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Man Stabbed to Death in Home for Alleged Sorcery

Khmer Times/Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

An elderly man accused of being a sorcerer was stabbed to death in his home by an unidentified man on Friday night in Kampong Speu province’s Kong Pisey district, according to officials. Provincial penal police chief Major Som Sak said that 79-year-old Men Sorn was cooking fish in his home around 7pm in Veal commune’s Tbong Bei village when the suspect entered his home and stabbed him multiple times in the abdomen, leaving him to die at the scene.

“The unidentified man entered his house while he was roasting fish in his kitchen,” Maj. Sak said. “The suspect stabbed him many times with a knife in his abdomen and he immediately died at the scene. “After stabbing the victim, the suspect managed to escape.”

Maj. Sak said that local police are still trying to identify the suspect and establish a motive for the attack. Provincial penal police officer Captain Ouch Sokhan said that according to their investigation, Mr. Sorn was killed because of his status as a local sorcerer.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/24715/man-stabbed-to-death-in-home-for-alleged-sorcery/


The alleged perpetrator either missed the lottery numbers or his love potion didn't work..Or may be the potion did work for someone else and he had to marry an old hag. " Love Potion Number Nine" 1959

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