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Horrible Discovery in Tiger Temple: Dozens of Dead Tiger Kittens


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It astounded me at te time and still does that despite the protests of various orgs, individuals and reports that there was/is a body of people who claim the place was fine - either because - the "visited the place and the animals were healthy and looked well" or that there was no REAL evidence.

There's always beed REAL evidence - it's just a mater of what kind and how much these peudio-doubting-Thomases need.

In the meantime, we now have to wait for the temple's explanation of this. I'm sure it will be sufficient to muddy the waters to the extant that the doubters will be able to say "there you go, perfectly reasonable"

Multiple dead cubs: to me the most logical explanation is the speed breeding programs of the kind you see in Chinese tiger farms, where females are kept almost constantly pregnant - to keep up a supply of cubs for whatever purpose.

oner also has to ask why they are dead - they could have died shortly after birth - mothers unable to feed (hence the side show of pigs suckling tiger cubs), or have they been killed in order to be processed for the TCM market.

All you fans of alternative medicine be aware!

whatever it's hard to look on this place now as anything more than a concentration camp for Tigers.

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Went there about four years ago. Clearly a commercial enterprise run by and for the monks.

I could not understand why there was a group of western "volunteers" helping to look after the tigers. If they had cared about the animals they should have been campaigning outside the entrance.

Cambodia wants some tigers to release into the wild. Send fifty or so over there.

This is what I dont understand either. I have to admit to being conned by this place. The reason I believed everything was above board was from chatting to a couple of the lady volunteers from Australia who were working there. They seemed perfectly genuine.

I dont understand how they could not have known the full story if they were living and working there.

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Over a dozen protected Hornbills have just been discovered and removed. Thought the authorities had already removed these? You remember, that video where when being removed, this 'abbot' kicked some caged birds around in a fit of pique bah.gif

i would suggest that these are more hornbills - the last lot were confiscated, weren't they?

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Buddhism as a religion isn't really Buddhism , it is more Pagan , old customs and superstition . Buddhism is a philosophy understood by a few .

My guess is that good monks are few and far between . A friend tells me that many monks have spent time in prison before becoming monks .

My wife sometimes consults monks and I am horrified by the wrongful advice given .

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One good question: why they had dead baby tigers and other animal parts?


Thailand is a hub for the trade in endangered species....a large part of this - in fact a a major part is the smuggling of butchered animals which are used in the preparation of TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicines.

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Tiger cub bodies found at Thai temple

Forty tiger cub bodies have been found in a freezer at a Thai Buddhist temple accused of wildlife trafficking and animal abuse.

Police and wildlife officials started an operation on Monday to remove all the living tigers at the Tiger Temple.

Pictures from journalists at the scene posted to social media showed the 40 cub corpses lined up on the floor.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36424091

-- BBC 2016-06-01

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Disgusting so much for religion

There is nothing wrong with religion per se, it is the way it is abused that is disgusting

Apologies for the pedantry but Buddhism isn't a 'religion' and shouldn't be put on display as such.

More specifically, Buddhism in Thailand. Buddhism in China, Japan and other Asian countries could be classed as a religion. Quite different.
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Oh, but ...come on...it's all these peaceful Buddhist- monks, living in perfect harmony with the mighty tigers...the lion and the sheep and all that...never doing any harm to the mighty beasts...just living together in love and mutual respect...or was it mutilating?....

I never bought into that crap and it baffles me until today, how any person with 2 working braincells could have!


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The Daily Mail will have a field day with this story.

On the subject of Buddhism in general, I have always found it interesting that amulets which are blessed by monks in temples (I have one) are always apparently instilled with the ability to bring the wearer riches. I have not heard of any being blessed for any other purpose such as bringing happiness or making a better person. This is not unique to Thailand though.

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Anyone out there still defending the scum who ran this cesspit?

Sadly I think there are still people who think this place is wonderful and will defend it until the bitter end, which hopefully is imminent.

Some friends of ours fall into this group unfortunately, they are a highly intelligent couple but won't hear a word against it.

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Thailand Officials Find 40 Dead Tiger Cubs in Temple Freezer

New York Times

BANGKOK — Thai wildlife authorities found 40 dead tiger cubs in a freezer on Wednesday at the Tiger Temple, a controversial tourist attraction in western Thailand, and were investigating whether the carcasses are evidence of the temple’s involvement in the illegal wildlife trade.

The discovery came as Thai wildlife rangers were removing adult tigers from the temple in an effort to shut down the attraction after receiving complaints that the temple was trafficking in endangered species.

The temple, a Buddhist monastery that offered paying tourists close contact with tigers, has long been accused by conservationists and animal rights activists of exploiting and abusing the animals, accusations the temple has denied.

Full story: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/02/world/asia/thailand-tiger-temple-dead-cubs.html

-- New York Times 2016-06-01

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slow down. what was the point of killing the tiger cubs? they were kept in a freezer and may have been collected over a number of month or years. why didnt they get rid of them? they must have know wild life officers were going to raid them eventually, why didnt they get rid of them?

Critical thinking, perfect!

I was wondering the exact same.

It is not that the authorities invaded the temple out of the blue, they have been trying to get access for years now. So why keep the evidence laying around all that time?

You can only wait for their excuse: "these cubs died early after birth and according to Buddhist teaching XYZ we kept their bodies around for research to avoid further loss of lives in the future".

My best guess would be that either the dead cubs are relatively fresh and have not been sold or processed yet, and they did not get rid of the evidence because they are too arrogant to even consider losing their battle against the authorities.

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Transport to and turn about 50 of the hungry tigers loose in the space ship temple and let them chase and flush out the four flushers there. Not suggesting violence, of course, but exercise for all those concerned /involved.

What experience did you get from your time in temple as a monk, that would justify us hiring you? None payment of tax owed, selling animal parts, holding endangered animals captive, sex with animals, women and young children, laundering money, hiding / putting assets in family and their own name, profess to tell future, fighting, etc, etc

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It is sad, but came as no surprise to me. Next the authorities need to go and inspect the other tiger tourist places. Funny how they seem to have an endless supply of tiger cubs to have you photos taken with.... but what happens to them when they get bigger... I think these places are actually only farms. Supplying tiger parts.. and making extra money from the tourists.

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Let me get this straight, this is a Buddhist temple and they objected to letting the Tigers go, but now we find it was affront for trafficking these tigers and making money off the furs, I assume as well as other animal parts. Which part of breaking the law does this temple want to address.

I suggest the Temple closed down, disband the monks ( those that are not charged with offences and sell off the land and donate all monies raised to Animal sancturaries across Thailand.

This si a DISGRACE to Thailand and Buddhism I wonder what the PM will say...........................

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