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Muslims Slam Allegations of Plot to Destroy Buddhism


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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Yes I personally agree with your rule of thumb regarding freedom to practice a religion, Unfortunately this is not the case according to the Quran and the command for Muslims to spread Islamic rule by force subjugating others until they either convert to Islam or must pay the jizya (poll tax)(extortion) as a reminder of their inferior status. this abrogates a previous verse stating that there is "no compulsion in religion."

All faiths have passages about how to treat non believers that can be viewed as intolerant.

Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do have minority faiths practised there.

"Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do not have minority faiths practiced there."

So no churches, synagogues temples, Christians, Jews, or any other religions, in, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia, Qatar, Kuwait,??? Hmmm my bad.

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The point which most morons here are missing here is that the Buddhist organization is calling for Buddhism to be officially recognized as the national religion. At present, in theory all religions are recognized and given the freedom to practice and is surely the best policy in a country which has provinces which have Muslim majorities.

This Buddhist group is actually displaying an intolerance that could lead to the kind of movement we've seen in Myanmar and is part of the whole ultra-nationalist militaristic sentiment that some people are already saying is making life more difficult here in Thailand. If you only focus on the Muslim aspect of this you're missing a much bigger picture.

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All faiths have passages about how to treat non believers that can be viewed as intolerant.

Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do have minority faiths practised there.

"Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do not have minority faiths practiced there."

So no churches, synagogues temples, Christians, Jews, or any other religions, in, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia, Qatar, Kuwait,??? Hmmm my bad.

Sorry, missed out some words.

Meant to say

Muslim countries do have minority faiths practised there..

Erm, hang on...I did say that...surely you are not deliberatly misquoting me...

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This sort of talk is being used all over the world encouraged by the Elite, divide and rule, been happening for hundreds of years, pit the masses against each other and theyll not notice what we are doing to them......

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If this is push back against those who want one religion be "special case state religion" above others, then more power to them. I thought Buddhism already was state religion here..... Buddha knows there are already laws regarding observance of Buddhist holidays (bars closed, for example) that impact everyone regardless of religion, so in effect there is something akin to a "Buddhist sharia law".

So best to treat all delusions/religions as equally true and equally a matter of personal preference. State religions of any stripe are poisonous by their very nature.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Fair enough but another rule of thumb might be to insist that there is no risk of demands for Sharia law or anything like it to creep up north beyond the southern provinces of Thailand?ermm.gif

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Best to take a look at who Muslims Love Peace is associated with and where they get their money. I can almost guarantee they are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or similar organization.

They have proven they do not respect the sanctity of non Muslim areas they move in to with their too loud calls to prayer six times a day. As my wife said, the people and police are afraid to say or do anything about it.

Thailand - Do you know what they are teaching and preaching in the Mosques?

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Are you by any chance a muslim, converted muslim or an ex-muslim??

Who knows, but from his posts he just sounds like a decent, compassionate, tolerant human being.

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Look what they did to the ancient Buddhist shrine in Afghanistan. Groups had even asked them to allow them to remove and relocate it. But they had to blow it to smithereens. Also 2014 a Saudi student destroyed some ancient Buddhist statues in Japan. At this point in history islam is only the religion of peace when they are a small minority.

"They" are a radical sect who do not represent the wider religion. Every Muslim I know was appalled by that (and having lived in Indonesia for some years I know a fair number).

On the other side you have Christian nutters like the woman about to be elected to the Texas Board Of Education who wants all teaching in Texas schools to be old testament based and thinks that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. Ugly primitivism that criminally wants to drag the children in that state into a place not dissimilar to the one where people think that those shrines should be blown up are mentally.

And your last sentence needs to be ignored for the ignorant claptrap it is.

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My experience has taught me that people of almost any faith are just fine until they preach their faith to you in hoping you convert, even if you are not in the slightest bit religious. I couldn't shake Jehovah's Witnesses coming by every week until I tried a different approach.

Their last visit was when I said;

me "would you consider converting to my religion?"

jv "no, we know the truth and will never change faith"

me "great, then you understand how I feel too, thankyou and have a great day"

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Edited by possum1931
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Best to take a look at who Muslims Love Peace is associated with and where they get their money. I can almost guarantee they are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or similar organization.

They have proven they do not respect the sanctity of non Muslim areas they move in to with their too loud calls to prayer six times a day. As my wife said, the people and police are afraid to say or do anything about it.

It is bad enough five times a day, don't make them think it should be six.

Each of the five times has a "call to prayer command" where the males are supposed to drop everything and rush to the mosque, and then a few minutes later they go the "go" command, at which point they align themselves along the qibla and brainlessly recite verses from the koran.

Thailand - Do you know what they are teaching and preaching in the Mosques?

Love and peace to all mankind, I have always assumed. Have to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Nobody is plotting to destroy Buddhism, buddhists are doing that very nicely themselves. Same as all religions that people pay lip service to - including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Man made God in his own image.


Edited by Winniedapu
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It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

"believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow" - so let them and admit that your erroneous interpretations are based purely perceptions of race.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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All faiths have passages about how to treat non believers that can be viewed as intolerant.

Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do have minority faiths practised there.

"Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do not have minority faiths practiced there."

So no churches, synagogues temples, Christians, Jews, or any other religions, in, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia, Qatar, Kuwait,??? Hmmm my bad.

Sorry, missed out some words.

Meant to say

Muslim countries do have minority faiths practised there..

Erm, hang on...I did say that...surely you are not deliberatly misquoting me...

You are right, My apologies, I miss read your statement.

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Are the Europeans of TVF who applaud the confrontation between the religious communities doing so because they miss the excitement of the good old days? It wasn't too long ago the Europeans had their own ethnic genocide. I'm not talking about the usual slaughter of jews and bashing of them which usually gets strong support for some at TVF, but of the Bosnian genocide. Right there in the middle of Europe thousands were raped, starved and murdered by supposedly civilized Catholics and Russian Orthodox. Europe stood idly by as secular non religious muslims were given the treatment these killers had perfected on the jews. Months dragged on until the USA was compelled to intervene dragging the EU along.

Thailands' muslims are relatively benign and cause few problems. Why encourage their hatred? Yes, I know that there are problems in the South and much of it gets linked to Islamic jihadists. However, that's a manipulative cop out. If the issue was really muslim based, we would have seen violence in communities where there is a sizeable muslim population like Phuket and Krabi. What we have here as a group seeking to use the muslims as an excuse to flex their political might and to gain influence. Some westerners are delighted by hatred. It's a miscalculation. Be more afraid of the oil barons who have a stake in the western economies. Thai muslims aren't the ones who undertake terror attacks in Belgium or France. They don't even join ISIL in Syria. It's not Thai muslims who are financing terror in the Phillipines or looking to develop nukes. Osama Bin Laden wasn't living comfortably in Pattaya was he? Oh the hypocrisy. Some are so quick pee all over Thai muslims, yet will gladly fly on Qatar Airlines, owned by the state that has financed Hamas, and there are others who will sing the praises of the despotic Iranians who have financed Hizbollah , and so it goes.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Fair enough but another rule of thumb might be to insist that there is no risk of demands for Sharia law or anything like it to creep up north beyond the southern provinces of Thailand?ermm.gif

Please show me where there have been calls for this amongst Thai Muslims.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.

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The problem is not just the Muslims, it's also the left-wing liberal apologists who think their morally superior to anyone else who dares to criticise this benighted religion.

They have no argument, so just shout ''waaayyycciiisssttt'' and call you a bigot. It closes down any kind of debate or free speech. They claim to be tolerant, but clearly they're not.

Edited by RandolphGB
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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

That's the point isn't it? Muslim crave to be accepted and tolerated, yet do not tolerate nor accept any other religion nor person who is not Muslim. They also do not accept gays or women's rights. Have you not been keeping up with the news recently?
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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.
Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.
I think we will just have to agree to disagree here.
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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.

You've said the problem yourself... 'Muslim communities'

Muslims do not integrate. They set up their own communities. They're impossible to police properly, they set up their own courts, their living standards are awful and slowly, the British people who lived their before move out.

But people like you call these ghettos 'multicultural, diverse or vibrant' and you can say you lived there and were mates with Mohammed the taxi driver or Abdul the shopkeeper. And it shows what an open-minded person you are... good for you!

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

That's the point isn't it? Muslim crave to be accepted and tolerated, yet do not tolerate nor accept any other religion nor person who is not Muslim. They also do not accept gays or women's rights. Have you not been keeping up with the news recently?

Tell me a faith that does not have adherents that are discriminating bigots.

To judge all members of a faith because of the bigots within it is just another form of bigotry.

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Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.

You've said the problem yourself... 'Muslim communities'

Muslims do not integrate. They set up their own communities. They're impossible to police properly, they set up their own courts, their living standards are awful and slowly, the British people who lived their before move out.

But people like you call these ghettos 'multicultural, diverse or vibrant' and you can say you lived there and were mates with Mohammed the taxi driver or Abdul the shopkeeper. And it shows what an open-minded person you are... good for you!

Hmm, let me rephrase, I've lived in communities that have muslims within it.

As for the rest of your post,

101 intolerance

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I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.
Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.
I think we will just have to agree to disagree here.

And disagree I do.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

I agree with you, and they should also not expect other countries to change their way of life to suit them, as Muslims are inclined to do.

Lived in Muslim communities in the UK. They didnt expect anyone to change their way of life, just wanted theirs respected.

You've said the problem yourself... 'Muslim communities'

Muslims do not integrate. They set up their own communities. They're impossible to police properly, they set up their own courts, their living standards are awful and slowly, the British people who lived their before move out.

But people like you call these ghettos 'multicultural, diverse or vibrant' and you can say you lived there and were mates with Mohammed the taxi driver or Abdul the shopkeeper. And it shows what an open-minded person you are... good for you!

History lessons shows that Mohammed and Abdul are perhaps grandchildren of former WW1 and/or WW2 veterans who fought for the liberty of the UK...


If not, try to figure the colonial benefits from respective Mohammed and Abdul their countries under British occupation.


Cheers !

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