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Former Republican presidents will not endorse Trump


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Given the choice between "slim chance" and "no chance in hell", I'm all for trying the slim chance for 4 years.

Obama surprised a lot of us by being so lame. Maybe Trump will be a surprise in the other direction.

there is no chance in hell and obama did a lot given that those repub bastards stonewalled him at every turn

100% agreed, but another topic for another day. One comment on that side note, my disappointment is in the vastly increased erosion of our privacy rights and the fact that he crapped all over his promise to make government more transparent.

Now, back to our original program, in progress...

And the Rupubs are now paying for their "Party of No" shenanigans.

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As a non-american, I took the online survey to see which politician you are most alike. Turns out I'm in the "Feel the Bern" party. To be honest, I thought I would be a Clinton supporter at first until I dug deeper about her history and policies, she's in bed with all the wolves!

I still do not understand why anyone would support Trump, he is probably the biggest hypocrite out there. Probably along the same lines as Clinton.

Trump employs a whole lot of non-americans for his vast empire, yet he talks about keeping outsiders out, saving jobs for Americans.

His businesses has been sued countless number of times due for various reasons, yet this is still a good reflection for US president?

The way he talks is absurd, if a school teacher were to say the same things as he did, he/she would have been blasted, yet its ok for him as a president to do so?

He is pretty much playing on white peoples' fear of outsider. After watching countless of his rallies and interview, I still don't get how he hopes to accomplish and make a change. He keeps on yapping about "make american great again", build a wall, keep outsiders out, save jobs, make the best deal, still don't see how he plans on helping americans with any concrete policies.

Trump supporters here, please chime in and educate me on why he is the best for USA? and how he sets out to accomplish it.

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wink.png Don't worry.....to be a Republican means you are always ready to drop to your knees and give a BJ to any other Republican politician.

i am sure the Bush babies will repeat that old Republican tradition for the Donald.

Just like being a Tory in England and dopping your pants to do a "service" for the PM. wheever asked.


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Trump employs a whole lot of non-americans for his vast empire, yet he talks about keeping outsiders out, saving jobs for Americans.

His businesses has been sued countless number of times due for various reasons, yet this is still a good reflection for US president?

Speaking only for myself, as a businessman (Trump, not me), Trump avails himself to every advantage offered by the American legal system. I don't fault him for that. I fault the politicians who create those advantages for their moneyed cronies, at the expense of the other 99% of us.

My hope is that Trump, as president, will avail Americans to every advantage instead of ceding so much to the wealthy, corporate special interests and our trading partners who regularly take us to the cleaners when they sign agreements and don't bother to hold up their end.

Trump's made his nugget (well, inherited). He has nothing to prove on the monetary side, and doesn't have to worry about his financial future. I'm hoping that puts him in a position where his next goal will be to improve America and its standing in the world, if only so the history books treat him kindly. In that respect, his ego may be our best hope.

That's a far cry from the Republicrats and the Demicans whose #1 priority is to get their team into power and keep their team in power, regardless of what it costs the nation.

Or, he may be a disaster. Wouldn't be the first.

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Trump employs a whole lot of non-americans for his vast empire, yet he talks about keeping outsiders out, saving jobs for Americans.

His businesses has been sued countless number of times due for various reasons, yet this is still a good reflection for US president?

Speaking only for myself, as a businessman (Trump, not me), Trump avails himself to every advantage offered by the American legal system. I don't fault him for that. I fault the politicians who create those advantages for their moneyed cronies, at the expense of the other 99% of us.

My hope is that Trump, as president, will avail Americans to every advantage instead of ceding so much to the wealthy, corporate special interests and our trading partners who regularly take us to the cleaners when they sign agreements and don't bother to hold up their end.

Trump's made his nugget (well, inherited). He has nothing to prove on the monetary side, and doesn't have to worry about his financial future. I'm hoping that puts him in a position where his next goal will be to improve America and its standing in the world, if only so the history books treat him kindly. In that respect, his ego may be our best hope.

That's a far cry from the Republicrats and the Demicans whose #1 priority is to get their team into power and keep their team in power, regardless of what it costs the nation.

Or, he may be a disaster. Wouldn't be the first.

No problem with Trump taking advantage offered by the American legal system. But he shouldn't be complaining about jobs going to outsiders and trying to "save jobs" that many Americans don't want or can't fulfill. Those who support him should also realize this too.

On the topic of trading partners, I always see it as that the USA always have the upper hand, I don't see how the US is being taken advantage of by other countries. Perhaps the US is too open with its imports? They allow almost anything to be imported into the country with such low taxes.

I don't see how any president is working for his or her own financial future when taking the role of being president of the United States. Don't think any of the front runners are worrying about their financial future too!

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?
Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

No, I think this is huge. Americans understand and distinguish between the elder statesman Bush, and the warmonger idiot son. Sure, George W. sullied the family name, but it is still hugely powerful in politics, and this lack of endorsement is similarly huge in the eyes of mainstream Republicans. I think many will just sit out this election, let Hilary take it, then regroup for next time and try to hold on to their party. Better to do that than let Trump redefine the ideals of the party.

Well that just about says it all. You've just voiced whats wrong with American politics today and promoting it..
Democracy American style. Establishment insiders keeping their cosy seats warm until the next election. Just give up, preserve private and personal power and let Hillary take the job or even vote for her to achieve that. Too bad about what the American people want, the economy, desperate times for many, the $20 Trillion national debt and $200 Trillion unbudgeted guarantees etc etc etc.

Oh but what was I thinking? It's all about people serving the Party and it's ideals not the party serving the people. Spurning Trump isn't about ideals or party principles, that's a pretext. It's the family dynasties that matter. It's the money in their pockets, if you want any answers just follow the money trail

Your economy is doing great. Have you seen the latest data on jobs and inflation?

It's a pity you view your national debt like a house wife. You are the USA and the debt is in USD. I don't have time to explain but you shouldn't lose any sleep over it

As far as voting for Trump, well we have fools everywhere ( similar to Brexiteers in UK). This is why universal suffrage is not necessarily a great idea!

I reckon the USA party system is terminally broken. I think you should prepare for multi party politics and coalition government

It is your understanding of the US political system which may be the one terminally broken. The US constitution does not allow for 'coalition government'. The US constitution is based on the separation of powers between the President and the Houses of Congress, so a 'coalition' in the European style is not possible.

Interesting! I stand corrected

In that case, your constitution will require yet another amendment methinks
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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo? Apparently, enough Americans have lost confidence in all those comfy old Washington cronies always scratching each other's (financial) back regardless of their supposed party affiliation. Trump should completely exploit this to draw support from what might be surprisingly high numbers of people, whether they think of themselves as Democrats or Republicans, who feel betrayed by decades of politicians who have done little to serve average Americans or preserve the middle class. He should run as a virtual independent, telling people to abandon the illusion of a 2-party system.

Republicans rally behind Republican candidates cycle after cycle. Whether is was Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, McCain or Romney, Republicans were always there at the appropriate times (just before elections) waving flags, jumping up and down with enthusiasm for their candidate. Now there's Trump. Republicans (particularly the angrier of the bunch) are jumping up and down in glee again. Yet this time is different. The old favorites aren't backing the new guy, so the fans of the new guy don't give a shit about the pantheon who they fully supported years ago.

It reminds me of my elder brother. He's a Bible Thumper, a Trump Fan, Republican, and he's been married 8 times. The only woman in his life that matters, is the one he's currently with. He won't have anything to do with former wives nor the children he sired with them.

What is it about Republicans? Do they have no appreciation for those they used to adulate - now that they've got a new lover hero?

Note to Trump: Those who love you today can just as easily hate you tomorrow. Look at Mao (particularly his wife), Caoucescu, Papa Doc, Hussein, Gaddhafi, Marcos, Sukarno, or the person you most resemble; Mussolini.

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

I agree. the fact that the Bushes won't endorse Trump is within itself an endorsement.

First on CNN: Cheney says he will support Trump


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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

I agree. the fact that the Bushes won't endorse Trump is within itself an endorsement.

First on CNN: Cheney says he will support Trump


Again, my knowledge base is foggy but wasn't Cheney despised even more than Bush?

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My American politic knowledge is elementary, but didn't many people despise the Bush's anyway?

Seems like if they endorsed him, it would do more harm than good?

I agree. the fact that the Bushes won't endorse Trump is within itself an endorsement.

First on CNN: Cheney says he will support Trump


Again, my knowledge base is foggy but wasn't Cheney despised even more than Bush?

This Trump train just keeps getting better and better: Dick Cheney:

  • July 2007 – 30% approval, 60% disapproval
  • March 2009 – 30% approval, 63% disapproval

Cheney has been compared to Darth Vader, a characterization originated by his critics, but which was later adopted humorously by Cheney himself as well as by members of his family and staff

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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo? Apparently, enough Americans have lost confidence in all those comfy old Washington cronies always scratching each other's (financial) back regardless of their supposed party affiliation. Trump should completely exploit this to draw support from what might be surprisingly high numbers of people, whether they think of themselves as Democrats or Republicans, who feel betrayed by decades of politicians who have done little to serve average Americans or preserve the middle class. He should run as a virtual independent, telling people to abandon the illusion of a 2-party system.

if he was elected, he's be no different

Nihilism can make cynicism look appealing.

Cynicism is an attitude while nihilism is the belief in nothingness and the futility of everything.

Cynicism doesn't believe anything while nihilism believes there is nothing.

Neither should fear the present situation of the USA however because while America is hopeless the circumstance is not serious. laugh.png

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Given the choice between "slim chance" and "no chance in hell", I'm all for trying the slim chance for 4 years.

Obama surprised a lot of us by being so lame. Maybe Trump will be a surprise in the other direction.

No surprises possible with Hillary. Disappointment- sure, but that won't be a surprise.

there is no chance in hell and obama did a lot given that those repub bastards stonewalled him at every turn

Obama is still doing a lot, but it is the right thing to do with the economy in tatters? He is successfully bypassing those "repub bastads" in the process.

Red tape and bureaucracy have started the US on the road to a completely failed economy, and the federal government is leading the charge in that direction.


Shock report: Federal red tape eats 11% GDP, rivals ALL pretax corporate profits
5/4/16 9:19 AM
Regulations under President Obama, who is working hard to issue more expensive rules than any other American president, cost taxpayers and the economy $1.9 trillion a year, a $14,842 hidden tax on every household, according to a shocking new report on government red tape.
The annual "Ten Thousand Commandments" report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute said that there were 30 new rules issued for every single law passed last year.
"If it were a country, U.S. regulation would be the ninth-largest economy, ranked behind India and ahead of Russia," wrote Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., vice president for policy. He said the total bill is higher than Canada's gross domestic product.
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So many of you on this site have no clue how angry the American public really is now.

The mere fact that Donald Trump is now going to be the Republican candidate is jaw dropping.

Millions and millions have already approved him.

Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician.

The only real question left is who will he place on the Supreme Court. Just sayin"

Ok, so a bunch of Americans are angry. I get angry about things sometimes. Does getting angry require such weird recourse. If I stub my toe on a door sill, do blow up the whole house? There are better ways to deal with anger than to go on a rampage, which is what Trump supporters appear to be doing. They say they're angry against Washington insiders for doing nothing. Yet most of Congresspeople are Republicans who the now-angry people voted into office. And nearly all the foot dragging in Congress is by Republicans. "Delay, delay, delay" .....remember that?

Konaboy1 asserts: "Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician."

Boomer responds: He will change? But wait, isn't the campaigning Trump presenting himself as the man to elect? He repeats ad nauseum that he's the real deal, but now you're telling me that campaigning Trump is not the real Trump. Does that mean that all his promises are BS? How will he change? Will he become a bit mature or will he become ever more like Mussolini? Which is it? Even Trump himself doesn't know. He changes day to day, hour to hour. He keeps saying he's not a politician - yet now you're telling me he will be "just like any politician" Wow.

Trump: fueling anger and preaching divisiveness. Yea sure, he sounds like the right man for the job.

Anger is the motivation, it is not the goal. Americans want a return to the pre isolation of progressiveness (the pre individual isolation that balkanized the US)- it isolates Americans into islands of white, black, yellow, poor, jew, muslim, victim, aggrieved, white, male, female, transgender, guilt, no rights, special rights, christian, white, male... ad infinitum. Your observation is correct your conclusion is wrong. Its not just rage. Rage is what is palpable. It wants the leftist clock turned back pre Obama at a minimum.

Suggesting Trump fuels divisiveness is about has hypocritical and preposterous as can be conceived; it is truly the pot calling the kettle black as another ideology wholly owns division, by design. Progressivism is entirely- 100%- predicated on division. Homogeneity to Progressivism is anathema. It is literally kryptonite. It is to this perverse civilization schematic Americans express rage, and apologists say this of Trump?

In Progressive/Leftist mindspace it follows:

1. Admit nothing

2. Deny everything

3. Make counter-accusations

If one follows the three principle above they can dissect and follow the Progressive argument every time.

(This is not personally directed to the poster, only following the reasoning offered).

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So many of you on this site have no clue how angry the American public really is now.

The mere fact that Donald Trump is now going to be the Republican candidate is jaw dropping.

Millions and millions have already approved him.

Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician.

The only real question left is who will he place on the Supreme Court. Just sayin"

Ok, so a bunch of Americans are angry. I get angry about things sometimes. Does getting angry require such weird recourse. If I stub my toe on a door sill, do blow up the whole house? There are better ways to deal with anger than to go on a rampage, which is what Trump supporters appear to be doing. They say they're angry against Washington insiders for doing nothing. Yet most of Congresspeople are Republicans who the now-angry people voted into office. And nearly all the foot dragging in Congress is by Republicans. "Delay, delay, delay" .....remember that?

Konaboy1 asserts: "Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician."

Boomer responds: He will change? But wait, isn't the campaigning Trump presenting himself as the man to elect? He repeats ad nauseum that he's the real deal, but now you're telling me that campaigning Trump is not the real Trump. Does that mean that all his promises are BS? How will he change? Will he become a bit mature or will he become ever more like Mussolini? Which is it? Even Trump himself doesn't know. He changes day to day, hour to hour. He keeps saying he's not a politician - yet now you're telling me he will be "just like any politician" Wow.

Trump: fueling anger and preaching divisiveness. Yea sure, he sounds like the right man for the job.

Anger is the motivation, it is not the goal. Americans want a return to the pre isolation of progressiveness (the pre individual isolation that balkanized the US)- it isolates Americans into islands of white, black, yellow, poor, jew, muslim, victim, aggrieved, white, male, female, transgender, guilt, no rights, special rights, christian, white, male... ad infinitum. Your observation is correct your conclusion is wrong. Its not just rage. Rage is what is palpable. It wants the leftist clock turned back pre Obama at a minimum.

Suggesting Trump fuels divisiveness is about has hypocritical and preposterous as can be conceived; it is truly the pot calling the kettle black as another ideology wholly owns division, by design. Progressivism is entirely- 100%- predicated on division. Homogeneity to Progressivism is anathema. It is literally kryptonite. It is to this perverse civilization schematic Americans express rage, and apologists say this of Trump?

In Progressive/Leftist mindspace it follows:

1. Admit nothing

2. Deny everything

3. Make counter-accusations

If one follows the three principle above they can dissect and follow the Progressive argument every time.

(This is not personally directed to the poster, only following the reasoning offered).

In Progressive/Leftist mindspace it follows:
1. Admit nothing
2. Deny everything
3. Make counter-accusations
Progressive/Leftist mindspace? That's Donald Trump's daily affirmation. Trump spews lies and hatred every time he speaks, then says he's misquoted, denies he said it and doubles down on the attack. That's the Donald Trump way.
Your word salad nonsense just summarized exactly what Trump does, turned it around and accused the Democrats of doing it.
Sorry, they don't do that. Democrats don't allow politicians to spout hate and lies. The talking heads of Fox News own that method and the Donald has perfected it. Nice try, though. clap2.gif
I will you give extra points for, "Homogeneity to Progressivism is anathema," a deep and utterly meaningless sentence.
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So many of you on this site have no clue how angry the American public really is now.

The mere fact that Donald Trump is now going to be the Republican candidate is jaw dropping.

Millions and millions have already approved him.

Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician.

The only real question left is who will he place on the Supreme Court. Just sayin"

Ok, so a bunch of Americans are angry. I get angry about things sometimes. Does getting angry require such weird recourse. If I stub my toe on a door sill, do blow up the whole house? There are better ways to deal with anger than to go on a rampage, which is what Trump supporters appear to be doing. They say they're angry against Washington insiders for doing nothing. Yet most of Congresspeople are Republicans who the now-angry people voted into office. And nearly all the foot dragging in Congress is by Republicans. "Delay, delay, delay" .....remember that?

Konaboy1 asserts: "Trump will be a smooth operator and change as required. Just like any politician."

Boomer responds: He will change? But wait, isn't the campaigning Trump presenting himself as the man to elect? He repeats ad nauseum that he's the real deal, but now you're telling me that campaigning Trump is not the real Trump. Does that mean that all his promises are BS? How will he change? Will he become a bit mature or will he become ever more like Mussolini? Which is it? Even Trump himself doesn't know. He changes day to day, hour to hour. He keeps saying he's not a politician - yet now you're telling me he will be "just like any politician" Wow.

Trump: fueling anger and preaching divisiveness. Yea sure, he sounds like the right man for the job.

Anger is the motivation, it is not the goal. Americans want a return to the pre isolation of progressiveness (the pre individual isolation that balkanized the US)- it isolates Americans into islands of white, black, yellow, poor, jew, muslim, victim, aggrieved, white, male, female, transgender, guilt, no rights, special rights, christian, white, male... ad infinitum. Your observation is correct your conclusion is wrong. Its not just rage. Rage is what is palpable. It wants the leftist clock turned back pre Obama at a minimum.

Suggesting Trump fuels divisiveness is about has hypocritical and preposterous as can be conceived; it is truly the pot calling the kettle black as another ideology wholly owns division, by design. Progressivism is entirely- 100%- predicated on division. Homogeneity to Progressivism is anathema. It is literally kryptonite. It is to this perverse civilization schematic Americans express rage, and apologists say this of Trump?

In Progressive/Leftist mindspace it follows:

1. Admit nothing

2. Deny everything

3. Make counter-accusations

If one follows the three principle above they can dissect and follow the Progressive argument every time.

(This is not personally directed to the poster, only following the reasoning offered).

In Progressive/Leftist mindspace it follows:
1. Admit nothing
2. Deny everything
3. Make counter-accusations
Progressive/Leftist mindspace? That's Donald Trump's daily affirmation. Trump spews lies and hatred every time he speaks, then says he's misquoted, denies he said it and doubles down on the attack. That's the Donald Trump way.
Your word salad nonsense just summarized exactly what Trump does, turned it around and accused the Democrats of doing it.
Sorry, they don't do that. Democrats don't allow politicians to spout hate and lies. The talking heads of Fox News own that method and the Donald has perfected it. Nice try, though. clap2.gif
I will you give extra points for, "Homogeneity to Progressivism is anathema," a deep and utterly meaningless sentence.

Have a read of the content at the URL below, parallels the ideology expressed and authored by a Nick Short, (also a contributor to the web site "Counter Jihad report) though I understand the poster is not the same person.

Progressivism is anathema to the principles that founded America and it is destroying this country from within aided by both parties in Washington, compounded by the sheer extent of the public’s willful ignorance.



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No major political party in this state of chaos and anarchy among its members and also a havoc among its leaders has won the election of a Potus. The present and ongoing Republican party discombobulation is rooted in the fact that, as surveys show, 40% of registered Republicans say they can't vote for Trump or are increasingly likely not to vote for Trump.

“By seizing the Republican presidential nomination for Donald Trump on Tuesday night, he and his millions of supporters completed what had seemed unimaginable: a hostile takeover of one of America’s two major political parties,” the New York Times reports.

“Just as stunning was how quickly the host tried to reject them. The party’s two living former presidents spurned Mr. Trump, a number of sitting governors and senators expressed opposition or ambivalence toward him, and he drew a forceful rebuke from the single most powerful and popular rival left on the Republican landscape: the House speaker, Paul Ryan.”

“Rarely if ever has a party seemed to come apart so visibly. Rarely, too, has the nation been so on edge about its politics.”

Washington Post: 10 Republicans who hate Trump the most, ranked.

This is 1964 deja vu for the Republicans. That was the year half the Republican party bailed on its radical rightwing nominee Sen. Barry Goldwater who with his extremist legions seized the R party nomination. Half the party abandoned Goldwater, led by suburban Republican married women. Goldwater got 38.1% of the popular vote, won six states for 52 Electoral College votes.

Conservatives did not get their Republican party back until Reagan in 1980. Now, with the tea party wounding the Republicans and Trump killing off the suffering beast, conservatives have no party remaining to recapture going forward. Cause it looks each and every day that the Republican party has no going forward to do as it commits its crackpot assisted suicide.

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Isn't this what supporters of Trump want -- separation from the old established money and those so desperate to keep the status quo?

if he was elected, he's be no different

Maybe not. But wouldn't it be great to try just one president who owes nothing to the party machine, nothing to lobbyists and nothing to donors and PACs? Just to the country he's elected to serve.

And who isn't really focused on cashing in after he leaves office, or 4 years of begging for donations for others in the party, just because they're in the party? (Dare I propose, 8 years??)

wont happen and even if it did, every member of congress and senate would still be bought.

Hell....You don't have to buy all 535 of them. Just the top dozen or so in each party who hold the "leadership" positions. The rest just vote as they are told

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What every American understands is tha 97% of those

Supporting and voting for Trump, are a protest votes

Against the self serving politician that have been in

Office forever and are owned and supported by their

PACS and the People are sick of them. Americans are

Sick of a Congress who has members that will retire and

Pay themselves $850K per year for life, Nancy Polossie,

Sick of their children who work for them never having to

Repay college loans, better health insurance than any other

Citizen, the list goes on and on. Americans are sick of giving

And giving to countries and being slapped in the face. Sick

Of the Pussy Politics of the last 7.5years and We hope a non

Politician, astute business man, will add some common sense

To our Government and clean house....Go Trump!!!

There is not a single accurate fact in your post. It is based entirely on an outright lie contained in an email circulated last year and fully debunked.



Pelosi Wont Get $803,700

A chain email weve received from time to time also claims that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will get $803,700 Dollars a year for LIFE including FREE medical.

Thats way off base. To get that figure, the emails anonymous author added together Pelosis old House speaker salary of $223,500, her current salary of $193,400, the $174,000 paid to most members of Congress, and then an additional $212,800 for free medical.

Thats just bad math. Congressional pensions arent calculated that way, and members of Congress dont receive free health care while in office or upon retirement.

$800,000 ? That's chump change. Look to the husbands of Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein to see where the big money goes.

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Don't follow the American political events come to that I don't follow any countries political events. But by just reading the head lines about Trump and reading about his years before he became political I for one am a little worried about our world it will definitely become an even less safer place if he get to be president.

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In the wingnut bizzaro world of the GOP, they've circled the wagons and are fighting off the liberals led by Genghis Hillary. Her army stands above the doomed wagon train laughing their asses off at the ludicrousness of the Republican situation.

Why send a single brave on the attack when the Republicans are doing such a great job of finishing themselves off? They've turned the guns on themselves.

The lying and hate attacks by the low-info tinfoil hat brigade can be frustrating but remember, Republicans have nothing else. The Presidency, the Senate, the Supreme Court and if they keep this up the Congress too are all lost.

Democrats are having a hot dog roast around the Republican self-immolation bonfire. clap2.gif

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