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London may elect first Muslim mayor, after ugly, 'dog-whistling' campaign


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This is the beginning of the end,,,first they move into the country,,,then in time they Will take over a Shire,,, then they will go for the Whole Country,,,,Trump is Right Stop them before it's to late,,Now it's To Late ,,,London is going down the Shitter,,,Soon the rest of the UK will Follow.

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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

Yes very true DM07,but on the flip side to your statement, doesn't the mayor have the powers that be to authorise major construction projects in and around the city of London, and therefore have the power to be bias towards his own people if he so wishes.

EG: Maybe more mosques to be built ?

Maybe more muslim schools to be opened ?

Maybe more muslim community centres ?

Maybe more muslim influence in to the community?

You get the picture now!


Mainly because I assume (I am no Londoner, so I don't know the London -ways of governing), he also can't do that, going all solo!

So...any better points?

Here's an extract that i took from a UK Gov website explaining the Mayors role and powers :-

Specific powers

Beyond the powers set up in 1999, the 2007 GLA Act expanded the Mayor's powers.

On housing, the Mayor can produce a housing strategy that allows him or her to recommend the amount, type and location of new housing built in London.

This 'recommendation' is subject to guidance from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Local Authorities in London must generally conform to this strategy.

However, if the Mayor's plans are in contradiction with UK national policy, the Secretary of State can otherwise direct the Mayor's policy.

The 2007 Act also gives the Mayor powers over 'strategic' planninng which means he or she can, instead of a local planning authority, give permission to projects he or she considers important to London's development.

Here the Mayor's powers must be subject to hearings before the permissons can be enacted, and additional regulations apply under ordinanry planning legislation.

The Mayor can also set a 'waste management strategy' which can influence how people's rubbish is collected and disposed of.

There is, however, an additional limitation imposed upon the Mayor in relation to climate change. The Mayor must:

"consider the effects that any proposed excercise of its general power would have on climate change."

Further to this, the Mayor is required to publish a 'climate change mitigation and energy strategy' separately, as well as including these considerations in ordinary strategies.

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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

Yes very true DM07,but on the flip side to your statement, doesn't the mayor have the powers that be to authorise major construction projects in and around the city of London, and therefore have the power to be bias towards his own people if he so wishes.

EG: Maybe more mosques to be built ?

Maybe more muslim schools to be opened ?

Maybe more muslim community centres ?

Maybe more muslim influence in to the community?

You get the picture now!


Mainly because I assume (I am no Londoner, so I don't know the London -ways of governing), he also can't do that, going all solo!

So...any better points?

Here's an extract that i took from a UK Gov website explaining the Mayors role and powers :-

Specific powers

Beyond the powers set up in 1999, the 2007 GLA Act expanded the Mayor's powers.

On housing, the Mayor can produce a housing strategy that allows him or her to recommend the amount, type and location of new housing built in London.

This 'recommendation' is subject to guidance from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Local Authorities in London must generally conform to this strategy.

However, if the Mayor's plans are in contradiction with UK national policy, the Secretary of State can otherwise direct the Mayor's policy.

The 2007 Act also gives the Mayor powers over 'strategic' planninng which means he or she can, instead of a local planning authority, give permission to projects he or she considers important to London's development.

Here the Mayor's powers must be subject to hearings before the permissons can be enacted, and additional regulations apply under ordinanry planning legislation.

The Mayor can also set a 'waste management strategy' which can influence how people's rubbish is collected and disposed of.

There is, however, an additional limitation imposed upon the Mayor in relation to climate change. The Mayor must:

"consider the effects that any proposed excercise of its general power would have on climate change."

Further to this, the Mayor is required to publish a 'climate change mitigation and energy strategy' separately, as well as including these considerations in ordinary strategies.

Please allow me to highlight some points for you:

Specific powers

Beyond the powers set up in 1999, the 2007 GLA Act expanded the Mayor's powers.

On housing, the Mayor can produce a housing strategy that allows him or her to recommend the amount, type and location of new housing built in London.

This 'recommendation' is subject to guidance from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Local Authorities in London must generally conform to this strategy.

However, if the Mayor's plans are in contradiction with UK national policy, the Secretary of State can otherwise direct the Mayor's policy.

The 2007 Act also gives the Mayor powers over 'strategic' planninng which means he or she can, instead of a local planning authority, give permission to projects he or she considers important to London's development.

Here the Mayor's powers must be subject to hearings before the permissons can be enacted, and additional regulations apply under ordinanry planning legislation.

The Mayor can also set a 'waste management strategy' which can influence how people's rubbish is collected and disposed of.

There is, however, an additional limitation imposed upon the Mayor in relation to climate change. The Mayor must:

"consider the effects that any proposed excercise of its general power would have on climate change."

Further to this, the Mayor is required to publish a 'climate change mitigation and energy strategy' separately, as well as including these considerations in ordinary strategies.


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I wonder if Zac Goldsmith wins will there be the same comments against a Jew becoming mayor? Maybe Kosher land or Hebrew land? It is pretty pathetic isn't it?

Sadiq Khan is the son of a London bus driver and lived in a council property (not sure if it was house or flat). He worked hard and his parents made many sacrifices to get him a good education and through his hard work he ended up being a successful lawyer. His religion or colour has nothing to do with his achievements. He is actually a typical labour candidate.

Zac Goldsmith has had a much easier ride and arguably his achievements are far less impressive. However he is not a government lackey and is often at loggerheads with his party.

We have had a far left mayor of London and of course the fiercely right wing Boris. I suspect that Sadiq will probably win although if I had a vote in the election I wouldn't vote for him. I doubt either candidate will be able to fulfil their pledges because after all they are political animals and therefore rarely deliver their promises.

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I wonder if Zac Goldsmith wins will there be the same comments against a Jew becoming mayor? Maybe Kosher land or Hebrew land? It is pretty pathetic isn't it?

Sadiq Khan is the son of a London bus driver and lived in a council property (not sure if it was house or flat). He worked hard and his parents made many sacrifices to get him a good education and through his hard work he ended up being a successful lawyer. His religion or colour has nothing to do with his achievements. He is actually a typical labour candidate.

Zac Goldsmith has had a much easier ride and arguably his achievements are far less impressive. However he is not a government lackey and is often at loggerheads with his party.

We have had a far left mayor of London and of course the fiercely right wing Boris. I suspect that Sadiq will probably win although if I had a vote in the election I wouldn't vote for him. I doubt either candidate will be able to fulfil their pledges because after all they are political animals and therefore rarely deliver their promises.

Nice to see a reasonable voice amongst the pathetic comments on this thread.

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You Brits have no worries from sharia law until the royals change their name from Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha; oh, that’s right. I mean, no worries until the royals change their name from Windsor; er, ah, or is it Mountbatten-Windsor? Anyway, until the royals change their name to Al Q (something) ibn (someone); there is no need to worry.

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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

Yes very true DM07,but on the flip side to your statement, doesn't the mayor have the powers that be to authorise major construction projects in and around the city of London, and therefore have the power to be bias towards his own people if he so wishes.

EG: Maybe more mosques to be built ?

Maybe more muslim schools to be opened ?

Maybe more muslim community centres ?

Maybe more muslim influence in to the community?

You get the picture now!


Mainly because I assume (I am no Londoner, so I don't know the London -ways of governing), he also can't do that, going all solo!

So...any better points?

Not solo, but to imply that a mayor cannot influence things in a city is preposterous.

A mayor might not be a dictator, but he's also not a powerless figurehead.

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Well my conclusion to mine and your highlighted points is that the powers of the Mayor gives

him the key to opening the door to the previous points i mentioned in post 31, if he so chooses to.

We also don't know what goes on behind the scenes in the political world of meetings and back door

decisions as well.

What i do know is that without ever previously having a muslim mayor of London elected, London still has

422 mosques to date, and some of those mosques have been known to have Iman's that preach ISIS and other

terrorists beliefs that promote radicalisation.

Here's a map of the 422 mosques already in London:


Edited by sotsira
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Is discussing the dog whistling haram? I guess the o.p reference is among other things about Mr Khan referring to members of the moderate Quilliam foundation as 'uncle Toms' when interviewed by Press TV a few years back. He has since issued a statement of regret but how can you be a mayor for all Londoners when you refer to the most liable to assimilate Muslims in such a manner.

I just hope he turns out better than the Caliph of Tower Hamlets, whose self immolation was quite spectacular.

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Could they not have dragged Peter Sutcliffe or Ian Brady out to run? anyone other than a Goldsmith. How can this have happened? I'm smelling something, and it's not champagne corks.

I think it speaks to how over-confident and complacent the tories have become - they think we'll swallow any old-school-tie crony they throw at us now. Boris Johnson might be a pompous, over-privileged tory gimp, but at least he's funny and rather likeable. Goldsmith has all the charm of a fart in a lift, and if the way he's run his campaign is anything to go by, about as much political sense.

Also, could you vote for a man who holds his pint like this?


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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

Yes very true DM07,but on the flip side to your statement, doesn't the mayor have the powers that be to authorise major construction projects in and around the city of London, and therefore have the power to be bias towards his own people if he so wishes.

EG: Maybe more mosques to be built ?

Maybe more muslim schools to be opened ?

Maybe more muslim community centres ?

Maybe more muslim influence in to the community?

You get the picture now!

I would hope so, since his own people are the Londoners.
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... an opportunity for an individual laboring under all these labels and projections of evil and passions of fear and anger to simply step up professionally to serve the needs and aspirations of the people of London and manage the complex dynamics of a major city....

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I wonder if Zac Goldsmith wins will there be the same comments against a Jew becoming mayor? Maybe Kosher land or Hebrew land? It is pretty pathetic isn't it?

Sadiq Khan is the son of a London bus driver and lived in a council property (not sure if it was house or flat). He worked hard and his parents made many sacrifices to get him a good education and through his hard work he ended up being a successful lawyer. His religion or colour has nothing to do with his achievements. He is actually a typical labour candidate.

Zac Goldsmith has had a much easier ride and arguably his achievements are far less impressive. However he is not a government lackey and is often at loggerheads with his party.

We have had a far left mayor of London and of course the fiercely right wing Boris. I suspect that Sadiq will probably win although if I had a vote in the election I wouldn't vote for him. I doubt either candidate will be able to fulfil their pledges because after all they are political animals and therefore rarely deliver their promises.

Not saying there is.anything wrong with this Muslim mayor or that people have worry about Sharia law for non-Muslims in England. But I find your suggestion of equivalent concerns with a Jewish mayor to be ignorant and inflammatory. Jews are a tiny minority in England and Jews have never been interested in converting non-Jews except for people who request that and are willing to put in a massive amount of study. Sure there may be a few Jewish fundamentalist neighborhoods where stupid modesty rules may be pushed on people who wander there. But again not even close to an equivalent concern.

Anyway good luck to new mayor and hope he is sincere in his voice of concern that Labour needs to deal with its Jew hating problem.

Edited by Jingthing
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To lower the tone a bit, a Daily Mail columnist has said she will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up her bum if Khan wins.

Readers replies to her column are asking what time, will there be seats available for booking, will the sausage be up her bum or just between the cheeks etc.

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I'm guessing most of you have never lived in London, or known any Muslims.

Stick to talking about something you have a clue about. So much idiotic nonsense.

It's posts like this that contribute nothing to this thread that are absolute nonsense.

I was born and raised in London and spent most of my life living there, i also know a fair few muslims too, so what is your point exactly?

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I hope he wins. He seems like the less unpleasant of the candidates, and hopefully it would demonstrate that it doesn't mean your paranoid fantasies about sharia law are going to come true.

It has been reported that he has described moderate Muslims as Uncle Toms.

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To lower the tone a bit, a Daily Mail columnist has said she will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up her bum if Khan wins.

Readers replies to her column are asking what time, will there be seats available for booking, will the sausage be up her bum or just between the cheeks etc.

would the sausage be a halal one? huh.png

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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

I saw the headline and knew the keyboard warriors couldn't help but cream their pants as result!

I mean, they've got the gall to criticize a bloke who's stuck his hand up, gone to the voters and look as he asks to lead one of the great cities of the world. A job for which he'll be accountable for every day and puts him up front and centre every nut job to have a go at him anytime they want.

What have the keyboard warriors done? Move to the otherside of the world, chuck rocks online in their dark rooms while barely able to string two words in the native language of the country they've migrated to......

Edited by samran
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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

I saw the headline and knew the keyboard warriors couldn't help but cream their pants as result!

I mean, they've got the gall to criticize a bloke who's stuck his hand up, gone to the voters and look as he asks to lead one of the great cities of the world. A job for which he'll be accountable for every day and puts him up front and centre every nut job to have a go at him anytime they want.

What have the keyboard warriors done? Move to the otherside of the world, chuck rocks online in their dark rooms while barely able to string two words in the native language of the country they've migrated to......

What have the keyboard warriors done? Move to the otherside of the world, chuck rocks online in their dark rooms while barely able to string two words in the native language of the country they've migrated to...

Same same, Bradford, Luton, Leicester,

Dont think any of the keyboard warriors have ever seen their offspring jump on a $99 away day to Aleppo or Palmyra.

Why the heck would they move to the other side of the world, to embrace the same culture they left?

All they have done is transplant the same feudal medieval society they fled from into the West.

I really cant understand it.

kor atibai noi

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Fear is powerful tool when you want to manipulate people.

Some of you are clearly very easily manipulated.

You are 100% correct. That does not mean what people fear is invalid, however. Right premise, wrong conclusion.

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Yep here is another extremist who took over a major European city and set up his own caliphate etc.
The Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam shocked a live television audience by telling Muslims who have a problem with Western culture to “pack their bags” and “f--- off.” The Muslim Labour politician Ahmed Aboutaleb made the remarks during an interview with a Dutch news program about the deadly attacks on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and is known for his tough stance on Muslim integration in Europe.
I gather the UK has been electing Muslim politicians for some years now some good some bad some right wing some left wing just like any other group.

Wow! I did not know this. What a powerful, and dangerous, decision. It does serve a useful tool to remind us that as worried as people are measure actions in accordance with words equally.

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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

I saw the headline and knew the keyboard warriors couldn't help but cream their pants as result!

I mean, they've got the gall to criticize a bloke who's stuck his hand up, gone to the voters and look as he asks to lead one of the great cities of the world. A job for which he'll be accountable for every day and puts him up front and centre every nut job to have a go at him anytime they want.

What have the keyboard warriors done? Move to the otherside of the world, chuck rocks online in their dark rooms while barely able to string two words in the native language of the country they've migrated to......

As of yet I dont think I have ever read a story or newslink about farangs carrying out "honour killings" or FGM in Thailand.

Please feel free to post any such links.

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