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Police arrest Khao Sarn restaurant manager who punched a British tourist


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Throwing money into peoples faces and throwing a punch in a persons face are quite similar, they are both assault .

Knowing how affectionate Thais are too their King and knowing the strict Les Majeste laws , its really not a good idea to go throwing 20 Bahts around, which have an image of the King on it

Duuuhhh ! So what do you think happens to Thai banknotes when you place them in your pocket ???

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Watching that video of the guy in the blue shirt shows that he is not a very friendly guy and is looking for a fight. What ever happened to the rule of law. If the guy walks out without paying call the police. It's violence that is a major problem here and is out of control. And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

Would need to assume that you have never run a bar?

Anywhere in the world? But more especially in places like KS. Before you know it the word can spread and there will be a queue of free-loaders waiting to use the toilet, upsetting your customers.

All for the bar manager in this case. Throwing the 20 baht note was probably the straw; if the accused stated that the English guy was disrespecting the king's image by throwing the note, the tables would have been turned (rightly) in an instant.

Edited by chrisinth
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And if they would only of let him use the head there would not of been a problem !! I own a bar restaurant and I allow everybody and anybody to use the head !! I know it's hard for some to understand this but it's called being nice & polite NOT BEING A DOUCHEBAG !!


But they didn't allow him to..

Not paying the bill - or tossing $$ in someone's face is not being a "DOUCHEBAG?"

So, those that walk into your bar/ restaurant - can piss and shit in your toliet with no problem..

Give yourself a pat on the back for being so modest.

Do you have the same "user friendly" policy, when customers don't pay their bills in your establishment?

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Going for the defence of "I was trying to stop him leaving my establishment without paying the bill . I was trying to stop him commiting an offence" May work

And it that doesn't work, the fine for simple assault is only 500 baht anyway.

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Why is it they only blur out the faces of Thai offenders?

There was just one guy that hit the arse hole.

His face, nor were other faces intentionally blurred out.

Just a shitty camera..

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Well, yeah.

You do that anywhere, and you are going to get the "treatment" for the "disease".

I am astounded at the number of incidents however, and mostly the ("country omitted") are getting attacked.

Do you think that Thai's have figured them out?

Maybe they should be wearing Tshirts from the U** to make it harder to pick them out in a crowd.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Well, yeah.

You do that anywhere, and you are going to get the "treatment" for the "disease".

I am astounded at the number of incidents however, and mostly the ("country omitted") are getting attacked.

Do you think that Thai's have figured them out?

Maybe they should be wearing Tshirts from the U** to make it harder to pick them out in a crowd.

Yea American's the example of politeness and maners cheesy.gif

Now if you were Canadian sure these guys have a good reputation.

I am Dutch I accept that i got quite a few idiot countrymen that can't behave and cause trouble. If that was not the case then we would have no crime back home, no fights, no violence and so on and so on.

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Well, yeah.

You do that anywhere, and you are going to get the "treatment" for the "disease".

I am astounded at the number of incidents however, and mostly the ("country omitted") are getting attacked.

Do you think that Thai's have figured them out?

Maybe they should be wearing Tshirts from the U** to make it harder to pick them out in a crowd.

Yea American's the example of politeness and maners cheesy.gif

Now if you were Canadian sure these guys have a good reputation.

I am Dutch I accept that i got quite a few idiot countrymen that can't behave and cause trouble. If that was not the case then we would have no crime back home, no fights, no violence and so on and so on.

Agree. However..where in my post did I mention any nationalities?

I merely mention U**...which could be the United Arab Emirates.

You are reading too much into my post..but good for you.

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Whatever happened to the taxi driver in BKK that killed the farong with a sword for not paying the full fare a few years back? The cap driver said he threw coffee at him but no coffee was found inside the cab.

Whatever happened to the guy who killed the policeman's dog for killing his dog a few years back?

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I think the police are in a difficult position here. One one side, there is pressure to

preserve the positive image of Thailand, and on the other hand, they have to deal

with idiots like these Brits. From what I have read so far, it seems the Brit deserved

what he got.

I don't care how much the cocktails where ... he could have ordered a bottle of water.

The restaurant has the right to set it's prices as they see fit. And customers can either

order and pay for the items or move on ...

This Brit was obviously a retard and got what he deserved ...

The manager should have kept his cool as well ... but I don't see abusive behavior

from the Manager, just a reaction to an action ....

I hope this type of "tourists" stay home - we don't need more of these shit heads ...

Well put, im amazed that most posters here do agree that the Brit was out of line and the cause of the trouble. Usually its .. farang good.. Thai bad case close.. oh.. bash Thais a bit more ad infinitum.

I'm just wondering why Brits have to drink their beer in plastic cups back home? Would they really hit each other with glasses and bottles?

And they told me at primary school that British people invented the gentleman. I'm confused and lost in Isaan. facepalm.gif .

The days that the English were considered gentlemen are long gone, there is not one nation that is better or more civilized (Canadians excepted maybe). We a got our idiots and trouble makers, in the Netherlands they often also drink beer from plastic cups in risk area's. Give me a party full of people on MDMA instead of alcohol and it will be far less violent.

One thing I really dont like about the UK is the "yob culture" even the way they speak now is awful...........innit.............like.

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I'm with the manager on this, disgusting behavior by the Brit lout

I'm not. It is disgusting they refuse a tourist to use the bathroom. I understand the anger of the Britton, force him to order something and then still refuse to use the bathroom. WELCOME TO THAILAND.

And how can you throw a 20bt note in some ones face?

Attacking the tourist is WRONG, no matter what.

These people will never come back to Thailand and they will warn all their friends.

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Assuming the authorities are serious about protecting tourists and 'Thailand's tourist image' (aka FACE), they should start protecting the right kind of tourists. Assuming the story is as it is, this idiot not only deserved the knuckles in his face, but should have been thrown into the lockup for a bit. You won't do this back home, why the hell did you think it was ok to act like this here?

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Since when has it become the norm for private business owners to open their bathroom to the public?

You go to any American franchise restaurant...and nobody will stop you...but that is because we are a gentle and kind people. (due to our proximity to Canada)

Anyway, most of our toilet staff are illegal aliens anyways. We won't be so generous, once Trump puts that wall up.


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I'm with the manager on this, disgusting behavior by the Brit lout

I'm not. It is disgusting they refuse a tourist to use the bathroom. I understand the anger of the Britton, force him to order something and then still refuse to use the bathroom. WELCOME TO THAILAND.

And how can you throw a 20bt note in some ones face?

Attacking the tourist is WRONG, no matter what.

These people will never come back to Thailand and they will warn all their friends.

'Facilities for Customers Only' is a common sign round the world. Especially in a crowded bar.

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I smell a strategy: arrest a local against whom there is not a strong case and show up what a nasty bunch tourists can be. There will no sympathy for the Brit and some for the Thai. The cases to worry about are the innocent tourists being ripped off, bashed, murdered. Arrest a few more of those perpetrators and it would be more impressive. This case is small beer and with a motive.

You may have a point here. Arrest a local, show how Thais are taken advantage of, let him out the back door (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Mission accomplished.

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and the thai criminals wanted to charge 700 baht for a cocktail, so 2 time the price of a room (what they did pour in the cocktail to be so expensive?)

If you look at the story it was plural cocktails, there was an s on the end, meaning there was more than one of them

so i believe less and less this story. When you go to bar, you order several drinks at the same time?

As i said, we just have one side of the story, and when you know that several tourists are assaulted in this area every month, we know who are the real criminals.

Kao san road, is suffering from loss of customer( chinese dont go there), the thai criminal certainly wanted to scam the british guy...

Regardless of which parts of this story are true, why would a minor incident like this be such big news?

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I smell a strategy: arrest a local against whom there is not a strong case and show up what a nasty bunch tourists can be. There will no sympathy for the Brit and some for the Thai. The cases to worry about are the innocent tourists being ripped off, bashed, murdered. Arrest a few more of those perpetrators and it would be more impressive. This case is small beer and with a motive.

You may have a point here. Arrest a local, show how Thais are taken advantage of, let him out the back door (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Mission accomplished.

You mean like how the movie of the Brits that were attacked that was released to the British public did not show how the older lady slapped the Thai in the face first and other things that escalated this. But only showed the violence on them as if there was no reason for it.

Or the guy from the Guardian that made up his sources ?

You might be right seems to happend everywhere even in supposedly honest countries, so it could happen here too.

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And if they would only of let him use the head there would not of been a problem !! I own a bar restaurant and I allow everybody and anybody to use the head !! I know it's hard for some to understand this but it's called being nice & polite NOT BEING A DOUCHEBAG !!

It certainly depends upon the quality of the tourists, doesn't it? A local pub and restaurant here was frequented by low-lifes wanting to use the facilities because the bus station where they hang has only bomb-sights and no water. The scumbags trashed the the restroom washing up. Needless to say, he refuses them entry and I gladly back him up--the filthy peckers regularly left feces on the bum-gun

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I smell a strategy: arrest a local against whom there is not a strong case and show up what a nasty bunch tourists can be. There will no sympathy for the Brit and some for the Thai. The cases to worry about are the innocent tourists being ripped off, bashed, murdered. Arrest a few more of those perpetrators and it would be more impressive. This case is small beer and with a motive.


They are cleaning up after the embarrassing attack on the innocent Brits during Songkran.

Waited for a scene, just like this one...and killed two birds with one stone Arrested the Thai, even though he was pushed to his limits of patience. So the police did their job and protected the Brit Anyways. Thai's face blurred out, because a small fine is it...(why damage his reputation?)

Edited by slipperylobster
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And for Gods sake the guy had to take a leak, what ever happened to being nice or is it only take take take in this world. All this could have been avoided if the guy had just left the young man take a leak. He may have then sat in the bar all night drinking with his mates.

You you get a constant stream of people just going to use the toilets, which isnt very nice for customers

That's what you THINK. It's a f**ing toilet and doesn't cost a business owner anything to let passers by come in and use the bathroom. I've been to many places where you don't have to buy something to take a leak and I haven't seen this "constant streem of people" that you refer to. It's a figment of your imagination or supposition.

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Trying times for the restaurant owner , however the spur of the moment punch got all the attention ,one is always wise after the incident, however we all know staff should have shot off and got the tourist police and arrested the belligerent prick , this is one occasion that I would support dropping the charges and check the tourist out on the first available B.A flight........................................coffee1.gif .

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and the thai criminals wanted to charge 700 baht for a cocktail, so 2 time the price of a room (what they did pour in the cocktail to be so expensive?)

If you look at the story it was plural cocktails, there was an s on the end, meaning there was more than one of them

so i believe less and less this story. When you go to bar, you order several drinks at the same time?

As i said, we just have one side of the story, and when you know that several tourists are assaulted in this area every month, we know who are the real criminals.

Kao san road, is suffering from loss of customer( chinese dont go there), the thai criminal certainly wanted to scam the british guy...

Regardless of which parts of this story are true, why would a minor incident like this be such big news?

Because its the typical fare of farang vs. Thai lore published in TV, but this one has a twist, farang not so in the right

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The guy got what he deserved but the manager should have acted differently. He should have called the police and let them sort it out. Getting physical is not the way a manager in any industry should act. It does nothing but bring him or her down to the lowest level.

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