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Red/White painted Parking restrictions on the streets and Air pollution in Pattaya – Who takes care?


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The City Hall of Pattaya wasted a lot of money on red and white colors to paint expensive parking restrictions on certain streets within the city limit of Pattaya.

But most foreign drivers, who are guests in Thailand, especially drivers from Europe, do not know, that this red/white painting represents Thai traffic rules, means parking in this area is forbidden for every vehicle, as in their home country a simple inexpensive yellow line painted alongside the street has the same meaning.

For Thai drivers, even if they are aware of the existence of Thai traffic rules, for them it is a national sport to break every existing Thai traffic rule.

And the police in Pattaya, who should do everything, to have these Thai traffic rules respected, does nothing at all. I have never seen a police officer in Pattaya fining a car parked in a forbidden area.

The City Hall of Pattaya must never complain that they have not enough money. The money is lying on the streets of Pattaya. If you drive once from Pattaya on Thappraya Road direction Sattahip until Sukhumvit Road and back to Pattaya and count the cars which are parked in forbidden areas, then the City Hall of Pattaya has only to ask their police to fine these wrongly parked car drivers in the city limit of Pattaya with at least THB 500.00 and the City Hall will get rich.

To avoid thoughtless drivers parking their cars again in forbidden areas, the police only have to withdraw the driving license of the faulty driver after the third fine of THB 500.00 for at least 3 months. These drivers, parking their cars in forbidden areas are contributing a lot to the traffic congestion in Pattaya, as they take away one whole traffic lane for their parking.

Drivers of privately operated buses are not only parking most of the time in forbidden areas, but they are also sleeping in their buses, of course with the air-conditioning switched on to have a certain comfort. And for the air-conditioning to work, they must have the motors of their buses running all night. Thanks to all such bus drivers for the air pollution in Pattaya. You only have to clean your table on the balcony or on the terrace every day with a white tissue paper in order to know how dirty the air in Pattaya is.

Why the police in Pattaya is only looking to give a fine to motorcycle drivers and no fines for wrong parked cars?

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Well, NL, you have to admit that there is some logic in what he says. City Hall IS always crying "poor mouth"; and they certainly could make a fistful of money by fining violators of traffic rules - all of the many such rules that are violated every minute of every day here. Does beg the question of why they don't do so, doesn't it?

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Yes south Pattaya Road by the temple is after quite a few false starts now enforced quite strictly.

The red and white stripes on the kerb I think is a better idea than yellow lines as its much easier to see and last a lot longer without getting covered in dirt.

I don't know for sure but think that the police and city hall are separately funded ( albeit from the government )

so the police are not really interested in much of what city hall has to say or following any of city halls instructions.

Therefore for the opps suggestion to work city hall would need to hire a team of "traffic enforcers" which more than likely would meet with opposition from the police

so a catch 22 situation.

Why the police in Pattaya is only looking to give a fine to motorcycle drivers and no fines for wrong parked cars?

because its easy pickings and you can almost always tell how rich and connected a person is by whether they are driving a 20 year old Honda wave or a shiny Mercedes with

blacked out windows.

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Well, NL, you have to admit that there is some logic in what he says. City Hall IS always crying "poor mouth"; and they certainly could make a fistful of money by fining violators of traffic rules - all of the many such rules that are violated every minute of every day here. Does beg the question of why they don't do so, doesn't it?

"...you have to admit that there is some logic..." and any debate quickly founders.

South Pattaya road is strictly enforced, odd even day

Awesomely strict parking enforcement of what... about 800 m of the tens of thousands of meters of 'restricted' kerbside parking throughout the city? They can't even sort out the regular weekly mayhem on Beach and Second @ Central Festival and that's right next door! Excuse me while I remain nonplussed.

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South Pattaya road is strictly enforced, odd even day

Yes. Lots of vehicles get clamped with a Denver boot on Pattaya Tai.

Maybe the O/P should volunteer as a police busybody to alert the authorities whenever he sees someone parked illegally since he obviously spends his time patrolling the streets.

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Having a bad day? A red curb is universal for "don't park here". Very easy for anyone to understand. If you are a sign maker, I can see where it would help if they had "No Parking signs" in 12 languages, but that is not necessary. Red works fine for everyone.

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Then there are the opportunistic business owners who extend either the red/white or yellow/white paint from nearby corners and bus stops to 'protect' the street view out front of their premises. Cops don't mind and nobody from City Hall bothers to check either.

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They should fine the motor bike rental companies for the number of parking spots their bikes take up. Ditto the laundries that leave their drying frames out all night. Meter maids are a good idea; paying them 500 a day becomes economic after the 1st fine freeing the cops to continue robbing motor cyclists and causing traffic jams.

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Not all other countries use a yellow painted curb for no parking.

Why are we not questioning the ease to rent a car by a foreigner who needs next to nothing to do so?

And we all know regardless of all the laws that are in place there is never enough police to support them.

Why do the police stop only motorbikes? Because they are the easiest to stop and the police are also driving motorbikes.

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They should fine the motor bike rental companies for the number of parking spots their bikes take up. Ditto the laundries that leave their drying frames out all night. Meter maids are a good idea; paying them 500 a day becomes economic after the 1st fine freeing the cops to continue robbing motor cyclists and causing traffic jams.

Yes......and welcome to the encroachment of a western nanny state...............

You perhaps forget just how invidious parking restrictions and enforcement became certainly in the UK where many people found they were not able to park outside their own house and or needed to purchase a permit to do so.

I would suggest that there are many other higher priorities for traffic enforcement as talked about almost daily in other threads.

(Agree about the MC rental cos thumbsup.gif )

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Pattaya is unique as it has a massive population of "3rd world village mentality" in a modern city. None of the infrastructure is suited to the demands that are put on them. Roads, water, sewage, drainage, vehicles, power lines etc etc etc...

Pattaya is unique as it has a massive foreign population that has a "21st century mentality" living in a 3rd world country ready to jump on social media (like me) and point out all the wrongs, when there never, ever will be any rights.

What we must also learn is that never ever will any Thai person take heed of any advise given by a foreigner.

If there were two switches on a wall and one of them cured everything that is wrong on planet earth instantly and the other made it 10 times worse. I know which switch the Thai would turn if I told them. You would have to use reverse logic to get the correct result.

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What i find most annoying are drivers who park right on the corner of a junction (on red of course) making it very difficult for anyone exiting the side road to see what's coming.

Accomplished "Thai drivers" use those vehicles parked on the corner as "magic shields" enabling them to zoom out of side streets on to the main road without a care in the world that anyone will crash into them...because the shield car has magically pushed the traffic out of the lane they zoom into..the faster this manoeuvre is performed the better the results !!! facepalm.gif

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