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Clinton scores prized endorsement from Gov. Jerry Brown


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Clinton and Brown.


Brown, among the best governors in California history.

Hillary Clinton: first lady 8 years, New York Senator, Secretary of State

trump -- CON MAN.

Next ...

Wow, Hillary Clinton was married to a president. Impressive. Of course, that opens up the discussion to her strong arming the women Bill Clinton raped and sexually harassed. Then of course there's her record of ruining everything she touches. Russia reset was a disaster. The Middle East is in flames. Europe is being infested with savages. And as if we don't have enough problems of our own, liberals want to actually IMPORT people with high concentrations of America-hating lunatics. And to top it off, the Obama cartel forbids DHS workers from looking at what these people are saying on social media prior to letting them in!

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More to it than knowing where the "Tidy Bowl" cleaner is kept.

Of course...we all know she will be moving all the Presidential "Servers" to a remote hideout, where all her communications can be hid/destroyed, or given to Foreign Leaders who will use the information in her unsafe emails against us.

She is a walking time bomb. Give her california...maybe she will fall into the San Andreas Fault, next earthquake.

Those looney bins deserve her.

On the other hand...her big mouth and lack of detail, concerning safeguarding Top Secret information, will give Governor Brown and his band of goofballs access to UFO data...so their supporters know what side of their tin foil hat needs the most reinforcement.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The hate oozes from the TV teabaggers.

In California, Republicans make up just 27 percent, barely ahead of independent voters, who make up 24 percent. Voter registration is being dwarfed by the Democratic registration increase over Republicans. The people of California recognize losers when they seem them and Republican are nothing but losers. The Republicans are the party of wingnuts.

Jerry Brown is seen as the most successful Governor in the country. California has been going through a period of prosperity, unlike the states with Republican Governors and legislators run things. The California Democratic Party represents where the rest of the country is ultimately going to end up. (Listen to the wingnuts squeal)

55% of the voters approve of the job Brown is done.

The Republican buffoon has also got some powerful Governor endorsements, like Chris (hand me another burger) Christie, Huckabee, Jindal and Perry. I would characterize that list as pathetic.

One day Republicans will wake up and ask, why do I vote against my own self interest? Why do we support these terrible Governors like Sam Brownback and Scott Walker? What's the name of that idiot in Maine? Or family man Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley who is not only a terrible excuse for a Governor who can't keep his zipper up. Should I go on?

Clinton deserves the Brown endorsement. She will be the Democratic nominee and make a great President.

Republicans are screwed. The worst candidate in history and the rest of the Republican party can't bring itself to get behind this guy. Watch the Republican party dissolve in real time. It's a beautiful thing and soooo deserved.

Oh and speaking of voting against your own self-interest, how do you plan on paying your $26,000 share of the debt Barack Obama accumulated on your behalf?

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Being first lady is something. She won't need much of an orientation of her home. The WHITE HOUSE.

Yes, being married to a president is something. Building a multi-billion dollar real estate empire is also something. That said, I believe both candidates are deeply flawed individuals. Both have high unlikable numbers.

Essentially our choices are an old, tired, corrupt, lying establishment goon that owes hundreds of million dollars in favors to mostly foreign interests or a fast-talking salesman that has had actual, real success in the real world and has produced and built things.

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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but We’re Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

Edited by Jingthing
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The hate oozes from the TV teabaggers.

In California, Republicans make up just 27 percent, barely ahead of independent voters, who make up 24 percent. Voter registration is being dwarfed by the Democratic registration increase over Republicans. The people of California recognize losers when they seem them and Republican are nothing but losers. The Republicans are the party of wingnuts.

Jerry Brown is seen as the most successful Governor in the country. California has been going through a period of prosperity, unlike the states with Republican Governors and legislators run things. The California Democratic Party represents where the rest of the country is ultimately going to end up. (Listen to the wingnuts squeal)

55% of the voters approve of the job Brown is done.

The Republican buffoon has also got some powerful Governor endorsements, like Chris (hand me another burger) Christie, Huckabee, Jindal and Perry. I would characterize that list as pathetic.

One day Republicans will wake up and ask, why do I vote against my own self interest? Why do we support these terrible Governors like Sam Brownback and Scott Walker? What's the name of that idiot in Maine? Or family man Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley who is not only a terrible excuse for a Governor who can't keep his zipper up. Should I go on?

Clinton deserves the Brown endorsement. She will be the Democratic nominee and make a great President.

Republicans are screwed. The worst candidate in history and the rest of the Republican party can't bring itself to get behind this guy. Watch the Republican party dissolve in real time. It's a beautiful thing and soooo deserved.

"The hate oozes from the TV teabaggers. "

Here are some examples of oozing hatred from the same post.

1. "The people of California recognize losers when they seem (sic) them and Republican (sic) are nothing but losers."

2. "The Republicans are the party of wingnuts."

3. "The Republican buffoon has also got some powerful Governor endorsements, like Chris (hand me another burger) Christie...."

4. "What's the name of that idiot in Maine? Or family man Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley who is not only a terrible excuse for a Governor who can't keep his zipper up."

5. "The worst candidate in history..."

6. "Watch the Republican party dissolve in real time. It's a beautiful thing and soooo deserved."

Think I'm pretty scathing toward Socialism/progressivism and yet I try to avoid ad hominem attacks against supporters, mostly. With the left the first refuge is always ad hominem. Pejorative and ad hominem are to leftist/progressives what hypochondria is to drama queens, and they both share the same governor- emotion! If medicine, the race to emotion/pejorative in debate would be diagnostic: it would be diagnosed as an inferior position every time, if not something from the DSM-V.

However, when socialist 'supporters' speak in one voice it's fair game for ridicule or rebuke. So it is when 71% of Hillary supporters say they support her bid even if indicted. This is collective moral turpitude. It's a snapshot of the militant insurgency that is the slow motion coup in the US. This is why the US is now like a banana republic. This single poll reveals how base such thinkers are.

It's a shame this nation has devolved so rapidly that people think it's wonderful an old socialist who has never actually done anything in life, and Sanders, would be a good steward.

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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but Were Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

I would not be surprised if your correct.

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Clinton and Brown.


Brown, among the best governors in California history.

Hillary Clinton: first lady 8 years, New York Senator, Secretary of State

trump -- CON MAN.

Next ...

Yes, the Clintons are WINNERS.

But every time one of them WINS...

the American people LOSE.

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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but Were Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

Hillary won't make it....she has already made it almost impossible to get an interview.

Her panties are all in a bunch, as she is a walking disaster for the democrats.

Watch and see....her time is drawing near. News will unfold early next month.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Clinton and Brown.


Brown, among the best governors in California history.

Hillary Clinton: first lady 8 years, New York Senator, Secretary of State

trump -- CON MAN.

Next ...

Cinton...BIG LOSER


Trump...WILL WIN

CAPS are great JIng thing

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As a new study on election influencers from a research group at MIT Media Lab put it, “[T]he old influence hierarchy has been shattered, replaced by a new mosaic of influence in which social media play a growing role.” It rated @RealDonaldTrump as the top influencer, describing him as a “master of both domains.”

source... http://www.cjr.org/first_person/why_journalists_should_be_afraid_of_trumps_media_strategy.php


Hillary is lucky she can pee without wetting her leg.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but We’re Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

If she has already won the presidency, why has her 11.2-point lead over Trump dropped to 1.5?

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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but We’re Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

If she has already won the presidency, why has her 11.2-point lead over Trump dropped to 1.5?

Steady on all you Nattering Nabobs of Negativism re Crooked Hillary - did you see she's scheduled a News Cnference to clear up all the rumors of malfeasence she's been involved in. Just when this News Conference will be held isn't clear though! laugh.png

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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but We’re Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

If she has already won the presidency, why has her 11.2-point lead over Trump dropped to 1.5?


Jingthing and his fascist liberals want you to follow them...right or wrong.

follow like a lemming....over hillary cliff...to an uncertain demise.

Hillary and Obama leading the USA to a certain defeat...worldwide...in every country of the world.

In the words of several members of TV...the USA is the most despised country in the world.

Lets get them out and try to recover...from 8 years of uncertainty, hatred, wars, and joblessness.

get rid of those liberals....and democrats.....or are they the same?

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One day Republicans will wake up and ask, why do I vote against my own self interest?

I have heard this question often over the years and 100% of the time it is asked by liberals.

The reason is a fundamental difference in what is expected of government.

In general, Republicans/conservatives vote for who they think will be best for the country ("make America great again!"). They care about issues like strong national defense and worry about the national debt.

While Democrats/liberals, in general, vote for who will benefit them personally ("we will pay for your college tuition!". They want as much "free" stuff from the government as they can get...education, healthcare,etc. Unions are strong supporters of Democrats because Democrats put money in their pockets.

BTW- I almost forgot Clinton was still in the race. All I read about around here is Trump.

You're spouting the usual Republican party line. Democrats are all takers.

All of the "blue" states are the engines of innovation, commerce, jobs, and growth. On the other hand, "red" states are mostly net welfare states. There goes your argument.

I'll stop you there. A "blue" state is not made up of 100% Democrats/liberals no more than a "red" state is 100% Republican/conservative. There goes your argument.

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The hate oozes from the TV teabaggers.

In California, Republicans make up just 27 percent, barely ahead of independent voters, who make up 24 percent. Voter registration is being dwarfed by the Democratic registration increase over Republicans. The people of California recognize losers when they seem them and Republican are nothing but losers. The Republicans are the party of wingnuts.

Jerry Brown is seen as the most successful Governor in the country. California has been going through a period of prosperity, unlike the states with Republican Governors and legislators run things. The California Democratic Party represents where the rest of the country is ultimately going to end up. (Listen to the wingnuts squeal)

55% of the voters approve of the job Brown is done.

The Republican buffoon has also got some powerful Governor endorsements, like Chris (hand me another burger) Christie, Huckabee, Jindal and Perry. I would characterize that list as pathetic.

One day Republicans will wake up and ask, why do I vote against my own self interest? Why do we support these terrible Governors like Sam Brownback and Scott Walker? What's the name of that idiot in Maine? Or family man Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley who is not only a terrible excuse for a Governor who can't keep his zipper up. Should I go on?

Clinton deserves the Brown endorsement. She will be the Democratic nominee and make a great President.

Republicans are screwed. The worst candidate in history and the rest of the Republican party can't bring itself to get behind this guy. Watch the Republican party dissolve in real time. It's a beautiful thing and soooo deserved.

"The hate oozes from the TV teabaggers. "

Here are some examples of oozing hatred from the same post.

1. "The people of California recognize losers when they seem (sic) them and Republican (sic) are nothing but losers."

2. "The Republicans are the party of wingnuts."

3. "The Republican buffoon has also got some powerful Governor endorsements, like Chris (hand me another burger) Christie...."

4. "What's the name of that idiot in Maine? Or family man Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley who is not only a terrible excuse for a Governor who can't keep his zipper up."

5. "The worst candidate in history..."

6. "Watch the Republican party dissolve in real time. It's a beautiful thing and soooo deserved."

Think I'm pretty scathing toward Socialism/progressivism and yet I try to avoid ad hominem attacks against supporters, mostly. With the left the first refuge is always ad hominem. Pejorative and ad hominem are to leftist/progressives what hypochondria is to drama queens, and they both share the same governor- emotion! If medicine, the race to emotion/pejorative in debate would be diagnostic: it would be diagnosed as an inferior position every time, if not something from the DSM-V.

However, when socialist 'supporters' speak in one voice it's fair game for ridicule or rebuke. So it is when 71% of Hillary supporters say they support her bid even if indicted. This is collective moral turpitude. It's a snapshot of the militant insurgency that is the slow motion coup in the US. This is why the US is now like a banana republic. This single poll reveals how base such thinkers are.

It's a shame this nation has devolved so rapidly that people think it's wonderful an old socialist who has never actually done anything in life, and Sanders, would be a good steward.

Another outstanding word salad post Arj. Kudos. You're the best.

Favorite line: "Pejorative and ad hominem are to leftist/progressives what hypochondria is to drama queens, and they both share the same governor- emotion!"

So deep.

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Forget all the drama.

Hillary Clinton already won.



Hillary has already won the presidency

Why? Because the Republican party is not the same as the US population. Yes there is overlap, and yes everyone feels the goosebumps of an idiot breaking all the rules and getting applause for it, but We’re Not There Yet. The American public, for all its waywardness and depravity and reality-show slumming, has not yet thrown in the towel on trying to have a republic and make it work, the Republican party notwithstanding. Donald Trump is a charlatan and a dangerous one, and this will become abundantly clear as the rest of the campaign unfolds. He can threaten the media and wave his whatever-sized hands all he wants, but it is no big mystery as to what he really is, and barring a level of economic and social dysfunction significantly greater than what we have now, he will go down, and go down in flames.

If she has already won the presidency, why has her 11.2-point lead over Trump dropped to 1.5?

Steady on all you Nattering Nabobs of Negativism re Crooked Hillary - did you see she's scheduled a News Cnference to clear up all the rumors of malfeasence she's been involved in. Just when this News Conference will be held isn't clear though! laugh.png

Good point.... juggling all her lies, Huma having to keep her straight on things since she's "often confused", dodging the FBI wanting to meet up with her and running a presidential campaign must be tough. Let's be patient. ;)

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...and apparently "71%" of other Democrats who, evidencing moral turpitude, don't care if she is indicated!

I indicate her as the next president of the United States!
There's something to be said about confidence and surety.

I've never had a post validated so quickly.

It speaks to another post were I suggested "you may be right" about Clinton winning. Fewer things prove my point that America is not having election cycles any longer, it's having a slow motion coup, a grand larceny wit large.

*I think Biden was the plan all along. The DoJ hammer will fall in time for the primaries to be manipulated and Biden to pass unscathed for coronation. I cannot imagine Al Capone had more bad press then Hillary. One has to reach to that infamy to class Clinton. She does not require the rebuke of history. Clinton's appreciated in real time as a butcher of men, a don, a warlord, and a murderer. Hard to imagine Obama handing the WH to him and Hillary.

Edited by arjunadawn
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There's something to be said about confidence and surety.

I've never had a post validated so quickly.

It speaks to another post were I suggested "you may be right" about Clinton winning. Fewer things prove my point that America is not having election cycles any longer, it's having a slow motion coup, a grand larceny wit large.

*I think Biden was the plan all along. The DoJ hammer will fall in time for the primaries to be manipulated and Biden to pass unscathed for coronation. I cannot imagine Al Capone had more bad press then Hillary. One has to reach to that infamy to class Clinton. She does not require the rebuke of history. Clinton's appreciated in real time as a butcher of men, a don, a warlord, and a murderer. Hard to imagine Obama handing the WH to him and Hillary.

I cannot imagine Barack Obama wants Hillary in the White House. Right now he and Michelle are the top power couple in DC. If Hillary is elected, Barack and Michelle move to second fiddle. Obama having the most massive ego to ever be in the White House, I don't see him letting that happen.

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Clinton scores prized endorsement from Gov. Jerry Brown

Gov. Brown will have his head in his hands once Trump murders Hillbilly live on TV. Seriously, I can't wait.

I hope there's multiple angles of Hillbilly being owned by The Donald.

Hillbilly will be better off doing a Cruz and leaving The Donald to a free ride to POTUS.

As an aside, can the FBI arrest her mid-debate live on national TV? That'd be interesting.

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There's something to be said about confidence and surety.

I've never had a post validated so quickly.

It speaks to another post were I suggested "you may be right" about Clinton winning. Fewer things prove my point that America is not having election cycles any longer, it's having a slow motion coup, a grand larceny wit large.

*I think Biden was the plan all along. The DoJ hammer will fall in time for the primaries to be manipulated and Biden to pass unscathed for coronation. I cannot imagine Al Capone had more bad press then Hillary. One has to reach to that infamy to class Clinton. She does not require the rebuke of history. Clinton's appreciated in real time as a butcher of men, a don, a warlord, and a murderer. Hard to imagine Obama handing the WH to him and Hillary.

I cannot imagine Barack Obama wants Hillary in the White House. Right now he and Michelle are the top power couple in DC. If Hillary is elected, Barack and Michelle move to second fiddle. Obama having the most massive ego to ever be in the White House, I don't see him letting that happen.

If anything Obama is a case study in damaged childhood psyche. Presuming Obama would thwart another to extend their own political shelf life is evidenced by their entire public life. Rarely has so much psychoanalysis been offered to explain the machinations of any politician. Of course he/they would trash Hillary to extend their own young political lives. Agreed.
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