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Debate rages as girl needs 100 stitches after savage dog attack in Bangkok estate


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They could at least clean up the wild soidogs without an owner.

After that we go after the owners who let their dogs run free .

That should be top priority for any local Amphur around Thailand, sadly never will happen.

The Mei pen rai attitude.

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I have never met a Thai who has made any attempt to train a dog. They merely yell at the animal and assume it is the dog's responsibility to obey. Thais never discipline dogs positively to teach them...only ignore them and kill them when they become bothersome or do something like this...

Thai men get about the same amount of constructive discipline from parents...

Then you should go to one of the dog obedience and training centers. Or go to the rescue center where volunteers and their dogs are trained to use the dogs to rescue people in the event of disasters.

You'll meet lots of very responsible Thai people and some lovely dogs there. Farangs too.

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'Father Surapong Jinawong ... said that he had asked the owner for 300,000 baht but they had settled on half that ...' Well, going immediately to the owner and negotiating a settlement doesn't help address the overriding problem of dangerous and uncontrolled dogs, never mind having the dog in question properly dealt with.

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Which all brings us back to, "How much crap would you be in if you were caught with an extendable baton?"

A walking stick, made of something like hickory, would certainly do the job, but it would be a bit of a bloody nuisance to carry all the time.

Actually, an umbrella can be surprisingly effective if only one or two dogs approach you, especially if you open it repeatedly toward them. When riding a bicycle in Bangkok it proved highly effective to carry a squirt gun filled with water and a bit of ammonia or bleach. You don't even have to squirt them directly. Their noses are so sensitive that they will turn and depart posthaste once the streaming liquid is in the air, which may also evoke an innate fear of snake venom.

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Jungle past for sure, if not for the Chinese they would still be riding Elephants

You always seem to attack and insult Thais in all your posts . Out of more than 1000 posts that you wrote is there one positive ?

My bet is you don't even live here.

Thailand has never been perfect and will never be, but for most of us the positive outshines the negative

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Another way to deal with unruly dogs...believe it or not.

Bark and growl at them.....loudly

Seriously....I have done it on occasion when I have remembered to do so.

Works great........Has them confused and left just standing there momentarily...then they bark back, of course ...but no more harassment.

Other than that if you pick up a rock or make like you are picking up a rock or a tree branch or stick of any kind or any object to use as a defense weapon and make like you are going to use it on them they will take off quickly enough.

About 2 years ago on my way into the Makro shopping center there was a dog hanging about the entrance of the store and lying about there.

My wife's relative and her 7 year old child were walking ahead of myself and my wife and my child while the child of the wife's relative was walking behind the mother by about say 10 feet.

As the relatives child walked past the dog and about less than 2 feet away from the dog, the dog suddenly got up and nipped at the back of the Childs leg.

The child was startled while I could see the dog did not lock on to the childs leg but still the dog did connect with the kid.

So there I was and seeing the dog going for the kid and surprise, surprise.....Boot to the head of the dog ...as the dog was just turning around to take up its former position and my foot connected with the dogs neck and side of the dogs face....hard!

The dog yelped and took off while the near by guard at the door looked at me with surprised concern.

I walked over to the guard and told him the dog just tried to bite that kid over there who was now being examined by the mother after the child informing the mother the dog had bitten him.

The Guard gave the usual Thai answer: I don't know any thing ( My Loo ) ...while I said to him: "You were standing right here and you witnessed what just happened with the dog trying to bite the child"..... while the guard just stood there saying nothing and doing nothing.

I told him: "Keep the dogs away from here before some dog bites people and hurts them".... and then I looked around for the dog and there it was about 40 or 50 feet away just standing there.

So I told the guard: "If that dog is here when I come out I will kick it again....The dog is dangerous....Get rid of the dog"

When I came out the dog was not there but I do not know if the dog took off on its own or the guard chased it off.

Meantime, by the look on the guards face I could see the guard was thinking : What is with the foreigner concerned about a dog and all the big fuss about.

Anyhow....I did not hesitate to kick that dog.


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My TGF from Lamphun spent 3 weeks with me in the States in April. She asked me where are the soi dogs. I told her that we have effective animal control officers and laws that are strictly enforced by the authorities. She was surprised. In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time that I saw a stray dog in America. On the other hand, I was disgusted on my 14 visits to Thailand where packs of wild dogs roam freely and attack humans like this case. Is it <deleted> IMPOSSIBLE to improve this? Like most things in Thailand, there is only a lack of will to improve the situation on the ground. By the way....there will NOT be a 15th trip.

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No way! Thai thinking! Not my problem...

This Thai style. You don't like it you can leave khab. Up to you... wai.gif

Oh yeah. Much better to stay stoooopid, uneducated and without any common sense so we can see more kids get attacked by out of control Soi dogs and maimed for life. I'm sure that if the Buddha came across a little girl being viciously attacked by a Soi dog he would just sit and watch her get mauled so as not to upset the dog. Because you know, never kill any animal even if it is killing your kid. "Stupid is what stupid does." Makes sense to me.

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It is very gratifying to read that Thai Singer Joe Nuvo thinks the owners of the dag should be charged. It isnt often you hear a local voice commit to a statement such as that..

Joe Nuvo I salute you and agree totally with your sentiment

Not sure if you spelled dog wrong in purpose or not, reminded me of Snatch, 555


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are you telling me the dog has not been euthanized??? and the owner get's away because he pays? it's a disgusting indictment of 'Thainess'

Agree with you fully. In AU almost certainly the dog would be put down. Also what's with "coming to an agreement" payment. Its not just the pain and scars for this lass, its also the trauma. Can you imagine the civil suit in the USA or elsewhere.

Apart from criminal charges to owner. FMD.

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Amazing Thailand! The saying never seems to go away. Does it? Hurt or kill a dog and one gets jailed or fined...A dog hurts a human and no penalty on the dog so it can maul someone else later on..

Australia has laws to protect dogs also but, has strict laws where dogs savage humans are killed and if owner found, charges are laid...

Jesus, please help me to understand the stupid Thai way of doing things.. I said a week ago in reply to a dog incident, it wont be long before someone is killed..

These idiots who made-up this ridiculous dog law in the first place, are they going to take any responsibility for injuries on humans from dog attacks?

No way! Thai thinking! Not my problem...

Logically, the simplest explanation for your question is that practically there is no alternative for regular people with respect to the Thai legal system. Using the legal system, in this case suing the dog owner for 100% of current and future medical costs, and what is known as punitive damages for "pain and suffering" is reserved for the wealthy who can hire lawyers and wait years for results. It is not surprising that the current system also favors people with money as the "settlements" often do not come close to covering the costs to the harmed person. In this case, the family received 150,000 bhat and the father states that he has already paid 400,000 in medical costs.

In the "developed" world to which Thailand aspires, people that own houses have liability insurance that covers accidents on the property and things like this dog attack. This insurance pays for the medical costs of the harmed person, period.

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On TV I discussed this problem before already, it happens with me about 3 years ago, while I driving on my bicycle.

When I was about 8 years old (long time ago), it happens also when I was walking in the street where I live, the same story, a dog coming out a house and attack me, of-course have to visit a doctor for Rabies.

And guess, you know what the owner say...he never do before!!

Always the same BS.

But I wonder something will change now....honestly, I don't believe.

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In most civilized countries, there would be no debate about whether or not this dog should be put down. This is a horrific attack, on a child. Her life will never be the same again. She is going to have to live with scars all over her face, for the rest of her life. This dog needs to be executed immediately. And the owner needs to come up with far more than the 150K he has offered. He should face prosecution. He was responsible for the dog getting loose. And he very obviously has never disciplined this wild, dangerous beast. If the people who are killing terrible, out of control dogs are getting prosecuted, why not the owners of these beasts? This is simply another example of a judicial system that is completely, and utterly broken, and dysfunctional.

Also, something needs to be done about the soi dog situation. From my point of view feeding feral, or near feral wild, street beasts does NOT earn Buddhistic merit, despite popular belief. Most of those does should be taken off the streets. They are filthy, are a menace, and a threat to society. The only reason they are allowed to exist is severe sloth on the part of the authorities.

The entire dog situation is like a microcosm of what we love and hate about Thailand = they don't over-regulate it but they also just ignore it, for the most part, and it's out of control. I love dogs but I learned quickly that soi dogs in Thailand are not anything like the animals I encountered back home, they are damaged goods because they have been mistreated so much from birth, often by children who's parents do not control them either...what a surprise. At my apartment building the Thai owner has 2 dogs, one is loose and just barks at people, never attacks, and the other is caged...24/7. It cries and scratches the floor and it breaks my heart so I asked permission to walk it. He looked at me like I was crazy but said ok. Walking him has been an ordeal. Most streets I can't go down because the soi dogs will attack. Many Thai people who we walk by are afraid of the dog and often give me dirty looks. He has never tried to attack anyone and in fact is very friendly but I keep him on a tight leash just in case and because the people are so freaked out. I don't enjoy the walks much because it takes so much effort, with the dog who's not trained and the people for the same reason but I try to keep it up for the animals sake. I don't understand the Thais "general" attitude towards their animals and I don't think I really want to.

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I once stood on the road for more than 10 minutes because a neighbor's dog will not allow me move to my home. Barking at me and threatening to bite me. I got a stone and stood still and the dog too will not go away. Many Thais sat watching and laughing at me. I was mad. I started moving slowly and slowly until entered my gate. I was more than frustrated. In a country where dogs are valued more than humans, it is really insane. A policeman was being prosecuted for shooting a Soi dog that he said threaten his pregnant wife. If the powers that be didn't see that pregnant woman as being fragile and at risk if she attempted to run as a result of the dog's attack and were prosecuting her husband then there is really something wrong here.

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Agree with you fully. In AU almost certainly the dog would be put down. Also what's with "coming to an agreement" payment. Its not just the pain and scars for this lass, its also the trauma. Can you imagine the civil suit in the USA or elsewhere.

Apart from criminal charges to owner. FMD.

See my earlier post. It doesn't work like that even the US.

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Whoever or whatever gave a lowly public servant (police officer) with little or no training or common sense the right to also be; judge, jury and executioner in matters such as this. The correct and only procedure is through the law courts where costs, compensation and penalties can be set by an (supposedly) educated, rational and unbiased mediator. The police had no right whatsoever to do any more than arrest and charge the offender, that is the limit of the work they are paid to do. If I were the father I would be after every baht this guy had, to soften the impact of trauma and fear that will be with the girl for the rest of her life. As it is she has to continue to live in the immediate area of the idiot and his dog. Ridiculous!

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How terrible for the girl, hope no lasting scars on her face, don't about metal ones.


Thought hospital care was free for Thais. ?

Dog bites are classed as emergency and are treated free. My mrs got bitten by a soi dog last year, I think it was 5 trips to hospital but she did not have to pay, maybe just the rabbies shots are free and not the rest

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Jungle past for sure, if not for the Chinese they would still be riding Elephants

You always seem to attack and insult Thais in all your posts . Out of more than 1000 posts that you wrote is there one positive ?

My bet is you don't even live here.

Thailand has never been perfect and will never be, but for most of us the positive outshines the negative

I do live here- surrounded by barking dogs left out in the yard by owners all day (14) and numerous soi dogs. We cannot go for a walk either for on the road there are dozens of strays, walking would be a trip to the hospital pretty soon. The security men on the moobann gate even feed the strays when they should be chasing them out. Mrs was savaged last year by a soi dog as were 4 other people, residents still kept feeding it, very merit making i'm sure. Bit hard to say anything positive about the dog situation here, sorry if that is 'insulting' the poor oppressed Thais. Thread is about dogs and not residents positive reasons for living in a third world country.

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Dogs do not attack for no reason. The Dog had probably been coached to Guard. And Dogs are naturally territorial. So how it got out is the question. Once out it saw the child playing as a territorial invader and attacked. The Owner 110% at fault. And the truth as it has drawn blood most likely will do so again.

I love Dogs Have two myself but if the did as this one did. The would be put down. And no way do my dogs go uncontrolled on the street.

Poor little Girl scarred for life. No amount of money heal that or the psychological scars. Owner is always responsible for their Dog no matter what.

It's a dog sometimes..

They do chase things running - sometimes.

This dog attacked as soon as she started running..

A trained attack dog would have got her, if she trespassed.. Or attacked the dogs owner..

A trained fighting dog would have got her running..

But, it never attacked before.. So, it just happened...

If it was you (or your daughter) that got mangled I wonder what comments would come out the other side of your mouth.

It was wrong and the only way to improve the wrong if for that dog owner to assume financial responsibility.

A watch dog biting somebody coming on the property is one thing. Had this dog been confined to the property then this wouldn't have happened.

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Do you suppose it would be possible to get the Thai PM to take time to consider this subject and read some of these posts, or is he still busy kicking food vendors off the sidewalks or shopping for submarines? This is IMPORTANT also.........

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Do you suppose it would be possible to get the Thai PM to take time to consider this subject and read some of these posts, or is he still busy kicking food vendors off the sidewalks or shopping for submarines? This is IMPORTANT also.........

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I have started chewing gum with Xylitol sweetener. It is prominently displayed in all 7/11's.


I have read it does not work unless they eat a whole packet, same with MSG, large amounts needed

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I once stood on the road for more than 10 minutes because a neighbor's dog will not allow me move to my home. Barking at me and threatening to bite me. I got a stone and stood still and the dog too will not go away. Many Thais sat watching and laughing at me. I was mad. I started moving slowly and slowly until entered my gate. I was more than frustrated. In a country where dogs are valued more than humans, it is really insane. A policeman was being prosecuted for shooting a Soi dog that he said threaten his pregnant wife. If the powers that be didn't see that pregnant woman as being fragile and at risk if she attempted to run as a result of the dog's attack and were prosecuting her husband then there is really something wrong here.

Reminds me of a friend who was visiting. He'd gone out on his own one day and I received a 'phone call (on his way back) saying that he couldn't get past some aggressive dogs. I went out to 'rescue' him, only to find the dogs had got bored and buggered off.... To be fair, I can understand his fear as he'd recently been bitten by a dog in Isaan (IIRC).

It was all a bit weird as I passed the dogs pretty much every day and had never had a problem.

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are you telling me the dog has not been euthanized??? and the owner get's away because he pays? it's a disgusting indictment of 'Thainess'

In all fairness of the "system" the dog was not put down and the charges not laid because the father accepted the money as sufficient compensation.

If the father denied the money and persued this case to fullest legal extent I'm sure someone would be spending time in jail.

The father did accept the money but perhaps otherwise he could not have afforded the hospital treatment, rather a rock and a hard place.

It is up to the police to protect the public from what is obviously a dangerous animal.... perhaps the owner who didn't like losing the money will muzzle it or keep it restrained for a while. That will be temporary, and in the future the same dangerous dog that dislikes children will be on the street.

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