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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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I expect the Middle East leaders who forked out $100 million do not think it is nonsense as well as Hillary and Bill. And by the way this is in no way fabricated.

The guy worked for Dick Cheney and FOX, then Karl Rove says it's necessary reading.cheesy.gif

Karl Rove, the James Caravelle talking head of the right....... This stuff just can't get any funnier. By the way, James's lovely wife just jumped from the Republican to the Libertarian Party. Welcome aboard Mary!!!!

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You are very fond of slinging mud at Clinton but she has released her tax returns so has Sanders. Trump called on Romney to do the same in 2012 when Romney was slow to release his.

You mentioned hypocrisy in an earlier post and its coming in buckets. all from Trump.

Nothing to hide then release the tax returns.

I have no interest in Clinton's tax documents as I am certain they have been professionally crafted to avoid exposure to any of their money laundering via the Clinton Foundation.

I really just dislike her as she is a dishonest, despicable person, a lapdog to the corporate oligarchs and a poster child for everything that is wrong with American politics and government

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It's kinda hard to understand why Liberals have their pantyhose all tied up in a knot over Trump. After all he did all he could do money wise to get their girl Hillary into the oval office in 2008. Him being a major donor to her campaign.... The Trumpster never met a democrat he didn't like to sponsor, all in the name of business of course.

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It's kinda hard to understand why Liberals have their pantyhose all tied up in a knot over Trump. After all he did all he could do money wise to get their girl Hillary into the oval office in 2008. Him being a major donor to her campaign.... The Trumpster never met a democrat he didn't like to sponsor, all in the name of business of course.

Yep....He said at the debates that he has smoozed politicians from both parties with $$$. Most non-Hillary deciples would agree that there is a distinct difference between using one's own money to buy influence from politicians and using a high level cabinet position to leverage the potential of favorable outcomes from the US Govt in return for donations to the "Foundation"

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I just watched an interview hosted by CNN. Trump is incapable of answering questions directly. If I was a teacher at a High School debate class and had Trump as a student, I would flunk him. The questioner couldn't get 3 to 5 words into a question before Trump interrupted and shouted him down. It happened over and over. Trump thought he outfoxed the interviewer, but for any objective person watching it, Trump came across as a mixed-up self-contradictory peurile bully.

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It's kinda hard to understand why Liberals have their pantyhose all tied up in a knot over Trump. After all he did all he could do money wise to get their girl Hillary into the oval office in 2008. Him being a major donor to her campaign.... The Trumpster never met a democrat he didn't like to sponsor, all in the name of business of course.

Yep....He said at the debates that he has smoozed politicians from both parties with $$$. Most non-Hillary deciples would agree that there is a distinct difference between using one's own money to buy influence from politicians and using a high level cabinet position to leverage the potential of favorable outcomes from the US Govt in return for donations to the "Foundation"

Is there really any difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Trump Foundation? And how does it speak to one's character when after years of supporting, for monetary gain, his new arch enemy suddenly, his so-called "conservative values" are what is most important... Political hypocrisy isn't a new phenomena but in the Trumpeter's case he has sold his special kind of phony conservatism and it has been eaten up, lock, stock and teardrop by his cult of followers. The blind sheep on one side kneeling at the alter of Hillary and the same can be said of the Branch Trumpiadians...

Mind boggling blink.png

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It's kinda hard to understand why Liberals have their pantyhose all tied up in a knot over Trump. After all he did all he could do money wise to get their girl Hillary into the oval office in 2008. Him being a major donor to her campaign.... The Trumpster never met a democrat he didn't like to sponsor, all in the name of business of course.

Now Trump is in the thick of another of his many contradictions. He's got a team of experts, some of whom from Goldman Sachs mobilizing to raise over 1 billion dollars for a war chest. All the things he railed against in recent stump speeches, he's now embracing like Christie embracing and a double bacon cheeseburger with his gaping mouth, various fluids dripping down on his made-in-China tie.

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I just watched an interview hosted by CNN. Trump is incapable of answering questions directly. If I was a teacher at a High School debate class and had Trump as a student, I would flunk him. The questioner couldn't get 3 to 5 words into a question before Trump interrupted and shouted him down. It happened over and over. Trump thought he outfoxed the interviewer, but for any objective person watching it, Trump came across as a mixed-up self-contradictory peurile bully.

Yeah but his fake wrestling fan base loves that stuff. But they're not anywhere near the majority of all Americans, or even republicans. I don't buy that Trump represents even the majority of republicans. In the ending primaries his only main competition was Cruz, who is a creepy Christian fundamentalist extremist.

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Round 2 for the Clinton chronicles.

Here's the article link to the photo of the Energizer. She's been on the edge of the news for months now. Of course the MSM has blinders on when it comes to Hillary.


Clinton charity gave $2M to company owned by Bill’s ‘friend’
By Joe Tacopino
May 13, 2016 | 2:20am
Bill Clinton’s foundation doled out $2 million to a power company partly owned by a wealthy blond divorcée — who some say is the frequent visitor to his home nicknamed “Energizer.”
The “commitment” to Julie Tauber McMahon’s firm from the Clinton Global Initiative was placed on its 2010 conference agenda at Clinton’s urging, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
The initiative “commits $2 million to support the work of Energy Pioneer Solutions, a company founded to deliver energy savings to communities in rural America,” said a 2010 statement from the charity.
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Never mind Trump's Tax returns and Hillary's speeches to wall street.

If Hillary get's the nomination there is a good chance Trump will be president.

There still Hillary's email issue, and as much as everyone might want to , it is not an insignificant issue.

It not because Hillary had a private account, many officials in the past did.

It is because she had a private server. No official ever had a private server.

Think about it, the server did not happen by accident, it was willfully created. Created why, toward what purpose?

Why did she create a private server, is it possible , because she had something to hide in her emails?

if so , what??

If I am thinking that ,,,dont you think there are other thinking the same and looking in to it.

Could this be part of the reason Sanders is staying in it "until the last vote is counted"

He couldn't very well say what I said above. He would be made to look like a loony conspiracy theorist.

There is a very good chance that Hillary will implode, let's hope it does not happen after she get's the nomination.

Mountains out of mole hills. Republicans are like firefighters who go to a burning house (America in trouble) and instead of taking out their hoses and dousing the flames, they instead get on their knees and follow an odd beetle waddling through the weeds.

Trump will do nothing until he has too or he wants to. Right now he does not have to and don't want to.

That will be Trump's modus operandi if top banana in the Oval Office; "I don't have to do anything, except what i want to do. Nobody's gonna tell me what to do, you got that? If I want to spend half my days playing golf, like my Republican predecessor, I can to that. I can take it a step further, and spend half my days developing golf courses in other countries. Are you gonna tell Donald Trump what to do? I own you. I can get you fired from your job with one fifteen second phone call. And by the way, your breath stinks."

If America is in trouble, it is because of the behavior of it's politicians.

The Clintons are part of that problem,

Remember Perot's comment regarding NAFTA "Listen to the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving"? do you know why you dont hear that sound any more?

Because all the jobs left, courtesy of Hillary and Bill.

So , why did she need a private server?

Remember all Mole hills are made of many grains of sand, and under every mole hill there are many meters of tunnels.

I dont like Trump, but Crooked Hillary is an appropriate name, even thought is is a bit of the Kettle calling the pot black.

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Wait until the Trumpster gets wind of this...

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by FoxNews.com.

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A convicted sex offender to boot!

Man, things can't get any worse for Hillary now can they? smile.png

The wife of a predatory sex fiend vs a predatory business mogul….. Dream Team! They should run together.

While BJs in the oval orifice might be off limits, an ex-president racking up frequent flyer miles on the private sex jet of a convicted pedophile should be fare game. Bubba galavanting around the world bonking under age girls while his wife, who wants to be the president is giving quarter of a million dollar secret speeches to Wall Street banks claiming to be the champion of women’s rights. The All American couple…….

Even as sleazy as the Tweeting’ Trumpster is, with all his sorted affairs, he’s gonna have to work really hard to top that.

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I just watched an interview hosted by CNN. Trump is incapable of answering questions directly. If I was a teacher at a High School debate class and had Trump as a student, I would flunk him. The questioner couldn't get 3 to 5 words into a question before Trump interrupted and shouted him down. It happened over and over. Trump thought he outfoxed the interviewer, but for any objective person watching it, Trump came across as a mixed-up self-contradictory peurile bully.

Maybe you would...but he's running for president of the United States, what are you doing these days?

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A convicted sex offender to boot!

Man, things can't get any worse for Hillary now can they? smile.png

Only if you want them to get worse. Here are some suggestions:

Hillary keeps her former secretaries embalmed in formaldihyde in her basement

Bill put babies in bathtubs and clobbered them with a baseball bat.

Hillary's Aunt Matilda fed marijuana cookies laced with broken glass to girl scouts.

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I just watched an interview hosted by CNN. Trump is incapable of answering questions directly. If I was a teacher at a High School debate class and had Trump as a student, I would flunk him. The questioner couldn't get 3 to 5 words into a question before Trump interrupted and shouted him down. It happened over and over. Trump thought he outfoxed the interviewer, but for any objective person watching it, Trump came across as a mixed-up self-contradictory peurile bully.

Maybe you would...but he's running for president of the United States, what are you doing these days?

I'm telling the truth. Plus I'm better informed than Trump on issues. I could write a list of proofs, but you probably wouldn't want to read it.

Though I'm American, I couldn't run for president, because I was born in Denmark. Me and Arnie can't run. Sorry 'bout that.

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I just watched an interview hosted by CNN. Trump is incapable of answering questions directly. If I was a teacher at a High School debate class and had Trump as a student, I would flunk him. The questioner couldn't get 3 to 5 words into a question before Trump interrupted and shouted him down. It happened over and over. Trump thought he outfoxed the interviewer, but for any objective person watching it, Trump came across as a mixed-up self-contradictory peurile bully.

Maybe you would...but he's running for president of the United States, what are you doing these days?

I'm telling the truth. Plus I'm better informed than Trump on issues. I could write a list of proofs, but you probably wouldn't want to read it.

Though I'm American, I couldn't run for president, because I was born in Denmark. Me and Arnie can't run. Sorry 'bout that.

A great loss for the American people I'm sure.
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A convicted sex offender to boot!

Man, things can't get any worse for Hillary now can they? smile.png

Only if you want them to get worse. Here are some suggestions:

Hillary keeps her former secretaries embalmed in formaldihyde in her basement

Bill put babies in bathtubs and clobbered them with a baseball bat.

Hillary's Aunt Matilda fed marijuana cookies laced with broken glass to girl scouts.

I do believe you are making those examples up!

Now if you to have mentioned the latest Cliinton Foundation Drama where Bubba gave 2 million to a blond bimbo for 'favors'...smile.png

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That's worth $2 million dollars? laugh.png

Pretty muscular too...may be one of mine ?

Anyone else ever notice that all of Bubba's bimbos - every last one of them, is homely as the back end of a bus? facepalm.gif

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