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bottle of water on my passport

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Yesterday a bottle of water spilled in my bag and my passport was drenched.

All of the pages have the ripple effect- half way across each page. My Thai visa has a smudge mark halfway across it. The date of my ext is still visible.

Are immigration going to be petty about this imperfection? I'm unsure if I have time to make it to bkk prior to the expiry date of my extension in a few weeks.


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Mine went through the wash a number of years back... I'd got in after a long flight... dumped my clothes on the floor and went to bed...

A day later the maid knocked on the door... looked very sheepish.. I felt very silly looking at a wrinkly passport that had gone through the wash...

I called up the British Consulate... the response... "Oh... why is it always boys that do that ???!!!!"...

My ID page (with photo) was still ok... I replaced the passport (it took a couple of weeks) and had the Visa sticker transferred into my new passport.

IF the ID page (with photo) is ok, and if your Visa Page (or arrival Stamp) is clearly visible (not too smudged etc) then Immigration should accept it. Additionally, you should be in the Immigration Computer system, so your arrival dates etc will be known..

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attachicon.gifziploc.jpg A 4 inch x 6 inch will fit.

"Ziploc', avoiding a world of inconvenience wherever you go". Not a major expense either.

I now keep my passport in a spare bank pass book coverpost-194108-0-12055500-1463652331_thumb. - perfect size. I got mine free - just asked for one at the bank.

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attachicon.gifziploc.jpg A 4 inch x 6 inch will fit.

"Ziploc', avoiding a world of inconvenience wherever you go". Not a major expense either.

I now keep my passport in a spare bank pass book coverattachicon.gifPassport cover.jpg - perfect size. I got mine free - just asked for one at the bank.

A good idea, but not waterproof, but better than no protection for such a valuable item.

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attachicon.gifziploc.jpg A 4 inch x 6 inch will fit.

"Ziploc', avoiding a world of inconvenience wherever you go". Not a major expense either.

I now keep my passport in a spare bank pass book coverattachicon.gifPassport cover.jpg - perfect size. I got mine free - just asked for one at the bank.

But it's not water proof.

Yes, I know, but for the OP he won't be carrying his passport next to water again, will he? My idea isn't to protect a passport against a once in a lifetime accident.

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Forty years ago my passport always stayed in my crotch in a plastic bag while travelling Thailand and Laos.

Times have changed but a plastic bag is always good advice.

Too much information.Hope you used a good deodorant.biggrin.png

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Forty years ago my passport always stayed in my crotch in a plastic bag while travelling Thailand and Laos.

Times have changed but a plastic bag is always good advice.

Good advice. A passport in someones crotch for the best part of 40 years is something the whole world would avoid.

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Its amazing the number of people who lose their passports,let them be damaged or destroyed,

when you are travelling it the most important document you have,I take great care to know its

safe all the time, that BBC documentary about Swampy, Immigration had a draw full of passports

that had been lost at the Airport,alone.

regards worgeordie

Edited by worgeordie
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Anyone living here is crazy for carrying their passport daily.


I have carried my U.S. passport in my shirt pocket through at least a dozen countries worldwide daily for at least 40 years.

Haven't lost it yet, and never got it wet enoigh to be illegible.

i am so used to the passport being there in my shirt pocket that if I put a shirt on without my passport in the shirt pocket, i immediately can feel the difference in my shiirt.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Anyone living here is crazy for carrying their passport daily.


I have carried my U.S. passport in my shirt pocket through at least a dozen countries worldwide daily for at least 40 years.

Haven't lost it yet, and never got it wet enoigh to be illegible.

i am so used to the passport being there in my shirt pocket that if I put a shirt on without my passport in the shirt pocket, i immediately can feel the difference in my shiirt.

Wherever you leave your passport there is no guarantee it will be safe. It is a calculated risk. The Poster above believes in himself more than any other source and consequently has found - until now - a safe way for him. 40 years is a good record so he isn't crazy, is he?

To save greater inconvenience and hassle later, in the event of loss or serious damage, it IS a good idea to regularly update every page in the passport and have a copy on your mobile devices as well as in the icloud and a printed copy to take with you at all times. You can do this at a minimum of every 90 days.

Well, that is my cunning plan, anyway.

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Anyone living here is crazy for carrying their passport daily.

I carried mine daily for 10 years with no problems. Used a zip lock baggie during Songkran.

It was the law to have it with you. Now. you can get by with a laminated copy most of the time.

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