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West Bank outpost's impending evacuation a test for Israel


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West Bank outpost's impending evacuation a test for Israel

AMONA OUTPOST, West Bank (AP) — The fate of 50 white caravans perched atop a West Bank hill in the Amona settler outpost is emerging as a key test for Benjamin Netanyahu's newly-expanded hard-line government.

Under a Supreme Court order, the government must tear down the outpost by the end of the year — a move expected to face staunch opposition from within the coalition and pit security forces against the wishes of leading members of the Cabinet.

Amona is the largest of about 100 unauthorized outposts — built without permission but generally tolerated by the government — that dot the West Bank. The outpost became a symbol of settler defiance after a partial evacuation a decade ago sparked violent clashes between residents and security forces. The impending evacuation, ordered in 2014, could lead to another showdown.

In a surprise move last week, Netanyahu sacked Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon to make way for Avigdor Lieberman, the hawkish leader of the Yisrael Beitenu party — and a settler himself — to take the post, which oversees the settlements. The addition of Yisrael Beitenu buttresses the nationalist, pro-settler camp in Netanyahu's government and could increase the pressure on the Israeli leader to find a way to wriggle out of the Amona evacuation.

"The goal is to keep the settlement in its place," said Bezalel Smotrich, a lawmaker with the pro-settler Jewish Home party, a coalition member. "We are in a right-wing coalition that wants to develop the settlements, really doesn't want to demolish Amona and is ready to make an effort (to keep it)."

Critics say that Netanyahu's support for settlements, regardless of who makes up his Cabinet, means Amona's evacuation may not proceed smoothly.

"I think that the prime minister would do all he can to prevent an evacuation one way or another," said Hagit Ofran, from the settlement watchdog group Peace Now. She said Israel must comply with the court order but that the government typically "looks for ways to delay it, to change it, to devise new schemes that can stop the evacuation."

In a statement, the Defense Ministry said it "operates in accordance with the law and with court decisions." Netanyahu's office declined comment.

Aside from the rogue outposts, the West Bank is home to another 120 settlements that Israel considers legal. The Palestinians and the international community consider both settlements and outposts illegal or illegitimate and an obstacle to the creation of a Palestinian state. In a position that is widely backed internationally, the Palestinians want the West Bank, along with the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, for their hoped-for state.

Amona was established in the mid-1990s, when a small group of settlers, quietly beckoned by government-funded infrastructure, erected caravans on the rugged knoll that has since blossomed to house some 50 families, or about 250 people.

In 2008, a group of Palestinians, represented by the Israeli rights group Yesh Din, petitioned Israel's Supreme Court, claiming Amona settlers had encroached on their land and demanded the entire outpost be dismantled. The court petition set off a protracted legal battle that saw a number of proposed evacuation dates missed and repeatedly delayed until a final ruling in 2014 ordered the state to demolish the outpost by Dec. 25, 2016. The state also agreed to compensate the landowners with about $75,000.

While the state legally must comply with the court order, the constant delays mean the Palestinian landowners remain deeply skeptical.

"We don't believe that Netanyahu will remove this settlement. We won't believe it until we see it happen with our own eyes," said Issa Zayed, who used to cultivate olives, almonds and figs when he last had access to his land nearly 20 years ago. He stares longingly at his 40-acre (16-hectare) plot from a nearby hilltop.

Amona residents and their supporters in government vow not to bow down easily and are pushing to have the government find a loophole that would allow the settlers to stay put and legalize the outpost.

"You don't uproot someone from his home," said Avichay Buaron, who heads the campaign to keep Amona intact. "There are many politicians and many Israeli leaders who want to solve the problem and that is the big question. Will they succeed in the next half a year to solve it or not? We are hoping and praying that the answer is yes."

Asked if Amona could descend into the kind of violence seen in 2006, Buaron said he hopes not, but that he won't hesitate to round up supporters to protest any evacuation.

Signs of permanence flourish in Amona, which has paved roads, rows of vineyards and a basketball court. Prominent banners at West Bank intersections read: "Recognize Amona, save the settlements."

The government has proposed building a new settlement to house the Amona evacuees, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz, a step that has settled previous disputes. Buaron said Amona residents refuse to accept the offer, determined to stay in their homes, where they say they have planted roots and raised their children.

While the court ruling to evacuate Amona was welcomed as a great success for the Palestinian landowners, the resettlement proposal has struck Palestinians and rights groups as counterproductive because it does not decrease the ballooning number of settlers in the West Bank, which now stands at around 400,000 people.

Shlomy Zachary, a lawyer with Yesh Din, said the Amona case shows that the Supreme Court is "nearly the only defense" for Palestinians with claims against the settlements. He said that since the 2006 evacuation, Amona continues to symbolize a lack of law enforcement in the West Bank.

"I don't know what the government is planning. I know that there is a final judgment and everyone is bound to this judgment, including the government," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-27

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Quote from OP :

"In a statement, the Defense Ministry said it "operates in accordance with the law and with court decisions." Netanyahu's office declined comment."

That didn't took long to hear this type of bigotry from Lieberman...

Edited by Thorgal
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What an obnoxious euphemism "settlement" is. No mention of Palestinian land confiscated to build their illegal colonial outpost, or the hassles beatings and killings of Palestinians when they protest the stealing of their land.
"You don't uproot someone from his home," said Avichay Buaron, who heads the campaign to keep Amona intact.
What hypocrisy. It's a pity you didn't apply the same principle to the Palestinian families you were dispossessing to establish your illegal Zionist colony.
We will see whether they government is all talk and no action when it comes to law enforcement in the West Bank.
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Quote from OP :

"In a statement, the Defense Ministry said it "operates in accordance with the law and with court decisions." Netanyahu's office declined comment."

That didn't took long to hear this type of bigotry from Lieberman...

Didn't take long for the inane remarks...

The run of the mill statement from the Israeli Defense Ministry is nothing out of the ordinary, and was often used under previous ministers. It does not signify anything with regard to Lieberman's influence. How does ""operates in accordance with the law and with court decisions" imply "bigotry" is anyone's guess. The court ruling being that the eviction will take place no later than December 2016.

The Israeli Defense Ministry actions and policy (and taking it a step further, the Israeli government as a whole) were set way before Lieberman was ever a candidate for MoD.

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Interesting that less than 10 miles north of the OP illegal outpost Amona, Israeli authorities this week destroyed 4 Palestinian water wells and agricultural structures in the village of Qusra (built with Dutch aid) to discourage Palestinians from living in their own land.

"In a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to Ma’an on Friday, a spokesperson said that “enforcement measures were taken against the illegal structures in area C,” due to the fact that the wells were built without the required pre-construction permission from the Israeli Civil Administration."

But the illegal outpost of Amona built in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land will finally possibly maybe be demolished 21 years later. But we are not holding our breath.

Just another example of the double standards rule of law in Israel.

Edited by dexterm
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Just another reason for a two-State solution to the Palestinian-Israel conflict.

Just another reason for the world to grow some balls, particularly the US, and force the Israeli regime into positive action.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have thought for a long time that the only 'solution' was a two-State solution - Palestinian and Israel - with a large enough vacant streach of land between them (UN controlled).

Is Israel acting illegally in closing the wells and tearing down the buildings, or are they stopping a potential site for the launching of rockets into Israel (or the building of a tunnel) - who knows.

Frankly I dont know - but like most I know it is a very complex and difficult 'problem' that I will never understand.

But like most I do know that it the 'mother lode' of much of the hatred against the West and the cause of much of the world's current problems between Muslims and Christians/Jews.

Perhaps the solution is to get rid of both of them. Quite frankly, I dont care anymore - sick of hearing about it.

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Interesting that less than 10 miles north of the OP illegal outpost Amona, Israeli authorities this week destroyed 4 Palestinian water wells and agricultural structures in the village of Qusra (built with Dutch aid) to discourage Palestinians from living in their own land.

"In a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to Ma’an on Friday, a spokesperson said that “enforcement measures were taken against the illegal structures in area C,” due to the fact that the wells were built without the required pre-construction permission from the Israeli Civil Administration."


But the illegal outpost of Amona built in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land will finally possibly maybe be demolished 21 years later. But we are not holding our breath.

Just another example of the double standards rule of law in Israel.

Is this an example by any chance of the EU funding illegal Palestinian building on areas allocated to Israel by the Oslo accords? Whether or not this is so the EU is a serial offender in funding illegal Palestinian settlements whilst hypocritically kicking up a stink if Israel does the same.
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clear example of Israeli land stealing and lack of justice in Israel.

and then when those people who are thrown out of their lands to poverty and oppressed, they go attack Israeli citizens and soldiers.

it is a bloody vicious circle created by Israel and Israel cannot complain about Palestinian resistance.

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clear example of Israeli land stealing and lack of justice in Israel.

and then when those people who are thrown out of their lands to poverty and oppressed, they go attack Israeli citizens and soldiers.

it is a bloody vicious circle created by Israel and Israel cannot complain about Palestinian resistance.

Indeed, and nothing will stop it until the Zionists give up the dream of ​Eretz Israel and live within their legitimate 1967 borders.

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Interesting that less than 10 miles north of the OP illegal outpost Amona, Israeli authorities this week destroyed 4 Palestinian water wells and agricultural structures in the village of Qusra (built with Dutch aid) to discourage Palestinians from living in their own land.

"In a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to Ma’an on Friday, a spokesperson said that “enforcement measures were taken against the illegal structures in area C,” due to the fact that the wells were built without the required pre-construction permission from the Israeli Civil Administration."


But the illegal outpost of Amona built in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land will finally possibly maybe be demolished 21 years later. But we are not holding our breath.

Just another example of the double standards rule of law in Israel.

Is this an example by any chance of the EU funding illegal Palestinian building on areas allocated to Israel by the Oslo accords? Whether or not this is so the EU is a serial offender in funding illegal Palestinian settlements whilst hypocritically kicking up a stink if Israel does the same.
Utter nonsense. More of the usual Zionist mythology that calls black white. Area C is a part of the occupied West Bank only under temporary Israeli administration. You imply with the word "allocated" that it has somehow been given to Israel. Some 300,000 Palestinians have always lived there. It is Zionist colonists who are the recent interlopers who callously refuse indigenous Palestinians the right to build on their own land probably in an effort to make life as difficult as possible for them in the hope they will leave [ethnic cleansing], because it's the racist Zionists who have all the guns and power.
Oslo II defines Area C as follows:
″"Area C" means areas of the West Bank outside Areas A and B, which, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations, will be gradually transferred to Palestinian jurisdiction in accordance with this Agreement″.
Other repressive regimes historically have made it illegal for members of different racial and religious groups to live and work in certain areas. Just because the racist bully has temporary power does not make their laws morally right.
Edited by dexterm
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Interesting that less than 10 miles north of the OP illegal outpost Amona, Israeli authorities this week destroyed 4 Palestinian water wells and agricultural structures in the village of Qusra (built with Dutch aid) to discourage Palestinians from living in their own land.

"In a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to Ma’an on Friday, a spokesperson said that “enforcement measures were taken against the illegal structures in area C,” due to the fact that the wells were built without the required pre-construction permission from the Israeli Civil Administration."


But the illegal outpost of Amona built in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land will finally possibly maybe be demolished 21 years later. But we are not holding our breath.

Just another example of the double standards rule of law in Israel.

Is this an example by any chance of the EU funding illegal Palestinian building on areas allocated to Israel by the Oslo accords? Whether or not this is so the EU is a serial offender in funding illegal Palestinian settlements whilst hypocritically kicking up a stink if Israel does the same.

Illegal Palestinian Settlements..? Dude you have been lkiving under a rock or what? the only settlers here and who give the finger to the world come from Israel. Stop this bullsh.t about Oslo or tell me how Israel plan to use it as justification while tearing it apart for everything else?

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Interesting that less than 10 miles north of the OP illegal outpost Amona, Israeli authorities this week destroyed 4 Palestinian water wells and agricultural structures in the village of Qusra (built with Dutch aid) to discourage Palestinians from living in their own land.

"In a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to Ma’an on Friday, a spokesperson said that “enforcement measures were taken against the illegal structures in area C,” due to the fact that the wells were built without the required pre-construction permission from the Israeli Civil Administration."


But the illegal outpost of Amona built in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land will finally possibly maybe be demolished 21 years later. But we are not holding our breath.

Just another example of the double standards rule of law in Israel.

Is this an example by any chance of the EU funding illegal Palestinian building on areas allocated to Israel by the Oslo accords? Whether or not this is so the EU is a serial offender in funding illegal Palestinian settlements whilst hypocritically kicking up a stink if Israel does the same.
Utter nonsense. More of the usual Zionist mythology that calls black white. Area C is a part of the occupied West Bank only under temporary Israeli administration. You imply with the word "allocated" that it has somehow been given to Israel. Some 300,000 Palestinians have always lived there. It is Zionist colonists who are the recent interlopers who callously refuse indigenous Palestinians the right to build on their own land probably in an effort to make life as difficult as possible for them in the hope they will leave [ethnic cleansing], because it's the racist Zionists who have all the guns and power.
Oslo II defines Area C as follows:
″"Area C" means areas of the West Bank outside Areas A and B, which, except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations, will be gradually transferred to Palestinian jurisdiction in accordance with this Agreement″.
Other repressive regimes historically have made it illegal for members of different racial and religious groups to live and work in certain areas. Just because the racist bully has temporary power does not make their laws morally right.

Re the last bit, the future Palestinian state is envisaged as Jew/Israeli free. Selling land and real estate to Jews/Israelis is already a criminal (possibly capital) offense under the PA's rule. Best not dwell too much on the way ethnic and religious minorities are perceived and treated under the same.

But yes, the C area was not "allocated" to Israel, that much is true. Further, one of the issues with Amona is that part of the land illegally took over lies in B area, which is under partial PA administration. To be clear, this is not the bit mentioned in the OP, but mostly refers to the access road.

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As stated in the link, Israel's Supreme Court already ruled out the possibility of retroactive legalization. Link also details past attempts at such bills, which came to naught - one instance cites Netanyahu vetoing a motion, another tells of Likud MKs threatening to vote with the opposition.

This got more to do with coalition politics - Bayit Yehudi party regularly challenges Likud for the who's-more-right-wing position, aiming to present itself as an alternative for the Likud hegemony of the right wing political scene. Generally speaking, they abuse that fact that even right wing politicians must curb their enthusiasm while holding senior government positions (this refers to the Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs) - and hence unable to out do the Bayit Yehudi proposals. The coalition faced a few near-crisis situations over these incidents. Recent coalition changes saw Lieberman getting a way better deal (relative to seats in parliament), and there are still rumors that the main opposition party will join as well. If so, it will be most likely at the expense of the Bayit Yehudi party. Some of their current antics are to be seen as reflecting the above.

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