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Not that I am posting photos at the moment; but I never uploaded images. From Flickr, I choose the share option, then select the "BBcode" as shown in the example at the bottom. Paste that code into the post and the image is linked from Flickr. Never had an issue with it (and I did describe how to do this some months ago). No need for Flickr users to EVER upload an image to TV.

Mac OS


And this is what the code displays:

Leica M3 by Spike Tennyson, on Flickr

Got it.


DSC04438 by Ron Cochrane, on Flickr

and it's showing at the right size too! thumbsup.gif

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Not that I am posting photos at the moment; but I never uploaded images. From Flickr, I choose the share option, then select the "BBcode" as shown in the example at the bottom. Paste that code into the post and the image is linked from Flickr. Never had an issue with it (and I did describe how to do this some months ago). No need for Flickr users to EVER upload an image to TV.

Mac OS


And this is what the code displays:

Leica M3 by Spike Tennyson, on Flickr

Got it.

DSC04438 by Ron Cochrane, on Flickr

and it's showing at the right size too! thumbsup.gif

Yes they have all been like that except the iron buffalo one in vehicles which was smaller and a different shape. Wouldn't let me change the size.


I usually post from my hard drive - I download photos to my laptop and then Attach Files using the Browse option.

Usually resize the images on my hard drive to around 1200 wide as this seems a decent compromise for quality/file size. I don't specifically resize further before posting as my images around 1000 to 1,200 wide - but they are often cropped images so the format can vary. All images are jpeg.

Use Internet Explorer and Windows 10

I also use Flickr, and choose the 'medium' option for positing and downloading. My original images on flickr are direct from the camera or form post processing, so they will be over 4000 wide, but the Medium option is around 1024X800

1024 X 813 attached from the C Drive using Attach File and Internet Explorer



I have added a topic detailing how to link photos from Flickr. You may wish to pin it if you think it is useful.

I will do that thanks very much for putting that up. As you would realize, there have been problems with sizing recently and thisc an only help there.


I have added a topic detailing how to link photos from Flickr. You may wish to pin it if you think it is useful.

I will do that thanks very much for putting that up. As you would realize, there have been problems with sizing recently and thisc an only help there.

Now pinned and there has been 27 views already.


Definitely a glitch in the software somewhere.

Today a member made a comment on one of my pics,the image that was commented on was uploaded at 1024,but showed as an 800.

The comment that was made also included the image,but the image showed as a 1024? Figure that out, if you will!

  • 2 weeks later...

Will you be pinning every photo competition or do they get moved somewhere else after so long?

Just thought I'd mention it as in 17 months the whole 1st page will be pinned and mostly locked threads.

Is it possible to have 1 pinned topic to contain all the pinned topics?


Will you be pinning every photo competition or do they get moved somewhere else after so long?

Just thought I'd mention it as in 17 months the whole 1st page will be pinned and mostly locked threads.

Is it possible to have 1 pinned topic to contain all the pinned topics?

We'll look at that,RTW, Ron or I will ask the tech guys!

Right now with the technical problems which seem to come and go just about everyday, it's been hard to do things some days...

Also waiting on the new forum format, which is supposed to be happening soon, to see how we can do things differently... We do not know yet what it will look like or what may change ....

Will keep in mind when the tech issues settled down, I don't think they are getting much sleep these days..

  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, rhythmworx said:

Still adding another ST (sadicky thread) at the rate of one a month.  :coffee1:




Well if there were 25 hours in a day, some more things may get done, but given all the problems and glitches over the last month on the forum, we can only do so much... 


Perhaps on the "to do list";)


Look's like they have fixed all the gremlins!


The main problem (in my opinion),is the lack of photographers that this forum attracts!


Why is that? and how can it be improved?

11 minutes ago, shaggy1969 said:

Look's like they have fixed all the gremlins!


The main problem (in my opinion),is the lack of photographers that this forum attracts!


Why is that? and how can it be improved?


Wish that was true, Shaggy, I just had a whirling wheel, for about a minute, so not quite there yet... Like button still seems to be hit and miss, although better than it was...:thumbsup:


How to attract more people?  I had suggested opening the different threads to be used for the competition and based on Likes, of say more than ten, would add them to the Photo entries... HQ did not like that idea~ ! ;)


I think too , this last month has been a little difficult, and frustrating, for people ... We've  actually got a few new good members in the last while...:thumbsup:


Ron and I both think, that people should use the like button more, some photos are well deserving but don't always get... it makes it seem that no one is interested... (But again with the glitches even I have missed using sometimes as it takes too long...)

Thanks for the input. 


Let's hope September on, things get flowing better! 


I suppose that it all boils down to what you are happy/content with!


Thaivisa/Choice media group, combined are now the largest expat forum in SE Asia,so why do we only have a handful of

regular photographers/posters?


As for the monthly competition,well......when I started the comp up last year,the main hope of mine,was to try and have some fun and

hopefully attract new members to the main forum by means of the 'Best Shots' gallery.......then the prizes came along (not my idea).


I don't know if it is just me,but ever since the prizes were added,things started to take a nose dive!


Am also a little curious,as to why the best shots gallery was removed/hidden from the pinned section,along with the links for the monthly comps.Again,only my opinion,but you have taken away some of the best photos that this forum has seen,possibly disappointed a few folk along the way,also.


As for the judging of the photo comp (partly my fault,I must add)......well,it's a bit of a joke,isn't it? or am I alone in that opinion?


I have seen great photos,not even make it through to the 'final selection' because they didn't accumulate enough 'likes'.I myself 'won'  the July comp,but have refused to accept the prize,on the grounds that my entry was no where near the best.......so if anyone is wanting a two night stay in Jomtien,just give me a shout.


Sorry for the mini rant,but it's how I feel.






,so why do we only have a handful of

regular photographers/posters?



I blame in on the iblogs (only one member's photos in their own thread) that were created, closure of some great threads and the large amount of pinned topics, (do we really need that many)? 


I come on here each day, look down the threads and leave without looking into the threads of the iblogs.


Win, :( have fun whilst paying with yourselves .


I don’t see how you can blame those who are actually contributing as opposed to those who only complain but offer nothing of substance.  Times are changing and the forum is trying to change with the times.


Kan Win, please try not to be so stubborn........things change and sometimes we need to change with them,if it is for the good of the forum!


I do agree with you however,in regards to the amount of pinned topics,almost the entire first page is full with pinned topics.


Am a little bit concerned about photos in the monthly comp,being removed because they are not up to standards! In my opinion,that will just deter people away from entering the competition,in fear that their images are not good enough.This could also have a knock on effect in deterring people away from joining the main photo forum.Who are you to judge,whether photos are good enough to be entered? They may not be your best images,but could well be the best images of the people posting them.You are here to moderate the forum and so,please moderate with moderation!


Also,I still think the way the images chosen for final selection,sucks! Totally unfair! The system of 10 likes needs scrapping,in my opinion.

I have seen many 'worthy' images,not make it through to the final selection.If you guys can't see that also,then maybe a trip to the opticians is needed,or a new hobby! Sorry guys,that sounds a bit harsh,I know.....but I feel quite strongly about this!


22 minutes ago, shaggy1969 said:

Kan Win, please try not to be so stubborn........things change and sometimes we need to change with them,if it is for the good of the forum!


I do agree with you however,in regards to the amount of pinned topics,almost the entire first page is full with pinned topics.


Am a little bit concerned about photos in the monthly comp,being removed because they are not up to standards! In my opinion,that will just deter people away from entering the competition,in fear that their images are not good enough.This could also have a knock on effect in deterring people away from joining the main photo forum.Who are you to judge,whether photos are good enough to be entered? They may not be your best images,but could well be the best images of the people posting them.You are here to moderate the forum and so,please moderate with moderation!


Also,I still think the way the images chosen for final selection,sucks! Totally unfair! The system of 10 likes needs scrapping,in my opinion.

I have seen many 'worthy' images,not make it through to the final selection.If you guys can't see that also,then maybe a trip to the opticians is needed,or a new hobby! Sorry guys,that sounds a bit harsh,I know.....but I feel quite strongly about this!


Did you see the two images that were hidden ?

19 hours ago, shaggy1969 said:

Look's like they have fixed all the gremlins!


The main problem (in my opinion),is the lack of photographers that this forum attracts!


Why is that? and how can it be improved?


I am one of those TV members with an interest in photography but someone who has not contributed to this  particular photography forum . If you are interested i will tell you why, if not then i'm sorry i bothered you.


The main problem i.m.o. is the nonsensical list of categories, go to any half decent photographers forum and you can post your chosen photo into about half a dozen separate subject matters  ; portraits ; landscape ; people ;  nature & wildlife ; street photography ; food & drink ; b&w  and you can add miscellaneous plus a couple of things like songkran or buddhism as it is a Thai forum but really everything is covered. It is not really that important where a photograph of a bottle of beer and a squirrel on a table in a street with a mountain in the background at sunset is posted.it is either an interesting photograph to look at or not, that is the important thing.  I also think that the "i blogs are a good thing as it shows a particular viewpoint and its progression.This would mean that everything was concentrated on 1 page with a little spill over so that casual viewers are more easily involved in what the forum is about. If the amount of time spent arguing about titles and formats and competitions was spent discussing why some photographs work and others do not it would probably be more popular amongst people who want to learn a little bit more and those who already have some  skills.

7 hours ago, fimgirl said:

I thought that post would pull out the real you. 


He's a nice bloke actually. A friend and not just one typing on the internet.


Thank u MJP ;

as I'm not native english I have often difficulties to write what I'm feeling ;

afraid to make a misinterpretation , so I prefer often stay in the silence even I would like to make an answer .

About the forum,

when the owners decide to transform it, it should be better for our lign :

" Photography & the Arts " to do as Fimgirl wrote,;

all the pinned ligns in the first sub-forum and as, I don't remember his name, wrote, maybe 5 or 6 different subjects;

We can delete our " ATX & C* , what I saw " ..


And as a photo mod, you and Ron , you can also delete all the photos which have no interest about Thailand , except in the lign " Wide World " of course !

Delete all the posts where to contributor doesn't write where the photo is taken

Delete all the posts with no exifs ..


I know , no,  I don't know because of my great age ..as said Jean Gabin




You will notice that I have unpinned a number of threads and the links to those can be found at " Links to previous pinned topics " amongst the other pinned topics.

There are two threads relating to the August that are still showing, these will be unpinned when the August competition is closed  Monday am and the images sent for judging.

The same thing will happen when September is closed and for every month in the future.

There is one topic that I can't unpin because it has been archived, although I have included the link in the " Links to previous pinned topics "



Oh Dear, must say where the Place Is Assure T.. ?.Not a good idea for me.!!. unless my Mrs tells me im just the Head Waiter/ Driver these days. I think its a well run forum now  a few winging experts have gone away. I still dislike those HDR pics, a pic should be as near to how your eye sees it, not a cartoon enhancement . Lets just keep it light 

7 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

Thank u MJP ;

as I'm not native english I have often difficulties to write what I'm feeling ;

afraid to make a misinterpretation , so I prefer often stay in the silence even I would like to make an answer .

About the forum,

when the owners decide to transform it, it should be better for our lign :

" Photography & the Arts " to do as Fimgirl wrote,;

all the pinned ligns in the first sub-forum and as, I don't remember his name, wrote, maybe 5 or 6 different subjects;

We can delete our " ATX & C* , what I saw " ..


And as a photo mod, you and Ron , you can also delete all the photos which have no interest about Thailand , except in the lign " Wide World " of course !

Delete all the posts where to contributor doesn't write where the photo is taken

Delete all the posts with no exifs ..


I know , no,  I don't know because of my great age ..as said Jean Gabin



 I accept that English is not you is not your native language and I would never hold that against you but I would prefer that you didn't make regular off topic inane comments. Another thing is these two statements here :


" Delete all the posts where to contributor doesn't write where the photo is taken

Delete all the posts with no exifs .."


There is no requirement to provide such information but members are free to do so if they wish.

It is not your place to make these demands so remember if ever you get the chance to drive the

bus only then can you decide the route. In the mean time, if you wish to know these things, please

use the PM function. That is what it is there for.


2 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Oh Dear, must say where the Place Is Assure T.. ?.Not a good idea for me.!!. unless my Mrs tells me im just the Head Waiter/ Driver these days. I think its a well run forum now  a few winging experts have gone away. I still dislike those HDR pics, a pic should be as near to how your eye sees it, not a cartoon enhancement . Lets just keep it light 

See above.


Posters who wish to discuss moderation will be put on suspension.   If you have questions about moderation, then you can address them directly to the moderator by PM or by emailing [email protected] .  


If you have suggestions, they will be discussed, but not on the open forum.  


This is the rule:   10) Do not discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy.  You will not block contact with moderators or administrators. Doing so will result in suspension.



I have removed a number of conversations that were personal attacks towards other members and discussion about moderation... over the last week. 


One long time antagonistic member  has been banned  from TVF for the second time  .....  He's caused problems with  previous  Photo forum Mods in the past and hopefully won't try coming back with another new name. 


Time to move on, Ron and I have taken comments on board and will work on some of the concerns some members have mentioned and try to improve the flow and how the Photo forum works! 


Feed back welcome, but please no personal attacks on other members! 


I have gone part the way there on this one by creating a thread to include links to previous competitions. It may be temporary but let me know your thoughts

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

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