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Do you allow anybody eating with you to waste food at restaurant or home ? Thai wasting food...


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OP. I wouldn't worry. I very much doubt that any food really goes to waste. Most of it will get slopped into a big bin, and then a guy will come round to collect it for pig food. I assume a small fee is paid for the food. Win win for everyone! The restaurant makes a little extra money on leftover food, the pig man gets cheap food for his animals, and the pigs get to enjoy some tasty restaurant cuisine. I know this was certainly the case in a school I used to work at - all leftovers were scraped into a plastic bucket and a guy would come round with his samlor every afternoon and collect it for his pigs.

Edited by Bardeh
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I never really understood how whether i finished my dinner or not impacted on the fate of those starving on a whole other continent. Is anyone able to explain?

3 billion people not finishing their dinner certainly leads to higher food prices. Higher food prices leads to more starving people globally.

What about all the stock piled rice that is rotting? It isn't given to starving people. There are many things wrong with the world but the fact I may throw out half a sandwich isn't what is driving it. Food prices aren't that cut and clear either. Farmers get paid to grow or not to till depending on which way the wind blows.

I threw out half a pork chop tonight but in the mean time somewhere else farmers are paid to not grow crops because the price went down too much. People are starving for many reasons around the globe but it isn't the typical waste at a restaurant or house that makes it that way.

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I am not going to go out of my way to teach you basic economics, but yes of course, you wasting your sandwich or running the air condition on full blast for a week while you are on vacation is wasteful and does have an effect when multiplied by billions of people doing the same thing. The extent that you wish to remove responsibility from yourself is up to you.

Do you know that there is a gigantic pile of plastic in the ocean hundreds of miles wide?

Guess what, no single person is "responsible" but collectively it is a <deleted> disaster.

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it is a asian thing , all the growth in wealth in the last 20-30 years have created a bad habit is all . they will grow out of it , all peoples do . i suggest you dine in and alone , do not make others unhappy .

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so you understand how millions of people throwing garage into rivers pollutes the ocean but don't understand how billions of people wasting foods leads to higher food prices and starvation?

So where should I ship the half sandwich to? I try to save and be thrifty but sometimes I buy more than I can possibly eat and it gets thrown out. Could people be more conscious about wasting food? Yes, sure they could but waste will always be a component of a modern society.

Right now there is enough food stockpiled around the world to feed everybody on the planet and then some. I would suggest that it isn't so much accidental waste as it is intentional greed as to why people are starving on the level seen around the world.

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I suppose you have a right to control the rations of your prisoners dinner guests, and oh what a delight it must be to kiss your arse for a meal dine with you!

As to what others do at their table .. really none of your concern, is it?

I once saw a person order fresh Maine lobster, flown in from America that morning, and eat only the claws.

Cost a fortune .. but not my dime ... so not my worry.

I strongly suggest you get back on your meds and stay away from people trying to have happy sabai sabai lives.

Do Maine Lobsters have claws...?

Yes they do and the meat inside is excellent. They are cracked and the meat slides out easily.

If you go to a really good restaurant and order lobster you'll just get the tail. You might order two or you might order steak and lobster.

The meat from the claws is usually used to make soup or lobster cakes or lobster salad or something but there's nothing wrong with just eating it.

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The traditional way is to order many plates and for people to share, IT IS NOT A THAI TRADITION TO WASTE FOOD. It only happened once that we ordered food for friends and they then didn't eat it all, I was expected to pay for the food as we invited them. When it was time to pay for the food I deducted the untouched food and only paid for the food eaten. My wife ended up paying for the food, but the lesson was learned that I don't tolerate wasting food. Since then we never had the problem again and she no also order less food and even order a second time rather than ordering too much at first. As to the people who said they can't be blamed if the food is not up to standard, well I also sorted that out with the wife. At the beginning she would never complain about bad food (or service). We one day got very bad food and I complained to her, but she refused to complain to the waiter. So I took the B 60 the dish cost and tore up the 3 B 20 bills. She was shocked but the message got through that if we buy food and its not up to standard and we pay for it we are wasting money. Today there are never wasted food nor a problem complaining about bad food. Most restaurants will deduct the price of the dish if you complain.

Gawd you must be a joy to live with. Never met a more controlling bunch of men than some of the blokes that have Thai wives. So how did ripping the kings head in half, not once but three times go down hotshot? Suprised you didn't leave in an ambulance. Must have made you feel right manly showing your petulance by destroying that whole 2 dollars. Your my hero

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I found a way to deal with this years ago.........................say you can order what ever food and drink you want, everything you eat I will pay for and what ever food you leave, you pay for. lots of food was cancelled, case closed. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,easiest thing in the world to do is to spend somebody else's money.

Edited by catman20
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The traditional way is to order many plates and for people to share, IT IS NOT A THAI TRADITION TO WASTE FOOD. It only happened once that we ordered food for friends and they then didn't eat it all, I was expected to pay for the food as we invited them. When it was time to pay for the food I deducted the untouched food and only paid for the food eaten. My wife ended up paying for the food, but the lesson was learned that I don't tolerate wasting food. Since then we never had the problem again and she no also order less food and even order a second time rather than ordering too much at first. As to the people who said they can't be blamed if the food is not up to standard, well I also sorted that out with the wife. At the beginning she would never complain about bad food (or service). We one day got very bad food and I complained to her, but she refused to complain to the waiter. So I took the B 60 the dish cost and tore up the 3 B 20 bills. She was shocked but the message got through that if we buy food and its not up to standard and we pay for it we are wasting money. Today there are never wasted food nor a problem complaining about bad food. Most restaurants will deduct the price of the dish if you complain.

Gawd you must be a joy to live with. Never met a more controlling bunch of men than some of the blokes that have Thai wives. So how did ripping the kings head in half, not once but three times go down hotshot? Suprised you didn't leave in an ambulance. Must have made you feel right manly showing your petulance by destroying that whole 2 dollars. Your my hero

in fairness to southernstar he made his point to his wife and sometimes you have to be crawl to be kind.

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I found a way to deal with this years ago.........................say you can order what ever food and drink you want, everything you eat I will pay for and what ever food you leave, you pay for. lots of food was cancelled, case closed. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,easiest thing in the world to do is to spend somebody else's money.

So you actually do this? How exactly do you determine when they have to pay? If they eat less than 60%? 50%? Do you go by sight or weigh the food that is left? How about shared dishes, who pays for that? And you can't leave the table to even go to the restroom for fear someone may toss their food?

Needless to say, I don't believe you or anyone else does this. It would be incredibly petty and batshit crazy.

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I suppose you have a right to control the rations of your prisoners dinner guests, and oh what a delight it must be to kiss your arse for a meal dine with you!

As to what others do at their table .. really none of your concern, is it?

I once saw a person order fresh Maine lobster, flown in from America that morning, and eat only the claws.

Cost a fortune .. but not my dime ... so not my worry.

I strongly suggest you get back on your meds and stay away from people trying to have happy sabai sabai lives.

Do Maine Lobsters have claws...?

This is another annoying TV trait ... or does your browser not support Google?

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You sound like a real control freak, I'd like you to try and slap me if I didn't finish a meal, the next meal you would be eat would be through a straw.

This is the Thai way you are in Thailand if you don't like the Thai way then piss off.

People like you make me sick.

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Three things,

first farang

Yesterday, 17:45

so you understand how millions of people throwing garage into rivers pollutes the ocean but don't understand how billions of people wasting foods leads to higher food prices and starvation?

do we throw a garages nto ocean????

Second Bangkokequity why do we have to Google everything are you saying the internet is ALWAYS right!!!!!!! Look at a lot of threads on here that will prove all on internet not true.

the OP is obviously a windy up man started thread on ordering too much food and then not eating it (happens all over world). Now it's moved on to throwing plastic into ocean. What next polluting space with satellites

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I heard in Lao culture that its always nice to leave a little bit over "For Buddha"

TGF at the time said once "It's not necessary to finish everything" - But hey that's me!

It's not just you. I'm pretty sure leaving a bit is seen as politely saying you are now full after delicious food, as it may mean in Western culture. It's the case in Vietnam, though you'd never know it because - just like in the West - it's something only rarely adhered to during daily living, and even more difficult to recognize in South East Asian countries due to the fact that it's far more common to eat out regularly in all kinds of ways and settings where the more petty social graces are completely irrelevant.

What really makes Thailand amazing is the fact that sometimes, apparently against all rhyme or reason, it probably is better to trust some minor cultural insight from a "TGF" than to listen to 3 pages of foreigners.

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I asked a Brit friend of mine why his hamburgers were 50% bread. His response was it was his habit because meat was rationed in WWII--of course I laughed and told him WWII was over 70 years ago and he wasn't even born when WWII was on. Finally he said it was his mother's practice, and he continued it.

Rationing in the UK didnt end until nearly ten years after the war did, and some shortages continued for many more years. Americans (and others) really have no idea of the level of those shortages.

Anyone brought up in the UK in those times or immediately after them could not really avoid being imprinted with that. I certainly was yet the war and rationing were both well finished when I was born. Some other counties also had it bad or worse, of course, but in the UK it was bad enough.

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Well nice topic

Waste I have a big problem here, always have had, but was born in the time of rationing

Even when we go to buffet restaurants I tell my wife to request those there to only take what they can eat, and by all means keep going back until you are full

In normal restaurants I ask my wife not to over order, if I forget she will, I am always happy to order more food if we have not got enough

But then what is the difference between wasting money and food, not a lot, and I would guess those who like to over order are not good with their money as well

I try to be fair sensible and careful, a fool and his money is easily parted

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I heard in Lao culture that its always nice to leave a little bit over "For Buddha"

TGF at the time said once "It's not necessary to finish everything" - But hey that's me!

It's not just you. I'm pretty sure leaving a bit is seen as politely saying you are now full after delicious food, as it may mean in Western culture. It's the case in Vietnam, though you'd never know it because - just like in the West - it's something only rarely adhered to during daily living, and even more difficult to recognize in South East Asian countries due to the fact that it's far more common to eat out regularly in all kinds of ways and settings where the more petty social graces are completely irrelevant.

What really makes Thailand amazing is the fact that sometimes, apparently against all rhyme or reason, it probably is better to trust some minor cultural insight from a "TGF" than to listen to 3 pages of foreigners.

Apologies. Just to clarify:

That isn't meant as an attack on all or any individuals posting. I guess I'm saying it should be easy for most foreigners to miss certain subtleties or just not go where they might actually experience certain things, and that it is not so different from the West after all. How ironic then, perhaps, that it may seemingly turn some common bar girl tropes completely on their head.

I must remember to try this one in my (her) defence the next time I post for advice asking if my bar girl really loves me....

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I think the OP has a point. I was dating this gorgeous, wealthy farang girl a while back. The first time we went out for a fine dinner, she ate just a few bites. I suggested we take it in a doggie bag. She said no, she never ate leftovers and threw it away. Then she ordered desert and threw half of that away.

That soured the relationship for me and I ended up calling it off. I come from a poor family and even though I had money at the time, I cannot just waste food.

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Who am I to say what an other person at the table eat? Perhaps if I'd be the one paying for it each and every time, then it might be behaviour that you'd only expected from (selfish or spoiled) kids. But when my wife went out with friends we'd usually al pay our share (estimated), or we'd buy them dinner on one evening and they'd buy us dinner the other. Any leftovers would be taken home if it was sufficient for atleast a small dish. When out with family it would be more or less the same story though we'd pay a bit more often. So no feelings of anything going to waste or people taking advantage of eachother. Sometimes you just can't empty the plates, no worries.

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When I invite someone to eat with me they are free to do as they choose. "Allow" doesnt enter into it, and your aggression at wanting to "slap" everyone just highlights your own issues.

Perhaps they only eat a few mouthfuls to be polite as they would rather not be there at all due to your attitude and it puts them off as you make them so uncomfortable........possibly.smile.png

In my experience they are the least wasteful of food and on the rare occasion there is anything left it is "doggy bagged" and taken home.

I have found that the concept of a "Doggy Bag", or Baggy Dog as my lady tends to call it, is well established here. We would never dream of leaving uneaten food behind.

It was only in US I found it difficult to clean my plate because of the absolutely enormous portions they serve there. But again I always insisted on a doggy bag and ate it later.

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So last night at dinner at another table, a ladyboy started going off at her friend for ordering too much food and not being able to eat it. The poor friend just sat there trying to eat up while the LB carried on and was heard all over the resturant. Not making this up

Was that you op? Lol.

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I also see this a lot, especially with girl friend who is always hungry, but still leaves some food after ordering 3 Thai dishes. But more annoying to me is when you go to a buffet dinner in Europe and people stack their plates high, then leave half of it and often there is nothing for the late eaters.

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>> when you go to a buffet dinner in Europe<<

They have buffet dinners in Europe ? Anyway here if you leave food at a buffet you can be charged extra ,i am told by my Thai wife .

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Though I haven't done it for a while, if I invite people out for a meal at my expense then what they order would be up to them. If they don't eat it all and I am paying the bill then I would get my wife to order some doggy bags to take home the left overs for us.

Conversely if someone asks me out and pays for the meal I would order what I wanted. If I couldn't eat it all I would apologise for over ordering but I would not expect my host to tell me what I can and cannot eat or what quantity. If my host DID do that then I am afraid that I would not accept an invitation from him again.

If I were to tell my guests what and how much they can order, by the third or 4th meal there would only be my wife and me eating and she would NOT be happy with me, nor would I blame her.

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if I foot the bill for "dependents", which can include my own children, my GF of the day, her family, etc., my rule is: they pay for any dish that hasn't been eaten at least by half. that is also valid for drinks. I do make exceptions for bad cooking though.

Great dictatorial recipe for creating a friendly and relaxed atmosphere gigglem.gif

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