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Will there be a problem if I carry my PC to Thailand?

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I will be moving there and will stay in my friends house and would like to carry my windows PC there(2 monitors and 1 large Corsair Carbide 100R.

I dont have any problem in moving the monitors as they can be fit in some luggage but what about the CPU? I was thinking to remove the RAM and other delicate parts but where do I store them? Can i keep them in my hand baggage?

Also will immigration question me why I am bringing this here?


You want to bring a large computer with you ? No problem ...................

As a matter of interest how long do you intend staying , on what basis and with what visa?

In other words is it worth transporting this equipment ?


First 2 months on Tourist Visa which is when i will be carrying the PC which is why i am asking the question

After that I will apply for ED Visa

Yes i need the equipment so i can do my online stuff there. I know its illegal to work on Tourist Visa but i am not "working". I just run few websites which need some maintanence which has no relation to thailand.


I wouldn't bother about the RAM but I would put the hard disk in my cabin luggage.

That's what I've done when I've carried a few desktops along.

I've never had any problem. My baggage hasn't been inspected anyway but even if it had, it was very obvious that they were not new machines (recycled desktop computers from my employer)


First 2 months on Tourist Visa which is when i will be carrying the PC which is why i am asking the question

After that I will apply for ED Visa

Yes i need the equipment so i can do my online stuff there. I know its illegal to work on Tourist Visa but i am not "working". I just run few websites which need some maintanence which has no relation to thailand.

You have already been informed that you cannot obtain an ED visa unless you apply for it in your home country.

Your 'plan' does not appear to be well be well thought out.


First 2 months on Tourist Visa which is when i will be carrying the PC which is why i am asking the question

After that I will apply for ED Visa

Yes i need the equipment so i can do my online stuff there. I know its illegal to work on Tourist Visa but i am not "working". I just run few websites which need some maintanence which has no relation to thailand.

You have already been informed that you cannot obtain an ED visa unless you apply for it in your home country.

Your 'plan' does not appear to be well be well thought out.

I know that's why I will be returning back to home country after 2 months and will be applying from here


You will be stopped at customs and required to pay 50% of the cost of the PC when new - does not matter how old it is - seen it happen. Anyone with excess baggage is suspect, but if it is in boxes you will be inspected 100% sure thing. If anyone has gotten by this they are the few. If you had it in bags and they didn't inspect it - lucky you, because in fact they don't care how old it is - only that you pay before you can leave the airport or turn it over to them. They won't care if you want to stand there all night they get paid the same daily rate. I am a witness to this happening several times in the past - this is not guessing at all.

You can take a chance, but carry the drives in carry on that way if they want to much tax you just give them the PC - used PC's are available and cheaper then the tax - just plug your drives in and go with that - you can get here used PC's for 2,000 to 5,000 baht. You can carry a laptop and no ones seems to ever care, but desktops if seen are going to get taken or taxed - you can bank on it.


Just bring your data and buy a new computer when you get here. Or even better upload it all to some server somewhere and download it when you arrive.


Just bring your data and buy a new computer when you get here. Or even better upload it all to some server somewhere and download it when you arrive.

Why not taking motherboard, hd and memory card(s) in parts and then buying a new case shouldn't be a problem.

OP, why don't you work a little bit longer that you can afford it to buy a PC here?

If you can't even afford to buy a PC, then planning to do something which is against the law doesn't sound like a great idea to me.

You should also think about a travel insurance that covers all medical bills. Seems like Noi, or Lek's waiting for you. Good luck. -wai2.gif


Per lostinissan, ditch the case and keyboard, buy those here in TH. The mobo+CPU+RAM just pack in your suitcase among the clothing. Probably best to remove the HSF because it may stick up. Pack the HDD/SSD in your carryon to protect the data, put that in static-free plastic bag. Get case and kbd, also PSU and UPS (wobbly power is likely).


First 2 months on Tourist Visa which is when i will be carrying the PC which is why i am asking the question

After that I will apply for ED Visa

Yes i need the equipment so i can do my online stuff there. I know its illegal to work on Tourist Visa but i am not "working". I just run few websites which need some maintanence which has no relation to thailand.

You have already been informed that you cannot obtain an ED visa unless you apply for it in your home country.

Your 'plan' does not appear to be well be well thought out.

He could obtain the ED visa in Laos. No? Not anymore?


Another option is to image your hard drive and do a bare metal install on your new PC that you can get here. I'm sure you will be able to source the software.

15 - 20,000 baht will get you a decent PC with plenty of RAM and a decent graphic card, if maintaining websites is your limit. If a decent setup, you can either sell it off or keep it here as an additional machine.

Assuming the reason you want to bring your entire PC is because of installed software and offline sites, etc?

This reduces your baggage to 2 x monitors and an external 2 1/2 inch drive saving a lot of grief carrying a box or risking damage to your MoBo and associated hardware in transit.


First 2 months on Tourist Visa which is when i will be carrying the PC which is why i am asking the question

After that I will apply for ED Visa

Yes i need the equipment so i can do my online stuff there. I know its illegal to work on Tourist Visa but i am not "working". I just run few websites which need some maintanence which has no relation to thailand.

You have already been informed that you cannot obtain an ED visa unless you apply for it in your home country.

Your 'plan' does not appear to be well be well thought out.

He could obtain the ED visa in Laos. No? Not anymore?

Those who are Nationals of certain countries can only obtain Thai visas from a Thai Embassy/Consulate in their own country.

The OP is one such person.


For instance Sri Lanka? I'm a member of the G9 states. Should be no problem to obtain a ED Visa in Laos for me. Right?

Sorry for off-topic.


For instance Sri Lanka? I'm a member of the G9 states. Should be no problem to obtain a ED Visa in Laos for me. Right?

Sorry for off-topic.

What is normally referred to is G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.) However this grouping is not exclusive an people from other countries (Australia for example) can also obtain Thai visas in Loas and other nearby countries.

The full list of countries whose citizens must usually return home to get Thai visas is in the link.



I brought two laptops (one very large one), and a tablet with me. No problems.

Import duty should not be charged if the items are clearly used and for personal use.

It may look odd that you are brining such heavy equipment for a two month stay (or is it actually a 30-day stay with plans of a visa extension). If anything THAT may cause a question.

Shipping equipment like that is prone to damage. You can try to secure-pack it (padding, foam, popcorn, etc.) and then check-it. Or disassemble it, wrap it up in anti-static and try to get it through security (may prompt questions if carry-on, should be okey if checked).

But to summarize, I don't think you'll have problems with regard to the computer coming. I think you may get extra questions on why on earth you would need to bring the computer (and it may hamper your longer term plans).

To be honest, I would have to wonder why not just buy a laptop and bring that with you instead. You can even get an extra monitor or two here pretty easy and not that expensive. (I would buy the Laptop outside of Thailand as it would be cheaper for some of the top end brands/models).


Well now, the usual hysteria.

"I've seen them demand 50 percent of the new value."

Sure you have.

"I've seen them execute a man trying to bring a computer into Thailand."

Uh huh

From Pitney Bowes


Import duty & taxes when importing into Thailand


Import duty and taxes are due when importing goods into Thailand whether by a private individual or a commercial entity. The valuation method is CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), which means that the import duty and taxes payable are calculated on the complete shipping value, which includes the cost of the imported goods, the cost of freight, and the cost of insurance. In addition to duty, imports are subject to sales tax (VAT), and in some cases to excise, interior tax and a surcharge.

Duty Rates

Duty rates in Thailand vary from 0% to 80%, with an average duty rate of 20.93%. Some products can be imported free of duty, e.g. laptops and other electronic products.

Sales Tax

Goods imported into Thailand are subject to VAT at a rate of 7% calculated over the CIF value plus any applicable duty.

Minimum thresholds

Imports with a CIF value up to 1000 THB are exempt from duty and VAT.

Other taxes and customs fees

Alcohol and tobacco products are subject to excise duty which could be ad valorem or specific. Goods subject to excise are levied an additional Interior tax calculated at 10% of excise.

Additionally, Thailand imposes certain product-specific surcharges on some foodstuffs that take the form of ad valorem or specific duties.

Local Customs office and contacts

More information on import declaration procedures and import restrictions can be found at the Thai Customs website.

But let's not look at the Thai Custom's Website, no, don't do that!



Both Thai and non-Thai residents changing residence into Thailand are eligible to bring used/secondhand household effects into Thailand, in reasonable quantities, free of taxes and duties. It is also required that the imported used/ secondhand household effects have been owned, possessed, and used in the country where the importers resided before returning to Thailand to resume residence.
In case where the household effects are electrical appliances e.g. radios, televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, air conditioners, etc., only ONE unit each of such items is eligible for tax and duty free allowance. However, if it is the family change of residence, TWO units each of the items will be allowed to bring in tax and duty free. Any excess unit shall be subject to regular taxes and duties, and Customs will place the items that have the lowest rate of duty under tax and duty exemption.
It is important that the used/secondhand household effects must be imported not earlier than one month before or not later than six months after the arrival of the importers. Under exceptional circumstances, Customs may extend the time limits for the importers.


Well now, the usual hysteria.

"I've seen them demand 50 percent of the new value."

Sure you have.

"I've seen them execute a man trying to bring a computer into Thailand."

Uh huh

From Pitney Bowes


Import duty & taxes when importing into Thailand


Import duty and taxes are due when importing goods into Thailand whether by a private individual or a commercial entity. The valuation method is CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), which means that the import duty and taxes payable are calculated on the complete shipping value, which includes the cost of the imported goods, the cost of freight, and the cost of insurance. In addition to duty, imports are subject to sales tax (VAT), and in some cases to excise, interior tax and a surcharge.

Duty Rates

Duty rates in Thailand vary from 0% to 80%, with an average duty rate of 20.93%. Some products can be imported free of duty, e.g. laptops and other electronic products.

Sales Tax

Goods imported into Thailand are subject to VAT at a rate of 7% calculated over the CIF value plus any applicable duty.

Minimum thresholds

Imports with a CIF value up to 1000 THB are exempt from duty and VAT.

Other taxes and customs fees

Alcohol and tobacco products are subject to excise duty which could be ad valorem or specific. Goods subject to excise are levied an additional Interior tax calculated at 10% of excise.

Additionally, Thailand imposes certain product-specific surcharges on some foodstuffs that take the form of ad valorem or specific duties.

Local Customs office and contacts

More information on import declaration procedures and import restrictions can be found at the Thai Customs website.

But let's not look at the Thai Custom's Website, no, don't do that!



Both Thai and non-Thai residents changing residence into Thailand are eligible to bring used/secondhand household effects into Thailand, in reasonable quantities, free of taxes and duties. It is also required that the imported used/ secondhand household effects have been owned, possessed, and used in the country where the importers resided before returning to Thailand to resume residence.

In case where the household effects are electrical appliances e.g. radios, televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, air conditioners, etc., only ONE unit each of such items is eligible for tax and duty free allowance. However, if it is the family change of residence, TWO units each of the items will be allowed to bring in tax and duty free. Any excess unit shall be subject to regular taxes and duties, and Customs will place the items that have the lowest rate of duty under tax and duty exemption.

It is important that the used/secondhand household effects must be imported not earlier than one month before or not later than six months after the arrival of the importers. Under exceptional circumstances, Customs may extend the time limits for the importers.

Those rules apply to household effects shipped and not excess baggage and a tourist visa at the airport like the op is going to do - try and get my old Compaq pc back - the two police standing with the agent at 1am made it clear I was giving up $400US or leaving it. It was not worth $400US and I was not going to make a federal case out of an old used PC beyond twice stating my case. Reading and real life are two different things in Thailand - baggage was not an issue at that time, but today many would have to pay extra for that as well and these days that might cost more then they are worth already.

"I've seen them " yes and I heard them clearly as well. It also happened to another person later - I am not giving up the name your going to have to accept it is not hysteria. I am just telling you what really happens at the airport to many people including myself but preferred to state it as an example. This happens to people at entry. I also noted that some may get by and some didn't and he might not - the info from the web site is fine if your using an importer for household goods like I did with most of my stuff via Rama out of Oakland to Bangkok. Not an issue there - if it had been the bill would have been thousands.

"sure you have" yes! I have. they never ask about laptops and other personal devices, but a box with a desktop and other gear is a bad idea unless your willing to ether pay or dump which ever turns out the best. Finding that out at the airport is not good. If the OP wants to carry a copy of the web site maybe he can lawyer his way past or maybe they won't even stop him or maybe they will be in face saving mode and not back down from a request - One thing is sure, they will have it their way and win if they want to - Do you feel lucky.

I am not posting hysteria nor am I posting the rule of law backed by a whole 136 post count and a google search ether. Not wise to simply declare it is not a problem because a web site will protect you - nothing protects you in Thailand at customs in the airport but cash or the willingness to leave the goods on the counter. Your mileage may vary.

I have also seem them allow a guy to bring in an rifle .177 cal pump, he just kept saying it is a toy and a gift - well in fact it is a gun. Now tell me 'sure you have' because I most likely spend the whole day making shit up for no reason. I simply have nothing better to do.


I just plan to take my 21 inch monitor in my hard case samsonite bag and motherboard wrapped in Anti static bag which I will carefully place in the same bag and the last thing will be the power supply unit.

Remainign stuff like RAM, HardDrive, SSD I plan to bring onboard(Not sure if they will allow)

I plan on buying the case here for 1000 baht as i dont need an expensive one.

Last question : Will the TSA's have issues with power supply unit in my luggage?


remove any large CPU coolers, GPU, pack them seperately, pack the computer for 'shipping' to another country, and put fragile wrapping around the box and hope for the best. Make sure your PSU is compatible with the voltage here, or you will be in for a shock.


First 2 months on Tourist Visa which is when i will be carrying the PC which is why i am asking the question

After that I will apply for ED Visa

Yes i need the equipment so i can do my online stuff there. I know its illegal to work on Tourist Visa but i am not "working". I just run few websites which need some maintanence which has no relation to thailand.

If the websites are to do with business, you are working. And why all the bother, why not buy a laptop? Never heard of anyone carrying PCs around with them.


No matter how carefully you pack things, TSA will likely inspect your checked bags and they pay little heed to repacking carefully when they're done. I recently packed a laptop into a checked bag, very carefully packed in bubble wrap and foam-core. When I opened the bag on arrival, the bubble wrap had been only half applied and foam core missing. Result: hairline cracks in the display.

Thank you, TSA.


Who the hell carries around Desktops, have you never heard of a Laptop, I am only messing with you but I find it funny that you want to bring 2 screens and a Desktop computer in you luggage or backpack to Thailand, will you bring the Computer desk? If its Flatpack you will be ok.



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