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Israel PM Netanyahu rebukes deputy military chief over Holocaust speech


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Israel PM Netanyahu rebukes deputy military chief over Holocaust speech


JERUSALEM: -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slammed his deputy military chief for suggesting that the country was showing signs of Nazi-esque behaviour.

The dressing down comes after Major-General Yair Golan said on the eve of the annual Holocaust Day that he saw signs in Israeli society of ‘nauseating processes’ that occurred in 1930s Germany.

The quote in full

If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016.

Netanyahu responded by saying the comments were ‘outrageous’ adding that “they do injustice to Israeli society and cause a belittling of the Holocaust.”

There was no word on the general’s future but some in the cabinet have called for him to resign.

It comes at a time of heightened tensions between Israelis and Palestinians with a wave of violence which has left 29 Israeli citizens and 200 Palestinians, many of them attackers, dead.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-09

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Lots of people have been thinking the same for years, it is the height of irony that Israel does not realise similar at times they are to the nazi regime

I have been saying this for years and all the time I have had to defend myself by saying that I'm not antisemitic I'm just comparing what Israel is doing to the resent history. I agree that we should newer forget the Holocaust but sadly to say the only thing the Israelis learned from it was how to treat others.

I have been to Auschwitz and other camps, I have visit what was once the gettos of Warsaw and Krakow and I have talked with people surviving the camps, people fighting for the allies and Germans fighting in the Wehrmacht. Back in home I have friends who are refugees from Palestine who have seen their families slaughtered by the Israeli army, Christian Syrian who had their homes bombed by Israeli air force and so on. So at least I have some idea of what happened in the past and what is happening now and not like most that just has their history lessons from school or some opinionated YouTube channel as their only source of information.

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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

Why are Israel’s generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israel’s Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israel’s future. Instead they see a political leadership that’s letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.


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Of course the courageous Maj General did not imply Israel was about to install gas chambers to murder millions as the Nazis did, but pointed out the nauseating processes and disturbing trends that the current right wing government is moving towards and is actively encouraging, similar to things that happened in Europe to Jews in the 1930s.

Such as

..the Zionist principle of racial purity of a Jewish State

..the threats to strip Israeli Arabs of their citizenship and deportation

..confiscation and destruction (kristallnacht) of Palestinian property without compensation to create Lebensraum for Jewish only colonies

..virtual apartheid in the West Bank and ghettoes in the West Bank and Gaza

..shoot to kill policy with thousands turning out in support of the IDF who cold bloodedly shot an injured Palestinian

..the daily terrorising of Palestinians

"There are thousands if not tens of thousands of Israelis who call for ejecting, raping and murdering Palestinians, leftists and even plain old critics of the government, on an almost daily basis. The cry “Death to the Arabs” which reverberates in radical right wing demonstrations as well as football fields has become so routine that no one seems to notice anymore. Just this past Sunday, a gang of 40-50 football thugs assaulted Nadwa Jabber, an Israeli-Arab teacher in a mixed school devoted to coexistence, when she was in her car with her two young daughters outside the Jerusalem shopping mall."

...very good article in Haaretz on the the Major General's comments above.

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I still question whether he had to use those exact words, which will resonate so dramatically with Israel demonizers (who will distort this and take it out of context probably for decades to come), to get his political point across. I'm not sure. Maybe he did. Or maybe he just needed a better speech writer to make a similarly powerful point and not risk his own career which will certainly not help the cause of generals opposing Netanyahu's ideology. How effective is it to promote internal policy change if you put yourself in the position with your words of being potentially labelled a kind of traitor giving ammunition to enemies?

Anyway, personally I support these efforts of Israeli generals if they see a path towards peace that differs from Netanyahu's policies. But again, I really question whether those words are going to help with that or actually cause a harmful INTERNAL backlash.

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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

Why are Israel’s generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israel’s Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israel’s future. Instead they see a political leadership that’s letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.


Well I read the article, and it is quite clear

Here is another quote :

They must stop thinking of themselves only as victims and begin to understand themselves also as actors. If they don’t, they’re in danger of sliding down that same slippery slope and becoming perpetrators.

So basically they say what most of the people you tax as "jew hater"... they see the victims puhing worldwide the victim card each time and never think the way they do the things to other.

Because you criticize the thai government can you be taxed as thai hater? Don t think so, think you even like this country and are sadden by the action taken, am I right?

Can't you simply imagine that most of the critics seen here, in Europe, in USA and even in Israel with Breaking The Silence, the same way you criticize the government.

Israel, proudly boasting its democratic country in middle east, has the power to change its leaders and the way the Cisjordania settlements and abuses are seen by Israeli. That' s also why the world (yeah a lot of people worldwide disapprove the politics of Israel) put pressure and call for boycott...certainly not for the "end of Israel" but to show that those illegal settlements are bad for the palestinians AND for the Israeli....

So maybe you will play the "jew Hater" card but from the other post you wrote not linked to Israel you seem a clever man and hope you can see the difference between this poor game of : you not agree so you hate the jew, and the reality which is : stealing lands of your neighbours and ressources is bad and leads to more confrontation...

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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

Why are Israel’s generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israel’s Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israel’s future. Instead they see a political leadership that’s letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.


Well I read the article, and it is quite clear

Here is another quote :

They must stop thinking of themselves only as victims and begin to understand themselves also as actors. If they don’t, they’re in danger of sliding down that same slippery slope and becoming perpetrators.

So basically they say what most of the people you tax as "jew hater"... they see the victims puhing worldwide the victim card each time and never think the way they do the things to other.

Because you criticize the thai government can you be taxed as thai hater? Don t think so, think you even like this country and are sadden by the action taken, am I right?

Can't you simply imagine that most of the critics seen here, in Europe, in USA and even in Israel with Breaking The Silence, the same way you criticize the government.

Israel, proudly boasting its democratic country in middle east, has the power to change its leaders and the way the Cisjordania settlements and abuses are seen by Israeli. That' s also why the world (yeah a lot of people worldwide disapprove the politics of Israel) put pressure and call for boycott...certainly not for the "end of Israel" but to show that those illegal settlements are bad for the palestinians AND for the Israeli....

So maybe you will play the "jew Hater" card but from the other post you wrote not linked to Israel you seem a clever man and hope you can see the difference between this poor game of : you not agree so you hate the jew, and the reality which is : stealing lands of your neighbours and ressources is bad and leads to more confrontation...

Very good post that speaks to the topic as well as the predictable accusations of race hatred and demonization that bait anyone who dares criticize Israel.

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"If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

Edited by freedom4life
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"If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

Jew hating neo-Nazi propaganda. Proves the point which was so obviously predictable. The general's sincere statement (when understood in full context) will be used by the most vile Jew hating and Israel demonizing agenda. Jew hating (which is directly reflected in obsessive Israel demonization) is a form of mental illness ... and the infected try to infect others. So in that sense, because the statement will be twisted and exploited by most disgusting elements of the Jew hating world (which is very large); again I wish the general could have avoided using that kind of language. Was he so naive that he didn't know how his words would be used by Israel's Jew hating enemies? Hard to believe. It seems he knew he made a political mistake in that sense by walking it back right away. But the damage is done ... the quote will be used by Jew haters / obsessive Israel demonizers indefinitely. Indeed, I think he has entered himself into the "Jew washing" hall of fame.

Edited by Jingthing
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"If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

mmm...not sure if I interpret your post correctly but from what I understand you mean Hitler was a savior for Germany and WW2 was caused by Jewish cabal....if this is the case : utterly nonsense!

If not. and I seriously hope you don t believe this bullsh.t, please let us know

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"If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

Jew hating neo-Nazi propaganda. Proves the point which was so obviously predictable. The general's sincere statement (when understood in full context) will be used by the most vile Jew hating and Israel demonizing agenda. Jew hating (which is directly reflected in obsessive Israel demonization) is a form of mental illness ... and the infected try to infect others. So in that sense, because the statement will be twisted and exploited by most disgusting elements of the Jew hating world (which is very large); again I wish the general could have avoided using that kind of language. Was he so naive that he didn't know how his words would be used by Israel's Jew hating enemies? Hard to believe. It seems he knew he made a political mistake in that sense by walking it back right away. But the damage is done ... the quote will be used by Jew haters / obsessive Israel demonizers indefinitely. Indeed, I think he has entered himself into the "Jew washing" hall of fame.

I completly agree with you about the post above and think it is trash. What I don't understand is how YOU can be so much polarized and think the world want the end of Israel...maybe you blocked me for whatever reason, but you should read and answer my post...

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"If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

Jew hating neo-Nazi propaganda. Proves the point which was so obviously predictable. The general's sincere statement (when understood in full context) will be used by the most vile Jew hating and Israel demonizing agenda. Jew hating (which is directly reflected in obsessive Israel demonization) is a form of mental illness ... and the infected try to infect others. So in that sense, because the statement will be twisted and exploited by most disgusting elements of the Jew hating world (which is very large); again I wish the general could have avoided using that kind of language. Was he so naive that he didn't know how his words would be used by Israel's Jew hating enemies? Hard to believe. It seems he knew he made a political mistake in that sense by walking it back right away. But the damage is done ... the quote will be used by Jew haters / obsessive Israel demonizers indefinitely. Indeed, I think he has entered himself into the "Jew washing" hall of fame.

Hey man, you keep on talking about 'jew haters' in most of your post and you will not be taken serious anymore. Just think about that.

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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

Why are Israels generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israels Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israels future. Instead they see a political leadership thats letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.



There is no need for people to bash Isreal or wash the Jews. The actions of that state speak louder than any badger could. They have the task well in hand.

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I have nothing against normal criticism of Israeli government policies as people would direct at any nation. I agree with a lot of that criticism.

The way the Israel demonization agenda talks, the Israeli government misbehaves more severely than any other nation on the planet, today or in history. Yes, the Israeli government has flaws worthy of criticism as do many other modern nations, and a number of them are much worse. The obsessive focus on the faults of Israel relative to other nation's faults is indeed suspect.

When criticism of Israel gets obsessive and it gets to the point of demonizing, that is not normal criticism. To assert the modern Israeli government is equivalent to Nazi Germany is anti-Jewish hate speech and specifically meant to enrage Jews, based on the history of the Shoah. It used to be defined as such by the EU and why they stopped having such a definition is another matter, but the original definition was correct.

This general was NOT saying that (see his later clarification) but of course enemies of Israel will use his original words to support their Israel demonizing agenda. See this big assed Israeli general said Israel is the same as the Nazis ... now I can say it and you can't accuse me of hate speech.

Some Jews do explicitly use such hate speech ... they are a small minority, and yes Jews are capable of hate speech against their own ... don't be surprised. It takes all kinds.

If, objectively speaking, Israel actually BECAME equivalent to Nazi Germany (it will never happen of course) then I would join in that chorus because it would be based on actual realities.

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I have nothing against normal criticism of Israeli government policies as people would direct at any nation. I agree with a lot of that criticism.

The way the Israel demonization agenda talks, the Israeli government misbehaves more severely than any other nation on the planet, today or in history. Yes, the Israeli government has flaws worthy of criticism as do many other modern nations, and a number of them are much worse. The obsessive focus on the faults of Israel relative to other nation's faults is indeed suspect.

When criticism of Israel gets obsessive and it gets to the point of demonizing, that is not normal criticism. To assert the modern Israeli government is equivalent to Nazi Germany is anti-Jewish hate speech and specifically meant to enrage Jews, based on the history of the Shoah. It used to be defined as such by the EU and why they stopped having such a definition is another matter, but the original definition was correct.

This general was NOT saying that (see his later clarification) but of course enemies of Israel will use his original words to support their Israel demonizing agenda. See this big assed Israeli general said Israel is the same as the Nazis ... now I can say it and you can't accuse me of hate speech.

Some Jews do explicitly use such hate speech ... they are a small minority, and yes Jews are capable of hate speech against their own ... don't be surprised. It takes all kinds.

If, objectively speaking, Israel actually BECAME equivalent to Nazi Germany (it will never happen of course) then I would join in that chorus because it would be based on actual realities.

I don't know about speech, but according to a recent poll 48 percent of Jewish Israelis want to kick Arab Israelis out of Israel. 46 percent said no. And I can't recall the exact number but about half of Jewish Israelis said that when they hear Arabic spoken on the street, they feel hatred. The Israel you imagine you know is long gone. It could be that most of the Jewish Israelis you know are not religious. They tend to be much more tolerant according to the polls. So you're not exposed to the crazy level of hatred among the Haredim and the settlers.

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Excuse me but that's not equivalent to Nazi Germany. I see you fail to mention that leaders behind a Palestinian state intend to allow zero Jews. Also that may be an unfortunate and disturbing survey finding (reflective of decades of conflict) but the fact remains 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arab and there is no serious political movement to actually kick them out. Really none at all. As usual the obsessed Israel demonization agenda only sees blame on one side.

To add you really should provide links rather than just ask readers to trust your sources or recollection. Not saying your recollection is wrong but we don't really know, do we?

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Excuse me but that's not equivalent to Nazi Germany. I see you fail to mention that leaders behind a Palestinian state intend to allow zero Jews. Also that may be an unfortunate and disturbing survey finding (reflective of decades of conflict) but the fact remains 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arab and there is no serious political movement to actually kick them out. Really none at all. As usual the obsessed Israel demonization agenda only sees blame on one side.

That is the exact equivalent to Nazi Germany... as Major-General Yair Golan has just pointed out.

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Excuse me but that's not equivalent to Nazi Germany. I see you fail to mention that leaders behind a Palestinian state intend to allow zero Jews. Also that may be an unfortunate and disturbing survey finding (reflective of decades of conflict) but the fact remains 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arab and there is no serious political movement to actually kick them out. Really none at all. As usual the obsessed Israel demonization agenda only sees blame on one side.

To add you really should provide links rather than just ask readers to trust your sources or recollection. Not saying your recollection is wrong but we don't really know, do we?

You wrote this: "Some Jews do explicitly use such hate speech ... they are a small minority" Given the widespread attitude of hatred towards Israeli Arabs in Israel, I sincerely doubt that it's a small minority any longer.

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"If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

Jew hating neo-Nazi propaganda. Proves the point which was so obviously predictable. The general's sincere statement (when understood in full context) will be used by the most vile Jew hating and Israel demonizing agenda. Jew hating (which is directly reflected in obsessive Israel demonization) is a form of mental illness ... and the infected try to infect others. So in that sense, because the statement will be twisted and exploited by most disgusting elements of the Jew hating world (which is very large); again I wish the general could have avoided using that kind of language. Was he so naive that he didn't know how his words would be used by Israel's Jew hating enemies? Hard to believe. It seems he knew he made a political mistake in that sense by walking it back right away. But the damage is done ... the quote will be used by Jew haters / obsessive Israel demonizers indefinitely. Indeed, I think he has entered himself into the "Jew washing" hall of fame.
Still it makes a nice sound bite for our esteemed members to misuse in perpetuity. Alas I would wager it has a shelf life of at least fifty years.
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Excuse me but that's not equivalent to Nazi Germany. I see you fail to mention that leaders behind a Palestinian state intend to allow zero Jews. Also that may be an unfortunate and disturbing survey finding (reflective of decades of conflict) but the fact remains 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arab and there is no serious political movement to actually kick them out. Really none at all. As usual the obsessed Israel demonization agenda only sees blame on one side.

To add you really should provide links rather than just ask readers to trust your sources or recollection. Not saying your recollection is wrong but we don't really know, do we?

You wrote this: "Some Jews do explicitly use such hate speech ... they are a small minority" Given the widespread attitude of hatred towards Israeli Arabs in Israel, I sincerely doubt that it's a small minority any longer.
Not following the logic of your statement. Perhaps you didn't comprehend what I said. Anyway I strongly feel as did the EU definition that to assert an equivalence between Israel and Nazi Germany is anti-Jewish hate speech. Of course they used the term antisemitic.

The general was speaking about warning signs let's be careful. Nothing wrong with that per se except how it will be twisted by enemies.

Edited by Jingthing
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Golan, to the disappointment of some posters did not draw direct parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany. Nor did he take the position that Israel is already similar to Nazi Germany. Rather, his speech referred to processes and trends in Israeli society, which ought to be addressed and nipped in the bud. The OP is the usual bit of quality journalism: the so-called "complete quote" if brought out of context, and without reference to the speech in full. Golan' speech is more balanced - for example, he actually asserts the IDF as a moral army, while acknowledging immoral actions of individuals.

The main difference between Golan's words and posters claiming them to be similar to their own views is motivation. Golan (again to the disappointment of some) is not an anti-Zionist, nor a bleeding heart liberal, and there's little chance he'll resign his post and join Breaking The Silence. Golan's first and foremost consideration is Israel's security. He warns of certain trends in Israeli society, which he considers a threat to Israel's character, and hence its security. On the other hand, posters using his words to support their usual agenda and demonization efforts, are doing so for altogether different motivations.

I dunno that I subscribe to all of Golan's opinions, as expressed in his speech. With regard to comments relating to trends in Israeli society making it more prone to accept extreme views, more violent and less tolerant - yes. This is obviously connected at the core to the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories, but also to demographic trends within Israel. As Golan warns, leaving such trends unaddressed might, ultimately, be the undoing of Israel. Notice, though, that no simple or simplistic answers are offered. With regard to comments on leadership, well...duh.

Edited by Morch
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Good stuff as usual but it can't be denied that the Israel demonization agenda is twisting his words to suggest -- see even this general agrees Israel is like Nazi Germany. Now we have primo Jewish cover to keep spouting that inflammatory lie. I think he probably should have known that and perhaps found other words to express himself.

Edited by Jingthing
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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

Why are Israel’s generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israel’s Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israel’s future. Instead they see a political leadership that’s letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.


The assertion that the speech was coordinated with his superior(s) ("it’s inconceivable that he’d give a major speech without running it past his boss.") is most probably off mark. Golan got quite a reputation for saying what's on his mind, and doing what he feels needed - not always with the approval or consent of those in command.

Rather than a coordinated effort, I think it reflects the gap between views aired by politicians and professionals. The latter tend to be somewhat more pragmatic or utilitarian in their approach. The views shared by some of Israel's top generals is not all that surprising as well. The leading pack is often shaped by appointments which rely, among other things, on past associations and rapport.

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Good stuff as usual but it can't be denied that the Israel demonization agenda is twisting his words to suggest -- see even this general agrees Israel is like Nazi Germany. Now we have primo Jewish cover to keep spouting that inflammatory lie. I think he probably should have known that and perhaps found other words to express himself.

What other words could he have found to express an obvious truth?

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Yair Golan participated in military operations like

The 1982 Lebanon War

First Intifada

South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000)

Second Intifada

Operation Defensive Shield

2006 Lebanon War

Operation Cast Lead

All IDF military operations with always more civilian casualties than combatants.

I don't see why this soldier should earn any respect for his latest controversial quote. His war crimes started in 1982 and he should be treated accordingly.

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While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

Why are Israel’s generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israel’s Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israel’s future. Instead they see a political leadership that’s letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.


So an American, living in Thailand tries to interpret the meaning of a full career hardened member of the IDF that is second only in command of the Army. The only one being obsessive on here is you and your habit of calling anyone who dares to criticize the Israeli Government as being a Jew hater. You see the truth is for me (and I think many others) that I do not even think of Israeli's as Jews, it NEVER enters my head. I think of them as just other nationals from another country. i think Israel has a despicable Government, a despicable foreign policy, they lack any consideration of international Human rights issues and have for decades ignored all UN resolutions, particularly anything related to Nuclear weapons. I can't stand the North Korean Government - not the people, the Government, does that make me a hater of all the people in Korea (an atheist hater no less). You dislike Putin intensely does that make you a Russian hater (are you an orthodox Christian hater?)? As soon as someone dislikes the Israeli Government, the old twist is put on it immediately, they become jew haters. It is getting boring, predictable and is WRONG!

If General Golan's comments were meant to be 'internal' and not meant they way they have been interpreted then Netanyahu would not have reacted the way he did. He would have said to the worlds press 'Guys you have misinterpreted the Generals comments', but he didn't, he almost had a baby in his rage. Netanyahu has interpreted the meaning of the Generals comments exactly the same way as most TV members on here, so why not mail him and tell him he misunderstands the General and he has taken it out of context.

Edited by Andaman Al
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