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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

Third world mobs? Seriously? That's such trumpian hate speech rhetoric. Third world because they're brown? Is that what you're trying to say?

More hissy fits from the Clintonistas, I see. Third Word mobs because they are waving the flag of a corrupt, narco-trafficking country, Mexico, two inches from the faces of American citizens exiting a political rally which the mob is trying to physically intimidate and does threaten and attack.

How do you know anything about the citizenship status of the protesters? If someone waves an Irish flag at a parade you assume they aren't U.S. citizens?
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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

In an interview the police chief stated his officers are second to none. They must have been at a 'we're so good" pep rally instead of protecting the American citizens.

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San Jose population is VERY heavily Mexican American (and also Vietnamese American).

The mayor is correct to put some blame on the vile monster.

The horrible demagogue is ginning up racial tensions with the his constant stream of anti-Mexican racist slurs.

He tries to defend his Trump University case with the fact that the judge is "Mexican" when actually he isn't, but that's how the vile monster runs ... endless lies and slurs.

George W. Bush was smart enough to avoid San Francisco as much as possible.

The vile monster on the other hand is intentionally BAITING these protesters by going to localities he knows are very hostile territory.

Yes, that's his game. He THINKS the violence that he BAITS is going to help win over more true believers to his American Mussolini movement.

I don't think it will ... but that's his play.

To add, as if it needs saying, of course I don't CONDONE protester violence.

But I also don't condone the RACIST message of the trump American fascist movement.

Like I said...very ghetto.

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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

Third world mobs? Seriously? That's such trumpian hate speech rhetoric. Third world because they're brown? Is that what you're trying to say?

More hissy fits from the Clintonistas, I see. Third Word mobs because they are waving the flag of a corrupt, narco-trafficking country, Mexico, two inches from the faces of American citizens exiting a political rally which the mob is trying to physically intimidate and does threaten and attack.

How do you know anything about the citizenship status of the protesters? If someone waves an Irish flag at a parade you assume they aren't U.S. citizens?

Oh, so this violent mob punching, throwing objects at people and waving mexican flags two inches from their faces actually intended to parade at the Cinco de Mayo festival and just misread the calendar by one month???

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It's all good...what Democrats don't realize, at least those in California, is that 70% of the American electorate is still white; and everytime there's another one of these violent anti-American pro-Mexican riots, it just pushes more people into the Trump camp. ?

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Trump and his fanboyz need violence.

Violence is to be exploited more than it is to be condemned.

It helps Trump and his fanboyz to justify the whole of their Long March on Washington.


How prescient of Publicus to announce beforehand, except he got the names mixed up.

Trump Clinton and his her fanboyz need violence

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Today at Trump rally in San Jose, California...more violence by Clinton supporters. Apparently, if you dare to support anyone but The Pantsuit, you get eggs and food thrown on your face. (Not to mention the omnipresent MEXICAN flags of the Reconquista mob).


Will be interesting t hear Clinton supporters excuses for this.

These are Third World gangsters who have no loyalty to the US. That is why they wave mexican flags and burn American ones. The American people are getting to see what the clear choice is: either accept Hillary Clinton's notion of open borders that flood the the US with tens of millions of more people just like this or restore the border, embrace the concept of an American nation, and treat citizenship with value, instead of giving it away to squatters like some cheap toy in the bottom of a box of Crackerjacks.

Obama's Rules for Radicals have seeded the slow motion coup that has been the last 7 years. Now, not dissimilar to EU, when people protest the hijacking and subversion of their country it turns darkly militant.

It's no surprise then the America moves toward open violence; it's been long and well predicted- and IzmO, designed. When the first refuge is violence society should violently squash such people- period. The premise that decorum applies only to the right, the assaulted, is BS. Personally, I'm all for rounding up every M F that behaves this way and...

Yes, [theyre] turning a once great nation into a shiiithole, the Left and the tools of their design, non Americans. Jeez, fewer examples of treason are handy.

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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

Third world mobs? Seriously? That's such trumpian hate speech rhetoric. Third world because they're brown? Is that what you're trying to say?

More hissy fits from the Clintonistas, I see. Third Word mobs because they are waving the flag of a corrupt, narco-trafficking country, Mexico, two inches from the faces of American citizens exiting a political rally which the mob is trying to physically intimidate and does threaten and attack.

They're only acting as provoked by Trump. Unfortunately I think they're reacting exactly as Trump wants.
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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

Third world mobs? Seriously? That's such trumpian hate speech rhetoric. Third world because they're brown? Is that what you're trying to say?

More hissy fits from the Clintonistas, I see. Third Word mobs because they are waving the flag of a corrupt, narco-trafficking country, Mexico, two inches from the faces of American citizens exiting a political rally which the mob is trying to physically intimidate and does threaten and attack.

They're only acting as provoked by Trump. Unfortunately I think they're reacting exactly as Trump wants.

If that's the case then more fool them

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At the same San Jose rally.

trump once again showing freedom of the press is something he would kill if he manages to take power:

Thursday’s ejection occurred as Trump mounts an increasingly caustic campaign against the free press.

After weeks of media scrutiny about donations he promised to veterans groups, the presumptive GOP nominee held a news conference Tuesday to announce the groups that received the money. But Trump, who often refers to journalists as “scum” and “slime” — used the event instead to lambaste reporters for asking questions about the donations in the first place, referring to one ABC reporter as “sleaze.”


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Freedom of The Press ranking under Obama has fallen to 41. Such freedom luminaries as Jamacia, South Africa, Chile, and Namibia offer more freedom than the US under Obama. The US now narrowly beats Botswana and Burkino Faso. It's hard to imagine a candidate making matters worse.

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Freedom of The Press ranking under Obama has fallen to 41. Such freedom luminaries as Jamacia, South Africa, Chile, and Namibia offer more freedom than the US under Obama. The US now narrowly beats Botswana and Burkino Faso. It's hard to imagine a candidate making matters worse.

This is an example of some of the typical clap-trap one comes to expect. Before posting such off-topic stuff, why don't you take a look at how those rankings are determined. How many journalists have been killed/jailed/or indicted in the US? The ranking would be be better based on how much freedom they have to criticize the US gov't and it's policies.

If you think 41 is bad, just wait until Trump is in power and we are bouncing well below Thailand, although that's pretty close to the bottom.

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Freedom of The Press ranking under Obama has fallen to 41. Such freedom luminaries as Jamacia, South Africa, Chile, and Namibia offer more freedom than the US under Obama. The US now narrowly beats Botswana and Burkino Faso. It's hard to imagine a candidate making matters worse.

Only have to see Chelsea Manning rotting away in prison and Edward Snowden seeking refuge in Moscow (despite the former Attoerney General saying he performed a service to the nation) to see this is true.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Freedom of The Press ranking under Obama has fallen to 41. Such freedom luminaries as Jamacia, South Africa, Chile, and Namibia offer more freedom than the US under Obama. The US now narrowly beats Botswana and Burkino Faso. It's hard to imagine a candidate making matters worse.

Only have to see Chelsea Manning rotting away in prison and Edward Snowden seeking refuge in Moscow (despite the former Attoerney General saying he performed a service to the nation) to see this is true.

Neither Chelsea Manning nor Edward Snowden have anything whatsoever to do with the press or press freedom.

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San Jose Rally Video, Photos of Joyous, Peaceful Trump Supporters Before Attack By #NeverTrump Thugs


Sure looks like a good representation of Latinos there too! smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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San Jose Rally Video, Photos of Joyous, Peaceful Trump Supporters Before Attack By #NeverTrump Thugs


Sure looks like a good representation of Latinos there too! smile.png

I heard a quote today "If these are protesters then arson is a campfire." And so it's true. The media collude in the violence by labeling such actions "protests." These people are not protesting. They are criminals, and in each case where they're sponsored (see Open Society and La Raza) the org should be held culpable.

When people come in mass with bottles or urine, eggs, other 'weapons,' and intend to use these tools violently to suppress free speech and free association, it is a crime. It's a crime in most places in the industrialized-READ advanced- world. Such brutality is not uncommon in banana republics and socially stunted states and theocracies.

Trump is to blame for the violence, OR

Trump is not to blame for the violence

Either way, it's a deplorable commentary on the people causing the violence. Either cause results in the same conclusion. As many define themselves by Mexican flags and burning American flags they often specifically self define who is causing the violent crimes (in one case self described "black Muslim" violently chased down and assaulted someone). But it's no surprise. TV posters have been saying for a long time 'progressivism is violent in nature. Socialism is violent in nature. Expect violence to be used as a weapon in the 2016 elections.'

Yes, the land of Emerson and Self-Reliance is, under progressive stewards, a land of emotion and violence and non-accountability for one's actions.

"I acted violently because I felt. I felt because someone offended me. Therefore, the someone who offended me is culpable fir my actions." With reason hostage to emotion these arguments seem valid.

They're criminals, and if their not Americans, and flying a foreign flag, and not disavowed by that foreign state, they're effectively state sponsored terrorism as well.

Edited by arjunadawn
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This is what you get when a State is run by left wing moonbats:

AP: Do-Nothing San Jose Police Hammered for Allowing Thug Riot

"San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities..."


I guess we should just throw away the Constitution and listen/follow what our "Betters/Overseers" tell us to do? facepalm.gif

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They are just digging themselves a deeper hole. Might as well admit it was a planned riot to smackdown Trump supporters.

These people are evil:

San Jose Police: We Held Back From Protecting Trump Supporters From Attack So As Not To ‘Insight’ Further Violence

Here is the police statement in full:


Guess those 'special snowflakes' had ventured out into the big bad world - outside their "Safe Spaces" to perform a little anarchy, eh? facepalm.gif

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I don't blame trumpists for harping on the violent leftist actions by protesters at vile monster rallies.

They're trying to spread the B.S. lie that they in any way represent the mainstream democratic party candidates of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

It's all they've got now, now that Hillary Clinton has got her MOJO back.

Edited by Jingthing
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Explaining the obvious. Violence as in San Jose, besides the obvious fact that it is just WRONG, HELPS the vile monster.

The message needs to get out to the people that are angered to the point of doing that, it's HELPING the enemy -- the fascist trump movement.

Detailed well here. This is not a normal election. This is a battle royale against a fascist demagogue taking over the USA. But violence only plays into his game.

After Donald Trump claimed the Republican presidential nomination, neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan wrote an essay for the Washington Post that made a simple but provocative claim: Trump, now a stone’s throw from the White House, was a vector for fascism. That, in running a campaign of threat and intimidation—against political adversaries, against foreign countries, against nonwhites and religious minorities—Trump had opened the door to the worst passions and darkest urges of American society.
“This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes,” wrote Kagan, “but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac ‘tapping into’ popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party—out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear—falling into line behind him.”


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Check my shocked face part 110: thumbsup.gif

Surprise: Univision Identifies ‘Subversives’ Among Anti-Trump Protesters

"Univision’s morning show, has broadcast a hard-hitting report denouncing the "subversives" involved in the protests and the violence they perpetrated outside a Trump campaign rally in San José, California"


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More peace and love from Hillary supporters and the multiculturalism is good crowd (but where hating on white people is acceptable)...


Source:New York Times

I don't condone violence or violent protests at any political rallies. But it sure backs the moniker THE DIVIDER , which should be tatooed on Trump's forehead.

No presidential candidate since George Wallace has sparked so much conflict. Imagine what The Divider would do if let loose in the Oval Office. I could see Trump hiding out in a dark little windowless room like Tricky Dick Nixon, with only one die-hard trustee allowed to enter, after tapping out the secret knock on the door.

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The Divider moniker is not aimed at Boon Mee, it's aimed at his hero. Look at how divisive the political landscape has become since he cranked his name-calling machine into high gear, last September. Just look at the Republican party, they're torn asunder like a hair-shirt in a tornado.

Safe space? Sorry, I can't help you there, and I don't know where your mommy is. Try sucking on a lollipop.

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