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New personal details form arrives at Phuket Immigration

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BREAKING: Countless aging expats have been reported seen leaving the country, seemingly overnight.

Described by locals as overweight, with red faces and a penchant for drinking beer at 10AM, their departure is leaving countless Isaan homes vacant, along with many bar wives and their decidedly Thai offspring in a state of confusion (and mostly relief). Some speculate that this may have been the first time in all recorded history, that middle aged British men made true on their otherwise equally countless and hollow Internet forum threats.

Oh no, wait .. ya'll are still here. None of the millions of UK security cameras, or completely pervasive UK Internet surveillance picked up any returning alcoholics to British shores.

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There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.


I wonder if someone has explained adress protocal for countries other than Thailand to the folk who designed this form?

2.2. Information on Alien’s Home Country

Address No. ______________ Village No. ________________ Soi, Lane ______________ Road _______________________

Sub-district ___________________ District, City ___________________ Region, Province, State ______________________

Country _________________________ Telephone Number _______________ Mobile phone Number ________________

I maintain that this question is open to a multiple page reply. Give them more data than their system can handle, include every 7/11, familymart, corner shop, hardware, Tesco, McDonalds, BigC, and restaurant. Don't forget to ask for extra paper to comply.

2.6. Frequently Visited Places or Premises (such as Club, Restaurant, Shop, Hospital etc.)


Ever hit the snag when buying on the Internet where the site presumes all address details are the same but you can't enter required data? They have made a mistake similar to most other countries.


xen·o·pho·bi·a [zen-uh-foh-bee-uh, zee-nuh-]


an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.

Thanks for spelling that phonetically for the benefits of the American contingent. Can you do Israel next and then Herbs.

Much obliged old chap!

My bet is that not every English reading and speaking person has been as enlightened yet and would probably call it a spelling error otherwise. That's an excellent example of covert xenophobia. Thank-you for sharing.


BREAKING: Countless aging expats have been reported seen leaving the country, seemingly overnight.

Described by locals as overweight, with red faces and a penchant for drinking beer at 10AM, their departure is leaving countless Isaan homes vacant, along with many bar wives and their decidedly Thai offspring in a state of confusion (and mostly relief). Some speculate that this may have been the first time in all recorded history, that middle aged British men made true on their otherwise equally countless and hollow Internet forum threats.

Oh no, wait .. ya'll are still here. None of the millions of UK security cameras, or completely pervasive UK Internet surveillance picked up any returning alcoholics to British shores.

Loved your post. I am a Brit and not too sure we should be singled out but good on you.


Why Phuket? Probably because 70 percent of tourists come to Phuket. One answer to this form is to just put so much information on the form especially places you visit/shop at etc it completely overloads the system. Example: Five different 7/11s, three different Tesco Lotuses, two different bicycle shops. Kawasaki dealership, immigration, three different car washes, ten different clothes shops, three shoe shops, twenty five different restaurants, three noodle shops, six outdoor markets, two hairdressers, three beauty shops, Rutnin Eye Hospital, American Embassy, British Embassy, Chinese Embassy, 3BB office, AIS office, Bangkok Hospital, Bangkok Bank in five cities, name fifteen hotels you have stayed at.......and on and on and on. Well you did ask for this information!!!!!


They already have a detailed map to my house, my wife's house papers, ID card, copies of passport, telephone number, bank book, bank letter, personal photo, photos of me and my wife in every room of the house including the bedroom, a witness, interviews with the neighbours, 90 day reports, address, passport number, copy of TM.7, marriage papers, children's birth certificates, details of parents etc. Plus all of the above signed and copied x 2. And then submit the same information every year!

I don't see why they need more information other than the above.


Welcome to 1984. This is a most naive document that will do absolutely nothing to assist the authorities. I will not put in the names of my dead parents, only Mummy and Daddy. And in the bank account section I will use one of my accounts in another country as it does not stipulate it must be a local bank. And as for frequently visited places my local 7-11 and the noodle shop are all they will get. None of it is inaccurate, so what can they do.

a not uncommon security question is about the names of ones parents even deceased. mothers maiden name especially. this is information the underworld values as it can try to gain access to bank accounts etc etc.


The "Why Phuket?" question is easily answered:

Remember that the introduction of this form was announced in Thai Visa two or three weeks ago.

At the time, it was said that it would not be coming to Phuket Immigration.

The only new news here is that now, Phuket is getting it, and that there's mention of the Penal Code on the form.

In fact there doesn't seem to be a massive civil liberties problem here. The authorities have access to all the critical information anyway.



Why only Phuket?

What is the percentage of foreigners arriving at Phuket?

It has been introduced at immigration Samut Prakarn, my friend was asked to fill in a five page document looks like it is on it's way to all imigration offices soon. None of their business about your details in the UK and I do not have a UK adress.


What is next? Mothers maiden name, name of first pet, name of first nursery school you attended all with proof? Ridiculous but as they say, TIT


It would be good to have a readable image of this form, please Thaivisa or anybody visiting Phuket immigration.

To me this seems perverse and simply arse about face to suppress crime find those who do not register with immigration, a number that will likely increase with the introduction of this form.

BTW dear General can you show us the secure storage for this information?

here you go .

Foreign National Information.pdf

Thanks for that. Having seen it, I don't think it's a big deal, though it would be good to know what types of visas require the bank account info.


All one needs to do is examine the world's history to see where this is going...

Indeed. It's scary stuff. This form had been out at Bangkok immigration 90 day reporting for a while now.


Strange that this is only required by Phuket Immigration and not by any other areas.

I read that's it will be required everywhere in Thailand ...

This week I went to Immigration office in Khon Kaen to get a 30 day extension to stay on my tourist Visa.

And yes it is true, I got served this paper to fill out.

So I copied over all the info already given on the TM-7.

Bank info not req for my extension.....

FB or line - No have

car - Nah not here....

Emergency contacts...... I filled in the name and address of my country Embassy...... thumbsup.gif

When returned the form they checked, smiled and told me I was clever..... That was in reference to the emergency contacts....


Just two comments; one, if you live in another country you abide by their rules or leave.

Two, I just wish they had similar rules in the UK, where long stay visitors seem to wander around anonymous and not always for the good of the Country. In these days of extremism and terrorism, it's hardly surprising that the Authorities, of whatever colour are taking a hard line with non-citizens.


Just two comments; one, if you live in another country you abide by their rules or leave.

Two, I just wish they had similar rules in the UK, where long stay visitors seem to wander around anonymous and not always for the good of the Country. In these days of extremism and terrorism, it's hardly surprising that the Authorities, of whatever colour are taking a hard line with non-citizens.

You have a point but IMHO it's too intrusive.


bank account - they have already

social media - optional

Phone number - they have already

email - they have already

vehicle - they should have already or is easily obtained

social habits places frequented - changes weekly so is basically nonsense

conclusion - hogwash

I agree with your conclusion. However as stated a few times already, they do not necessarily have Bank Account details (if you have a Retirement Visa and went by the Proof of Income Letter route). I can't recall giving them my e-mail address, I don't have a vehicle in my name, social media used and social habits/places frequented is as you say - hogwash! Why should they want to know anyway, and how are they going to check where I spend my leisure time? Are they going to give all those officers in "inactive posts" something to do by sending them undercover?


Welcome to 1984. This is a most naive document that will do absolutely nothing to assist the authorities. I will not put in the names of my dead parents, only Mummy and Daddy. And in the bank account section I will use one of my accounts in another country as it does not stipulate it must be a local bank. And as for frequently visited places my local 7-11 and the noodle shop are all they will get. None of it is inaccurate, so what can they do.

a not uncommon security question is about the names of ones parents even deceased. mothers maiden name especially. this is information the underworld values as it can try to gain access to bank accounts etc etc.

Never had to give my mothers maiden name to open a bank account. Parents names, mothers maiden name enable a more detailed security check. ie they can identify YOU. Don't give a hoot myself, numerous people have the information already.


Certainly not being done in BKK. I just renewed my visa, re-entry permit and 90 days. The only additional form I had to submit was an offical request to move my visa from my old passport to my new one.


Providing this type of personal information would not concern me in a civilised and democratic country with strong Data Protection laws. Providing this type of information for an IO to store on his ZX81 with password '12345' is just asking for trouble.


Just two comments; one, if you live in another country you abide by their rules or leave.

Two, I just wish they had similar rules in the UK, where long stay visitors seem to wander around anonymous and not always for the good of the Country. In these days of extremism and terrorism, it's hardly surprising that the Authorities, of whatever colour are taking a hard line with non-citizens.

You have a point but IMHO it's too intrusive.

Seems like there are new rules every day, so how are we expected to keep up?


So imagine all the paperwork that will pile up when you give this to immigration 5 or 6 times per year (each 90 day report, a re-entry permit, visa renewal time) and you know how they love to recycle paper here, with your information on the back of it ....


Just two comments; one, if you live in another country you abide by their rules or leave.

Two, I just wish they had similar rules in the UK, where long stay visitors seem to wander around anonymous and not always for the good of the Country. In these days of extremism and terrorism, it's hardly surprising that the Authorities, of whatever colour are taking a hard line with non-citizens.

Correct and we can expect things to get much worse and more restrictive in the future. Blame the bad guys, not the law for trying to keep track of everybody.



I use an agent for retirement 'visas'/90 day reports because its so much easier on my nerves (albeit more expensive) than dealing with Immigration's ever changing and inconsistent demands.

The last time I went for the retirement visa to be renewed (with Brit Embassy proof of income), they told me it was necessary to provide photocopies of my ATM card (both front and back) as well as the normal copies of bank book. This concerned me as the back of the card provides the 3 numbers necessary for online transactions.... So I gave them the copies and immediately cancelled the card.

To look on the bright side, Immigration are going to be v bored by my email/FB account (barely used) and places frequented. Home/Villa Market/HomePro/Makro etc. are far from riveting viewing laugh.png !

To quote Alan Clark (MP) just be "economical with the actualité"

You could for example have fun opening new email accounts; [email protected] etc.

And put that on the form, as this will be your new email account.

And of course any numbered Swiss bank account is untraceable.


Certainly not being done in BKK. I just renewed my visa, re-entry permit and 90 days. The only additional form I had to submit was an offical request to move my visa from my old passport to my new one.

Depends where you renew. BOI at chamjuri square definitely ask. Others do not. It's quite odd.

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