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Finally , It's raining


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Looks like a little rain today in Pattaya tongue.png


(somewhere in the Phothisan area, eastside)

The usual amphicar exercise on Sukhumvit:


Big jam on the motorway towards Pattaya (approx. 10 km):


I am not in Pattaya but fortunately we had a good splash starting from yesterday evening in upcountry.

The first day without AC for long thumbsup.gif

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Good reason to believe that it is from todaym the post is 4h old now:


and this Thai FB site usually provides up-to-date images.

See an overview here:


This video from the eastside that I linked explicitely states 15:53h in the title(!), uploaded today:


Edited by KhunBENQ
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The flood drainage system in full gear biggrin.png


Looks like a photo from the future Sukhumvit bypass tunnels. LOL

Got a nice wetting on Nern Pub Wan east of the railway bypass road. Maybe rained for an hour. Temps dropped 8 degrees from this morning's 33. Lovely. Haven't had the air con on in 3-4 hours.

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The drains must have been clogged from so many months of no rain. It didn't rain for long at Cosy Beach. 15 minutes at most. Just long enough to get into a fight with the neighbour who decided she wanted to block my drainage channel with a sandbag. I moved it and then she moved it back again. LOLOL.

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Had a couple of hours of rain yesterday evening /night up here in Chiang Mai .Mostly light rain with no flooding but some storms and lightening .4 cattle killed by lightening in Lampang .

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A light sprinkling here in Na Jomtien / Bang Saray

Temperature did drop last night so no A/C needed but the lawn and garden are still brown

The minimum dropped 1ยฐC from 29 ยฐC to 28 ยฐC, so no A/C. LOL. I wish I had your tolerance for heat, but for me it remains A/C all the way. They do say that for every degree you raise the thermostat saves 4 - 5% electricity, so at least it will cost less if the outside temperature is a degree lower.

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A light sprinkling here in Na Jomtien / Bang Saray

Temperature did drop last night so no A/C needed but the lawn and garden are still brown

The minimum dropped 1ยฐC from 29 ยฐC to 28 ยฐC, so no A/C. LOL. I wish I had your tolerance for heat, but for me it remains A/C all the way. They do say that for every degree you raise the thermostat saves 4 - 5% electricity, so at least it will cost less if the outside temperature is a degree lower.

I don't know where you obtained your figures from but my weather station, in Fahrenheit, showed a drop from 92 , before the rain to 78 after the "sprinkling". By the time we went to bed it had gone back up to 86

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