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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico turned violent Tuesday night as demonstrators threw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers, overturned trash cans and knocked down barricades.

Police responded by firing pepper spray and smoke grenades into the crowd outside the Albuquerque Convention Center.

During the rally, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was interrupted repeatedly by protesters, who shouted, held up banners and resisted removal by security officers.

The banners included the messages "Trump is Fascist" and "We've heard enough."

At one point, a female protester was physically dragged from the stands by security. Other protesters scuffled with security as they resisted removal from the convention center, which was packed with thousands of loud and cheering Trump supporters.

Trump responded with his usual bluster, instructing security to remove the protesters and mocking their actions by telling them to "Go home to mommy."

He responded to one demonstrator by asking, "How old is this kid?" Then he provided his own answer: "Still wearing diapers."

Trump's supporters responded with chants of "Build that wall!"

The altercations left glass at the entrance of the convention center smashed.

During the rally, protesters outside overran barricades and clashed with police in riot gear. They also burned T-shirts and other items labeled with Trump's catchphrase, "Make America Great Again."

Tuesday marked Trump's first stop in New Mexico, the nation's most Hispanic state. Gov. Susana Martinez, head of the Republican Governors Association and the nation's only Latina governor, has harshly criticized his remarks on immigrants and has attacked his proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The governor did not attend the rally and has yet to make an endorsement.

Trump said the number of people on welfare in New Mexico has tripled and said Martinez needs to do a better job. The governor's office fired back, saying Martinez has fought for welfare reform.

"The potshots weren't about policy, they were about politics," said spokesman Michael Lonergan. "And the Governor will not be bullied into supporting a candidate until she is convinced that candidate will fight for New Mexicans, and she did not hear that today."

Trump supporters at the rally said they appreciated his stance on boosting border security and stemming the flow of people crossing the border illegally, but some said they were frightened by the violent protests outside.

Albuquerque attorney Doug Antoon said rocks were flying through the convention center windows as he was leaving Tuesday night. Glass was breaking and landing near his feet.

"This was not a protest, this was a riot. These are hate groups," he said of the demonstrators.

Karla Molinar, a University of New Mexico student, said she participated in disrupting Trump's speech because she felt he was attacking members of her family who are living in the country illegally. She said she believes Trump is using them as scapegoats for the nation's problems.


Associated Press writer Susan Montoya Bryan contributed to this report from Albuquerque.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-25

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CNN reported gun shots directed towards the convention center from the mob outside. These Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders supporting rioters went to attack people at another political party's rally. They waved and wore Mexican flags, threw rocks, grunted out their usual anti-American slogans and chants and proved once again how they are a direct threat to American democracy. These are your fascists, your street goons, your violence prone hate hustlers. And a good portion of them, as indicated in the last paragraph of the OP, are illegals. In essence, they are invaders or people who are aiding and abetting invaders. Only the election of Trump can save America and deport the illegals in these type mobs who are loyal to another country and another flag.

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It's rich that the vile monster calls the protesters hate groups.

In reality, hate groups are part of the core of the vile monster's support base.

KKK, David Duke, American Nazis, various white supremacist organizations, etc.

They know an American fascist movement when they see one, and they're on board the vile monster train.

No, I don't support violent tactics from any side, and I don't really see that violent tactics used against the vile monster fascist movement is a good way to resist. The best way will be to hold your noses if you have to, and vote for Hillary Clinton. A normal politician vs. a dangerous nutcase.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just spotted another Trump u-turn. This time it concerns climate change. In keeping with the republican line Trump has always called climate change bullsh*t and a plot by the Chinese to make US manufacturing non-competitive.

However! He has now applied for planning permission to built a sea wall along the coastline in Ireland where he has a golf course. The reason he has given is "rising sea levels due to global warming". I kid you not! Interesting to see how he squares that with his new republican donors. You couldn't make this stuff up!

More popcorn over here please!

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I think the biggest problems in the US have been brought about by the "normal politicians" that have been tolerated and reelected by

the voters. The country needs leadership from people who have had to get out and work to support themselves and a family. They know how to budget and live within their means. They lived thru good and bad times and made adjustments when needed. What is needed is the good old ''salt of the earth type'' taking charge and get people working to make positive changes that need to be made

to bring America back into harmoney between its population living within its borders and the rest of the world living outside its borders. When you see indviduals with these qualities running for public office and they tell you how they intend doing what needs doing, then we can make a intelligent choice.

Get rid of those who have lived predominately on taxpayer money, doing little, accomplishing less while being paid and given benifets far greater than they are entitled to.

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Some well behaved and polite Hillary supporters greeting their fellow Americans as they exercise their freedom of association rights and attend the Trump rally...

I'm not sure what the Mexican flag is all about, I assume NM is still American territory and the election is for the American presidency. (And Isn't this the crowd that is always complaining about obnoxious protesters outside abortion clinics...so typical of the left to disapprove of actions they themselves use for actions they support.)

And lets make it a real democracy showcase by throwing in a little anarchy and rioting since we're here...

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Just spotted another Trump u-turn. This time it concerns climate change. In keeping with the republican line Trump has always called climate change bullsh*t and a plot by the Chinese to make US manufacturing non-competitive.

However! He has now applied for planning permission to built a sea wall along the coastline in Ireland where he has a golf course. The reason he has given is "rising sea levels due to global warming". I kid you not! Interesting to see how he squares that with his new republican donors. You couldn't make this stuff up!

More popcorn over here please!

Trump already said on a taped private conversation that he will not build any wall.....But, no doubts, he is not just an entertainer, he is a master of marketing and demagogy! Unfortunately...also the next US President. The best choice is "burning" away....

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It's rich that the vile monster calls the protesters hate groups.

In reality, hate groups are part of the core of the vile monster's support base.

KKK, David Duke, American Nazis, various white supremacist organizations, etc.

They know an American fascist movement when they see one, and they're on board the vile monster train.

No, I don't support violent tactics from any side, and I don't really see that violent tactics used against the vile monster fascist movement is a good way to resist. The best way will be to hold your noses if you have to, and vote for Hillary Clinton. A normal politician vs. a dangerous nutcase.

Judging by their actions, language, and behavior, there seem to be more "fascists" outside the rally than in.

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I love it smile.png Even on a non-important forum like this, Trump is showing people what these looney left Liberals are really like.

That anyone can think they are justified/right in supporting the rioters, or in saying that it is Trump's fault, shows everyone with common sense what some of those against Trump are really like (and why). And the more this happens, the more sane and rational people are getting on the Trump Train. clap2.gif

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How to control Trump protesters?

1. Position at a minimum 50 Border Patrol Agents for crowd control.

2. Park 10 ICE prisoner buses in plain sight.

3. Tell the 50 Border Patrol Agents to enforce immigration laws.

That should cut down on some of those Mexican flag waving Democrats.

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Fascist protesters calling Trump a Fascist. Long gone are the peaceful flower power

protests of the 60's. Oh well, nobody can claim the moral high ground with protests

like this. whistling.gif

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I don't condone violent protests.

Ironic though, that Trump is always feeding the anger of his supporters. If anyone asks, he'll say, "THEY'RE ANGRY" ....as if that's a good thing. And for Trump, that is good, because Trump can channel that anger (towards Wash DC, towards foreigners, towards dark skinned people, towards women, towards Mexicans, on and on) ....to his advantage. Mussolini did much the same, and it worked great from him also, until the bottom fell out at the end of the WWII.

So, there's Trump on the pedestal, fanning the flames of his fans' anger, and then along comes anger of a different sort. Anger by others who detest the idea of a person like Trump being prez.

It's quite a juggling act. On the one hand he's fanning the flames of anger, yet on the other hand he's getting a type of anger he doesn't want directed at him. It's like building a large burn pile in your backyard. You want the dead brush to burn, but you don't want the fire to spread to the neighbors' houses. Son Nom Na, Mr. Divider. You reap what you sow.

Edited by boomerangutang
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“They’re Bernie Sanders supporters," Trump said, adding "we’re going to get about 40%" of Sanders' supporters votes in the November election.

More hot air.

Where in the news accounts did it say the people in the streets were Democrats.

Where were the signs or speeches to vote for Hillary...or to vote for Bernie.

Where is there a connection of the Democratic party, or to HRC, or to Bernie Sanders, in the anti-Trump protesters who were Latino in the state with the most Latinos per capita.

Who said the rioters were Democrats. Or liberals. Or leftists. Or registered voters.

Two things are apparent: One is that this was a riot and it was intended to be a riot; Second is that only a fascist would call an anti-fascist rioter a fascist.

These were anti-fascist protesters which is what upsets Trump and his fanboyz.

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Get rid of those who have lived predominately on taxpayer money, doing little, accomplishing less while being paid and given benifets far greater than they are entitled to.

How about getting not voting for the player(s) who have lived off their daddy's money plus large loans from banks, which they may or may not pay back?

As for those who get paid by taxpayer money ......I think we agree largely on that. Roughly 82% of taxpayer money is mis-spent, and a lot of that is on salaries of people who either do little, or do wrong. We can start with the War on Drugs. And then go to the bail-outs for too-big-to-fail corporations. Then to military spending, at least half of which is wasted. The amount of wasted taxpayer money in the US is phenomenal. It's a bottomless pit.

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Get rid of those who have lived predominately on taxpayer money, doing little, accomplishing less while being paid and given benifets far greater than they are entitled to.

How about getting not voting for the player(s) who have lived off their daddy's money plus large loans from banks, which they may or may not pay back?

As for those who get paid by taxpayer money ......I think we agree largely on that. Roughly 82% of taxpayer money is mis-spent, and a lot of that is on salaries of people who either do little, or do wrong. We can start with the War on Drugs. And then go to the bail-outs for too-big-to-fail corporations. Then to military spending, at least half of which is wasted. The amount of wasted taxpayer money in the US is phenomenal. It's a bottomless pit.

How about not voting for the player/s who have lived off the taxpayers?

The Democrats have two of them running in this election and you're reserving all your anger for the only candidate of the three that has ever held down a real job.

Edited by chuckd
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How to control Trump protesters?

1. Position at a minimum 50 Border Patrol Agents for crowd control.

2. Park 10 ICE prisoner buses in plain sight.

3. Tell the 50 Border Patrol Agents to enforce immigration laws.

That should cut down on some of those Mexican flag waving Democrats.

And what...shoot them?

Incite violence and then, complain about the violence. Anyone protesting is an illegal immigrant? You guys have all the bases covered, don't you?

You guys are low-infor

mation geniuses.

When asked about her violence one protester stated Trump's rhetoric was frightening her family and friends who were illegals!

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I don't condone violent protests.

Ironic though, that Trump is always feeding the anger of his supporters. If anyone asks, he'll say, "THEY'RE ANGRY" ....as if that's a good thing. And for Trump, that is good, because Trump can channel that anger (towards Wash DC, towards foreigners, towards dark skinned people, towards women, towards Mexicans, on and on) ....to his advantage. Mussolini did much the same, and it worked great from him also, until the bottom fell out at the end of the WWII.

So, there's Trump on the pedestal, fanning the flames of his fans' anger, and then along comes anger of a different sort. Anger by others who detest the idea of a person like Trump being prez.

It's quite a juggling act. On the one hand he's fanning the flames of anger, yet on the other hand he's getting a type of anger he doesn't want directed at him. It's like building a large burn pile in your backyard. You want the dead brush to burn, but you don't want the fire to spread to the neighbors' houses. Son Nom Na, Mr. Divider. You reap what you sow.

Basically you "don't condone violence" unless it's directed against people and ideas of which you don't approve.

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How to control Trump protesters?

1. Position at a minimum 50 Border Patrol Agents for crowd control.

2. Park 10 ICE prisoner buses in plain sight.

3. Tell the 50 Border Patrol Agents to enforce immigration laws.

That should cut down on some of those Mexican flag waving Democrats.

And what...shoot them?

Incite violence and then, complain about the violence. Anyone protesting is an illegal immigrant? You guys have all the bases covered, don't you?

You guys are low-infor

mation geniuses.

When asked about her violence one protester stated Trump's rhetoric was frightening her family and friends who were illegals!
Hopefully it will frighten them back to wherever they came from.
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Latin tradition is to shut up those you disagree with, is there any latin country you'd change governments with ? These protesters are bully culture brought across the border.

What happens if Mussolini Trump loses a close election?

He gonna call out the army giggle.gif

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Latin tradition is to shut up those you disagree with, is there any latin country you'd change governments with ? These protesters are bully culture brought across the border.

What happens if Mussolini Trump loses a close election?

He gonna call out the army giggle.gif

But he'll still be very, very RICH! whistling.gif

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The vile monster is such a horrible BULLY.

He appeals to those who want a strong leader even if that leader is a nut job.

We've seen this in history before. LEARN!


Trump is a bully, and his attack last night could have been an effort to force Martinez’s hand, or a warning to other party figures still on the fence. It could have been Trump trying to re-establish his anti-establishment bona fides now that the GOP is mainstreaming him, or simply him overreacting to a political slight, either because he couldn’t stop himself or because he didn’t want to. It could be all of those things, or none of them. But with Trump, the intent isn’t what matters as much as the outcome. And this latest outburst will once again make it clear that if the party is going to unite, it will have to come to him, not the other way around. A verbal assault on a popular party figure like Martinez probably makes that a more unappealing prospect for party holdouts, but it also gives them more incentive to move to Trump now, before they find themselves the subject of one of his quasi-impromptu stump speeches.
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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

Q How many Democrat rallies have Trump supporters rioted outside?

A None.

Guess which people are the real threat to America!

That person that complained about Trump because her family are illegally in the US must be pretty thick.

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The vile monster is such a horrible BULLY.

He appeals to those who want a strong leader even if that leader is a nut job.

We've seen this in history before. LEARN!


Trump is a bully, and his attack last night could have been an effort to force Martinez’s hand, or a warning to other party figures still on the fence. It could have been Trump trying to re-establish his anti-establishment bona fides now that the GOP is mainstreaming him, or simply him overreacting to a political slight, either because he couldn’t stop himself or because he didn’t want to. It could be all of those things, or none of them. But with Trump, the intent isn’t what matters as much as the outcome. And this latest outburst will once again make it clear that if the party is going to unite, it will have to come to him, not the other way around. A verbal assault on a popular party figure like Martinez probably makes that a more unappealing prospect for party holdouts, but it also gives them more incentive to move to Trump now, before they find themselves the subject of one of his quasi-impromptu stump speeches.

You don't attribute your quote to anyone which makes it meaningless and I'm sure that it's against forum rules. Not the first time either.

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