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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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There is no need to spend any money to create new facilities. That is not a realistic solution in any way.

Well, what's going to keep that big hairy-chested construction worker dude from strolling into the ladies toilet and shocking little 8 year old girls then?

A different facility needs to be arranged - no? blink.png

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What happened to the idea of Democracy, and voting and Majority rules? Nothing against transgendered, they are free to live their life as they want or imagine. But why do the overwhelming vast majority have to be concerned with everything that they want? And as far as the gender at birth or as the words in some bills say "the gender the person identifies with", who or what determines what gender the person identifies with? If tomorrow a man says he now identifies as being a woman so the guy can stroll into the ladies room, or vice versa?

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There is no need to spend any money to create new facilities. That is not a realistic solution in any way.

Well, what's going to keep that big hairy-chested construction worker dude from strolling into the ladies toilet and shocking little 8 year old girls then?

A different facility needs to be arranged - no? blink.png

Republicans thinking up scenarios of things that never happen to justify their hatred and writing laws to discriminate. This is what this whole "bathroom law" nonsense is all about...fear and hatred.

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There is no need to spend any money to create new facilities. That is not a realistic solution in any way.

Well, what's going to keep that big hairy-chested construction worker dude from strolling into the ladies toilet and shocking little 8 year old girls then?

A different facility needs to be arranged - no? blink.png

Republicans thinking up scenarios of things that never happen to justify their hatred and writing laws to discriminate. This is what this whole "bathroom law" nonsense is all about...fear and hatred.

"Things that never happen", eh? whistling.gif




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The sitting Lt. Governor of Texas had this to say about the threat from Obama.

"He says he's going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States."
Noting that Texas public schools get $10 billion of federal funds over a two-year budget, Patrick said the majority of that is for free breakfast and lunch programs.
"So Barack Obama, if schools don't knuckle down to force girls showering with boys and force 8-year-old girls to have to endure boys coming into their bathroom, he's taking money from the poorest of the poor. The president of the United States will be ending the free breakfast and free lunch program. That's what he's saying."
It would appear the State of Texas will be backing the Superintendent.
Now what will Obama do?

What is it with Right Wingers and 8 year old girls?

Getting a little too stupid for me to respond too chuckd.

Yeah, that happens frequently here.

The wingnuts are going to argue their nonsense, till the cows come home. They really believe the 8-year old girl stuff. It never happens but they're deathly afraid of it. They repeat it back and forth to each other till it's ingrained. Fear rules Republicans. They live in a "What if?" world of paranoia, thus we get these ridiculous laws. The true reason for the nonsense always circles back to one thing...hate.

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There is no need to spend any money to create new facilities. That is not a realistic solution in any way.

Well, what's going to keep that big hairy-chested construction worker dude from strolling into the ladies toilet and shocking little 8 year old girls then?

A different facility needs to be arranged - no? blink.png

Republicans thinking up scenarios of things that never happen to justify their hatred and writing laws to discriminate. This is what this whole "bathroom law" nonsense is all about...fear and hatred.

"Things that never happen", eh? whistling.gif




Always with the wingnut sources...

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Schools are not the right environment for transexuals. Kids are impressionable, easily swayed by the latest fads and trends. Look at that Bruce Jenner, must be about 60 yrs old and still has absolutely no idea if he's Bruce or she's Caitlin. One minute lopping it off, next sewing it back on? Psychiatric help is urgent for any gender confused before getting the blades out and hacking away. Keep this whole mess far away from schools.

Bit of a problem for those that support such, but think children are too immature to have sex.

If children are judged as too immature to be able to have sex under a certain age ( 18 in the US ) how in h**l are they judged to be able to decide that they want to be a different sex?

When children are judged mature enough to have sex with whomever they want, I'll agree to them deciding to become the opposite sex.

When I was at school, the LAST thing I'd be thinking about was if I wanted to have my penis amputated and wear a dress.

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What happened to the idea of Democracy, and voting and Majority rules? Nothing against transgendered, they are free to live their life as they want or imagine. But why do the overwhelming vast majority have to be concerned with everything that they want? And as far as the gender at birth or as the words in some bills say "the gender the person identifies with", who or what determines what gender the person identifies with? If tomorrow a man says he now identifies as being a woman so the guy can stroll into the ladies room, or vice versa?

Exactly. Which is why I believe this is a stalking horse. If homosexuals are only 10% of the western population, the % of transgender in western populations must be miniscule.

Anyway, people that want to use schoolchildren to push their loonie liberal agenda are despicable. Children should be allowed to be children and not subject to this sort of thing which will only confuse and upset them. To any that say children are mature enough to handle it, why then are children banned from having sex with whomever they wish?

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The sitting Lt. Governor of Texas had this to say about the threat from Obama.

"He says he's going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States."
Noting that Texas public schools get $10 billion of federal funds over a two-year budget, Patrick said the majority of that is for free breakfast and lunch programs.
"So Barack Obama, if schools don't knuckle down to force girls showering with boys and force 8-year-old girls to have to endure boys coming into their bathroom, he's taking money from the poorest of the poor. The president of the United States will be ending the free breakfast and free lunch program. That's what he's saying."
It would appear the State of Texas will be backing the Superintendent.
Now what will Obama do?

What is it with Right Wingers and 8 year old girls?

Getting a little too stupid for me to respond too chuckd.

Yeah, that happens frequently here.

The wingnuts are going to argue their nonsense, till the cows come home. They really believe the 8-year old girl stuff. It never happens but they're deathly afraid of it. They repeat it back and forth to each other till it's ingrained. Fear rules Republicans. They live in a "What if?" world of paranoia, thus we get these ridiculous laws. The true reason for the nonsense always circles back to one thing...hate.

Two empty suited liberals and neither one will answer my question.

What will Obama do to strike fear in the heart of the Port Neches-Groves ISD Superintendent after his threat to withdraw funds for free meals for needy children was rejected?

The only thing too stupid around here is trying to get liberals to provide a response. Don't know why I even bother.

OK, Pinot, give us an answer.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

You understand states rights is a real thing , right? It's how Gays eventually attained their freedom to marry, over the objections of the federal government.

That is a very fair point LB but these State civil rights decisions were driven by voters pushing State legislators to enact laws that served to protect minority rights. In this case you have State Conservative Right Wing Homophobic Bigoted Evangelical extremists using their powers arbitrarily to violate the human rights of a vulnerable minority. This particular Federal response to protect a vulnerable transgender minority is not coming from the spiteful homophobic Republican dominated Federal Congress it is coming from a Progressive President seeking to protect the vulnerable.

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I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

You understand states rights is a real thing , right? It's how Gays eventually attained their freedom to marry, over the objections of the federal government.

That is a very fair point LB but these State civil rights decisions were driven by voters pushing State legislators to enact laws that served to protect minority rights. In this case you have State Conservative Right Wing Homophobic Bigoted Evangelical extremists using their powers arbitrarily to violate the human rights of a vulnerable minority. This particular Federal response to protect a vulnerable transgender minority is not coming from the spiteful homophobic Republican dominated Federal Congress it is coming from a Progressive President seeking to protect the vulnerable.

Erm, while I can see a federal government stopping Jim Crow laws was a good thing, I can't see that allowing men into women's toilets is in any way a "protection of a vulnerable minority". What have they been doing for the past hundred years?

Perhaps the federal government could pay to provide third gender toilets in all public facilities, and that would solve the problem.

I don't even see what the problem is, as a transgender that looks like a woman wouldn't have a problem using a female toilet anyway. Short of having a guard on every toilet that inspects everyone's genitals, how could they tell?

Thank the deity that I come from a country that would think such a controversy to be laughable.

London doesn't have this problem ( and with a Muslim mayor I can't see it becoming one ), as they closed most of the public toilets run by the London council.

BTW, I think Obama is clutching at the proverbial straw if he thinks this is going to be his "legacy", given everything else he did was a failure.

Forever to be known as the president that allowed men into women's toilets. cheesy.gif

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Obama says the transgender bathroom rule "is a matter of dignity", when in actual fact it's a way to distract from his failed policies.

Obama Derangement Syndrome must be a terrible burden.

That says it all - those that disagree with Liberal views are 'labelled' either as Haters and/or with a Phobia/Syndrome.

Why do I/we waste my time - because it is fun to tease them smile.png

Here goes some more:

Obama's Legacy:


Obama's Future Plan:


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Obama says the transgender bathroom rule "is a matter of dignity", when in actual fact it's a way to distract from his failed policies.

Obama Derangement Syndrome must be a terrible burden.


However, actually believing that Obama achieved anything ( even with a majority in both houses he couldn't get a decent health care bill through ) worthwhile must also be a terrible burden, given that one would have to believe in the unbelievable.

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What happened to the idea of Democracy, and voting and Majority rules? Nothing against transgendered, they are free to live their life as they want or imagine. But why do the overwhelming vast majority have to be concerned with everything that they want? And as far as the gender at birth or as the words in some bills say "the gender the person identifies with", who or what determines what gender the person identifies with? If tomorrow a man says he now identifies as being a woman so the guy can stroll into the ladies room, or vice versa?

Protecting the civil rights of minorities is never something that can be expected to happen by pure majority rule. The U.S. system is actually not a pure majority rule system. Difficult issues of minority civil rights are usually ultimately decided in the Supreme Court based on interpretation of the constitution.

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Erm, while I can see a federal government stopping Jim Crow laws was a good thing, I can't see that allowing men into women's toilets is in any way a "protection of a vulnerable minority". What have they been doing for the past hundred years?

Perhaps the federal government could pay to provide third gender toilets in all public facilities, and that would solve the problem.

I don't even see what the problem is, as a transgender that looks like a woman wouldn't have a problem using a female toilet anyway. Short of having a guard on every toilet that inspects everyone's genitals, how could they tell?

Thank the deity that I come from a country that would think such a controversy to be laughable.

London doesn't have this problem ( and with a Muslim mayor I can't see it becoming one ), as they closed most of the public toilets run by the London council.

BTW, I think Obama is clutching at the proverbial straw if he thinks this is going to be his "legacy", given everything else he did was a failure.

Forever to be known as the president that allowed men into women's toilets. cheesy.gif

Brilliant TBL we can have a male toilet, female toilet, gay toilet, lesbian toilet, transvestite toilet, cross dressers toilet, catholic priest toilet, transgender toilet and for the Right Wingers I think we may need a '8 year old girl toilet' for some curious reason.

Wouldn't it be simpler just to have male and female toilets and people use the toilet that they identify / match with. Even the 8 year old girl is going to be none the wiser and perfectly safe. Although the catholic Priests may need keeping a close eye on.

What have transgender people done over the last hundred years? Many kill themselves, drug addiction, jail or lived a terribly miserable life trying to pretend they are what the society forces them to be. Very sad.

Medicine and Psychology now has the ability and understanding to assist these particular people with transitioning to the gender they identify with. They are good people and capable of integrating into society and live a happy life contributing to the society. If you give these people a fair go and show a little compassion every one wins.

Obama's legacy will be that he stood up and showed compassion and extended the protection of the Presidency to this minority.

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Obama says the transgender bathroom rule "is a matter of dignity", when in actual fact it's a way to distract from his failed policies.

Obama Derangement Syndrome must be a terrible burden.

That says it all - those that disagree with Liberal views are 'labelled' either as Haters and/or with a Phobia/Syndrome.

Why do I/we waste my time - because it is fun to tease them smile.png

Here goes some more:

Obama's Legacy:


Obama's Future Plan:


BB sexual assault is a criminal offence no matter what gender or sexual orientation you are.

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Brilliant TBL we can have a male toilet, female toilet, gay toilet, lesbian toilet, transvestite toilet, cross dressers toilet, catholic priest toilet, transgender toilet and for the Right Wingers I think we may need a '8 year old girl toilet' for some curious reason.

Wouldn't it be simpler just to have male and female toilets and people use the toilet that they identify / match with. Even the 8 year old girl is going to be none the wiser and perfectly safe. Although the catholic Priests may need keeping a close eye on.

What have transgender people done over the last hundred years? Many kill themselves, drug addiction, jail or lived a terribly miserable life trying to pretend they are what the society forces them to be. Very sad.

Medicine and Psychology now has the ability and understanding to assist these particular people with transitioning to the gender they identify with. They are good people and capable of integrating into society and live a happy life contributing to the society. If you give these people a fair go and show a little compassion every one wins.

Obama's legacy will be that he stood up and showed compassion and extended the protection of the Presidency to this minority.

1. You really think it would be simpler to let people use the toilets they "identify with" rather than to use the toilets that match their anatomy? That sound you hear is reality knocking at your door. I'd like to suggest you answer it.

2. No one is forcing 'transgenders' to be anything. Many (on this thread and elsewhere) have offered up the equitable compromise of allowing these people to use the single-stall, handicapped toilets, but that's just not good enough for our precious, snow flakes, is it?

3. So, you admit that many are suicidal, drug addicted, felons who live miserable lives. Yeah, let's allow them into the girls toilets.

4. For the majority of people, this will not even be noticed as part of President Obama's legacy. Being the first black president, passing the ACA, permitting gay marriage, the death of bin Laden, etc... are his actual legacy. Only gay lobby activists will remember this blip on the radar screen. And history itself will remember it as an unsuccessful overreach, in my opinion.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Brilliant TBL we can have a male toilet, female toilet, gay toilet, lesbian toilet, transvestite toilet, cross dressers toilet, catholic priest toilet, transgender toilet and for the Right Wingers I think we may need a '8 year old girl toilet' for some curious reason.

Wouldn't it be simpler just to have male and female toilets and people use the toilet that they identify / match with. Even the 8 year old girl is going to be none the wiser and perfectly safe. Although the catholic Priests may need keeping a close eye on.

What have transgender people done over the last hundred years? Many kill themselves, drug addiction, jail or lived a terribly miserable life trying to pretend they are what the society forces them to be. Very sad.

Medicine and Psychology now has the ability and understanding to assist these particular people with transitioning to the gender they identify with. They are good people and capable of integrating into society and live a happy life contributing to the society. If you give these people a fair go and show a little compassion every one wins.

Obama's legacy will be that he stood up and showed compassion and extended the protection of the Presidency to this minority.

1. You really think it would be simpler to let people use the toilets they "identify with" rather than to use the toilets that match their anatomy? That sound you hear is reality knocking at your door. I'd like to suggest you answer it.

2. No one is forcing 'transgenders' to be anything. Many (on this thread and elsewhere) have offered up the equitable compromise of allowing these people to use the single-stall, handicapped toilets, but that's just not good enough for our precious, snow flakes, is it?

3. So, you admit that many are suicidal, drug addicted, felons who live miserable lives. Yeah, let's allow them into the girls toilets.

4. For the majority of people, this will not even be noticed as part of President Obama's legacy. Being the first black president, passing the ACA, permitting gay marriage, the death of bin Laden, etc... are his actual legacy. Only gay lobby activists will remember this blip on the radar screen. And history itself will remember it as an unsuccessful overreach, in my opinion.

1. Yes

2. They are actually.

3. They already use toilet facilities. Well before they kill themselves of course.

4. Correct even given your ignorant view a transgender person will not be noticed by you.

Obviously no understanding of a transgender person.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

You understand states rights is a real thing , right? It's how Gays eventually attained their freedom to marry, over the objections of the federal government.

That is a very fair point LB but these State civil rights decisions were driven by voters pushing State legislators to enact laws that served to protect minority rights. In this case you have State Conservative Right Wing Homophobic Bigoted Evangelical extremists using their powers arbitrarily to violate the human rights of a vulnerable minority. This particular Federal response to protect a vulnerable transgender minority is not coming from the spiteful homophobic Republican dominated Federal Congress it is coming from a Progressive President seeking to protect the vulnerable.

I have a hierarchy of considerations when approaching a subject like this. 1) Are human rights being violated? 2) Are civil rights being violated? IMO, and it is only my opinion, this transgender bathroom issue doesn't violate anyone's human or civil rights. It is an overreach. A manufactured brouhaha to take everyone's attention away from the fact that the USA is about to be headed by either a crook or a kook.

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Thanks JT so all this '8 year old girls', 'girls forced to shower with boys', 'protecting the children', 'trans people are sexual predators', 'threat to Traditional values' all just the usual Right Wing clap trap. All just absolute nonsense.

Again the Right Wing media beating up someone to hate. 'They' are the reason the world is drawing to an end and the cause of all your manufactured fears. 'The War on Christmas' syndrome.

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