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Former Republican presidents will not endorse Trump


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Former Republican presidents will not endorse Trump

WASHINGTON: -- Former US presidents George H W Bush and George W Bush will not endorse Donald Trump's candidacy for president, aides have told local media.

This marks a first for the 91-year-old former president Bush, who had endorsed Republicans in the past five elections.

Republican politicians are struggling to define their support, or lack thereof, for Donald Trump.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36214738

-- BBC 2016-05-06

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so what? Trump won't invite them to his inaugural either.

The further they disassociate Trump from establish politics, the better he becomes.

Exactly the reason I, and so many others, support him.

Edited by slipperylobster
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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

No, I think this is huge. Americans understand and distinguish between the elder statesman Bush, and the warmonger idiot son. Sure, George W. sullied the family name, but it is still hugely powerful in politics, and this lack of endorsement is similarly huge in the eyes of mainstream Republicans. I think many will just sit out this election, let Hilary take it, then regroup for next time and try to hold on to their party. Better to do that than let Trump redefine the ideals of the party.

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Just wait till those missing 28 pages of the 9/11 event come out.

Trump will make that happen.

Then Bush and the Saudies are really in poop.

Did you know,

the Saudies have recently said if those are released,

they will call in the $750 Billion debt.

A currency war that will crash the US economy.

Rembember Obamha ran over there to kiss butt, cause of this.

I suspect Trump would tell them where to stick it,

the announce the exact date when the US,

will pull out all US forces in Saudi,

then default on the Saudi funds saying

"sorry, we are a debtor nation, can't pay",

Betch'a the Saudies will come back to the table real fast.

No, I don't think Bill Clinton (nor Hillary), or Obama.

will send well wishes to Trump,
nor attend his inaugural, nor even be invited.

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Having the Bush dynasty against him really is a great endorsement of Trump. There again I see he has appointed a former Goldman Sachs and Soros parasite as a fundraising adviser, seems he is not against the establishment as much as he makes out.

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Let me just say I hate Trump. He is just like Thaksin. He is a demagogue and likely a psychopath. He is dangerous. Anyone who thinks it can not get worse than the existing establishment hasn't studied history. The French hated the established aristocracy. They overthrew it and got Napoleon. Be very careful what you wish for.

That said, this is the first time in modern history an election in the USA is not going to be about Republican vs. Democrat...a largely manufactured label describing 2 candidates who have exactly the same views on any issue that matters. The simple truth is this election is going to cross party lines. It will be an election between Hillary representing more of the same, and Trump representing the unknown.

Trump doesn't want or need the Bush's support in this battle. In fact, the Bush's not supporting him only bolsters his chances of winning.

Personally, I think Trump is going to win, and the reason he is going to win is exactly because he is being shunned by the establishment. They haven't yet figured out this election is different and the rules have changed. The faster the Republicrat (Republican + Democrat) establishment realizes their tenure is up the easier it will be for them.

To be fair, there is a chance the old guard can pull a rabbit out of the hat, survive this election and install Hillary. But they can not be victorious in the long term. Someone else, possibly even worse than Trump, will just come along later and win. The establishment's days are numbered, and it would be a better use of their time to find a way to step down gracefully - before the US public decides that the 18th century French had the right idea and start the beheadings.

If the Bush's were smart they would do an about face and announce support Trump. That would probably be the only thing that will spare a portion of their empire when it inevitably starts to fall apart.

But they won't. They'll fight to the bitter end...and ultimately lose.

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An endorsement from the Bushes is not really the ticket these days. W and mom came out and campaigned for his li'l bro and Jeb only got 8% of the vote in that state.

This stuff is fun. Politically, absolutely anything can happen in this election.

November, and the names on the ballot are Biden and Romney...

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An endorsement from the Bushes is not really the ticket these days. W and mom came out and campaigned for his li'l bro and Jeb only got 8% of the vote in that state.

This stuff is fun. Politically, absolutely anything can happen in this election.

November, and the names on the ballot are Biden and Romney...

Biden looks more likely than Romney at this point. Trump closed the door on a brokered convention, but who knows? A Hilary indictment and pop goes that weasel, so yeah, why not? Bizarre stuff can happen.

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Just wait till those missing 28 pages of the 9/11 event come out.

Trump will make that happen.

Then Bush and the Saudies are really in poop.

Did you know,

the Saudies have recently said if those are released,

they will call in the $750 Billion debt.

A currency war that will crash the US economy.

Rembember Obamha ran over there to kiss butt, cause of this.

I suspect Trump would tell them where to stick it,

the announce the exact date when the US,

will pull out all US forces in Saudi,

then default on the Saudi funds saying

"sorry, we are a debtor nation, can't pay",

Betch'a the Saudies will come back to the table real fast.

No, I don't think Bill Clinton (nor Hillary), or Obama.

will send well wishes to Trump,

nor attend his inaugural, nor even be invited.

yeah , that would be good for the american dollar and credit rating! lol

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Hardly surprising given that he said that the invasion of Iraq was based on a big fat lie and that Bush Jnr knew he was lying when he said it. Also that Bush Jnr was the president when the USA suffered almost 3000 fatalities as a result of 9/11. I do hope when Trump becomes president he will hold the most rigorous inquiry into those two events at least as rigorous and as lengthy as those held into Benghazi.

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The party that supported them and got them elected and now they turn their backs.

Zero loyalty. I know he hurt JEB!'s feelings but suck it up. coffee1.gif

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First Ryan, and now the Bushes. Apparently the votes of their constituency mean very little to them.

Go, Donald, Go.

Not that I like the guy, but this is getting good. If it ain't gonna be Sanders, I'd like to see it be Trump.

Sadly, he needs to pick a real bad VP running mate, or they'll pull a Kennedy on him. They may do it anyway...

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A threat to the Bush derailment of the American economy does not necessarily mean that this corruption and theft of the economy will cease under Trump, whatsoever. The routes of money are simply going to be rerouted into Trump's big money basket of cronies and international banking friends. The same system applies, just different crooks, that's all. Don't be so easily fooled by simplistic demagoguery.

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Why would former republican presidents endorse Trump? Trump is not a republican

Joining the Republican party or for that mater the Democratic party does not make you a Republican or a Democrat.

Ascribing to the principles of the party makes you one, and Trump does not ascribe to many Republican principles.

But even if he did support the Republican agenda, Trump is not a good person.

Would you endorse some one simply because he or she won the nomination? I dont think you would. So why should they? Unless we think they should put the party ahead of the country.

Personally I think they are taking a principally motivated position and should be commented for it.

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Surely an endorsement by G W Bush would be the kiss of death for Trump. Maybe if Trump wins (Ha! Ha!) then it will ease some of the vitriol towards Bush and then he will be seen as the second worst president the USA have had!

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Lucky Trump – he certainly does not want to be tarred by the same brush as those two clowns

I certainly doubt he'd have called Islam a religion of peace had Islamist terrorists flown a plane into Trump tower.
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Surely an endorsement by G W Bush would be the kiss of death for Trump. Maybe if Trump wins (Ha! Ha!) then it will ease some of the vitriol towards Bush and then he will be seen as the second worst president the USA have had!

Interesting take

in comparison A Trump presidency would make them look like FN geniuses

very good 5555

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Just wait till those missing 28 pages of the 9/11 event come out.

Trump will make that happen.

Then Bush and the Saudies are really in poop.

Did you know,

the Saudies have recently said if those are released,

they will call in the $750 Billion debt.

A currency war that will crash the US economy.

Rembember Obamha ran over there to kiss butt, cause of this.

I suspect Trump would tell them where to stick it,

the announce the exact date when the US,

will pull out all US forces in Saudi,

then default on the Saudi funds saying

"sorry, we are a debtor nation, can't pay",

Betch'a the Saudies will come back to the table real fast.

No, I don't think Bill Clinton (nor Hillary), or Obama.

will send well wishes to Trump,

nor attend his inaugural, nor even be invited.

Your grasp and accuracy of current events is staggering. Saudi Arabia has not said they will "call their 750 billion debt" if the classified pages are released. The issue for them is the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act bill already passed by the Senate and being considered by the house. This would allow 9/11 victims families to sue sovereign nations that currently enjoy immunity. Also it was reported that an Saudis official (unnamed )said they would sell their assets to protect them from being siezed in case of a judgment in a future lawsuit. If you care about the facts, read the following :



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Just wait till those missing 28 pages of the 9/11 event come out.

Trump will make that happen.

Then Bush and the Saudies are really in poop.

Did you know,

the Saudies have recently said if those are released,

they will call in the $750 Billion debt.

A currency war that will crash the US economy.

Rembember Obamha ran over there to kiss butt, cause of this.

I suspect Trump would tell them where to stick it,

the announce the exact date when the US,

will pull out all US forces in Saudi,

then default on the Saudi funds saying

"sorry, we are a debtor nation, can't pay",

Betch'a the Saudies will come back to the table real fast.

No, I don't think Bill Clinton (nor Hillary), or Obama.

will send well wishes to Trump,

nor attend his inaugural, nor even be invited.

Currently the Saudis have backed off the threat to sell off their US Treasury holdings.

China sold off US780 billion of US Treasury assets in 21 months, what impact did that have on the US economy? What would be the effect on the stability of the US Treasury market (currently valued at US$15 trillion plus), if a US Court / Administration froze the Saudi holdings.

What is the current total number of US forces in Saudi Arabia? Would it be in the strategic interest to the US to unilaterally withdraw training and logistical support for the Saudi military?

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What every American understands is tha 97% of those

Supporting and voting for Trump, are a protest votes

Against the self serving politician that have been in

Office forever and are owned and supported by their

PACS and the People are sick of them. Americans are

Sick of a Congress who has members that will retire and

Pay themselves $850K per year for life, Nancy Polossie,

Sick of their children who work for them never having to

Repay college loans, better health insurance than any other

Citizen, the list goes on and on. Americans are sick of giving

And giving to countries and being slapped in the face. Sick

Of the Pussy Politics of the last 7.5years and We hope a non

Politician, astute business man, will add some common sense

To our Government and clean house....Go Trump!!!

Edited by little mary sunshine
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What every American understands is tha 97% of those

Supporting and voting for Trump, are a protest votes

Against the self serving politician that have been in

Office forever and are owned and supported by their

PACS and the People are sick of them. Americans are

Sick of a Congress who has members that will retire and

Pay themselves $850K per year for life, Nancy Polossie,

Sick of their children who work for them never having to

Repay college loans, better health insurance than any other

Citizen, the list goes on and on. Americans are sick of giving

And giving to countries and being slapped in the face. Sick

Of the Pussy Politics of the last 7.5years and We hope a non

Politician, astute business man, will add some common sense

To our Government and clean house....Go Trump!!!

There is not a single accurate fact in your post. It is based entirely on an outright lie contained in an email circulated last year and fully debunked.



Pelosi Wont Get $803,700

A chain email weve received from time to time also claims that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will get $803,700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical.

Thats way off base. To get that figure, the emails anonymous author added together Pelosis old House speaker salary of $223,500, her current salary of $193,400, the $174,000 paid to most members of Congress, and then an additional $212,800 for free medical.

Thats just bad math. Congressional pensions arent calculated that way, and members of Congress dont receive free health care while in office or upon retirement.

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