in Thailand. I rent a house in a provincial city about 65 km west of Hanoi where I see about one foreigner a year here. I also rent a modest apartment in Ramkhamhaeng as my bolt hole. I am in a position to judge and I would sooner have the Vietnamese people any day that those pathetic weak coward Thai men.

Everyone of the Vietnamese around me are lovely people both men and women and make me feel most welcome. Not like those scabby insecure Thai men who have a permanent chip on their shoulder. The Thai women aren't much better. Money is all they think about.

In all the ten years I have been here I say that Vietnam is one of the safest places in the world and at half the price. If men are looking for beer bars and girlies don't bother coming, you are not welcome. Vietnamese women are much more serious about their relationships.

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These pack attacks by thai males on young girls, come up on my facebook feed almost on a daily basis, several men and girls hit a terrified young girl for about 5 minutes, the poor girl screams and cries as she is pulled around by her hair, kicked and punched until she is knocked out, or the attackers get tired. I always regret having hit play, I can't get the pathetic cries, and the images of merciless cruelty out of my head for days, then another one comes up. What has happened? Why has Thailand become this way? I abhor violence, but witnessing such brutally violent attacks on young girls and elderly people just cuts me right to the bone.

perhaps it was always like this and its only cctv and phone cameras that are bringing it to light?

one of the worst things i saw was video, taken by one of the attackers, of a group of young thai males surround a soi dog on their bikes and ram/run it over and then stomp it to death.

Most thais can be quite callous, think of the half starved mange riddled dogs they ignore on a daily basis, which is made all the worse because the whole soi dog problem is created by stupid thais buying animals and letting them wander the street without being desexed

....Or getting a cute little pup but having no second thoughts about dumping it when it is bigger, older, eats more and is not so cute anymore.

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Quo vadis,what does that mean? i thought it was where one of the disciples met jesus on the road to/from Damascus.I was led to believe it translated into 'wither goest thou, goest i.Please correct me if i am wrong.And if it means wither goest thou. I would like to know just to be able to relate its importance to this post.

Thanx in advance

"Quo Vadis" is a Latin term and means literally "Where going?".

Translated to English in means "Where are you going?".

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This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.

In other words...the hiso-Thais know it is unsafe to move freely about the country...and establish personal safe zones...a kind of self-imposed prison...to live safely? Is this about right?

I don't think this is correct.

No... I think it is correct. It is similar to what we do in South Africa. And funny how we also have massive problems with Xenophobia and gender violence in the lower classes. Thailabd is very segregated by class. But, unlike South Africa the xenophobia runs rigt upvto the upper class.
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"This 'gang' would last less than 10 minutes, pulling this stunt in Dudley".

Mate! as a "Gornal" boy i totally agree they would be praying the blokes found and kicked the Sh*t out of them before a few of the girls did cheesy.gif

Either way as you you say they would be lucky to make it to Russells Hall hospital without the aid of an air ambulance

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More entertaining than most Muay

Thai bouts; at least it was Asian on Asian crime...

In Oakland, they say "Don't mess with me Mother <deleted>, I'm from Oakland." In Oaktown she would also be robbed and/or raped. This is a school fight in comparison. I hope she is O.K.

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Since it would seem this poor girl will receive no justice from the police or courts I would recommend she pay some other local Thai men a few Baht to dish out revenge on her behalf. Better yet to really even things out the revenge should be directed at the b***h who ordered the attack.

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Where are all the so called navy seals and ex SAS guys when this bullshit happens. Just about every bar is full of them.

If i saw this shit happen i would do what that guy sitting around 0:40 did, just walk away. Anyone trying to go between an assault, especially in Thailand, will himself end up in hospital or grave.

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Sorry if this point has already made but I can't bring myself to wade through the ocean of crap...

Gik? Entertainment venue? Possibly this was a man who used a prostitute regularly & she was not his 'girlfriend'. I'm not excusing the wife's actions but if what I said is the case then any mitigating circumstances go out the window... ermm.gif

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Cowardly scum.

whats new about that they are very uncultured and brain dead race who are trodden over by the army so in there own little power ways group wise think they are hard but as you point out just weak cowards 6 on to one is there only way for them sad people really not happy land smile all fake

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