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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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In this day and age if you believe exactly what you have been told by the government and mainstream media concerning this event, you are either ignorant wilfully or not, stupid or totally brainwashed. There are WAY too many inconstancies across all of the events that happened that day. I am not sure if we will ever know what actually took place. What I do know is though that the US government has killed more innocent people overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan many times over than what happened on US soil that day. For example the killing of 500,000 Iraqi children being 'worth the cost'.

I have a friend how lives in Kensington London, she moved there back in 2004 with her family fleeing Iraq. They were able to flee due to their financial means, but many of her friends did not and probably died. She is one of the best friends I have ever had actually, and it just goes to show how messed up this world is. The US has totally destroyed the Middle East and is continuing to do so, all because of greedy selfish and evil ideologies, not to mention basically creating ISIS Edited by ExpatLife
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These loony conspiracy theories that there were actually hidden explosives in the buildings in addition to 2 jumbo jets crashing into the buildings is a sham meant to hide the real government conspiracy-which is evident in the official 9-11 gov reports.

The real conspiracy:

1. The US govt knew that militants were planning to hijak planes and then crash them instead of taking them to bierut or whatever. The Philipine police had arrested alqueda type militants who were planning such an attack months prior to 9-11, it was reported in the newspapers that these people had been arrested and the Philippines had warned the US authorities that such attacks were being planned. The FAA which reports directly to the White house, ignored these warnings.. they didn't even bother to issue a memo to all us airline pilots that there were people out there that will pretend to hijaak a plane to land it somewhere but the real egenda is to crash it, "so whatever you do, don't open the door and let them into the cockpit!" instead all 4 planes the hijakkers were allowed into the cockpit.

2. the us authorities were tracking many of the hijaakers as they entered the country and theywere on watch lists, when they took flight school and told the instructor they didn't need to know how to land, the flight school reported this to the authorities-it was ignored again. at every step of the way the us govt made sure the attack would ctach the airlines off-guard so that the attack would likly not be foiled..thats the real conspiracy that is plane to see.

These loony theories exists to confuse you so you dont see the obvious conspiriacy.

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A previous poster asked why commercial planes were allowed into restricted or secure airspace: the reality is that 9/11 marked the beginning of America's drive to secure its borders and enforce security controls, prior to that date the borders were thoroughly porous, especially the border with Canada and security controls existed in only very limited amounts. Prior to 9/11 it was easily possible to fly into Canada from overseas and transit the US/Canadian border without encountering/bypassing Immigration; it was equally easy to fly into say New York from overseas without New York Immigration knowing there was an arrest warrant outstanding in another state. Arguably the US has gone too far the other way now in respect of tightened security but that leap from insecure to relatively secure was huge.

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I can see why people ask questions.

A reporter first on the scene at pentagon says no evidence of a plane is visible.

We see fluttering papers on a desk in tact behind what he described as a missile attack.

Firemen shortly before their deaths report a massive explosion a few floors down.

Traces of chemical powder is present in the wreckage.

A nearby building appears to explode and fall.

Experts and pilots raise serious questions over the ability to fly a plane by rogue amaturers.

Even Bush makes statements that were not possible .

A reporter announces prematurely the detonation of one building and its fall.

Explosive experts say point blank they blew it up.

Then there was the absent staff that day.

And calls from people trapped.

These are questions that can be dismissed with single words like cuckoo .....

But it doesn't answer the questions which are backed by visual and audio of that day.

Engineers have a right to express an opinion.

But the story a rag time group of Saudi men did this is fading into history as improbable

Edited by Plutojames88
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If the really "cockoo people out there will send money to the online Nigeria scam scammers out there, why not give money for something that has at least some merit in disproving the obvious lies that people have been told to believe (which spurred an insane war which persists today, which you cockoo people out there are paying for with your taxes to your governments in the increase of "terrorism" spending which the 9/11 disaster provided as impetus for wars galore)? Many architects and experts in demolition have already gone on record to state that the collapse of the towers and the other building #7 are products of demolition, and that an airplane hitting these buildings cannot physically collapse buildings in a demolition type of collapse. How can you armchair lazyboys counter those arguments? As for the Apollo moon landings that you say are point blank stupid conspiracy theories, I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube with Stanley Kubrick openly confessing to having made the NASA videos of a faked moon landing which was a hoax handed over to the US public from the US Government.

" I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube"


That's a real argument clincher!

You know. I have got a video clip which I obtained from YouTube which purports to show reindeer dancing to Jingle Bells in front of a Thai hospital. But I sometimes have this nagging doubt that it is not conclusive proof that reindeer dance to Jingle Bells...

Edited by JAG
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In this day and age if you believe exactly what you have been told by the government and mainstream media concerning this event, you are either ignorant wilfully or not, stupid or totally brainwashed. There are WAY too many inconstancies across all of the events that happened that day. I am not sure if we will ever know what actually took place. What I do know is though that the US government has killed more innocent people overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan many times over than what happened on US soil that day. For example the killing of 500,000 Iraqi children being 'worth the cost'.

I have a friend how lives in Kensington London, she moved there back in 2004 with her family fleeing Iraq. They were able to flee due to their financial means, but many of her friends did not and probably died. She is one of the best friends I have ever had actually, and it just goes to show how messed up this world is. The US has totally destroyed the Middle East and is continuing to do so, all because of greedy selfish and evil ideologies, not to mention basically creating ISIS

Absolutely disgusting. Americans deserve all they get for being so stupid to vote for Bush.

The downfall of the U.S.empire is totally self made. I feel sorry for the innocent yanks. Webby not vote for a real president like trump lol.

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If the really "cockoo people out there will send money to the online Nigeria scam scammers out there, why not give money for something that has at least some merit in disproving the obvious lies that people have been told to believe (which spurred an insane war which persists today, which you cockoo people out there are paying for with your taxes to your governments in the increase of "terrorism" spending which the 9/11 disaster provided as impetus for wars galore)? Many architects and experts in demolition have already gone on record to state that the collapse of the towers and the other building #7 are products of demolition, and that an airplane hitting these buildings cannot physically collapse buildings in a demolition type of collapse. How can you armchair lazyboys counter those arguments? As for the Apollo moon landings that you say are point blank stupid conspiracy theories, I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube with Stanley Kubrick openly confessing to having made the NASA videos of a faked moon landing which was a hoax handed over to the US public from the US Government.

The Kubrick confession was a hoax

Regarding 9/11 I have six words:

Building seven?

Pentagon video?

Presidential security?

Edited by ThaiWai
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it doesn't really need that much money,,, just wait another 3 or 4 decades and the conspiracy will be published !

that time the big brothers who planned, and the culprits done it they won't be in this world,,

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But first, he'll release Stanley Kubrick's personal diary, which was written in grade school Thai to encrypt it. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the 1969 moon landing was faked using the 2001 Space Odyssey sound stage. Then on to Bigfoot which will be reenacted in Khao Yai National Park.

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I can see why people ask questions.

A reporter first on the scene at pentagon says no evidence of a plane is visible.

We see fluttering papers on a desk in tact behind what he described as a missile attack.

Firemen shortly before their deaths report a massive explosion a few floors down.

Traces of chemical powder is present in the wreckage.

A nearby building appears to explode and fall.

Experts and pilots raise serious questions over the ability to fly a plane by rogue amaturers.

Even Bush makes statements that were not possible .

A reporter announces prematurely the detonation of one building and its fall.

Explosive experts say point blank they blew it up.

Then there was the absent staff that day.

And calls from people trapped.

These are questions that can be dismissed with single words like cuckoo .....

But it doesn't answer the questions which are backed by visual and audio of that day.

Engineers have a right to express an opinion.

But the story a rag time group of Saudi men did this is fading into history as improbable

OMG ! It must be true then......an unknown eye witness further corroborated by an unknown news reporter ! I mean...how much more do we need before we see the TRUTH !

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If the really "cockoo people out there will send money to the online Nigeria scam scammers out there, why not give money for something that has at least some merit in disproving the obvious lies that people have been told to believe (which spurred an insane war which persists today, which you cockoo people out there are paying for with your taxes to your governments in the increase of "terrorism" spending which the 9/11 disaster provided as impetus for wars galore)? Many architects and experts in demolition have already gone on record to state that the collapse of the towers and the other building #7 are products of demolition, and that an airplane hitting these buildings cannot physically collapse buildings in a demolition type of collapse. How can you armchair lazyboys counter those arguments? As for the Apollo moon landings that you say are point blank stupid conspiracy theories, I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube with Stanley Kubrick openly confessing to having made the NASA videos of a faked moon landing which was a hoax handed over to the US public from the US Government.

" I have a real video clip which I obtained from YouTube"


That's a real argument clincher!

You know. I have got a video clip which I obtained from YouTube which purports to show reindeer dancing to Jingle Bells in front of a Thai hospital. But I sometimes have this nagging doubt that it is not conclusive proof that reindeer dance to Jingle Bells...

Much wiser to search for the vdo and watch it. But your obv not very wise.
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I can see why people ask questions.

A reporter first on the scene at pentagon says no evidence of a plane is visible.

We see fluttering papers on a desk in tact behind what he described as a missile attack.

Firemen shortly before their deaths report a massive explosion a few floors down.

Traces of chemical powder is present in the wreckage.

A nearby building appears to explode and fall.

Experts and pilots raise serious questions over the ability to fly a plane by rogue amaturers.

Even Bush makes statements that were not possible .

A reporter announces prematurely the detonation of one building and its fall.

Explosive experts say point blank they blew it up.

Then there was the absent staff that day.

And calls from people trapped.

These are questions that can be dismissed with single words like cuckoo .....

But it doesn't answer the questions which are backed by visual and audio of that day.

Engineers have a right to express an opinion.

But the story a rag time group of Saudi men did this is fading into history as improbable

OMG ! It must be true then......an unknown eye witness further corroborated by an unknown news reporter ! I mean...how much more do we need before we see the TRUTH !
No footage on 117 cameras of a plane hitting .....none

But there was footage of a missile .

Edited by Plutojames88
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These loony conspiracy theories that there were actually hidden explosives in the buildings in addition to 2 jumbo jets crashing into the buildings is a sham meant to hide the real government conspiracy-which is evident in the official 9-11 gov reports.

The real conspiracy:

1. The US govt knew that militants were planning to hijak planes and then crash them instead of taking them to bierut or whatever. The Philipine police had arrested alqueda type militants who were planning such an attack months prior to 9-11, it was reported in the newspapers that these people had been arrested and the Philippines had warned the US authorities that such attacks were being planned. The FAA which reports directly to the White house, ignored these warnings.. they didn't even bother to issue a memo to all us airline pilots that there were people out there that will pretend to hijaak a plane to land it somewhere but the real egenda is to crash it, "so whatever you do, don't open the door and let them into the cockpit!" instead all 4 planes the hijakkers were allowed into the cockpit.

2. the us authorities were tracking many of the hijaakers as they entered the country and theywere on watch lists, when they took flight school and told the instructor they didn't need to know how to land, the flight school reported this to the authorities-it was ignored again. at every step of the way the us govt made sure the attack would ctach the airlines off-guard so that the attack would likly not be foiled..thats the real conspiracy that is plane to see.

These loony theories exists to confuse you so you dont see the obvious conspiriacy.

I agree with some of what you are saying, but how do you explain building 7 falling down? Also Larry Silverstein is on record saying he ordered it to be "pulled"

Rudy Giuliani also is on tape saying he knew the WTC buildings were going to fall, how did he know - he has been asked this question many times and is the main reason he is no longer a front running politician!

The official 9-11 reports have still not been released in full -why.

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While I personally think the chances of discovering the truth and getting someone like the FBI to investigate the case are as remote as Pluto, there is alway some sense in giving consideration to all points of view.

What has me puzzled is the video footage of the pentagon hours after the supposed plane crashed into it....yet there is no evidence of a plane crash! The light standards, posts 25M tall that are in the flight path are still intact! And where are the larger pieces in the debris field one would normally see, an engine, or an aileron, or a part of the tail???



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