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For you men with Thai wives in Thailand....


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Reminds me of the old joke ad: "Full set of encyclopedias for sale. Just married, wife knows everything."

Mine has had her driving licence for 6 months, can't park the car, can't drive on the highway, but still tells me what I'm doing wrong. When I complain about a bus or truck sitting in the outside lane doing 40mph she'll find some excuse why they have to be there. Oh, and she's an expert mechanic despite never having owned or driven a car before meeting me.

You have to love'em!

I think my wife has had a driving licence for about 2 years now.. Of course she has no idea how to drive . When we went to Nan for soakran I said " When on the way to Nan you tell me how to drive we have 3 choices , you take over driving , we go back home or you stop telling me how to drive " This was fine 'till the return journey then I got " Bah , you clazy , why you do dat for fek............" Then " Oh solly I forget " Our cooking different food gives us laughs , Her feeding the pet frogs is fun , but on the mad roads I need to be in control , far too many out there who don't even have a licence , tax , insurance , glasses , hearing aids.........................

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Yes, can relate to all the comments. When it gets too much I just remind her that the reason I had three farang wives is that I would not do as I was told. She just smiles and i can do it my way. It might be mellowing with age but it seems more acceptable coming from a Thai women than it used to.

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Sounds like a nightmare.

never understand why so many fools continue to find it necessary to keep getting married

Not understanding is a problem. Don't worry perhaps when you grow up you will.

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Great thread, many thanks to JAFO for starting it, many very entertaining funny responses.

On a serious note, perhaps the reason Thai wives tend to want to be right all the time . or showing you that the know better, stems from the insecurity of their real, or for the most time perceived position in the relationship.

Many Thais think, that we dont Think very highly of them (this forum can some times support this supposition) , and perhaps are overcompensating .

I remember when my wife first came to the US, worrying that whites there would think her stupid and have a low opinion of Asians, I remember telling her that not only it is not true, but the opposite is true. Americans have a very positive opinion of Asians, and are thought as the smart guys in school.

Personally, I have tried to be supporting to her, and boost her self esteem, and after seven years of marriage, it is a pleasure to watch her blossom from an insecure girl , in to a powerful woman , and the love of my life.

but from time to time, I can see that insecurity resurface. Perhaps some of you have notices some of the same.

I have said this before in this forum but IMO it bares repeating.

When my wife calls me stupid, I reply, "you married me, and I am stupid?" we always have a chuckle over that comment.

Edited by sirineou
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Outside the house I'm careful in what I say. I speak politely and cheerfully. Inside my house it depends on my mood. If I feel angry my face shows it and sometimes I swear. Having a wife can drive a man angry and maybe to swear.

Now I know a bit of Thai but I'm careful. I stay away from anything that sounds rude. But my wife, well she will say what ever she wants to me in English.

In the shopping mall she swears her head off at the smallest of things. This is too f big, too f expensive. Sh1t this she a b1tch that. I have to tell her to be quiet. No joy, she just carrys on. It's like going shopping with a woman with tourret's syndrome.

Anyone else got a wife like this? Who learns all your swear words and uses them in daily conversation whilst out shopping?

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Outside the house I'm careful in what I say. I speak politely and cheerfully. Inside my house it depends on my mood. If I feel angry my face shows it and sometimes I swear. Having a wife can drive a man angry and maybe to swear.

Now I know a bit of Thai but I'm careful. I stay away from anything that sounds rude. But my wife, well she will say what ever she wants to me in English.

In the shopping mall she swears her head off at the smallest of things. This is too f big, too f expensive. Sh1t this she a b1tch that. I have to tell her to be quiet. No joy, she just carrys on. It's like going shopping with a woman with tourret's syndrome.

Anyone else got a wife like this? Who learns all your swear words and uses them in daily conversation whilst out shopping?

Not here - I drop an f-bomb from time to time (once a month?) & get a subtle hint/reminder after I initially told her it wasn't a good word......My bad not hers....

I really can't recall the last time she said a bad word about anyone or. anything.....

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Great thread, many thanks to JAFO for starting it, many very entertaining funny responses.

On a serious note, perhaps the reason Thai wives tend to want to be right all the time . or showing you that the know better, stems from the insecurity of their real, or for the most time perceived position in the relationship.

Many Thais think, that we dont Think very highly of them (this forum can some times support this supposition) , and perhaps are overcompensating .

I remember when my wife first came to the US, worrying that whites there would think her stupid and have a low opinion of Asians, I remember telling her that not only it is not true, but the opposite is true. Americans have a very positive opinion of Asians, and are thought as the smart guys in school.

Personally, I have tried to be supporting to her, and boost her self esteem, and after seven years of marriage, it is a pleasure to watch her blossom from an insecure girl , in to a powerful woman , and the love of my life.

but from time to time, I can see that insecurity resurface. Perhaps some of you have notices some of the same.

I have said this before in this forum but IMO it bares repeating.

When my wife calls me stupid, I reply, "you married me, and I am stupid?" we always have a chuckle over that comment.

Thanks sirineou, I really find it all quite funny. I mean women are women. Any man who moves to SE Asia and thinks that women are radically different have made a grave mistake. I have found Thai women to be very focused and typically they overcompensate. My wife and I met in Thailand and lived for 3 years then went to the US for 4 years and now moved back to Thailand. My wife was a bit different in the US as we are here. She knew nothing and depended on me for everything. Now back in Thailand she is back in her element and the confidence picks up. As I said I laugh all the time. She says something and I love to mess with her. Its a bizarre dynamic. I almost think they are trying to prove they are not stupid as the media and internet portrays them.

Fun thread. I like reading others comments, its all life.

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Its not just Thai women. My wife rarely does it now. Stopped when she told me she can only have first and last name when we got married. I asked who says. Her friend.I informed her I have more years in college than her friend has total education. I was right. We dont have issues now. We learn from each other. Hang in there and enjoy the ride.

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I like that in the wife. When i grab the machete and start working she gets frustrated with how i do it. Takes the machete away and goes to work. She does all the hard stuff. I just follow and pick up.When i cook she stands there and criticise's every thing I do because i am doing it wrong as she see's it. If I want her to do some thing for me no need to ask, just let her watch,in 2 minutes she will be doing it for me.Some times i just ask how she wants some thing done and she gets tired of explaining and just does it. The down side is when I really want some thing done my way she makes a poor helper.

A true master of the Art

I dips me lid to you sir.

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I am sure there are many possible answers, but you must be doing something right.

Perhaps she appreciates the emoticons.

I do have my own facial emicons that seem to go down better than my words.....Big learning curve.......laugh.png

I can imagine some of them.

'Oooh' , face winces. 'Ahh', possibly exhaustion or relief.

Does she know 'Yeeessssah'?

Is there a cringe emoticon when he threatens to sing?


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I'm not so sure this is so much of a Thai gynocentric issue..., my feelings are it may be more of a world wide gynocentric issue.wai.gif

Indeed. Women think they know everything the world over.

Very true

It doesn't help that we have being blowing smoke up their (you know what) to get what we want, (you know whatwink.png ) Just think of some of the lines you used when you were dating, and try using them with a straight face around your mates.

Their attitude is in a big part our fault. We have created a monster, In my case a very very cute monster and I love it.biggrin.png


I remember them well.

1000 baht boom boom

extra 500 hundred no condom.

They were the days when true love blossomed.....

Last weekend....missed out on both offers of my true love and commitment.

Edited by Mudcrab
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I like that in the wife. When i grab the machete and start working she gets frustrated with how i do it. Takes the machete away and goes to work. She does all the hard stuff. I just follow and pick up.When i cook she stands there and criticise's every thing I do because i am doing it wrong as she see's it. If I want her to do some thing for me no need to ask, just let her watch,in 2 minutes she will be doing it for me.Some times i just ask how she wants some thing done and she gets tired of explaining and just does it. The down side is when I really want some thing done my way she makes a poor helper.

The word domineering immediately springs to mind and in my opinion very frustrating situation/s

The words Dip Stick also have their own connotations.

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I'm not so sure this is so much of a Thai gynocentric issue..., my feelings are it may be more of a world wide gynocentric issue.wai.gif

Probably so, but it seems to be more prevalent among Thai wives.

I've been dealing with it for 30+ years.

And how many years with non-Thai wives??

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Reminds me of the old joke ad: "Full set of encyclopedias for sale. Just married, wife knows everything."

Mine has had her driving licence for 6 months, can't park the car, can't drive on the highway, but still tells me what I'm doing wrong. When I complain about a bus or truck sitting in the outside lane doing 40mph she'll find some excuse why they have to be there. Oh, and she's an expert mechanic despite never having owned or driven a car before meeting me.

You have to love'em!

I think my wife has had a driving licence for about 2 years now.. Of course she has no idea how to drive . When we went to Nan for soakran I said " When on the way to Nan you tell me how to drive we have 3 choices , you take over driving , we go back home or you stop telling me how to drive " This was fine 'till the return journey then I got " Bah , you clazy , why you do dat for fek............" Then " Oh solly I forget " Our cooking different food gives us laughs , Her feeding the pet frogs is fun , but on the mad roads I need to be in control , far too many out there who don't even have a licence , tax , insurance , glasses , hearing aids.........................

Phil, old mate.....just quietly.....the frogs ain't her pets...they're livestock.

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Yup Mine says when we get out of the car and I take 2 or three steps "Lock the Door ( with the remote) Gee I did not have enough time to put my finger on the button She is quick on the draw so to speak

Or how about I MUST make sure the tires are pointing perfectly straight or she makes comment about it.

She is always telling me what to do like I have not been on this earth for 63 years and know nothing I just ignore here She likes CONTROL and avoid an argument.

These are Thai woman love them or leave them,

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Yes and often I feel it necessary to remind her that I was doing this job (whatever it is) before she was born or that I studied this subject at college.

I might add that we do mostly laugh over it and it never gets really serious.

So you're old enough to be her father?

...... And your point is?
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Love this thread. Laughed a lot. Me and mine have a great relationship, she has learnt the Aussie art of taking the piss out of someone very well.

The other day she was telling me how I should do a certain thing. I told her that I've been doing said thing for many years without a problem. She replied, "ok, you can do your way. I think maybe you like try better way. "

Love her to bits

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Stay in the game though....Don't ever take them for granted or think them stupid - most keenly are not.....Don't show them that they displeased you - quickest way to have a very unhappy & unfulfilled gal.....


When we travel my wife is our day planner....

In our last Paris trip my wife researched where she wanted us to go & made this little book which she rolled up & carried along....

It has each days itinerary, costs, highlighted side places of interest, and Metro routings from the hotel we were in on that day.....We held basically true to the indiviual days in no particular order & in truth found many small things to find and see that I would not have paid attention to.....Each trip we take is treated the same way.....She knew tid bits of history of every place we visited + knew when we'd missed something at a venue and searched until she found it.....Somedays my feet hated that book - but the rest of me completely enjoyed it & the work and care that went into it...

Giving her usual 110%.....

Thankfully my wife doesn't have a controlling personality.....

But - don't ever underestimate your "better" half....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Great thread, many thanks to JAFO for starting it, many very entertaining funny responses.

On a serious note, perhaps the reason Thai wives tend to want to be right all the time . or showing you that the know better, stems from the insecurity of their real, or for the most time perceived position in the relationship.

Many Thais think, that we dont Think very highly of them (this forum can some times support this supposition) , and perhaps are overcompensating .

I remember when my wife first came to the US, worrying that whites there would think her stupid and have a low opinion of Asians, I remember telling her that not only it is not true, but the opposite is true. Americans have a very positive opinion of Asians, and are thought as the smart guys in school.

Personally, I have tried to be supporting to her, and boost her self esteem, and after seven years of marriage, it is a pleasure to watch her blossom from an insecure girl , in to a powerful woman , and the love of my life.

but from time to time, I can see that insecurity resurface. Perhaps some of you have notices some of the same.

I have said this before in this forum but IMO it bares repeating.

When my wife calls me stupid, I reply, "you married me, and I am stupid?" we always have a chuckle over that comment.

My wife likes to say she is not stupid because she married me and my big brain so she wouldn’t have to worry about the big stuff. It took a few years to get here though.smile.png

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Yes and often I feel it necessary to remind her that I was doing this job (whatever it is) before she was born or that I studied this subject at college.

I might add that we do mostly laugh over it and it never gets really serious.

So you're old enough to be her father?

...... And your point is?

That he's old enough to be her father.

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The foreigner's credibility bag has a big hole in it. No matter what you you excel at, no matter how often you prove your competence in a given task. All of it falls out of the bag when someone else shows up with an opinion or the next situation occurs.

However, if it is just you and the missus, workable arrangements can be had. For example, if it is anything technical I get left alone, If it is something she has been doing all her life, then it's her job.

Until someone else comes along of course. Even the crazy guys that stumble in from time to time, get full attention to their opinion and I will have to defend my own. And If my father in law has an opinion, I leave. There is nothing good that follows after that, but no one can talk to that guy. Just undo the damage later on.

Hahaha, I agree with you there. Every time I start something around the house or garden she has to check with one of her brothers if i'm doing it the right way, never gets old being told to do stuff arse up. Been married for ten years this year and it's still great fun. I don't bother to drive anymore, got sick of being told what to do so I let her drive me around now.

But my father in-law is a classic. He wanted to repost some of his land and told us he's going to use the backhoe to dig the post holes... He has a perfectly good post hole borer but doesn't like to us it. So we watch him dig all the big square holes and help him drop the posts in the holes and push a bit of dirt back into the hole, a few jumps on the dirt and it's compacted enough. Next weekend he's starting to string the posts with wire, we sort of helped him with that as well. Any way he starts to pull some tension on the bottom wire and all the posts fell over. He's still not talking to me after my laugh with beer coming out my nose.

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Yup Mine says when we get out of the car and I take 2 or three steps "Lock the Door ( with the remote) Gee I did not have enough time to put my finger on the button She is quick on the draw so to speak

Or how about I MUST make sure the tires are pointing perfectly straight or she makes comment about it.

She is always telling me what to do like I have not been on this earth for 63 years and know nothing I just ignore here She likes CONTROL and avoid an argument.

These are Thai woman love them or leave them,

Mine used to check the doors after the central lock was hit every time.
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Yup Mine says when we get out of the car and I take 2 or three steps "Lock the Door ( with the remote) Gee I did not have enough time to put my finger on the button She is quick on the draw so to speak

Or how about I MUST make sure the tires are pointing perfectly straight or she makes comment about it.

She is always telling me what to do like I have not been on this earth for 63 years and know nothing I just ignore here She likes CONTROL and avoid an argument.

These are Thai woman love them or leave them,

Mine used to check the doors after the central lock was hit every time.

MIne still does...."Not believe"

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The foreigner's credibility bag has a big hole in it. No matter what you you excel at, no matter how often you prove your competence in a given task. All of it falls out of the bag when someone else shows up with an opinion or the next situation occurs.

However, if it is just you and the missus, workable arrangements can be had. For example, if it is anything technical I get left alone, If it is something she has been doing all her life, then it's her job.

Until someone else comes along of course. Even the crazy guys that stumble in from time to time, get full attention to their opinion and I will have to defend my own. And If my father in law has an opinion, I leave. There is nothing good that follows after that, but no one can talk to that guy. Just undo the damage later on.

Hahaha, I agree with you there. Every time I start something around the house or garden she has to check with one of her brothers if i'm doing it the right way, never gets old being told to do stuff arse up. Been married for ten years this year and it's still great fun. I don't bother to drive anymore, got sick of being told what to do so I let her drive me around now.

But my father in-law is a classic. He wanted to repost some of his land and told us he's going to use the backhoe to dig the post holes... He has a perfectly good post hole borer but doesn't like to us it. So we watch him dig all the big square holes and help him drop the posts in the holes and push a bit of dirt back into the hole, a few jumps on the dirt and it's compacted enough. Next weekend he's starting to string the posts with wire, we sort of helped him with that as well. Any way he starts to pull some tension on the bottom wire and all the posts fell over. He's still not talking to me after my laugh with beer coming out my nose.

Whenever we go to visit Mom I always take my toolbox. Nobody up there will fix anything...put a bucket under than dripping water tap rather than spend 40 baht to replace it.

But as soon as I start on *any* project, at least two experts will show up to tell me how I am doing it wrong. My wife is pretty good about it usually, she will tell me their suggestions, but will not insist I do it their way.

And I have no problem admitting, sometimes their suggestions are valid.

Usually the only sticking point is when they want to cut corners to save a baht...I refuse to do that. The argument usually ends when I go to the hardware store and pay for what is needed.

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