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Cell Tower


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It looks like DTAC is about to erect a Cell Tower right next to my house.

Does anybody know what the Thai law says about this type of thing ?

Is there a legal way for me to stop this ?

I would expect that there needs to be some "clearance" around the tower and residential areas.

This is in Pattaya ....

Many Thanks,


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Is it your land ?...if not and the owner has leased it to DTAC, tough titty, but you should change over to DTAC as you will never a problem with the signal dropping out

Why would they need clearance around it ?..as long as its higher that surrounding structures should be no problem technically

Edited by Koosdedooes
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If its right next door he could well be in a "null" zone depending on how the antenna is configured.

luudee there most probably is some sort of law and planning consent required to put up a cell phone transmitter

but it would seem like they already got permission... maybe make some enquiries at Pattaya City Hall.

if all else fails and you are worried about RF radiation you can make a Faraday cage with fine wire mesh like they use to stop mosquitoes on windows and doors

ohh and don't forget the tinfoil hat tongue.pnglaugh.png

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Had the same issue here in the Village. Neighbors land abuts my house. True offered him 40,000 per year for 3 years if they could erect a cell tower. It would have been 15 meters from where I spend most of my day outside. I was livid, but since it didn't affect anyone other me it seemed to be a done deal. The owner of the land knew I was angry and I told him everyone around would get cancer or birth defects in the future (part of my rant because it sounded terrifying). The months prior to this my wife said that a True Move truck came through the Village sporting those godawful megaphones and was making the offer to anyone willing to donate a parcel of land for the project. Unbeknownst to me the neighbor took the offer. I noticed at the time during the deal being made that True would show up at his house during the evening (after dark) to work out the details of the plan. I insisted the wife get involved and she went over during one of these alleged clandestine meeting and demanded that True provide the surrounding neighbors with an insurance guarantee that if the tower fell down they would provide compensations for all damages to anyone affected. The land in question is one ngan and is owned by the people who live across the road. It wasn't being used for any other purpose and actually had a little bit of "wetland" issues. Anyway, I bitched every day to all who would hear me.

Long story short: the neighbor (being neighborly?) backed off the deal and eventually another neighbor picked up the deal and now this unsightly tower sits over the road about 1/2 a city block away. It took them 9 months to erect this tower but it has yet to be put to use. I asked the wife what was going on and she told me that upon final inspection by the military that the tower is not plumb and they wouldn't approve it's use. Now this "leaning tower of True" just sits waiting to come tumbling down in the future.

You know how I found out about this to begin with? I was sitting on the back porch one morning and noticed these 4 wooden dowels, about 2 meters high coming out of the ground with red painted circles around them. When I asked about it the wife told me "oh, that's the new cell tower about to be built" UGH!

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^^ Nimby! that's a new word for me, guess it serves to make people feel guilty if they complain!

Anybody who will gladly accept a cell phone tower emitting electromagnetic radiation right next to their home would have to be nuts!

Off course its completely harmless isn't it, the powers that be have told us so, believe so at your own risk!

Edited by CGW
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^^ Nimby! that's a new word for me, guess it serves to make people feel guilty if they complain!

Anybody who will gladly accept a cell phone tower emitting electromagnetic radiation right next to their home would have to be nuts!

Off course its completely harmless isn't it, the powers that be have told us so, believe so at your own risk!

low energy, non-ionising radiation from a cell tower will cause you no ill effect. Sticking that cellphone to your ear on the other hand......

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^ Sure, with most people, though some people are susceptible to low rad, small amounts will do little harm, depends who you listen too, the "industry" is certainly going to hide the truth!

But living next door to one! no thanks, they used to tell us power lines were not harmful as well & roundup & asbestos & smoking & numerous other things.

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^^ Nimby! that's a new word for me, guess it serves to make people feel guilty if they complain!

Anybody who will gladly accept a cell phone tower emitting electromagnetic radiation right next to their home would have to be nuts!

Off course its completely harmless isn't it, the powers that be have told us so, believe so at your own risk!

It's a colloquial American English term and stands for "Not In My Back Yard." Usually, it's used when someone or group opposes some new building/development that abuts or is near their home because they feel it will negatively affect their quality of life.

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^^ Nimby! that's a new word for me, guess it serves to make people feel guilty if they complain!

Anybody who will gladly accept a cell phone tower emitting electromagnetic radiation right next to their home would have to be nuts!

Off course its completely harmless isn't it, the powers that be have told us so, believe so at your own risk!

Oddly enough it is harmless. I have built enough of these towers in about 20 countries around the world from 1987 to 2009 and I have not been affected by radiation in any way.

In the 30 odd years of mobile phones being used worldwide there is no proof that radiation will affect human life as we know it.

You would have more problems with a leaky microwave oven than a cellphone tower.

However if that is what you believe then who am I to say that you are wrong.

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Your stretching the fact that cell phones have been in use for 30 years, sure there were some, but its only in the past ten years+ they have become "common" and affordable to the vast majority.thumbsup.gif

If in 30 years from now its proven beyond any doubt that there are no dangers I will be the first to apoligise for my lack of trust in technology whistling.gif

I have never had a microwave as again I dont like them for many reasons, many people swear by them, as you say we have a choice in what we believe though far too often ones beliefs are shaped by the industry and advertising and at tthe end of the day what amounts too as outright lies if history has taught us anything! blink.png

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Your stretching the fact that cell phones have been in use for 30 years, sure there were some, but its only in the past ten years+ they have become "common" and affordable to the vast majority.thumbsup.gif

If in 30 years from now its proven beyond any doubt that there are no dangers I will be the first to apoligise for my lack of trust in technology whistling.gif

I have never had a microwave as again I dont like them for many reasons, many people swear by them, as you say we have a choice in what we believe though far too often ones beliefs are shaped by the industry and advertising and at tthe end of the day what amounts too as outright lies if history has taught us anything! blink.png

well, the microwave has been around for long enough!

I'd say you're just a technophobe?

Do you also switch off the WIFI?

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Your stretching the fact that cell phones have been in use for 30 years, sure there were some, but its only in the past ten years+ they have become "common" and affordable to the vast majority.thumbsup.gif

If in 30 years from now its proven beyond any doubt that there are no dangers I will be the first to apoligise for my lack of trust in technology whistling.gif

I have never had a microwave as again I dont like them for many reasons, many people swear by them, as you say we have a choice in what we believe though far too often ones beliefs are shaped by the industry and advertising and at tthe end of the day what amounts too as outright lies if history has taught us anything! blink.png

I started building a network with Vodafone in the UK in 1987 and they had been going before that, which is 29 years ago but mobile phones were introduced by Motorola in 1973. So if you think about it mobile phones have been around for 43 years.


quote from Wikipedia

"The first handheld mobile cell phone was demonstrated by Motorola in 1973. The first commercial automated cellular network was launched in Japan by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in 1979. This was followed in 1981 by the simultaneous launch of the Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) system in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.[6] Several other countries then followed in the early to mid-1980s. These first-generation (1G) systems could support far more simultaneous calls, but still used analog technology."

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^^ Yes, mobile phones have been around a long time + 30 years but not used by so many until recently, same as the Internet been around a long (~45 years) but again it was not widely used.

^ For planning permission to be refused there is obviously something amiss? just what else is transmitting in these towers, from my house in the sticks I can see my cell towers than I can see houses, makes no commercial sense.

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Look on the bright side, could have been a pig farm or welding shop

right next to you.

TIT wai2.gif

And, now that the tower won't be there, the pig farm and/or welding shop (or worse) are still possible. whistling.gif

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Near my home in the uk planning permission for a new nursery was refused because of the close proximity of a cell tower to the building.

political reasons not technical reasons.

Uneducated Sheeple will sheeple hard to get a result.

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^^ Yes, mobile phones have been around a long time + 30 years but not used by so many until recently, same as the Internet been around a long (~45 years) but again it was not widely used.

^ For planning permission to be refused there is obviously something amiss? just what else is transmitting in these towers, from my house in the sticks I can see my cell towers than I can see houses, makes no commercial sense.

I was working with Motorola and AIS back in 1993 and with DTAC in 1994 and with Hutch or BFKT as it was called then in 2001.

AIS started in Thailand in 1990, 26 years ago, DTAC was founded in 1989, 27 years ago and yes they were used by a lot of people.

Why do you keep saying that cellular has not been used by so many people when if you looked and did some research you would find that it not true.

From my house I can see an AIS tower, a True tower and a TOT tower. 2 kms up the road there is a DTAC tower and an AIS tower, the AIS tower is on my wife's land.

Without those towers the local people would have to go back past our place and up the hill to get any mobile phone communication at all and neither TOT nor CAT have any landlines that come down here.

Edited by billd766
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^"Why do you keep saying that cellular has not been used by so many people when if you looked and did some research you would find that it not true."

In 2000 in Thailand from what I can research only 3 people out of 100 had mobile phones", thats not many! back then when Thaksin owned all, they were far too expensive for the average wage earner, now the market is 100%+ saturated, so in the last 15 years usage has increased substantially?

Guess it depends on what you call recent? & I guess I am old sad.png

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Near my home in the uk planning permission for a new nursery was refused because of the close proximity of a cell tower to the building.

Meanwhile in Houston, planning permission for a nursery (or any school) would be refused if it was within 100 yards of a strip club.

Poor kids. If the non-ionizing radiation don't get ya, the titty dancers sure will.

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^"Why do you keep saying that cellular has not been used by so many people when if you looked and did some research you would find that it not true."

In 2000 in Thailand from what I can research only 3 people out of 100 had mobile phones", thats not many! back then when Thaksin owned all, they were far too expensive for the average wage earner, now the market is 100%+ saturated, so in the last 15 years usage has increased substantially?

Guess it depends on what you call recent? & I guess I am old sad.png

In 1993 I would have agreed with you but in 2000 I wouldn't.

Do you have any links or references for that?

In 2001 I was back again building a CDMA network.

I am 72 on Monday so I am old as well.

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Near my home in the uk planning permission for a new nursery was refused because of the close proximity of a cell tower to the building.

Meanwhile in Houston, planning permission for a nursery (or any school) would be refused if it was within 100 yards of a strip club.

Poor kids. If the non-ionizing radiation don't get ya, the titty dancers sure will.

I would prefer to go the Houston way. Much more fun.

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