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Debate rages as girl needs 100 stitches after savage dog attack in Bangkok estate


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The dog owner should be made to pay 100% of the medical bills, plus at least one million baht in compensation for the emotional distress caused by the attack.

The dog should be put down and the owner banned from ever owning a dog again.

Of course you are correct. Anyone who contradicts your sentiments is barking up the wrong tree.

And I'm not being sarcastic!.

Soi dogs should be declared as being owned by the local authorities, and the 'laws' stated above should be applied to these authorities.

Reckon that would deal with the soi dog problem quick sticks.

I'd go further and make the amount 3 times that, at least. This poor young girl's future marriage prospects have been fundamentally altered now that she'll have a large scar on her face. Sad but true. With the best medical care that can be minimised, but no guarantee she'll get that, certainly not with 150,000B. I wish her the best of luck.

The dog problem in Thailand is definitely one area it's still 3rd world. The obviously dangerous ones need to be put down, but it's highly unlikely a systematic culling will happen. When I have to go through dark sois at night I grab a good-sized stone or two but that's because I played ball for years and can throw hard on target. It's hard to find dark chocolate in Thailand but it's dual purpose, it can stop a dog in its tracks in more ways than one. Not that I'd ever condone such behaviour, of course! wink.png

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The dog owner should be made to pay 100% of the medical bills, plus at least one million baht in compensation for the emotional distress caused by the attack.

The dog should be put down and the owner banned from ever owning a dog again.

Of course you are correct. Anyone who contradicts your sentiments is barking up the wrong tree.

And I'm not being sarcastic!.

Soi dogs should be declared as being owned by the local authorities, and the 'laws' stated above should be applied to these authorities.

Reckon that would deal with the soi dog problem quick sticks.

I'd go further and make the amount 3 times that, at least. This poor young girl's future marriage prospects have been fundamentally altered now that she'll have a large scar on her face. Sad but true. With the best medical care that can be minimised, but no guarantee she'll get that, certainly not with 150,000B. I wish her the best of luck.

The dog problem in Thailand is definitely one area it's still 3rd world. The obviously dangerous ones need to be put down, but it's highly unlikely a systematic culling will happen. When I have to go through dark sois at night I grab a good-sized stone or two but that's because I played ball for years and can throw hard on target. It's hard to find dark chocolate in Thailand but it's dual purpose, it can stop a dog in its tracks in more ways than one. Not that I'd ever condone such behaviour, of course! wink.png

Can't find dark chocolate in Thailand..........Seems like you could do with a good guide dog!

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I'd go further and make the amount 3 times that, at least. This poor young girl's future marriage prospects have been fundamentally altered now that she'll have a large scar on her face. Sad but true. With the best medical care that can be minimised, but no guarantee she'll get that, certainly not with 150,000B. I wish her the best of luck.

The dog problem in Thailand is definitely one area it's still 3rd world. The obviously dangerous ones need to be put down, but it's highly unlikely a systematic culling will happen. When I have to go through dark sois at night I grab a good-sized stone or two but that's because I played ball for years and can throw hard on target. It's hard to find dark chocolate in Thailand but it's dual purpose, it can stop a dog in its tracks in more ways than one. Not that I'd ever condone such behaviour, of course! wink.png

Can't find dark chocolate in Thailand..........Seems like you could do with a good guide dog!

Go the guts to say what you want to say or do you need to couch it in passive-aggressive pseudo wit?

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I'd go further and make the amount 3 times that, at least. This poor young girl's future marriage prospects have been fundamentally altered now that she'll have a large scar on her face. Sad but true. With the best medical care that can be minimised, but no guarantee she'll get that, certainly not with 150,000B. I wish her the best of luck.

The dog problem in Thailand is definitely one area it's still 3rd world. The obviously dangerous ones need to be put down, but it's highly unlikely a systematic culling will happen. When I have to go through dark sois at night I grab a good-sized stone or two but that's because I played ball for years and can throw hard on target. It's hard to find dark chocolate in Thailand but it's dual purpose, it can stop a dog in its tracks in more ways than one. Not that I'd ever condone such behaviour, of course! wink.png

Can't find dark chocolate in Thailand..........Seems like you could do with a good guide dog!

Go the guts to say what you want to say or do you need to couch it in passive-aggressive pseudo wit?

I don't know about guts, but obviously:

a) you don't bother to read the TV rules, but as you say, with a little bit of "passive-aggressive pseudo wit" (555) I think I managed to hit the nail on the head without any of the usual transgressions - and that only takes pseudo-skill, pseudo-guts not required.

B) you clearly didn't bother to read many of the previous posts associated with this topic before leaping into print and that takes no guts and no skill.

Its just bl**dy lazy.

Incidentally, it doesn't need much guts when it comes to dark chocolate. Its a gutless crime, committed by gutless individuals.

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I'd go further and make the amount 3 times that, at least. This poor young girl's future marriage prospects have been fundamentally altered now that she'll have a large scar on her face. Sad but true. With the best medical care that can be minimised, but no guarantee she'll get that, certainly not with 150,000B. I wish her the best of luck.

The dog problem in Thailand is definitely one area it's still 3rd world. The obviously dangerous ones need to be put down, but it's highly unlikely a systematic culling will happen. When I have to go through dark sois at night I grab a good-sized stone or two but that's because I played ball for years and can throw hard on target. It's hard to find dark chocolate in Thailand but it's dual purpose, it can stop a dog in its tracks in more ways than one. Not that I'd ever condone such behaviour, of course! wink.png

Can't find dark chocolate in Thailand..........Seems like you could do with a good guide dog!

Go the guts to say what you want to say or do you need to couch it in passive-aggressive pseudo wit?

I don't know about guts, but obviously:

a) you don't bother to read the TV rules, but as you say, with a little bit of "passive-aggressive pseudo wit" (555) I think I managed to hit the nail on the head without any of the usual transgressions - and that only takes pseudo-skill, pseudo-guts not required.

cool.png you clearly didn't bother to read many of the previous posts associated with this topic before leaping into print and that takes no guts and no skill.

Its just bl**dy lazy.

Incidentally, it doesn't need much guts when it comes to dark chocolate. Its a gutless crime, committed by gutless individuals.

I'm not going to wade into a sh*t-throwing contest with some anonymous guy on the internet, so will pass on line 1.

Line 2, I read the OP and have a right to my opinion, just like you, believe it or not.

Line 3, see line 2.

Line four, now you're calling me gutless, see line 1. And ridding the world of a dog that is aggressive and is threatening to attack me is only a crime in some people's minds, like yours. Others would more reasonably see it as self-defence and a pro-active act that serves the greater good.

You're welcome to your opinion, as are others to theirs, even if that makes you uncomfortable.

Getting back to my first sentence, this conversation's over.

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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Here's one for the doggie-wuvers who think every canine no matter how dangerous has a little fufu deep inside trying to get out. Dogs are listed here as one of the world's deadliest animals:


Good dogs can indeed be man's best friend, I've had dogs as pets and will again, but I've no illusions about aggressive street dogs.

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Here's one for the doggie-wuvers who think every canine no matter how dangerous has a little fufu deep inside trying to get out. Dogs are listed here as one of the world's deadliest animals:


Good dogs can indeed be man's best friend, I've had dogs as pets and will again, but I've no illusions about aggressive street dogs.

Most of us have no illusions. Bad Dogs are bad dogs whether by upbringing or lack of. Or disease Dogs can be dangerous. Soi Dogs in Thailand are nothing more than inbred strays. As others have said many others are got by Owners who ill treat or neglect them. To have a good owner for many is lucky. Except for certain breeds most Dogs are just protective and unless taunted usually alright. That does not mean such dogs are safe, Personally I think this Dog was trained or made to believe al strangers were intruders. Kids run. And Dogs prey. I never have problems with Soi dogs because I know what to do. But a kid is helpless like a lamb. In NZ I walk at night with a mag light and other things but even in Thailand I do not go defenseless when walking home. Dogs never worry me Humans do more

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Can't find dark chocolate in Thailand..........Seems like you could do with a good guide dog!

Go the guts to say what you want to say or do you need to couch it in passive-aggressive pseudo wit?

I don't know about guts, but obviously:

a) you don't bother to read the TV rules, but as you say, with a little bit of "passive-aggressive pseudo wit" (555) I think I managed to hit the nail on the head without any of the usual transgressions - and that only takes pseudo-skill, pseudo-guts not required.

cool.png you clearly didn't bother to read many of the previous posts associated with this topic before leaping into print and that takes no guts and no skill.

Its just bl**dy lazy.

Incidentally, it doesn't need much guts when it comes to dark chocolate. Its a gutless crime, committed by gutless individuals.

I'm not going to wade into a sh*t-throwing contest with some anonymous guy on the internet, so will pass on line 1.

Line 2, I read the OP and have a right to my opinion, just like you, believe it or not.

Line 3, see line 2.

Line four, now you're calling me gutless, see line 1. And ridding the world of a dog that is aggressive and is threatening to attack me is only a crime in some people's minds, like yours. Others would more reasonably see it as self-defence and a pro-active act that serves the greater good.

You're welcome to your opinion, as are others to theirs, even if that makes you uncomfortable.

Getting back to my first sentence, this conversation's over.

Over! ja wohl, mein Fuhrer, sorry but its not quite, but feel perfectly free not to reply.

Ahk zo, condemned by your own words "ridding the world of a dog that is aggressive and is threatening to attack me".

Wasn't that what you said before about Poland and Czechoslovakia, and Greece and France and oh yes "Russia"?

You have a right to your opinions, you don't have any right to kill a dog that is "threatening you".

Operative word "threatening". If we all went around killing things that "threaten to attack" we would be gutless cowards and deliberately killing a dog with chocolate poisoning is about as gutless a crime as you can commit, no matter what kind of face you try to put on it.

It's not a crime that makes me uncomfortable, it makes me sick that people who would crawl so low exist.

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Typical Thai, they don't give 2 hoots about their dogs treat them like garbage, next to our house there are about 10 dogs not one is looked after or trained, this one & any other like it should be put down immediately.

In Australia & I suppose most western countries if dogs or any animal were treated like this they'd by taken by RSCPA or the like & the owner charged.

When is Thailand going to step up a bit & get in line with most of the world.

Australia also has soidogs, they call them dingo's.

On Frasier island the advice for lady's is to not walk around alone, especially when on period....They might eat ya alive.

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Typical Thai, they don't give 2 hoots about their dogs treat them like garbage, next to our house there are about 10 dogs not one is looked after or trained, this one & any other like it should be put down immediately.

In Australia & I suppose most western countries if dogs or any animal were treated like this they'd by taken by RSCPA or the like & the owner charged.

When is Thailand going to step up a bit & get in line with most of the world.

Australia also has soidogs, they call them dingo's.

On Frasier island the advice for lady's is to not walk around alone, especially when on period....They might eat ya alive.

So why aren't they all put down immediately?

Australians I mean, not the Dingo's

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  • 1 month later...

The owner will say the dog was just playing, what about the other dogs, mines no worse, or the girl provoked the dog. Probably upset at the girl making him lose face.

Such people have face.....to loose ? BS !

Humans life for sure isnt worth less than a Dogs life. Come on...

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May i be allowed to report a incident that happened to me and my GF , already several times ,in Chiangmai.

While we enjoy happy times on our bicycles, around the whole city , there is one specific place in the Old town, where 4 Dogs in particular use to attack bypassers at "their" street . ( Ratmakka RD.Next to the Italian Restaurant...)

This dogs apparently are owned by locals and those know exactly how aggressiv they behave . The only response is , the dog doesnt bite.... "Mai gad . mai gad", though beeing scared of these creatures my GF almost fall of the bicycle and the next thougt is wether who would be responsable in case of crashing a car or smt like that. Od course not them...

So happened today , again , we just saw at the same time we passed said place , a skateboarder was very scared by the pack and only could use his skateboard to defend himself.

So , we spoke with a nearby Police Man , explained the case and he showed up there with us to confront the " owners" immediately.

So far i understood , they get a (verbal) warning, they still tried to justify and belitteling etc etc.

Even telling us we had to leave , though we stand in the street , a public place ....next their house.

From now on, im wondering wether they gonna change anything...Or we gonna call the Tourist Police , confront again etc etc.

The main problem with this bastards, sorry but thats what they are, if somebody in reaction would crash and fall off etc , in consequence of the attack, nobody would be responsible and liable for the damages and health issues, Especially not the local owners.....

Will Update soon....

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Well, well, all the posters stating that the dog should have been put down and the owner prosecuted.

What a change of attitude. Just two weeks or so ago I received loads of flack from posters in a topic about some clown from Chonburi that was feeding dozens of soi dogs and spending 50K baht plus on them every month.

I said it was irresponsible and and was glad that I didn't live close to him and his pack of mangy mongrels. Boy did I get chastised for being 'heartless and cruel'.

The bloke in Chonburi and the owner of this dog displayed a gross lack of responsibility to the animals that they were feeding. They exercised no CONTROL of the mutts whatsoever.It's high time the Thai authorities clamped down on these dangerous animals allowed to roam at large.

Have trouble letting go much?

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150k if your daughter gets mauled by a dog and gets 100 stitches

On another thread some aussie bloke got a demand for 150k for wandering into a neighbours property and breaking a window

How nuts is this country?

Absolutely; and Somali pirates contribute to global warming!

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150k if your daughter gets mauled by a dog and gets 100 stitches

On another thread some aussie bloke got a demand for 150k for wandering into a neighbours property and breaking a window

How nuts is this country?

In many other threads the family receives millions of baht when a girl gets married.

How many boys will pay millions for a girl with stiches all over her body?

Let the dogowner pay for that!

I'm a doglover but in Thailand i hate all soidogs. Really hope to see them all gone one day.

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150k if your daughter gets mauled by a dog and gets 100 stitches

On another thread some aussie bloke got a demand for 150k for wandering into a neighbours property and breaking a window

How nuts is this country?

What option other we have than to deal with such issues? Any suggests where its better ???

(Though i agree 100 %with you.)

Edited by aquario33
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150k if your daughter gets mauled by a dog and gets 100 stitches

On another thread some aussie bloke got a demand for 150k for wandering into a neighbours property and breaking a window

How nuts is this country?

What option other we have than to deal with such issues? Any suggests where its better ???

(Though i agree 100 %with you.)

FWIW I think the 150K to the girl as restitution is a joke….she deserves 10 times more….maybe even more than that.

Its just that the thais seem pretty random with cash demands.

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150k if your daughter gets mauled by a dog and gets 100 stitches

On another thread some aussie bloke got a demand for 150k for wandering into a neighbours property and breaking a window

How nuts is this country?

In many other threads the family receives millions of baht when a girl gets married.

How many boys will pay millions for a girl with stiches all over her body?

Let the dogowner pay for that!

I'm a doglover but in Thailand i hate all soidogs. Really hope to see them all gone one day.

As long as the solution is sterlisation, I agree with you.

But too many irresponsible 'owners' will dump pets that are no longer wanted - so soi dogs are going to be part of life for the foreseeable future.

I've only lived here 10 years, but my experience has been that genuine soi dogs are heart-wrenchingly pathetic in their attempts to ingratiate themselves in the hope of food and a home.

Those that have a regular source of food can become more territorial and have the energy to waste on chasing those on bicycles etc. - but (in my experience) its those with owners that are happy to expend the energy on chasing bicycles/scooters etc. Stop, and they will stop and slink away.

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if you ride a bicycle here you really need to tool up before you go out and best to wear motor bike boots to the knee same as the cops

...or at least watch out every single moment for unexpected situations...completely out of western view whats "normal" in traffic.

..so far we should be willing to adapt , until a certain point of course.

BUT once the rights of dogs are priority over the safety of humans, especially children, then that point seems to be missed and passed , in an unacceptable and irreversible way , which this case obviously proofs.

APPROPRIATE actions should be taken , in a manner to protect and avoid damages caused by dog attacks.

And, if its not working different than with poison, violence or any other measures to protect oneself and our beloved , because of the stubbornity of certain individuals unwilling to cooperate, sad enough...Then we shouldnt regret either to use force.

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if you ride a bicycle here you really need to tool up before you go out and best to wear motor bike boots to the knee same as the cops

...or at least watch out every single moment for unexpected situations...completely out of western view whats "normal" in traffic.

..so far we should be willing to adapt , until a certain point of course.

BUT once the rights of dogs are priority over the safety of humans, especially children, then that point seems to be missed and passed , in an unacceptable and irreversible way , which this case obviously proofs.

APPROPRIATE actions should be taken , in a manner to protect and avoid damages caused by dog attacks.

And, if its not working different than with poison, violence or any other measures to protect oneself and our beloved , because of the stubbornity of certain individuals unwilling to cooperate, sad enough...Then we shouldnt regret either to use force.

Not sure of your point?

Those on a bicycle that are chased by dogs can easily stop - and the dogs will then get bored and go back home. On the odd occasions I've been chased by a dog whilst on my scooter - its always worked.

Its not that hard to understand the 'chasing' instinct for reasonably well-fed dogs that think of it as a game. Or do you think soi dogs are hoping to bring down someone as a meal?

You don't much like dogs - I can understand that - and prefer it to Thian's post saying that he loved dogs - but not soi dogs rolleyes.gif .

Edited by dick dasterdly
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  • 1 year later...
On 7/30/2016 at 12:41 PM, JHolmesJr said:

FWIW I think the 150K to the girl as restitution is a joke….she deserves 10 times more….maybe even more than that.

Its just that the thais seem pretty random with cash demands.

Dog owner should go to jail for 6 years and pay 1 000 000  baht.

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43 minutes ago, TheBrain said:

Dog owner should go to jail for 6 years and pay 1 000 000  baht.

 Bit random 6 years. I think it should depend on the circumstances. Same with the fine but 150,000 is knob all for the current and future pain and suffering of this poor girl

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A campaign of education, sterilisation, and euthanasia needs to be carried out. And the dogs should be rounded up too, spayed and or put down. Anybody found feeding dogs in  the street should be prosecuted. Any dog identified as a stray should be put in a dog pound and given two weeks to be claimed or bought at the expense of the owner or new buyer. The wild dogs are a menace and their supporters are deluded sentimental  anthropomorphic fools. 

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Thai singer Joe Nuvo was one person who commented online saying that this kind of attack should be prosecuted as a criminal case. He said that people who attack dogs are getting severe sentences while owners who let their animals attack others are just let off.Earlier this month a chicken rice vendor in Ramkhamhaeng, Bangkok, who attacked and killed a dog that he said had bitten his child was jailed for four months reduced to two months on his admission.
Thai Singer Joe Nuvo makes a very valid point... Irresponsible owners should face criminal charges by allowing such attacks.... For such attacks to occur the dog is free to roam the streets where children play, the owner is responsible for this.
I'm not a dog lover, but neither am I a dog hater - I'd like to see a pragmatic approach that can prevent such attacks.
The first step is for owners to be held accountable...
Actually enforcing accountability is the first step in fixing many things that slip through the legal net in Thailand often leading to tragic consequences.
Ultimately it shows how little people care, especially those in positions of decision making power, unless / until it directly affects them.

A well measured response.
Indeed lack of accountability is normal here, and it needs to be worked on. However as we have seen time and time again, that lack starts at the very top and is endemic from there right to the bottom.
Can't see any signs of that changing.
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...........the dog came out of a house three doors down as his daughter was playing in the street. It always looked threatening but had never bitten anyone , he said.


Live near a violent aggressive dog and dont do anything about it, then it is your fault if that dog attacks your children.



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On 25/05/2016 at 10:56 AM, CanInBKK said:

In all fairness of the "system" the dog was not put down and the charges not laid because the father accepted the money as sufficient compensation.

If the father denied the money and persued this case to fullest legal extent I'm sure someone would be spending time in jail.

Probably the father for defaming the dog.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

...........the dog came out of a house three doors down as his daughter was playing in the street. It always looked threatening but had never bitten anyone , he said.


Live near a violent aggressive dog and dont do anything about it, then it is your fault if that dog attacks your children.


What father could do, poison or shoot dog and go for jail for animal cruelty? I have an impression what thai parliament members are hot humans but dogs.

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