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Shocking: Booze ban doesn’t stop youth from drinking, activists seek stricter rules


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Bars and 7-11's galore with several schools in the vicinity by us... all still selling alcofrol.

Same here in my neighborhood of lower Sukhumvit.

I'm not expressing any opinion about whether these kinds of supposed laws are good or bad.

But, in my neighborhood, absolutely nothing has changed despite the supposed laws about public advertising of alcohol beverages, and the more recent law supposedly banning alcohol sales near schools.

My soi has an elementary school that's surrounded by bars, restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages and 7-11s selling the same. None of that has changed since the supposed schools law was passed. And if anything, there's more public alcohol brand advertising now than there was in the past.

As usual, the government is all talk, and nothing else.

The Government, both this one and the previous one are being assailed by all manner of wowsers, 'prohibitionists' and pressure groups on a regular basis to do something about the 'youth alcohol problem'. So they have to been seen to be 'doing something'. The silliness will more than likely only persist. Unenforceable laws. At times, worse than not actually having any.


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I'll drink to that, or perhaps not, oh go on then I will. But not within 300 mtrs of a school.

ehhh.....where do these <deleted> yuts get the time and money to get blitzed every day ? i see them every where i go . where is mom and pop ? no school ? imagine 25 years from now , these shxt head yuts will be running the country . ........

Not familiar with the word "yuts", tried google and the OED to no avail.

Please define, thanks in anticipation.

Yuts is a slang word (not sure from which country) but it means I believe young people with no common sense.

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Today's Y generation of booz, drugs, unsafe sex and multiple social media apps that put a pressure

on any teen to go wild and do stupid things while disregarding the values of educations but excels

in cheating and cut corners, so this is come at NOT a surprise that the 300 meters boundaries

is a joke..... the authorities simply came up with the lazy way to deal with a problem, which backfired

big time in their faces.....

It's no different than it has been for decades. Kids like to party and go crazy... These bans do nothing but make the problem worse. People really think they can control this? The law should be worrying about real crime and that's it.

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Kids are kids, you could close/slap pointless bans on all the shops in Thailand but they'll still find a way to get booze....

You just see how many - supposedly devout Buddhist - people you see tonight the worse for wear and not really giving much of a toss. I could take a visitor to at least five shops in my neighborhood which will be freely flogging booze as well as at least two restaurants which will be 'business as usual' (all within 300m of a school) tonight and regardless of any legislation.

I'm mildly surprised the 'TV Puritan anti-booze, anti-fun brigade' haven't been all over this topic.spouting their nonsense, maybe they are saving their bile for the inevitable 'Are bars open tonight?' threads which will appear today....

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The only thing that's shocking is that there are people who actually believed the ban would have any effect.

I hope other posters weigh in with their own knowledge of the ban as I have a couple of friends who have bar / restaurants that could be considered within 300 meters of a school and they have never been approached by any form of officialdom.

It does not matter in which range of a school, a shop/bar/restaurant sells alcohol. The problem is: to my knowledge not a single shop owner was ever charged for selling it to a minor. The most shocking part seems the guys in charge have no clue how to handle the situation.

And let's face the fact: no matter how stringent the rule of dictators (Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong Il, the Sauds etc) were/are. Consumption of alcohol, drugs, gambling and prostitution, could never been eliminated in their countries.

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The only thing that's shocking is that there are people who actually believed the ban would have any effect.

I hope other posters weigh in with their own knowledge of the ban as I have a couple of friends who have bar / restaurants that could be considered within 300 meters of a school and they have never been approached by any form of officialdom.

I am sure they are on the BIB's list just a matter of getting around to them. Tell them to have their brown envelopes ready. Well must leave the keyboard now and go to the little store next door and buy some beer. Even though its a holiday its still for sale all over. All this government hoopla is nothing but empty threats.Ruling by intimidation is the order of the day. Edited by elgordo38
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The only thing that's shocking is that there are people who actually believed the ban would have any effect.

I hope other posters weigh in with their own knowledge of the ban as I have a couple of friends who have bar / restaurants that could be considered within 300 meters of a school and they have never been approached by any form of officialdom.

Aye, and they must be scratching their heads wondering why limiting alcohol sales to those pesky hours we are all familiar with didn't work either.


Some months back my local mom and pop store put up a notice saying they had been instructed to only sell alcohol during the hours used by supermarkets etc.

They continued selling as usual but wrapped everything in newspaper which was more obvious than carrying a plastic bag of bottles but that only lasted a couple of days and the newspaper aspect was binned.

Sales are anytime they're open and as far as i know there's never been any comeback.

Incidentally they're located directly opposite the gate into the local temple and ' pop ' is a very active lay member of the temple community.

Government rules make me laugh. I lived in a medium size village for a year with a girl whose mother owned a store. All the school kids would pop in and load up on cigarettes before going to school.
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Rules (Booze Ban) are only as good as their Enforcement!

The need is not Stricter Rules the need is for Stricter Enforcement!

Once Enforcement is in place then changing Rules can be considered.

Of course if an influential person will loose money from stricter enforcement, forget all the above.

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Rules (Booze Ban) are only as good as their Enforcement!

The need is not Stricter Rules the need is for Stricter Enforcement!

Once Enforcement is in place then changing Rules can be considered.

Of course if an influential person will loose money from stricter enforcement, forget all the above.

Riiiiiiight! That's why the war on drugs worldwide is so incredibly successful!

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am I missing something what is the problem with not selling alcohol to people under the age of oh I don't no 18 every thai has a id card so they can just show it and then adults can buy any time ,to easy ?

The drinking age is 20 and your suggestion is far too logical.

I used to frequent pubs at 15. Now if you look under 25 in the UK, you are supposed to show ID.

It's simple and, yes, fake IDs are easy to get here but it does take some effort, something many of the youths won't bother with.

Restricted hours and sales points demonstrate that when Thais do think out of the box, they go in totally the wrong direction.

I had to show ID to enter a Hooters in Indianapolis once. I was 45 at the time.

I would have told them where to stick the place if it were me :)

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Today's Y generation of booz, drugs, unsafe sex and multiple social media apps that put a pressure

on any teen to go wild and do stupid things while disregarding the values of educations but excels

in cheating and cut corners, so this is come at NOT a surprise that the 300 meters boundaries

is a joke..... the authorities simply came up with the lazy way to deal with a problem, which backfired

big time in their faces.....

If i remember correctly, and am more than happy to be corrected for the sake of accuracy, when this law was first mooted it was ridiculed so was put on hold for 6 months to allow for further ' study ' of the effects in certain areas.

Then within the 6 months period it was suddenly announced it would be implemented immediately and unsurprisingly chaos reigned again as no one seemed really sure what was happening.

Absolutely true - and then I was told it was never actually implemented (aside from in the panicking forums herein where no amount of explanation of this will slow the panic).

The law, as I understand, still simply states "near".

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There is no need for a ban, anywhere. Just ask those buying to SHOW THEIR ID to check their age. Why is that so difficult??? Why? I just don't get it.

Because Thai government officials (of this and previous governments) like to treat everyone like children.

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I'll drink to that, or perhaps not, oh go on then I will. But not within 300 mtrs of a school.

ehhh.....where do these <deleted> yuts get the time and money to get blitzed every day ? i see them every where i go . where is mom and pop ? no school ? imagine 25 years from now , these shxt head yuts will be running the country . ........

Not familiar with the word "yuts", tried google and the OED to no avail.

Please define, thanks in anticipation.

The correct spelling is Yutz. It is a Yiddish word meaning a foolish person.

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Deli,May i ask how access to a good education stops one from drinking?????.My dentist has a good education and he still enjoys a bottle of wine with his meal at night,with his wife.He is a very social Thai,him and his friends play golf and meet up at polo matches etc.He tells me that his group are all social drinkers.He a also smokes.The doctors i have spoken to at the local government hospital here say they have a drink at night to get some release from the pressure of the job.They all have degrees and good educations.I bet even our leader lends himself to a little pleasure every now and again,god knows,with his gob, he needs it. He would have us believe he is an educated man.Are all our politicians,who have to have a degree to enter government,not educated men? i bet they get the odd bottle of Remy Martin from a 'friend' or the frequent case of a good Red from a grateful contractor.

Sorry Deli,but your statement is naive and immature.Take a close look at the next pissed up student,studying for his masters,that you see.One day he could be minister for education.

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Hi diehard60.

The word Yuts to which you refer is in fact a yiddish slang word.Along side the words 'putz and shmuck'

it is in fact spelled 'Yutz' e.g he is such a yutz. And, you are correct,it is a word for stupid people with no brains.Because yiddish is not a proper language as such,the word "yutz has been has been used as a plural.'Yut's'

Anyway,Yuts, yutz,puts putz,Shmuck, shmuck's Its all shahanazen to me.

please dont think i was trying to pick you up on a petty thing,and dont think you have to hand your homework into me before you post.

Regards KKD

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cheesy.gifMaking laws like this,is like pissing in the wind.No one listens,no one cares.crack downs, rules,it doesnt matter..

Its gone too far,it will not alter. like another poster said,'from hand carts to motor vehicles in one generation,is too quick.Its hit them far too quickly.

3rd world and always will be.

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cheesy.gifMaking laws like this,is like pissing in the wind.No one listens,no one cares.crack downs, rules,it doesnt matter..

Its gone too far,it will not alter. like another poster said,'from hand carts to motor vehicles in one generation,is too quick.Its hit them far too quickly.

3rd world and always will be.

Gone too far? Aint that the truth. It is not just the Genie that won't go back into the bottle. Niether will the Scotch.

You could say that the Thais are latter day 'Scoflaws'.

After Prohibition got well and truly underway in the States it was failing so miserably they even conducted a Nationwide Competition to come up with a name for those many millions of people who continued drinking unabated and having absolutely no respect whatsoever for the Volstead Act.

The chosen winner, by vote, was 'Scoflaw' - meaning, one who scoffed at the law.

it is one thing for people to break a law, but when a law becomes so universally unpopular and stupid, it becomes the subject for derision and ridicule, not to mention unenforceable, you have got a big problem. People laughing in the face of it. And in turn, the 'idiots' in Government who are responsible for it. Better off not having them.

The Taksin inspired no alcohol between 1400 & 1700 law is merely an inconvenience. Nothing more. My local Tesco used to leave the Liquor Isle open between 1440 - 1700, you could still walk through and check out all the grog. I noticed the other day they had the 'Police Line Do Not Cross' tape out and had sealed it off from both ends. Yep, that's what I am talking about. That will do it!

The General should be very mindful of this when pressured by the Temperance Activists to do something.

In Oz there is a push on to raise the legal drinking age from 18 to 21. But so far it hasn't got any legs. Although I reckon it may happen sometime in the future. Not that it will make any difference anyway. I did my first 12 months in the Navy in Western Australia when the legal drinking age in that state was 21, I was 15. Didn't not stop us at all.

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The Mom and Pop stores just carry on. I'm happy with the current situation cos it gives them an edge. I rue the day they disappear, as the corner shops did in the UK. One of the reasons I like living in Thailand is that it reminds me, very much, of England in the 50s. Except then I was a snotty nosed working class kid, whereas now I'm a relatively affluent, almost middle class, sort of guy.

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Someone defined Stupidity as trying the same thing again and again and hoping for a different outcome.

Stricter measures on alcohol sales will not reduce alcoholism, it will only show the stupidity of those on charge.

Education is the key to every and any change.

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Hi diehard60.

The word Yuts to which you refer is in fact a yiddish slang word.Along side the words 'putz and shmuck'

it is in fact spelled 'Yutz' e.g he is such a yutz. And, you are correct,it is a word for stupid people with no brains.Because yiddish is not a proper language as such,the word "yutz has been has been used as a plural.'Yut's'

Anyway,Yuts, yutz,puts putz,Shmuck, shmuck's Its all shahanazen to me.

please dont think i was trying to pick you up on a petty thing,and dont think you have to hand your homework into me before you post.

Regards KKD

And there I was thinking "yuts" was a poor approximation for "youths" as pronounced by a guy from Brooklyn.

Ref: the movie "My Cousin Vinny "

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What i fail to understand is why adults are not allowed to buy a cold beer outside the permitted hours.On a trip to the north of Thailand this was being enforced everywhere. Crazy! Ride a bike, or maybe trekking for 5 hours and some t$#t decides you can't have a beer with lunch.

The opening times are a joke. Just ban and enforce underage people from buying, let the adults enjoy life.

A prime example though of the ban having an effect. While perhaps not in your case, an awful lot of adults (myself included) used to drink and drive during the 2-5pm window. I haven't stopped drinking, but since booze are harder to come by during those times, I tend to drink later (or earlier). Since they stopped selling booze in most gas stations, again.... same effect. I'm less likely to have my driver pull over to buy booze somewhere that it's difficult to park. May as well wait until I get to a restaurant or home.

True, you're not going to stop people from completely doing anything, but it'd be putting on blinders not to admit that bans do have some positive effects. Certainly they don't make people drink more.

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If you want to stop young people from drinking alcohol you need to stop people from selling it to them.

If a shop is next door to a school and it sells alcohol, but doesn't sell the alcohol to school kids, it has to be better than a shop 400 meters from a school that does sell alcohol to school kids.

Fine shops selling it to kids and watch it stop.

Edited by berybert
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Activists ?

Why don't they mind their own bloody business ?

I get cranky at interference of any kind, let people mess up their lives if they want to, and that includes students.

When are they going to lift that utter ridiculous ban on sale of alcohol between certain hours, even Malaysia, a muslim country for the most part, doesn't have these utter ridiculous restrictions.

Edited by sjaak327
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