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SURVEY: Should followers of Islam be allowed to work in Airport Security?


SURVEY: Should Muslims be barred from sensitive security jobs?  

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

And when they succeed in introducing sharia law into the country you live in?

They will not succeed since they are not the majority vote in parliament in any western country.

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

And when they succeed in introducing sharia law into the country you live in?

They will not succeed since they are not the majority vote in parliament in any western country.

They will not succeed since they are not the majority vote in parliament in any western country......yet.

Not very long ago the mayor of London was not a muslim (and never had been). Not too much further in the past the UK had never had a muslim MP.

It's coming, I'm afraid. It is their intention and we are allowing them to succeed

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No kidding...watched an undercover documentary about Sharia law in the UK. Muslim women are too frightened to use normal courts or police when there is domestic abuse. They go to a Sharia court - where of course there is no justice for women. Not to mention the "honour" killings. No, Islam hasn't brought much benefit to the UK. Witness 7/11, Paris, Belgium. For those of us who have studied Islam a bit more in depth - for me personally only superficially - it's enough to be aware that we are regarded as infidels. As previously posted check out www.islamreligionofpeace.com. Eye opening to say the least

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No kidding...watched an undercover documentary about Sharia law in the UK. Muslim women are too frightened to use normal courts or police when there is domestic abuse. They go to a Sharia court - where of course there is no justice for women. Not to mention the "honour" killings. No, Islam hasn't brought much benefit to the UK. Witness 7/11, Paris, Belgium. For those of us who have studied Islam a bit more in depth - for me personally only superficially - it's enough to be aware that we are regarded as infidels. As previously posted check out www.islamreligionofpeace.com. Eye opening to say the least

If that is your source, better study some more.
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Considering that most mass murders in America are committed by Christians, I'd say in general we'd be safer having Muslims take care of security.

What happened on 11th Sept was not committed by Christians but was certainly mass murder.

My neighbours in UK at that time were Pakistani muslims and could not contain their joy when the news broke.

I was in Australia when 11 Sept happened, I watched the morning news and there was footage of Muslims dancing in the streets of Sydney, dancing and singing and rejoicing. An Australian businessman on his way to work walked up to the TV camera and said it was disgusting how these Muslims who had sought protection from us were now jumping up and down with joy over this terror attack.

I watched the evening news but that footage of the happy Muslims had been removed. Obviously not good to let the Australian public see the truth.

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The reason entire world has airport security, which costs billion each year not to mention

infringement of personal rights and inconvenience, is because of one group only, muslims.

As far as I am concerned they should be barred from flying.

I checked through Krabi security recently, and to my astonishment, all muslims running security. Like having

foxes guard the hen house.

And the bigoted paranoia runs wild...now lets see

1. World first in flight terrorist attack - 1976 - Cubana flight 455 - anti-castro exiles with links to the CIA

2. Air India flight 182 - 329 killed -1985 - Sikh extremists

3 1972 Japan Red Army - Lod Aitport massacre

Yes yes all this bloody security was put in place because of muslims

There were in flight terrorist attack prior to 1976.

Timeline of airliner bombing attacks


As for the 1972 attack cited - planning and training was provided by the PFLF, and at least one perpetrator converted to Islam (in Lebanon) before the attack.

Lod Airport Massacre



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I have no religion or religious leader.

But I do not believe anyone should be discriminated against solely because of the imaginary friend they choose to worship.

Unfortunately the thousands of terror attacks carried out by Muslims since 9/11 are not imaginary.

No, not by Muslims.

They were carried out by radical Muslim extremist.

Most Muslims are not radical extremists.

I know a few personally and they are very good, non violent people who want the same safe, peaceful and productive life most people want.

Radical extremist of any sort should be identified and kept from any sensitive situation .

Even radical extremist Christians like KKK members.

Should we target all Christians just because of the horrible things the radical Christian extremist do?

Radical extremist of any sort should be identified and kept from any sensitive situation.

How are they to be identified? Referring to religious affiliation, nationality, ethnic group and such, are likely to raise objections due to "profiling". Same goes for language, names, dress, etc.

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Junior Abdeslam was gay and used marijuana and alcohol.

Senior Abdeslam used also marijuana and alcohol. He made his money with small burglaries and theft. He was known to open a pub for dealing soft drugs.

Asna Ait Boulahcen was known as a party cow girl which had multiple random boyfriends.

El Bakraoui brothers were arrested for carjacking and shootout. They've served prison time.

And I can go on...

None of above could be included in the Muslim community. Their controversial lifestyle isn't a pinpoint reference to result in a false collective judgement of Islam.

Many here tend to forget that the Toulouse, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and Brussels attacks were perpetrated including many Muslim and/or Arab innocent victims.

The Egyptair crash has yet not been confirmed as being a terrorist attack...here again (a majority) victims were Muslim...

So you are in effect, saying that these people DIDN'T kill other people, in the name of lslam?

So, in who's name did they kill?

Take the stage, we're all ears.

In their own name.

They did not shout out their own names, did not give out personal grievances as motive.

You may claim they did it in their own name, they do not.

Their lifestyle, whether they followed all tenants of Islam, and affiliation of the victims - all got nothing to do with it.

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This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

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A link to an article about one demonstration followed by a quote from that same article is not two examples!

Your desperation is showing, further proven by the fact that you are concentrating on this one example whilst completely ignoring the many, many others.

Such as the 46,000 plus young British Muslims who have so far joined the Not In My Name campaign.

Your final two sentences translate as "I have no way of countering your argument, so am running away."

(Edited to show who posted what.)

"I have no way of countering your argument, so am running away.


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Ban followers from any religion from working in security position, as any follower is by definition not fully connected to reality

Er - if you only employed atheists and agnostics, you'd be running short of employees.facepalm.gif

Not a problem because I plan to hire hypocrites to fill the vacancies.

Politicians already have a job.

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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

Oh deary me.

"I am right and anyone with a different opinion is suffering from a mental issue".

You are the epitome of closed mindedness.

The bottom line is. In this day and age, with the growth of Islamic extremism, the sensible thing to do is not let them work security OR any airport job that has access to secure area.

If the Muslim populace don't like it, they can take it up with the extremists that caused the problem.

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This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

Why do you call it a troll post?

People are expressing their views.

Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

lts God not god.

You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

Who knows what they can do.

Edited by soc
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This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

Why do you call it a troll post?

People are expressing their views.

Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

lts God not god.

You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

Who knows what they can do.

I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

<deleted> with your comments directed towards me.

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This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

Why do you call it a troll post?

People are expressing their views.

Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

lts God not god.

You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

Who knows what they can do.

I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

<deleted> with your comments directed towards me.

I too have lived for 4 years in a muslim country (the UAE) and have several muslim friends.

Unfortunately, they are very different from other people in their views towards non-muslims (very anti-Jewish, for example), apostates, atheists, women, and homosexuals. A lot of them are intolerant, yet love to portray themselves as victims and look the other way when one of their ilk blows up yet more civilians.

It's time they abandoned the hateful teachings of their deluded prophet and join the rest of civilized mankind in condemning violence and promoting peaceful coexistence and tolerance.

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Oh tubby. You are on the money. That is exactly how it is. The nitwits with their heads in the sand will be the ruin of civilised society. Whinging pc wimps. Supporters of anything against the mainstream, and just whinging for the sake of whinging. The poll pecentage still shows the opinion of the silent majority.

Edited by Goanna
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I do not think this is a troll post at all; I think it brilliantly raises an underlying concern to the surface for debate.

What is the role of any people in a secular western society when their allegiances and aims [may] differ from the very social contract they draw life from?

Where do loyalties lie when basic concepts such as life itself are at issue- airport security?

Its a fair question. Pakistan has wrestled with this for the longest time, at the nuclear level. Pakistan's issue is not 'airport" rather nuclear security concerns and who works there. Their concern is radical islamic jihadis acting in the guise of one thing, but aiming for another. The islamic world knows sorely how religious zealots (pun intended) are the first threat to security- always! Why would the west find this distasteful to ponder?

Example of why such concerns are valid. There is overwhelming reason to suggest national best interests are subordinate to religious interests.


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Pakistani govt are currently upset over USA treading on their territory to take out the latest taliban leader. Pakistan are happy to hide them, due to the islam dominated population. Just as they were hiding bin laden.

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Pakistani govt are currently upset over USA treading on their territory to take out the latest taliban leader. Pakistan are happy to hide them, due to the islam dominated population. Just as they were hiding bin laden.

Agreed, but if I derailed OP, sorry. My point more specifically is that Pakistan has, for example, an entire city off limits to nearly all its own people south of Islamabad. This 'nuclear zone' is established because of the recognition that there are those among their citizens who desire a very different Islamic Republic. So, not just walks, fences, alarms and cops- there's an entire region off limits.

Example: multiple GCC countries are routinely admonished because they accept few to zero Muslim migrants. Why? Peruse the net. The answer is informative: they hold that threats to their government would come from such generosity to large blocs of Muslims not vetted by their own social formula.

Example: Pakistan is ostensibly an ally of the US in the war on terror yet the US has a contingency plan to secure the nukes should the legitimate government be dethroned. Why? Because it's recognized that there exist numerous people there who have sworn allegiance diametrically opposed to all but Islam.

The examples are endless yet in the West we can't have the conversation that's taken for granted elsewhere. Under the cover of some subjective allegiance people are given a pass on whether or not they possess objective conflicts of interest.

It's not the faith it's the political ideology.

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This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

Why do you call it a troll post?

People are expressing their views.

Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

lts God not god.

You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

Who knows what they can do.

I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

<deleted> with your comments directed towards me.

Your last sentence makes no sense.

Please clarify.

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This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

Why do you call it a troll post?

People are expressing their views.

Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

lts God not god.

You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

Who knows what they can do.

I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

<deleted> with your comments directed towards me.

I too have lived for 4 years in a muslim country (the UAE) and have several muslim friends.

Unfortunately, they are very different from other people in their views towards non-muslims (very anti-Jewish, for example), apostates, atheists, women, and homosexuals. A lot of them are intolerant, yet love to portray themselves as victims and look the other way when one of their ilk blows up yet more civilians.

It's time they abandoned the hateful teachings of their deluded prophet and join the rest of civilized mankind in condemning violence and promoting peaceful coexistence and tolerance.

Your descriptions sound no different than any other group of people who are intolerant of others.

They are not different than other people.

The problem is generalization. We group bad and good people and culturally creat this huge muslim bias. Wrong in so many ways.

And its done in a persons 3-ft bubble who has never had any interactions with a Muslim person.

Exactly like TV posters especially on this thread.

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Of course all employees should be thoroughly vetted, and the last condition for employment should be to eat a bacon sandwich daily,

Hmm yummy.

Excluding vegetarians from these jobs will not keep us any safer.

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