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New personal details form arrives at Phuket Immigration

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I can only assume that most on here would prefer that Thailand adopted a visa application process similar to the UK. No visa exempt and a 12 page visa application form, not to mention supporting documents and the restrictions on long term stay.

Careful what you wish for.

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Oh dear, and here ai am with no bank account, no social media and I stay on the beach unde an umbrella most days.....could be the end of me......IF only ai was in Phuket......NOT!!!!????

Don't worry, I'm sure your luck will change. Someone will drop some coins into your guitar case.


Why? Did you really mean it when you ask 'why'.?

After our 2nd year living here, ( now 20) we finally figured out that there is no real equivalent word, not only in the Thai language, but also in the Thai psych .


I have been providing my bank details for more than 10 years because it is part of the requirement when renewing my annual visa for extension of stay or retirement as some like to call it . What I will not do is provide my FB or other SM accounts. They know where I reside they even insist on a Google map , they have at least one of my telephone numbers , a copy of my passport so there is not much more I can give them in the way of information, it's all just another wasted paper trail where the hell do they store all this stuff because here on Samui / Phangan you

Cannot even do 90 day reporting on the PC as they still do not have the facility to do it whilst I believe the rest of the Kingdom offers this online service !!!!!

You are never required to give your Bank Account details when renewing your visa.

Only a copy of the last 3 months of your bank book and a bank statement that you had the required sum in the bank for at least 3 months prior to your application.

Pin code and other bank details are not asked.

BTW, I use the monthly income feature and I don't give them any bank details at all.

The 90 days report is almost everywhere in the Kingdom impossible.

Some smart guy tried to made a system where the 90 day report could me done online.

But the whole system was made on a FREE Microsoft account (illegal copy) and was full of bugs.

The report could only be done on a PC running an old copy of Internet Explorer 9.

As most of the people could not get a copy of Internet Explorer 9, this feature was "classified vertically".


What if everyone declines? I'll give this a few months and it will most likely go away... If not I know exactly how I'll respond to most questions, very vaguely...


There is every possibility that some walking vacuum within the Thai Immigration Department will want to extend this policy to all Thai international airports (don't laugh).

The mind boggles at the thought and imagined vision of zillions of short term tourists filling out these three page forms on arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Queues will stretch back from immigration to the plane exit ramps.

For some who cannot read or write English or Thai they could well spend their entire holiday at pre-immigration Suvarnabhumi filling out such a forms for the whole family.


You are never required to give your Bank Account details when renewing your visa.

Only a copy of the last 3 months of your bank book and a bank statement that you had the required sum in the bank for at least 3 months prior to your application.

The bank book does not have account number on it ?

The 90 days report is almost everywhere in the Kingdom impossible.

Some smart guy tried to made a system where the 90 day report could me done online.

But the whole system was made on a FREE Microsoft account (illegal copy) and was full of bugs.

The report could only be done on a PC running an old copy of Internet Explorer 9.

As most of the people could not get a copy of Internet Explorer 9, this feature was "classified vertically".

90 day reporting works fine on my explorer 10.


All one needs to do is examine the world's history to see where this is going...

It does seem rather worrisome. If things continue this way I way move to Laos or somewhere, the fact a communist state seems like the better option is quite striking in itself.

I had lived in Bangkok 9 years on a retirement visa. For many reasons, including living on a junta military, I moved to Cebu city, Philippines . I've been here now 8 months. The most friendly people. It's more fun in the Philippines. I will never go back to live in Thailand anymore


I can only assume that most on here would prefer that Thailand adopted a visa application process similar to the UK. No visa exempt and a 12 page visa application form, not to mention supporting documents and the restrictions on long term stay.

Careful what you wish for.

OK, so since you bring it up and are apparently serious, does it require credit card & bank account numbers, and your social media identities? That's not even required on a federal background check for a security clearance!


Update May 16 Immigration, NST for 90 day reporting

- only one form required (47)

- passport copies returned, not needed any more with the 90 day reporting

- no need to submit the Conditions Form. It is required to be submitted ONLY with Re-entry and/or year end visa extension ( for us, TM7).

I was given a copy of this new form. Asked (gently) to submit it please, not too long, otherwise BKK supervisors get on their case.

Q. Mail it in?

A. No, send it in with the next 90 day report.

General impression is, they're already swamped with paperwork and review questions from BKK.

In my humble opinion - storm in a teacup.


There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.

Absolutely, nothing wrong with that. There could not be anything sinister in their motives.

When they ask you to put a little star on your chest it will be to help identify you to get priority treatment at hospitals.

and the ambulances will come directly to your house to pick you up, and they can take you to a nice special

room just for farang which has special air con to keep you cooler for your stay. History has shown Governments only

do things like this to help their citizens.

We don`t need star badges to identify us in Thailand, this may be news to you but we stand out among the crowd, even from a mile away. So everyone knows we are Europeans anyway without the need to see our ID or wear pointy badges.

We already have to give up our detailed lifestyles and personal business information with the present immigration processes so what difference is this form going to make? And the reason I`m not bothered about it considering I`m not doing anything I should not be doing in Thailand. My only problem with this is where it all ends up. Would hate to think that my bank accounts details are going to be on the reverse side of someone`s 90 day receipt somewhere.

You did understand that the post was not literal. More an example from history of what happens when Governments

start to single out particular groups.

Yes the form in itself is not that bad, the real intention and where things might go from there is the major concern.


I can only assume that most on here would prefer that Thailand adopted a visa application process similar to the UK. No visa exempt and a 12 page visa application form, not to mention supporting documents and the restrictions on long term stay.

Careful what you wish for.

OK, so since you bring it up and are apparently serious, does it require credit card & bank account numbers, and your social media identities? That's not even required on a federal background check for a security clearance!

Maybe you can show me on the form where it asks for a credit card number.

Nothing like inflaming the situation,is there?


I was just reminded by another Phuket member on another thread about how the Phuket Immigration Office is reusing people's paperwork for printing some new forms. On the back of my last 90 report there is a copy of someone's Thai ID card. On the back of my Notification of Residence is someone's accounting information from the company's financial controller. On the back of his was some Russian woman's passport ID page with all her information on it...That doesn't exactly instill any confidence that my information hasn't been made into a 90 reporting form or another form and really doesn't make me want to submit more unprotected personal information.


There is nothing on that form I don`t mind answering, I have nothing to hide and I guess that anyone who hesitates to give the information or only part information or deliberately gives incorrect information will come under suspicion. In fact I am glad the police may have a quick reference about me in Thailand, it shows I am being a good boy, behaving myself a and decent resizen. It also makes things more difficult for wanted criminals and may be terrorists entering the country. In the end I think it`s more for the benefit of all then against us.

"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say," -- Edward Snowden


I can only assume that most on here would prefer that Thailand adopted a visa application process similar to the UK. No visa exempt and a 12 page visa application form, not to mention supporting documents and the restrictions on long term stay.

Careful what you wish for.

The mountain of paperwork needed for my visa application was scary. would have to have been more than 150pages of supporting documentation.


Why don't they just ask Google or FaceTube? Whenever I call someone, within hours Facebook asks if I want to be friends with them. Looks like Facebook is allowed access to Thailand's phone system.


I can only assume that most on here would prefer that Thailand adopted a visa application process similar to the UK. No visa exempt and a 12 page visa application form, not to mention supporting documents and the restrictions on long term stay.

Careful what you wish for.

OK, so since you bring it up and are apparently serious, does it require credit card & bank account numbers, and your social media identities? That's not even required on a federal background check for a security clearance!

This new form for Thailand does not ask anything about credit cards.



Read my article. That's pretty much exactly what I did. I refused to pay a fine that the shmucks from Kantang wanted to levy on me, and even presented my hands for cuffs and told them to arrest me. I walked out with my 90 day extension and no fine.

Seriously, people need to read the article. We have the legal authority to push back against this bullshit now. If they don't adhere to their own law, then they will lose major face. It also includes references to agencies for complaints.


What 90 day extension were you applying for?

What immigration fine did you refuse too pay?


Facebook account- no have

Line account- no have

email- no have

Twitter - no have

Address - you can have it.

Date of birth- you already have it.

Name- you already have it.

Passport number, and expiration date.

that is all you are going to get.


Not about security.... This is about tracking those who criticise the government.

They just need to visit ThaiVisa forum.....tons of them..gigglem.gif


Facebook account- no have

Line account- no have

email- no have

Twitter - no have

Address - you can have it.

Date of birth- you already have it.

Name- you already have it.

Passport number, and expiration date.

that is all you are going to get.

Luckily those first 4 are optional so you can save some ink by not writing "no have".


Next step, DNA sample and fingerprints, then ankle bracelet and tattoo on the forehead with the serial number.

Then gas chamber??

Nope, they are gong to put all us retirees to work building the Chinese railway.


Facebook account- no have

Line account- no have

email- no have

Twitter - no have

Address - you can have it.

Date of birth- you already have it.

Name- you already have it.

Passport number, and expiration date.

that is all you are going to get.

And some people wonder why they always have issues dealing with the authorities. Note that it is not your right to get an extension or a visa, and the officer can make things quite difficult for you. If I was the officer I would either rip up the form and give a new one, or send you away and tell you to fill in the correct details and go to the back of the queue. Or come back tomorrow.

A little private rebellion may make you feel better, but it just makes things painful for everybody else in the queue too. They have to wait longer, and the officer will be in a bad mood.

For all of the officers you meet, who are basically just normal employees doing a tedious job, the form is also a pain in the bum. More work, more filing, more checking, more complaints, no more salary. They probably do not want the form either.

So just try and make it easier for everybody and fill in something plausible.


Why don't they just ask Google or FaceTube? Whenever I call someone, within hours Facebook asks if I want to be friends with them. Looks like Facebook is allowed access to Thailand's phone system.


You have allowed Facebook access to your personal phone contact list.

Som num na.

You need to set your privacy settings to prevent access.


Penal Code Chapter 2 § 367

Any person who is required by a public officer to inform his name or address in the interest of the legal enforcement and refuses to so inform or maliciously gives false name or address shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred baht.

No mention of other "Personal Information"

Pretty Stiff Penalty

Penal Code worth a read if you enjoy amusement!

This may be a stupid question but where can it be found in a understandable english prose? Is there a Web site address or can it be found someplace like a library (never seen one here but you never know)?


Bureaucrats,just love paper work,makes them feel important,

then they will just file away in some warehouse,where termites,

will eat the lot.

So the P.M. has just been to Russia,maybe got some good

ideas off Putin,Gulags in darkest Issan,for the political dissidents.

regards worgeordie

When I go to immigration all I see is hand cart after can cart stacked to the brim with paper. No wonder everything takes weeks. Where do all these forms end up?

I'm not paranoid but what's their end game


Thailand: ‘Intrusive’ immigration form now mandatory for foreigners in Phuket

PHUKET: IF you are planning to visit Thailand’s resort province of Phuket, you will now be required to furnish a host of personal information, including banking account and social media details to the nation’s Immigration bureau.

Otherwise, failure to submit applications when entering the province will result in consequences, a Immigration official has warned.

Immigration Bureau’s crime suppression unit Deputy Commissioner Maj Gen Chachaval Vachirapaneegul said the details to be filled in the “Foreign National Information Form”, released last Monday, was now a mandatory requirement.

“If a foreigner doesn’t want to fill in their information by themselves, they will be questioned for our records anyway. If they don’t fill in the form, we will suspect their reason,” Chachaval was quoted as saying in Phuket News.

Full story: https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/05/thailand-intrusive-immigration-phuket/

ASIAN Correspondent 2016-05-21

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