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pH drops to alkaline drinking water


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1. Why would you want to?

2. How alkaline ?

3 pH is a measure of how acidic/basic(alkaline) water is. The range goes from 0 - 14


4 I have no idea where pH "drops" can be found ! But a shop that sell swimming pool supplies may be able to help with a pH indicator and a supply of Chlorine !

Edited by johnatong
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  • 7 months later...

Why using PH drops or baking soda ?? a piece of charcoal does a better job at less risks... 

RO water in Thailand is to acid to drink continuously. ( WHO 6,5 to 9,5 PH, Ro water 4 to 5,5 )

Trow a piece of charcoal in it, it goes to 9,5 and ads the minerals...


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1 hour ago, kovaltech said:

Why using PH drops or baking soda ?? a piece of charcoal does a better job at less risks... 

RO water in Thailand is to acid to drink continuously. ( WHO 6,5 to 9,5 PH, Ro water 4 to 5,5 )

Trow a piece of charcoal in it, it goes to 9,5 and ads the minerals...




What the WHO really says about drinking water pH is that it is not relevant to human health :


" pH alone is not the primary determinant of adverse effects, and in water, acids and alkalis are normally extremely dilute. The pH of stomach fluid, which contains hydrochloric acid, is between 1.0 and 3.5, with a mean of approximately 2.0, and there is a range of commonly encountered foods that are also of low pH. [...] Because these are weak acids, they pose no threat to health from their consumption. A direct relationship between human health and the pH of drinking- water is impossible to ascertain, because pH is so closely associated with other aspects of water quality, and acids and alkalis are weak and usually very dilute. 


It is not considered to be necessary to propose a health-based guideline value for pH."




Don't believe pseudo-science!

Edited by partington
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Why using PH drops or baking soda ?? a piece of charcoal does a better job at less risks... 
RO water in Thailand is to acid to drink continuously. ( WHO 6,5 to 9,5 PH, Ro water 4 to 5,5 )
Trow a piece of charcoal in it, it goes to 9,5 and ads the minerals...

RO water is found where?
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57 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

RO water is found where?

Those water dispensing machines you see on the streets are suppose to

use RO to purify the water, (if they are maintained )or you can buy a system to use at home.

regards worgeordie

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12 hours ago, partington said:



What the WHO really says about drinking water pH is that it is not relevant to human health :


" pH alone is not the primary determinant of adverse effects, and in water, acids and alkalis are normally extremely dilute. The pH of stomach fluid, which contains hydrochloric acid, is between 1.0 and 3.5, with a mean of approximately 2.0, and there is a range of commonly encountered foods that are also of low pH. [...] Because these are weak acids, they pose no threat to health from their consumption. A direct relationship between human health and the pH of drinking- water is impossible to ascertain, because pH is so closely associated with other aspects of water quality, and acids and alkalis are weak and usually very dilute. 


It is not considered to be necessary to propose a health-based guideline value for pH."




Don't believe pseudo-science!

But WHO sets the limits for PH values between 6,5 and 9,5

The legal values for drinking water in Thailand is between 6,5 and max 9,5


Lets say you suffer from a Candida yeast ... does the PH content of your food play's a role ?

Don't you think / believe PH value in drinks can be relevant to someone's health ?

Edited by kovaltech
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8 minutes ago, Crossy said:

Interesting read http://www.puretap.com/ph.htm


and to our OP, the pH of your stomach acid is around 1.5 to 3.5, your somewhat alkaline drinking water will have little to no effect on that.

I agree that if you drink it "somewhat" but if you check it over a prolonged timeframe, you would be surprised.

Natural drinking water vary's between 6,5 and 9,5... That is the level our body's are "constructed" for or to deal with.

Now, if you always drink basic, the body's metabolic system will be react but not be able to go beyond some limits, so balanced nutrients are needed.

Same goes for acidic ... if you have an upset stomac, from acid, you don't drink certain fluids... if you have an ulster you don't eat spicy...

For every % of acidic level to compensate, it requires an huge amount of energy from your body to compensate...

Sometimes we have to be helpful for our body's by being aware for the damage we can do to ourselves..

We also know that we can die from drinking to much H2O don't we ?



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All I can say is that at this moment in time there are millions of people in the world drinking  contaminated water be it from puddles streams or polluted wells that would give anything to have a drink of water treated by RO.

Rather puts things in perspective.

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1 minute ago, sappersrest said:

All I can say is that at this moment in time there are millions of people in the world drinking  contaminated water be it from puddles streams or polluted wells that would give anything to have a drink of water treated by RO.

Rather puts things in perspective.

Thats a bit off topic, but not so thru... my FIL don't want to drink RO water, he keeps using his concrete rain tanks located outside... he drinks it, i shiver from knowing whats in those tanks...

He's healthy and i am suffering from a mild acidosis 

He's LHAO but also teaching me to how use this charcoal trick and... i am really feeling much better

( btw, he can not read or write, but has a lot of wisdom... )

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