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Drunk driver who killed motorcyclist has trouble with his memory


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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

Are you saying it was the motorbike rider who was wrong and deserved to killed? The pickup driver was drunk and killed him by driving into him! And the motorbike rider was on the correct side of the road, wearing a helmet for all the good it did him!

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Hard to believe that this guy was so drunk at that hour in the morning. Even harder to believe was that he was working and his job was delivering foodstuff to schools. One has to be thankful this guy only killed one lone driver whereas he could have killed many children on his route.

Maybe he was an alcoholic.

Many alcoholics would actually be more dangerous if they didn't have that drink in the morning.

BULL*^#$%&*&%#............. I don't like your way of thinking................ It sounds like you are justifying his drinking and driving recklessly and accidently killing somebody who was probably sober. With thinking like this you sound like you could use a visit to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) for yourself..........

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As a long term rider of a moped in Thailand I'm shocked to see this, one minute here next minute he is gone and not a thing he could of done.

I think I need to get a car.

Get a car. Time is up. Done well. But... get a car.

^^^Anecdotalised. ~ I went to a public hospital for a foot problem. Yep, motorcycle accident. Hit a dog on the highway. Took a ticket for the osteopathic consult. #178. No joke. That was the queue @ chumphon base 2010 and my guess is 90 percent were for motorcycle related short and long term issues. Two consulting surgeons on that morning duty.

I went private and then went to Mazda and bought a pickup.

Is it not strange that instead of people doing all they can to PREVENT accidents, they change modes of transport? Accidents will and do still happen regardless of the form of transport you use.

No, it isn't strange ...you can't PREVENT what all people and things are doing around you, you can upgrade your own safety. This accident, had it happened with a car, probably would not have been a fatality.

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

There are laws and there are laws. For eg, one law states that all vehicles must stop at a red light. The reason for this is obvious and most motorists obey this law. However the law against motorbikes using a tunnel is nonsensical and therefore most motorcyclists do not comply (unless you're a motorcyclist, you won't understand).

You might try to use the argument that if he (the motorcyclist) wasn't in the tunnel, then he would still be alive. That would also be nonsensical as a lot of motorcyclists die whilst not using tunnels as well.

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

Are you saying it was the motorbike rider who was wrong and deserved to killed? The pickup driver was drunk and killed him by driving into him! And the motorbike rider was on the correct side of the road, wearing a helmet for all the good it did him!

NO, I AM NOT SAYING HE DESERVED TO BE KILLED,, , that was a terrible accident that happened.. You are trying to read something I am not saying... I am saying if people took some notice of the law more, (both of them) then this would never have happened, along with countless other deaths...

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If one of these scumbags happens to run into you, and has no insurance, which is quite likely, how can you claim? It seems the general Thai attitude would be that as he had no insurance, he shouldn't have been on the road, apart from the fact that the driver will probably plead poverty.

Not a day goes by that I don't see an old pick-up with the wings hanging off, belching out black smoke and being driven irratically; these vehicles are obviously unfit for the road, and certainly have no insurance. I'm not usually a police basher, but it's about time they started doing their job and get this crap off the road. And while they're at it, perhaps they could stop four lanes of cars turning right at a junction, when there is quite clearly only one lane allocated. And, they could try setting up breathaliser road blocks in different places, instead of the same place, every day at the same time; the scumbag drivers avoid this one location like the plague. I could write a book, but I'm sure you all get the idea.

When motorcycles were banned from that tunnel, if proper signs had been put up and the police were monitoring it correctly, the motorcycle wouldn't have been there, but that scumbag would still have had the accident. So, throw the book at him, including a murder charge, and get one more drunken scumbag off the road.

Maybe the PM will consider making the police responsible for paying out compensation to the families to reflect their dereliction of duty; that might be the wake-up call they need.

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In my opinion it is a murder case. Nothing less

Unfortunately, it's not. Unless his intentions were to deliberately run over the motorcyclist and kill him, then no, only drunk driving occassioning death; dangerous or negligent driving occassioning death. It's a shame that human life, no matter where in the world we are, is thought of so cheaply.

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

There are laws and there are laws. For eg, one law states that all vehicles must stop at a red light. The reason for this is obvious and most motorists obey this law. However the law against motorbikes using a tunnel is nonsensical and therefore most motorcyclists do not comply (unless you're a motorcyclist, you won't understand).

You might try to use the argument that if he (the motorcyclist) wasn't in the tunnel, then he would still be alive. That would also be nonsensical as a lot of motorcyclists die whilst not using tunnels as well.

tell me, do you think if he didn't use the tunnel, he would be alive or dead now ?

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Aside from the tragic accident, just look at the number of motor bikes flaunting the law by using the tunnel. When are the police going to start enforcing the law! Enclosed areas like tunnels are no place for motorbikes.

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

There are laws and there are laws. For eg, one law states that all vehicles must stop at a red light. The reason for this is obvious and most motorists obey this law. However the law against motorbikes using a tunnel is nonsensical and therefore most motorcyclists do not comply (unless you're a motorcyclist, you won't understand).

You might try to use the argument that if he (the motorcyclist) wasn't in the tunnel, then he would still be alive. That would also be nonsensical as a lot of motorcyclists die whilst not using tunnels as well.

tell me, do you think if he didn't use the tunnel, he would be alive or dead now ?


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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

There are laws and there are laws. For eg, one law states that all vehicles must stop at a red light. The reason for this is obvious and most motorists obey this law. However the law against motorbikes using a tunnel is nonsensical and therefore most motorcyclists do not comply (unless you're a motorcyclist, you won't understand).

You might try to use the argument that if he (the motorcyclist) wasn't in the tunnel, then he would still be alive. That would also be nonsensical as a lot of motorcyclists die whilst not using tunnels as well.

tell me, do you think if he didn't use the tunnel, he would be alive or dead now ?


YES ??? yes what? alive or dead ?

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

There are laws and there are laws. For eg, one law states that all vehicles must stop at a red light. The reason for this is obvious and most motorists obey this law. However the law against motorbikes using a tunnel is nonsensical and therefore most motorcyclists do not comply (unless you're a motorcyclist, you won't understand).

You might try to use the argument that if he (the motorcyclist) wasn't in the tunnel, then he would still be alive. That would also be nonsensical as a lot of motorcyclists die whilst not using tunnels as well.

tell me, do you think if he didn't use the tunnel, he would be alive or dead now ?

You are special Mark.

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There are laws and there are laws. For eg, one law states that all vehicles must stop at a red light. The reason for this is obvious and most motorists obey this law. However the law against motorbikes using a tunnel is nonsensical and therefore most motorcyclists do not comply (unless you're a motorcyclist, you won't understand).

You might try to use the argument that if he (the motorcyclist) wasn't in the tunnel, then he would still be alive. That would also be nonsensical as a lot of motorcyclists die whilst not using tunnels as well.

tell me, do you think if he didn't use the tunnel, he would be alive or dead now ?

Aside from the tragic accident, just look at the number of motor bikes flaunting the law by using the tunnel. When are the police going to start enforcing the law! Enclosed areas like tunnels are no place for motorbikes.


It's obvious that neither of you are motorcyclists.

In answer to mark's question, who knows? About 70-80 persons die a day on Thai roads, with about 80% being motorcyclists. If he did not use the tunnel, he might have been killed in another accident on the road above.

The point is that the law prohibiting motorcycles from using tunnels is nonsense

Edited by Gweiloman
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Nothing he could do, how about not getting pissed and jumping behind the wheel. Not my fault, I was drunk isn't a defence.

Being drunk should be treated as an aggravation but that's maybe too much for Thai ' justice ' to grasp.

For a country that pretends to be the Asian HUB of justice ?? whistling.gif

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If one of these scumbags happens to run into you, and has no insurance, which is quite likely, how can you claim? It seems the general Thai attitude would be that as he had no insurance, he shouldn't have been on the road, apart from the fact that the driver will probably plead poverty.

Not a day goes by that I don't see an old pick-up with the wings hanging off, belching out black smoke and being driven irratically; these vehicles are obviously unfit for the road, and certainly have no insurance. I'm not usually a police basher, but it's about time they started doing their job and get this crap off the road. And while they're at it, perhaps they could stop four lanes of cars turning right at a junction, when there is quite clearly only one lane allocated. And, they could try setting up breathaliser road blocks in different places, instead of the same place, every day at the same time; the scumbag drivers avoid this one location like the plague. I could write a book, but I'm sure you all get the idea.

When motorcycles were banned from that tunnel, if proper signs had been put up and the police were monitoring it correctly, the motorcycle wouldn't have been there, but that scumbag would still have had the accident. So, throw the book at him, including a murder charge, and get one more drunken scumbag off the road.

Maybe the PM will consider making the police responsible for paying out compensation to the families to reflect their dereliction of duty; that might be the wake-up call they need.

My wife, who is Thai, had a drunken cyclist crash into her car at 7.30am one day last year. He was drunk, had no registation, no helmet and was uninsured. Police attended, so did an insurance rep. On her first attendance at the police station, everything went smoothly, and she was deemed not at fault, as the cyclist was still alive but in a crtical condition n hospital. One her second attendance, a week later, after the cylclist passed away, the police officer's attitude changed and was now seeking compensation from her and the insurance company.

At this time, owing to it now being a fatality, the copper and even the insurance rep tried to milk her and the insurer, however, she was wise enough to report it directly to the insurer, who sacked the rep and replaced him with the original rep and the whole scenario changed. This guy was honest, took the copper and the deceased's family on and actually found out that the copper was a friend of the family. In the end, the copper was disciplined, my wife's car repaired, the family got nothing, whilst the insurer is actually seeking the cost of repairs from them.

Don't ask me how but not really interested as long as my wife was cleared, which she was, and it was comforting to see those attempting to extort funds from her and the insurer caught out. The only money the family received was a contribution from my wife towards the funeral. the insurer denied liability once they signed an agreement admitting that it was the deceased's fault.

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Hard to believe that this guy was so drunk at that hour in the morning. Even harder to believe was that he was working and his job was delivering foodstuff to schools. One has to be thankful this guy only killed one lone driver whereas he could have killed many children on his route.

Maybe he was an alcoholic.

Many alcoholics would actually be more dangerous if they didn't have that drink in the morning.

Medical fact, or your own indepth research?

I have known several alcoholics in my time in the military. Two of them were really nice guys.

One guy used to wake up and without opening his eyes he would get a bottle of vodka from his cabinet and take 2 or 3 big gulps followed by an unfiltered Camel cigarette, after which he could function.

The other guy was almost as bad though he didn't smoke but it took him 2 or 3 good belts of vodka to stop his hands shaking first thing in the morning. He would eat every 2 or 3 days and live on alcohol the rest of the time.

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This guy is a typical Thai driver who will use the loopholes in the law to avoid any responsibility for manslaughter. I am not sure if anyone has noticed that he also tried to drive over the body and motorcycle in an attempt to get away.

He willfully operated his vehicle in a manner to cause the death of the young motorcyclist, he then tried to avoid capture by driving off and to cap it all off he then knowingly lied about what happened. This typical Thai mentality of no remorse and who cares about what I did is something I have experienced and is very very common here.

Thai people have no regard whatsoever for the lives of others, especially on the road.

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You must have been here a while to get it so upside down. A drunkard, driving deliveries to a school (dwell on that) loses control of his vehicle and enters the opposing lane backwards - you state bikes are dangerous... Well done. People who dance around facts are dangerous. People who break laws designed for safety are dangerous. Motorcycles are riskier - that is hard to argue against.

wow. Those cars looked like they were going pretty fast. Probably going as fast as the car in front of them with no regard to whatever the speed limit is. Empty space, speed up. But a good lesson here why riding a motorcycle is so dangerous. You are vulnerable and unprotected.

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It's obvious that neither of you are motorcyclists.

In answer to mark's question, who knows? About 70-80 persons die a day on Thai roads, with about 80% being motorcyclists. If he did not use the tunnel, he might have been killed in another accident on the road above.

The point is that the law prohibiting motorcycles from using tunnels is nonsense


If the state

1) Doesn't give any logical reasoning for a law.

2) Doesn't bother properly enforcing a law.

3) Doesn't uphold the police to follow the laws they are supposed to enforce.

then you can guarantee the laws will be ignored by the public.

If the state wants people to follow the laws, firstly make the laws make sense, secondly enforce the laws, and thirdly, stop allowing the police, whose job it should be to set an example to the public, to keep breaking them themselves.

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

Yea man,m/c was breaking the law,and if he was not there there would be no problem----after all if you look at the video the pick-up driver was going to just drive off but could not move cos as he see when he gets out of the cab--- there's a f*&$ing motorbike stuck underneath---poor bugger RIP

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This guy is a typical Thai driver who will use the loopholes in the law to avoid any responsibility for manslaughter. I am not sure if anyone has noticed that he also tried to drive over the body and motorcycle in an attempt to get away.

He willfully operated his vehicle in a manner to cause the death of the young motorcyclist, he then tried to avoid capture by driving off and to cap it all off he then knowingly lied about what happened. This typical Thai mentality of no remorse and who cares about what I did is something I have experienced and is very very common here.

Thai people have no regard whatsoever for the lives of others, especially on the road.

I hate to think about this but------- yes I did see that driver try to drive away with the motor cyclist underneath--------- It did occur to me that by a stroke of luck that m/c fella could have still been alive and that last motion like the driver trying to pull away over him was the bit that killed him and all you people keep on about drivers banned from the tunnel------------- WHY?---get some sense of responsibilitybah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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As a long term rider of a moped in Thailand I'm shocked to see this, one minute here next minute he is gone and not a thing he could of done.

I think I need to get a car.

Yes... like this one... a bit expensive maybe but security is priceless smile.png


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First have to say about the motobike, RIP.

But again, Sorry to say it again, responsability, that word is unknown by thai people.

The stupid motorbike drivers, who knows, it is not alowed to use the tunnel.

Also it is clearly to see that the tunnel is very slippery.

And last but not at least: let not talk about the cardriver, there are to many from this kind on Thai roads, unfortenatly.

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Sorry, I forgot.

RIP motorcyclist.


You that about people you know, not "motorcyclist". Plus you don't say about Buddhist as they come back again.

Why are you protesting? He shows he cares about unfortunate strangers, or is that foreign to your thinking?
RIP is “said to express the hope that someone's spirit has found peace after death” The spirit is there, so that person is still alive, as Buddhists believe that life continues. Besides, not all Thais are Buddhists. 'Rest' dosn't mean physical rest but peace.
Why are you protesting 'jaiyenyen's' good-hearted adieu?
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Defensive driving is something developed countries do. So take note Thai drivers, it may save you a lot of grief:

- drive far enough from a vehicle in front so that you can make an emergency stop without a collision, the distance increases on a wet road (the drunk driver lied and yet his lie doesn’t even stand valid about not being able to stop in time)

- don’t lie (CCTV, witnesses, and other evidence will debunk the lie)

- don’t drink and drive

- drive according to road conditions (e.g. not speeding and sliding out of control on wet roads)

- if you run over someone, don’t move your stationary vehicle even a little – if the victim is under it, that may kill the victim or make injuries worse

- don’t ride or drive on roads forbidden for your vehicle

Besides, he thinks it’s ok to be drunk at work and driving in schools among children, too?

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A girl drunk behind the wheel kills three and injures many, gets 2 years, maybe, depending on how good her lawyer is.

A man drunk behind the wheel kills one, my guess, fine and community service.


Drunk Thai behind wheel

Drives pick up over the speed limit

Got his licence from cousin who works at Transport department (2000B)

Brother taught him to drive in one day.

Tunnel road wet and slippery from rain.

Motor cycle illegally in tunnel.

Road law almost non existing in Thailand, etc,etc,etc.


Life goes on in Thailand, same SH!!!!!!!T different day.

"Life goes on in Thailand, same SH!!!!!!!T different day."

That's a good spell for a t-shirt, instead of (same,same, but different)

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