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Ex Cop 70 to marry Thai girl 17 - I wasn't being insulting says Facebook poster


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Ex Cop 70 to marry Thai girl 17 - I wasn't being insulting says Facebook poster

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- As pictures of a 70 year old ex cop getting engaged to a girl young enough to be his granddaughter went viral the poster of the story on Facebook was accused of being insulting.

The pictures were posted on a page usually reserved for disasters: "Krabi Accident News". There was a picture of money and gold laid out for the dowry reported Daily News.

Gomes Markphon owner of the page told reporters that he got wind of the story from friends on the Line app and decided to share the story.

"It is not something you see every day is it?," he said. "A man marrying a girl young enough to be his granddaughter. I understood it to be a retired policeman in Phitsanulok who had left the force many years ago and was now 70 who was getting married to a 17 year old. That was all I know."

He said that it was not news from Krabi and that he had no intention of insulting anyone. Within no time "likes" had hit 10,000 and the story was attracting great interest amongst the Thais with positive and negative comment running about 50/50.

Pailin Shona on Facebook said : "What a shame for the poor girl. Getting married to that old snakehead."

While Maximus Boona said "it is a win win for both sides."

Britney Bee said "Go ahead and get married girl - you'll soon get your life insurance payout."

But Jasmine Dearden said: "The bride is so white. So lovely. Young and old men will be envious of you granddad."

The page has since been taken down.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-05-31

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'Old Snakehead', a common Thai term for this kind of old geezer [who is seeking the last press of youth], seems appropriate. I never see old westerners with girls this age nowadays, they seem to go for 30+ with tats.

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well, business as usual.

crappy village life insurance policy, part of his monthly police pension, when he gets burned.

next stop land office to sign over his land to her.

if he gets too excited she still could be a virgin for her next husband.

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While Maximus Boona said "it is a win win for both sides."

Actually, this may be true. For him, it's heaven, for her, the husband probably does not have that long of a life expectancy, and then she will inherit everything.

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The picture was posted on a page usually reserved for disasters!

Well the poster certainly got the right page!

my thoughts but

'maximus boona said a win win for both sides'

cute 'so white' daughter gets a healthy sin sod for a probably short term investment.

her parents don't have to worry about all the young village no-hopers circling around her, it is hubbies problem now.

old fella can wander around the village making 'face'

i rekon her parents are the winners.

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The detail that is missing is whether this man has been married before or has children from previous relationships, if he has gone through life alone and wants to leave his accumulated wealth to someone there is probably no better way of doing it.

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It's funny how men start to gossip like women as they get old.

Maybe the low production of testosterone is to blame.

I think this is their business and their lives.

The opinions of others does not matter in the least.

I wish them a happy marriage.

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I was thinking that maybe she likes girls...and this way she can have the security and social standing of marriage...without having to endure the sexual part more than once a week...

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I wish them well, the important thing is that he realizes she need to continue her education and prepare herself for life after him.

There is a difference between physical and mental age and perhaps she is more mature mentaly and understands what she is getting into.

My Beautiful and Smart Thai wife is 40 years younger than me. I have provided well for her including a college education for her son, from another man. Like all women she can be a pain in the rear, but takes good care of me, herself and the house.

God Bless the two !!

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Seems that considering it an insult is an admission that something is a bit off in this pairing. I feel sorry for old geezer that he would want a 17 yr old. Maybe he's never spent time with that bracket....

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This shows it is not only old farangs going after and marrying young girls.

Must be his good looks she is marrying him for.

Yes I think the same whenever I see old farang with much younger Thai girl.

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This shows it is not only old farangs going after and marrying young girls.

Must be his good looks she is marrying him for.

What ??? Didn't you see the 'sin sot' ?

She and her family did good.

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I imagine this was an arranged marriage and probably didn't much involve the girl or her wishes. Given the rate of infidelity amongst Thai adults I doubt marriage needs to impact much on her choosing other partners from time to time should she be inclined, and from the cash on the table she or at least her parents should see some benefit from the arrangement. As a business transaction it makes good sense. I believe there to be significant cultural differences between Westerners and Asians around this whole area of sex and marriage, and respect for elders, which makes it hard for us to understand the situation.

Many girls her age are pregnant, or unmarried mothers, poorly educated and with little prospects.

Many more are already ensnared as sex workers.

Compared to that this girl has the chance of a (relatively) clean exit from the poverty trap if she is in one.

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