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Red Bull Heir Fails to Appear, Again. Given Another Chance, Again.

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I can't see the point in these stories being put to the public. All it does is draw ire and frustration because everyone knows that little shits like this will never be brought to book for their actions.

It's really funny that police put these stories on the news to show they are money will not stop them from going after the bad guys. But actually shows they are doing just that.


what I don't understand is that the little weasel has not been kidnapped and put on the doorsteps of thai immigration.

I am sure there will be no questions asked. Why not a reward offered by police? Are they all paid off?

A start chamber. 'tis the only answer for this place at this time. Let the people become the law for a while since the RTP has shown they have no appetite for the job.

Buy time to reform the crap out of the police. Number 1 task that the little general is afraid of because they have the dirt on him.



Nothing from PM The Reformer?

He deemed it necessary to comment on the Temple case, but not long running sagas like this, and the other benz case which appears to of suddently fallen off the radar.

Of course everyone knows why every agency is turbo charged on the temple case, and it has nowt to do with them being guilty or not...

Don't remember the previous government doing much either. Or the ones before that.

Not one political or quasi political group has shown any real drive in reforming the justice system, especially in interfering with the way the rich elite hiso well connected ones are treated.

The Benz case, the ex Police Officer ex Politician in the share transfer to pretties and strange accident death case, the inquiry into the illegal driving underage girl responsible for 9 deaths failing to do approved community service case, the actor who was caught on CCTV fataly shooting his "friend" in the head after a night out case, the failure (so far) to deliver the promise for justice for Jack, they young Aussie brutally assaulted and disfigured by two Chinese-American thugs whose daddies happen to be very rich case, etc etc etc.

The only thing that's changed is that the police are now becoming aggressive and threatening to social media posters who point out such examples.

I agree about previous governments being equally disinterested in tackling this. The hi-so's may disapprove like the rest of us but don't want to tamper with a system they may need for themselves one day. One thing that's different though is how easy it is for the PM to tackle this. With S44 he just needs to give the word and it's done. The fact he doesn't do anything to address this injustice speaks volumes. The man is rotten to the core like the rest of them, and just the sight of him makes me want to puke. While he's at it, he should throw the book at the family too. Is there anyone who doesn't think they're up to their neck in bribery?


There is no way he will show his face in Thailand again. As far as the police are concerned, he murdered one of their own. If he does come back, he won't live long.

You're delusional, sorry.

He is where he has always been. Got his passport and a bank account we can only dream about. Like someone said earlier, thai jails are not built for the rich.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

May-be he too suffers - like the Ethan Couch - from "affluenza"


Here is the point, if the PM would be serious with his politic, he would enforce the law more against the rich powerful people.

So, look at it... he is not.

Now apply that to every PM going back to 1932.

IMHO I don't think that there is any political party or Army group that is either strong enough, powerful enough OR has enough will power to successfully end corruption in Thailand.

Certainly not in my lifetime, I am 72, my wife's life time, she is 50, but probably in my son's lifetime. He is only 12.


I can't see the point in these stories being put to the public. All it does is draw ire and frustration because everyone knows that little shits like this will never be brought to book for their actions.

Everyone should know that. Ire and frustration are good if they bring change. That's the point in publishing stories like these.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Parents offen come forward to take the blame for there kids , it's very common in Thai society.


Another fine example of all powerful Mr Section 44 Generalissimo Prayuth not putting an end to corruption.

Tell me, why did we need to have this coup?

Well the last thing on anyone's mind in this country is ending corruption. Thais thrive on it, right from the bottom to the top. I would go as far to say that most Thais in this jerks situation, with enough money, would do exactly the same thing - not accept responsibility for their actions. When the country's leader runs away to avoid a jail term, what message is this sending to the population? Sadly, corruption and lawlessness is here to stay.

But they don't all run away to Singapore. It has been known for a person to just find a temple in Suratthani to hide until the pressure is off. rolleyes.gif


what I don't understand is that the little weasel has not been kidnapped and put on the doorsteps of thai immigration.

I am sure there will be no questions asked. Why not a reward offered by police? Are they all paid off?

A start chamber. 'tis the only answer for this place at this time. Let the people become the law for a while since the RTP has shown they have no appetite for the job.

Buy time to reform the crap out of the police. Number 1 task that the little general is afraid of because they have the dirt on him.


and some big ex guys have a score to settle with him.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Innocent? They brought the little turd up to be what he is.


Don't remember the previous government doing much either. Or the ones before that.


Ah, here we go, same old lame defence of injustice <sigh>..

This government put itself above mere politicians, whom it considers are universally corrupt (with some justification). This illegal government hasn't done anything about this case, or indeed tha care of that awful Parinya (did I get the name right? - the one who killed 9 people then had a nice texting session with her hi-so mates).

No getting away from the fact this illegal government has done nothing in either of these cases because where rich people are involved.

All the but but but... Thaksin is just diversionary BS.



I would have thought with the current one man rule in Thailand,

that the standard government molly coddling of wealthy elites who commit

crimes would be over ridden. But apparently not..... Whenever I see

a photo of the wimpy red bull heir, a smile comes to my face when I see

the irony of him having the nickname Boss... :-)


I think it's very good he doesn't appear. Hopefully he will inherit red bull so that the deceased relatives can get a bigger cut when he finally is forced to come


No point complaining, just stop buying Red Bull.
If it hurts their wallet, the family will not be happy.


Not a single reporter in Thailand is going to question the junta leader about this case.

This should be on the front page of every international newspaper!

Another reason I have sold everything in Chiang Mai and heading to somewhere with a modicum of self respect and justice.

"Not a single reporter in Thailand is going to question the junta leader about this case".

Would You??? whistling.gif


Why am I, a farang with no real investment in Thailand's current or future culture, feel more outrage than the Thais on the street? You would think that Thais who are crushed under corruption and have little choice in the life they are assigned would riot in the street...

Listen up Thailand...for the 99.99% of the population who struggle here...your lot in life will not get better until you rid yourselves of apathy...

Quote"In politics Sakdina sets the relationship between Thai government and the people, not in the western idea of a civil service, serving the public, but a higher caste considering the public slaves to be governed by them. Sakdina continues in the attitude the people at the top of society should not be criticised by those lower than them and creates a culture of passive acceptance of authority everywhere, no matter how unjust or corrupt."

This is a classic example of the effect of "Sakdina". however, I do wonder how much longer it will or can survive. There is an increasing awareness of the "unfairness" of such a system, brought about by increasing exposure to other cultures, societies and medias. Sakdina would only survive if the country were to be isolated from those influences. The Thais are already exposed to them, and they are spread and discussed widely, primarily through "social media". Look at how The Soviet Union and its sattelite states collapsed once the people there were exposed to the images of western capitalist/democratic societies. Think how much more quickly that would have happened if the young people there had had "Line" or "Facebook", and access to the internet. It's now too late to reimpose the isolation that "Sakdina" requires, that would only vastly increase discontent. Great change is coming to this country, on so many levels, and these sorts of inequalities of enforcement of the law and justice, widely known about and discussed, are in my opinion one of the catalysts of this change.

Sakdina is entrenched, and certainly underpins the way in which the country is presently run. When the inevitable changes happen I think that they will be rapid, perhaps at times and in some places tinged with violence, but they will be unstoppable. It will certainly be a bumpy ride, but it will I am sure (hope) result in a better society.


No point complaining, just stop buying Red Bull.

If it hurts their wallet, the family will not be happy.

Unfortunately even if the stuff was banned in the Kingdom I doubt it would put much of a dent in world sales.

Stupid wait a month or so to issue an arrest warrant, seems like some people are actually thinking it will all be forgotten about in a few weeks...

They should have issued a warrant years ago for this ____ who is not man enough to face punishment for his actions, further more as he is in hiding then it must be assumed his family are financially supporting him so they should have all their assets sequestrated until he turns himself in, or more to the point caught.

And cancel his passport.


Cat and mouse to run this out of time? The poor dear! Can they swap this guy for the to guys charged with the murder of the Brittish Tourists?

At what point does someone say enough is enough?


I can't see the point in these stories being put to the public. All it does is draw ire and frustration because everyone knows that little shits like this will never be brought to book for their actions.

Yes, and this smacks with all that is wrong with Thai society. If the Great General is serious about reconciliation then he needs to make examples of people like this guy, also the monk and those involved in the park scandal...... if he doesn't then he will fail regardless of all the good publicity he gets.


My God, this young man. Khun Yorvidhya killed a policeman who had a family.... who was on duty early in the morning and the "Red Bull" grandson smashed directly into the back of the motorcycle with his new Ferari sports car...didn't even stop but continued to drive the car to his gated housing compound. No compasion what so ever. And the police department does not have the balls to take action??? When he does show up, I can predict "Boss" will go to the temple to be a monk and ask for forgiveness.

We farng and Thais all can take action by not boycotting Red Bull products.


taking longer than usual to get a fake passport ?

Why would he need a fake passport ? with his connections he can have a real one at any time !!

There are two kind of people those who have to follow procedures to get official paperwork done and those who get everything done at will !!!

The Red Bull hire is playing is a whole other league....above everything !!!

Best regards.

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