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The term "oriental" -- insulting and outdated?

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Oriental? I thought the preferred nomenclature was "Chinaman."


Seriously though, when did white westerners get to decide what was offensive to others? Oriental and occidental are rather archaic and strange to call someone, but offensive? Sheesh, we in the west have become so thin skinned.

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Sometimes I like to pay a little game with myself. I read a thread title and make a fuss about the contents before I click on it. In this case, I guessed that someone would bring up the F-word before the end of the first page.

Turns out the OP didn't disappoint.

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Apparently the term comes from a Latin word for 'east' and suggests 'easterner'. As far as I know, it's deemed offensive bc it's widely thought to suggest one form the Orient, which many believe to be a section of China, and thus a generalizing term.

'Farang' is also a generalizing term and is not considered derogatory by Thais. They use it in print media and other professional settings, although I'd say it's inappropriate.

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Apparently the term comes from a Latin word for 'east' and suggests 'easterner'.

Yes, in the way that the word occident is also Latin and refers to the west or "where the sun sets".

The term occidental is seldom used, however, and seems to have become pretty much obsolete at least one or two centuries ago.

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Apparently the term comes from a Latin word for 'east' and suggests 'easterner'.

Yes, in the way that the word occident is also Latin and refers to the west or "where the sun sets".

The term occidental is seldom used, however, and seems to have become pretty much obsolete at least one or two centuries ago.

So it's more outdated than offensive.

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Does this PC nonsense also ban calling Australians "Diggers" and referring to those from New Zealand as "Kiwis"?

Are we allowed to refer to the Scots as being "Jocks" or the Irishman as being a " Mick"?

What about the Limey's?


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How about occidental was it banned as well?

Since 2/3 of the world's population lives in asia it could be reasonably argued that occidendals are the minority group and, as such the term is non exclusive - or inclusive & should be banned. ....

This pc sh!t is getting ridiculous....and again aimed to create a division......

It might be an out dated term relating to people coming from the orient as opposed to "the west"....but it never was a racial slur - until it was made to be, (now)....This administration prefers division over unity......Divide & conquer/destroy....tear down....

I work as a book editor. The word “Oriental” used as a noun is quaint; I edit it out and replace it with “Asian” or some other more current term. If the US government wants its documents to sound as though they were written in the 1950s, it can continue to use the word; otherwise, they are correct to ban it. I don’t know whether Asians themselves are offended by the word; I’m sure the vast majority are oblivious to the matter.

As for your blast against “PC” and your claim that this ruling is “divisive” somehow (???), this whole anti-PC thing is nothing but a tiresome smokescreen to score easy political points. I’m sure in some cases there’s a point to be made somewhere, but many right-wing-leaning Americans (specifically, Trump supporters) happily interpret attacks against “political correctness” as a license to once again be as offensive as they wish toward people who look and think differently from them, without fear of backlash. Trolling online forums, there are more of these people than you might think.

I think, as it’s intended, “political correctness” simply means being willing to listen to other people who may be coming from an entirely different place, and trying to understand why they may be angry, or offended, or puzzled by something that I’m doing or saying. They may have a point; I may be the one who’s wrong. In short, it means being civil. In which case, count me in.

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Apparently the term comes from a Latin word for 'east' and suggests 'easterner'.

Yes, in the way that the word occident is also Latin and refers to the west or "where the sun sets".

The term occidental is seldom used, however, and seems to have become pretty much obsolete at least one or two centuries ago.

So it's more outdated than offensive.

Yep, pretty much.

In England black people are sometimes called "w o g s". When I was young my dad told me this is an acronym for Western Oriental Gentlemen, but I'm sure this can't be true.

The word "w o g s" is offensive, but I think it too is becoming outdated.

Edited by Fabricus
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How do they refer to visiting people from "the orient"? Ones that are not "American Asians".

I don't see a reason that the term "Oriental" would ever be used in any official document anyway.....Maybe a police report? But I still find that hard to imagine. And if that is the case, how can you be sure someone is an "Asian American"?

The term is so outdated now it is hard to see it making any difference at all.

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How about occidental was it banned as well?

Since 2/3 of the world's population lives in asia it could be reasonably argued that occidendals are the minority group and, as such the term is non exclusive - or inclusive & should be banned. ....

This pc sh!t is getting ridiculous....and again aimed to create a division......

It might be an out dated term relating to people coming from the orient as opposed to "the west"....but it never was a racial slur - until it was made to be, (now)....This administration prefers division over unity......Divide & conquer/destroy....tear down....

I work as a book editor. The word “Oriental” used as a noun is quaint; I edit it out and replace it with “Asian” or some other more current term. If the US government wants its documents to sound as though they were written in the 1950s, it can continue to use the word; otherwise, they are correct to ban it. I don’t know whether Asians themselves are offended by the word; I’m sure the vast majority are oblivious to the matter.

As for your blast against “PC” and your claim that this ruling is “divisive” somehow (???), this whole anti-PC thing is nothing but a tiresome smokescreen to score easy political points. I’m sure in some cases there’s a point to be made somewhere, but many right-wing-leaning Americans (specifically, Trump supporters) happily interpret attacks against “political correctness” as a license to once again be as offensive as they wish toward people who look and think differently from them, without fear of backlash. Trolling online forums, there are more of these people than you might think.

I think, as it’s intended, “political correctness” simply means being willing to listen to other people who may be coming from an entirely different place, and trying to understand why they may be angry, or offended, or puzzled by something that I’m doing or saying. They may have a point; I may be the one who’s wrong. In short, it means being civil. In which case, count me in.

I actually take the automatic assumption that anyone who is "anti pc" is not someone I want to associate with.

If you don't want to be "PC" you are basically saying you do not care about other people. How hard is it to change something you say as it may offend someone else? An example I would use is swearing in front of kids....Most people swear and also try not to when kids are around as they shouldn't hear that. So people who are "anti PC" swear in front of kids......

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This is a particular case, applying only to American citizens of African or Asian origin. It does not apply to Asians or Africans in general.

But this makes even less sense.....

It is offensive to call Americans of Asian descent " Orientals", however you can use it on everyone who isn't American......it won't offend them.

So Obama is of partial asian descent, so he would be an "Asian American", however if he meets the PM of Thailand, he is meeting an Oriental.

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Apparently the term comes from a Latin word for 'east' and suggests 'easterner'.

Yes, in the way that the word occident is also Latin and refers to the west or "where the sun sets".

The term occidental is seldom used, however, and seems to have become pretty much obsolete at least one or two centuries ago.

So it's more outdated than offensive.

Yep, pretty much.

In England black people are sometimes called "w o g s". When I was young my dad told me this is an acronym for Western Oriental Gentlemen, but I'm sure this can't be true.

The word "w o g s" is offensive, but I think it too is becoming outdated.

By way of a digression I think it's fairly obvious that '<deleted>' is a shortened form of golliwog, which

according to Wikipedia, is a fictional rag doll character from 19th century American literature - like Little Black Sambo, who, I was surprised to learn, was originally a South Indian Tamil.


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The Philippines managed to shake off centuries of colonial rule long ago.

Should this Asian nation change the official titles of the eastern and western sections of its many islands to remove such an 'archaic slur'?

Over 100 million Filippinos want to know.


Edited by Radar501
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Obama is evil and as has been implementing Orwellian language play. The US government has no right to manipulate people's personal vernacular.

"Oriental" is used more than "Occidental" just as "Westerner" is used more than "Easterner".

I will continue to use whatever word I choose and screw those who judge me as having bad intentions in my attempts to communicate as concisely as possible.

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I actually take the automatic assumption that anyone who is "anti pc" is not someone I want to associate with.

If you don't want to be "PC" you are basically saying you do not care about other people. How hard is it to change something you say as it may offend someone else? An example I would use is swearing in front of kids....Most people swear and also try not to when kids are around as they shouldn't hear that. So people who are "anti PC" swear in front of kids......

Good point. Some people are trying to push the idea that being PC is somehow wrong. But being PC is simply being sensitive to others feelings. That's it. The irony is that many of those who complain about political correctness would be the first to whine/whinge to high heaven if a slur was directed at them. Safe to say that most who are anti-PC are almost always hypocrites.

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I do not think calling a person from some parts of Asia an Oriental is at all insulting, they are from the Orient therefore they are Oriental.

I also do not find being called Farang insulting and I think people that do are being silly and oversensitive.

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I do not think calling a person from some parts of Asia an Oriental is at all insulting, they are from the Orient therefore they are Oriental.

I also do not find being called Farang insulting and I think people that do are being silly and oversensitive.

I am not insulted/offended by those things either.......but that isn't to say people do find those things insulting/offensive, so surely we can take that into account?

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Oriental means from the Orient, nothing offensive about it as far as I am concerned.

"Nigger" yes offensive but in common use amongst the African American community.

Negro, I don't think is offensive but definitely dated. Doesn't really matter what is used

in another 20-30 years it will be offensive to someone according to the PC brigade. whistling.gif

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I believe Oriental is historical in context, from Britain, and brought in due to geographical location, just like Near East, Middle East and Far East. Over time, with technology, these terms become redundant and therefore, need to change with time. Racism, as a term also changes over time in its context. Oriental, 50 years ago was not racist, we have grown in terms of technology and education and therefore it is seen as racist today. Personally, it is a label which I believe to be racist.

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What a crock of s**t. Oriental by definition means "from the East" there is no insulting overtones to it. Occidental means "from the West". The USA government should have more things to do then be bloody idiots which they obviously are. Thank goodness I don't live in the USA. Negro is also a word I think you will find in the non Obama dictionary.

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"Murder on the Orient Express" should be renamed?

The term is not outdated and far less insulting than being referred to as "The Farang" instead of by name.

P.C. stupidity.

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"Murder on the Orient Express" should be renamed?

The term is not outdated and far less insulting than being referred to as "The Farang" instead of by name.

P.C. stupidity.

So you just don't care about other people? Yet feel insulted by "Farang"

PC just means you take other people into account, clearly you do not which speaks more about you than anyone who is "PC"

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I believe Oriental is historical in context, from Britain, and brought in due to geographical location, just like Near East, Middle East and Far East. Over time, with technology, these terms become redundant and therefore, need to change with time. Racism, as a term also changes over time in its context. Oriental, 50 years ago was not racist, we have grown in terms of technology and education and therefore it is seen as racist today. Personally, it is a label which I believe to be racist.

I think you need to come into the real world. Everybody is in some way a racist just as every country is. Thailand has racist issues, the USA, UK etc all do, it is normal

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