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Khmer Times/Taing Vida

The president of the Beehive Social Democratic Party has asked permission from City Hall to hold a demonstration at Freedom Park in July to urge the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) to withdraw bribery charges against the four Adhoc officials and the National Election Committee (NEC) deputy secretary. According to a letter sent to municipal authorities, party president Mam Sonando would not be representing his party in the demonstrations, but citizens who have been the victims of injustice. The letter asked to lead a peaceful demonstration of about 200 protestors from 7am to 12pm on July 9.

“I and Cambodian citizens do want nothing more than justice, so please Anti-Corruption Unit, implement the rules to apply to all institutions and all citizens without bias as stated in the constitution. I believe that people, both domestic and international, want reconciliation. Unity is the only solution.” City Hall spokesman Chin Buntheoun could not be reached for comment yesterday.

The five officials were arrested and charged in May over allegations they bribed an alleged mistress of acting Cambodian National Rescue Party president Kem Sokha to deny she had a relationship with Mr. Sokha. UN official Sally Soen, despite his diplomatic immunity, was charged in absentia, while CNRP Commune Chief Sieng Chet was also charged in relation to the case. During a press conference last month, ACU chairman Om Yentieng said the group had been detained based on incriminating evidence in the case, despite never revealing what the evidence was.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/25189/sonando-wants-rally-against-acu/

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