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Expats in Thailand - what do you intend to do when you're old (70,80,90+)?


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I totally agree with Chris- I am near his age and can basically do the same things I did at age 25. I consider myself very lucky. I stopped smoking years ago and this has helped tremendously. I also live day to day and not dwell on the future .

There are plenty of people getting older chronologically but still in great shape. Part of aging is in the mind. I don't consider myself old- just older and wiser .

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The best insurance is to preserve your body and mind with adequate lifestyle.

Good idea. So hookers only every other night then? coffee1.gif


Get real .....at 70 years of age, a different girl every night is a thing of the past, my friend.

He does not say what he does with the hookers or if they are the type you are thinking.

maybe he is into crocheting or carpet weaving cheesy.gif

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My wife used to tell me that drinking and smoking will shorten my life, so I asked why is it that all the old men I know, smoke and drink? The ones that don't have gone already! I rest my case!

I would go the other way, of my local expat friends, the three heaviest drinkers and smokers are now dead, of the remaining ones, none of them could be called drunks, although

they have a social drink, and most of them are not smokers.

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The best insurance is to preserve your body and mind with adequate lifestyle.

Good idea. So hookers only every other night then? coffee1.gif


Get real .....at 70 years of age, a different girl every night is a thing of the past, my friend.

He does not say what he does with the hookers or if they are the type you are thinking.

maybe he is into crocheting or carpet weaving cheesy.gif

If you are referring to me, you are more mistaken than you think. Actually, I don't need hookers, I have a g/f that engages me every night and sometimes in the daytime as well in activities that leave me carnally fulfilled and STILL have energy enough to go for a 25km bike ride.

And I don't suffer from premature congratulation!

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"What would your plans be if you reach a good age?"

I think we need to think about just what is a "good age".

I once asked my doctor how many years it would add to my life if tried to lead a "healthier life" no smoking, no drinking healthy diet and more exercise?

He asked me how many extra years of wearing a diaper I really wanted.

Just what is a good age if the quality of life sucks?

I guess a good age at which to pop your clogs is at least one year older than your present age. As someone once asked, 'Who the hell wants to live to be 100?' To which, of course, the answer is someone who's 99. And at any point along the line, if you really can't face going on, there are plenty of options.

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I am going to turn a blind eye to the many new brothers, cousins, and other men that bring her home from the market...I am going to pretend that I did not notice that she was gone for half a day when it only takes an hour to purchase produce and meats...

I will enjoy the company of her Thai relatives that come to visit and then stay...relatives I had never heard of before...

I will endeavor to be as kind and gentle as possible so as not to draw attention to myself...

I will seek out other older ex-pats and reminisce about the home and family I left behind...

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Having reached 58 pumped a lot over the past 17 years

Having spent more thann my 65.000 baht per month

Been married lost nothing there.

Ran businesses wasted money there.

I personally have decided with the lack of decency on the streets.

Law changes by government visas etc. Lack of any respect at any immigration anywhere

I have decided Thailand for me in the future will be only a holiday destination

I have young nephews who are coming over they are well warned pay for your pleasures its a 2 way thing but get your moneys worth .as they will get your money..

Dont be taken in by she is different or my wifes family is different NO. It's happening and you dont care or see it.

OR. Its not happened yet Be sure it will happen and those rose coloured specs will show clear.

ATM is what Thailand wants from the top off the tree all through the ugly branches to the lowlife under the soil. TOT have said that many times.

I will retire in a country where they take you to a hospitaal without emptying your pockets at the side of the road, snatch your possessions then wait for a decision.... does he look rich enough for an ambulance or a meat wagon.

17 years never met a Thai to trust Why should I every one has eventually showed their true colours.

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If I'm healthy I'll probably be here in Thailand when 70, 80, 90?. If I'm unhealthy I'll be living back in my home country (Canada) where health services are free depending on ones income.

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I'll most probably die here ( 80% ) or in Australia.

Just about to turn 73, and I'll keep on doing what I'm doing. If bits fall off me, I'll either adjust or buy more mechanical or pharmaceutical wonders.

I'm fairly confident my Thai GF will look after me. It's in her interest to keep me alive, and she's not young enough to be promiscuous.

Provided the quality of life is there, getting old beats the s**t out of the alternative.

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I thought this cartoon might be of interest!

"If we take a late retirement and an early death, we'll just squeak by." - New Yorker Cartoon

by Barbara Smaller Item #: 8544683
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Note - The watermark above ("CN Collection") will not appear on the artwork itself.
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You are in Thailand now so just live like the Thais...do not think about the future...just think about today ...the moment.

Just joking...but seriously folks...I guess you have to pursue a hobby or maybe several hobbies.

Keep fit and exercise and at least once a week .....some sex-ercise....all part of good male health...lol

Maybe consider joining in with a charitable organization and give back a little...good for the soul you know.

Believe me, if you search you will find something to do that occupies your time and keeps you busy...but not too busy that you exhaust yourself.


Edited by gemguy
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I expect to die somewhere between 70 and 90.

Then it's " up the chimney" for me!

Not that easy mate you could contract Dementia or Parkinson what you are going to do then ?

Who is going to look after you if you can't even remember your own name ?

And who is going to pay for you certainly not a health insurance

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Many seem to end up at the Nana Hotel sitting in their wheel chairs staring at all the ladies coming and going.

Still cheaper than a rest home in their home countries.

I wouldn't worry about it as it could all end quick with an accident or a natural, medical incident.

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If financially able, you could always employ someone to take care of day to day needs.

A "Housekeeper" and personal assistant rolled into one. thumbsup.gif (and NO that's not called a "wife" before someone jumps in with that smile.png)

Think charlieH hit it on the head. " if financially able"

This is not the country to be frail with failing health and very little money.

Not gloating but I have more than enough. If tomorrow I fell to a serious illness or later with old age then I would do as charlie suggests. Employ someone to attend to my needs. That may not be cheap.

I have already expressed to my sons and family in AU, that I don't want them flying over here when I croak it. Will remain in Thailand.

Having said that.....for treatment for curable illness I fly home asap.

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I am now 78 years old having been here this time 16 years coming here off and on from January 1961.I will endeavor to drink a bit of good whisky,enjoy the charms of a lot of younger ladies,play golf and live happily away from all the political crap at home..Here is to a great life,pour and role me another one . Dirty Jim " The Working Girls Friend".

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Try AAM - Anti-aging Medicine - which acts not only preventatively but in vivo as well. Surely the main point is not necessarily longevity but quality of life in later years, and avoiding the onset of debilitation and dementia et al ?

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Try AAM - Anti-aging Medicine - which acts not only preventatively but in vivo as well. Surely the main point is not necessarily longevity but quality of life in later years, and avoiding the onset of debilitation and dementia et al ?

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I am now 78 years old having been here 16 years this time.Coming here off and on since January 1961.I will endeavor to continue to drink a bit of good whisky,enjoy the charms of a lot of younger women,pay golf,and enjoy being away from all the political crap back in my old home.Here is to the good life. Dirty Jim "The working girl's friend".

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My brother, who is a medical doctor says:

Most people who take reasonably good care of themselves can coast through their 70's, but everyone has at least one big "medical event" in their 80's.

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I am now 78 years old,here this time for 16 years,coming here off and on from January 1961.I will endeavor to continue to play golf,drink a bit of good whisky and enjoy the charms of a lot of younger women...Dirty Jim "The working girls friend"

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I think we have to think about other factors too, given the fast pace of technological and medical advances, I wouldn't be amazed if there is some kind of solution to ageing in the next 20-30 years or at least helping to extend the healthy, enjoyable lifespan in some ways.



Leveling out the aging process might happen for the still young, but I really don't think they're going to be able to "turn back the clock" and return the geriatric to a youthful physical condition. It would be one thing to be 25 or 30 and suddenly be immortal; quite another to get the gift at 80. We should think about that before deciding we want to live to 150...

...And then there's the question of who's gonna' pay for all those extended years of life? I can definitely see a social upheaval factor lurking there somewhere... I suspect that the first to actually receive this benefit, will be keeping it a BIG secret.

I'm more interested in the reality behind all the yammering we regularly here on TVF about how Thais respect, worship, adore and attend to the needs of their elderly, and just exactly how well that extends to aged expats who rely on that aspect of Thai culture in choosing to live out their years in, what has nowadays become only sarcastically referred to as, the "Land of Smiles". 'Sounds like the height of presumption & complacency to me (for a foreigner to do that), but obviously each has to decide for himself.

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I am now 78 years old...

@SanukJim, you posted that 3 times already :) Are u sure the dementia hasn't taken hold already???

Only joking - I wish u a long, happy and healthy life

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I will be 78 this year and will tell you how I see it.

1. Get decent medical care

2. Take the required medicines

3. If you can afford heath insurance bring it with you or buy it here

4, Make a living will - what I do not want you to do to keep me alive

5, Plan your finances. Where do you want your assets to go? Make a will and get it recorded

6. My deceased wife and I had a plan and I will follow it as best I can.

Greedy family members will emerge - leave them nothing

7. Distribute your assets before you die as long as you have costs of living covered.

This will not be advisable for many as you may wind up broke

8. The house in Pattaya has been left to my wife's sister as she wished

9. The house in Bangkok is up for sale but the brother-in-law (the executor) is getting cute with this one.

He will get a letter next week advising him that I do not wish anymore footdragging

10. Just completed buildling a house in my village which is owned by another sister. She now lives there and takes care of Mom

11. Next month I will buy a series of fixed deposits in my wife's sister's name with me as a signatory on the account

When I die she can just cash in the deposits as she wishes. I will leave her a list of family members I wish to receive

funds and how much.

12. Living alone doesn't work for me as I love female companionship. I have a live-in GF and it seems to be working out. The money

I used to piss away in bars now goes to support her two kids and parents up country. Net result I save money and am well looked after

What about when I die? See number 11 as I will include her in the list and how much she gets will depend on how much time she was with me.

She is also on a "forced" savings plan with deposits every month.

13. Enjoy life. Eat and drink any damned thing you want and can afford. Nothing more relaxing after spending two hours in the gym (I bought a

lifetime membership and try to go every day) than relaxing in the pool with my GF and a bottle ot two of bubbly.

Bottoms up and never give up. Happiness is sometimes with someone you know but never really considered.

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