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Dhammachayo is sick in sterile ward at temple


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Dhammachayo is sick in sterile ward at temple


BANGKOK: -- Phra Dhammachayo’s followers assured on Sunday that the embattled abbot of Wat Dhammakaya will not escape as speculated and is ready to meet with officials of the Department of Special Investigation to face charges.

The temple’s communications office staged a live TV broadcast showing Phra Dhammachayo being sick in a sterile ward at the Daodoeng building in the temple.

Seen in the sterile ward were three doctors and Mr Ong-art Thamnitha, spokesman of the followers with the embattled abbot lying on the bed and was able to talk and answer questions.

Then one of the doctors removed a blanket to expose the abbot’s bandaged left leg which was said to be infectious. The live broadcast lasted about four minutes.

Mr Ong-art insisted that Phra Dhammachayo would not escape as widely speculated as he is sick. He called on DSI officials to come to the temple to directly file charges against the abbot.

DSI officials investigating the case will meet tomorrow to discuss how to deal with Phra Dhammachayo who has persistently refused to show up at the DSI to acknowledge the charges against him. He is due to report to the DSI on May 26.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/164197

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-23

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And to think that just last week they announced he was out and about and able to walk. Just not so far as the DSI office to face those charges. I sure hope the prisons here have hospital wards where he can serve a lengthy sentence in. The police should be laying more charges for failing to turn himself in, if they could

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Poor guy are they trying to kill him with these charges. I bet if they dropped the charges he would make a speedy recovery. I know he was in hospital with Deep Vein Thrombosis and totally incapacitate but what infectious disease has he suddenly been struck down with whilst receiving DVT treatment in hospital? I'm pretty sure DVT isn't infectious. Sounds rather nasty as it has totally incapacitate him and taken away his ability to communicate, almost comatose the poor guy. Anyway Thailand found the cure for ebola in a couple of weeks so the will come up with a cure for him in a few days.

Edited by Thechook
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DVT to standing and walking, all be it only in the temple, to being in a sterile ward with an infection! Stop embarrassing yourself bib and arrest him.

Pray tell, how do they even make a room sterile in a temple?

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Poor guy are they trying to kill him with these charges. I bet if they dropped the charges he would make a speedy recovery. I know he was in hospital with Deep Vein Thrombosis and totally incapacitate but what infectious disease has he suddenly been struck down with whilst receiving DVT treatment in hospital? I'm pretty sure DVT isn't infectious. Sounds rather nasty as it has totally incapacitate him and taken away his ability to communicate, almost comatose the poor guy. Anyway Thailand found the cure for ebola in a couple of weeks so the will come up with a cure for him in a few days.

tell him they have to amputate both legsw00t.gif .

then see how quick he recover's.thumbsup.gif

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Better than a scene from faulty towers.

Staged for the media nothing else.

Sterile ward my a..e, standing around , no sterile gowns.

Just another attempt at dodging justice.

He's even wearing his orange cloth :rolleyes:

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Taking Phra Dhammachayo's illnesses at face value ....

It's clear that he (according to the scenario) is continuing to seriously deteriorate despite the makeshift hospital-like arrangements in the wat. Such a facility is unlicensed and does not meet the sterile environment required for his alleged infection such as one would find in an Intensive Care Unit.

The court should declare that Dhammachayo is no longer either under appropriare care or incapable of making appropriate decisions about his health and place him in a professional government ICU facility. For the sake of his health of course, albeit convenient then to arrest him. wai2.gif

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Better than a scene from faulty towers.

Staged for the media nothing else.

Sterile ward my a..e, standing around , no sterile gowns.

Just another attempt at dodging justice.

But have they got the machine that goes "ping"?

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Wow the BS just reeks,

You have billions of baht but you cannot afford proper hospital care? That is not a sterile room but it might be what they in their ignorance think is sterile.

Even though the photo is grainy, it looks like a room where they have just thrown in anything medical related to make it look like something - e.g. why do you want to have what appear to ben an emergency kit in the back, that is something for an ER and not a ward IMO, I am not sure what the blue machine is for. It looks to clunky to be a blood pressure machine.

Showing a bandaged foot doesn't prove infection. If it is DVT and now turned into a serious infection (I am not sure how that could happen as they would likely treat with blood thinners and compression socks - if a filter is inserted it is usually done through a large vein in abdomen) the doctors are surely not taking very good care of their patient. He should be admitted immediately.

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If I was the director I would be saying cut, cut, cut,cuuuuut. What is it with you people? We are suppose to be proffessionals here, we are artists.

Phra you are death warmed up and slipping into a full coma.

Boyd straight and rigid, good.

Head straight, rigid, good.

Arms folded in death position good.

Remember you can't speak, so what is with the lips and jaw flapping and the hand gestures? Do you think this is a scene from the walking dead? You're not transforming into a zombie. OK we won't go there. You may be paying for this shoot but I am an artist and it's my reputation.

where's my Fifi? where is my Fifi? Put my little fluffy Fifi back on my lap, Somchia where is my Evian, I need my Evian.

OK Phra death bed, scene 1 take 673. Action.

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