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‘Don’t knows’ hold the key to Brexit vote


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‘Don’t knows’ hold the key to Brexit vote


The vote on whether or not Britain is to remain in Europe is dividing the nation.

Polls suggest the result will be too close to call:
Barry Gardiner is Labour MP for Brent North & Shadow Minister for Energy & Climate Change, he spoke to euronews about the latest polls and says the huge number of ‘don’t knows’ hold the key: “I think the most interesting thing about the recent polls is that we have about 20-25% of people who just haven’t made up their mind. Yeah, those who know one way or the other, it’s close. But the vast deciding factor here are going to be the ‘don’t knows’, they are going to be the people who really on the day of the poll itself go into the polling station and don’t know which box they are going to put their cross into.”

Those that want to remain in the EU see Britain as a stronger, stable and more influential entity in rather than out, Barry Gardiner agrees: “If you want to insure that companies don’t abuse your tax laws, whether you are talking about companies like Amazon and Google… you need to be able to do that, not at a national level, but actually saying: ‘if you want to trade within the EU as a block you have to observe these tax rules.’ So we have much more power against international global companies, who would really arbitrage where they did their business and where they paid their taxes. If we were to be an isolated nation on our own, we are far stronger if we are together. And I think people when it comes to that final vote will vote for the security that the EU provides.”

Those that want out believe the price Britain pays to be a member of a failing club is too high.

They also want to reclaim, what they see as, lost sovereignty.

The Labour MP believes that if Britain votes to leave the country will experience years of uncertainty:
“There are people, principled people, I may disagree with them, but they will be voting to leave the EU. That’s not something that anybody can then say ‘well you didn’t really mean to do that’. We have to respect the electorate, the electorate will vote on a once in a lifetime decision. Disentangling from the EU would take a chaotic period of probably up to five to ten years. People are not going to do that likely and anybody who thinks that we can simply use the fact that we have had a vote to leave as a bargaining chip to stay is in cloud cuckoo land.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-04

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The Labour MP believes that if Britain votes to leave the country will experience years of uncertainty:

The thing is, if Britain votes to stay, the country will experience years of certainty...

The knowledge of what is better, certainty or uncertainty, is not certain at this time.

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Being in EU provides 'security'? The country is flooded with millions of unknowns!

As with everywhere else, there's a patronising undertone here to those that want to leave. Either way, I'll be glad when it's over as am tired of the bickering.

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This clueless Labour MP Gardiner is a mouthpiece for the Bankster and other financial interest's who are the ones to benefit from remaining in the EU. The British electorate are as naive as any other nation, and probably vote to remain, knowing little of the consequences of their decision, not understanding that it will be the last vote they will ever have. The EU is based on the " Kalergi Plan" Central Control of hundreds of mlllion's of dupes ruled by Cultural Marxist's of the Frankfurt School, the new Bolshevism. Check out Brian Gerrish on Y/T on " Common Purpose". All will be revealed.

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The guys "up there" who also are responsible for the 0 interest rate, find it easy, at a later date, to own and control a body as the EU, now to control each individual state would be hardly possible.

Enough of a reason to vote Gr. Britain OUT?????????? This time: together = NOT STRONG.

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It does seem UK will suffer economically immediately after exit and will need time to negotiate new trade deals. UK manufacturing has been in dolrums for years and loss of the EU market will further wither the industry. If and when new deals can sufficiently replace or better UK's current economic in the EU to sustain and improve economic growth in the long run is debatable.

Economic powerhouse USA seems more committed to the security of the EU as a whole than the UK and would not likely accelerate new trade deals with the UK without consultation with the EU. It is afterall the whole of the EU that serves as a military and econmic bulkworks against current Russian expansionist.

But it is appears that the most significant argument for exit has devolved to less than economic reasons than to soveriegnty issues. The dreams of restoring Brittania PAX - where the world held the UK as a superpower affecting the affairs of other nations. The call for nationalism has more attraction than the complex economics that surround BritExit. While the call for greater UK soveriengty may resonate in England, it may not throughout the rest of the UK. The result may see not only the breakup of the UK but also the dissolution of the Commonwealth.

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Being in EU provides 'security'? The country is flooded with millions of unknowns!

As with everywhere else, there's a patronising undertone here to those that want to leave. Either way, I'll be glad when it's over as am tired of the bickering.

" I'll be glad when it's over as am tired of the bickering. "

Then it should be time for another referendum on Scotland going independent and President Trump can suggest that the UK build a wall in the English Channel to keep out the French. A lot to look forward to.

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

This may help:

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

This may help:

I suspect Baboon is sufficiently intelligent to be able to spot thin propaganda when he sees it. He would be better advised to read The Economist summaries.

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

This may help:

I suspect Baboon is sufficiently intelligent to be able to spot thin propaganda when he sees it. He would be better advised to read The Economist summaries.

That's what you said a few weeks back. You then after much urging,form me and others said you would pull the film and it's message to bits. STILL WAITING.

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?
Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.
If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...
This may help:

I suspect Baboon is sufficiently intelligent to be able to spot thin propaganda when he sees it. He would be better advised to read The Economist summaries.

That's what you said a few weeks back. You then after much urging,form me and others said you would pull the film and it's message to bits. STILL WAITING. What's up Grouse,to busy making the white flags..


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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?
Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.
If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...
This may help:

I suspect Baboon is sufficiently intelligent to be able to spot thin propaganda when he sees it. He would be better advised to read The Economist summaries.

That's what you said a few weeks back. You then after much urging,form me and others said you would pull the film and it's message to bits. STILL WAITING. What's up Grouse,to busy making the white flags..


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Yes, apathy will win...

Well for the first time I am not that keen to vote, ballot paper arrived yesterday, I would have voted out if was certain it will be a "Remain In" win, but I an just not sure and the UK just can take another recession which will be the likely outcome of a Brit-exit, not only the UK but the EU and many other world economies will suffer too.

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This is typical, Labour MP numbskull that thinks the undecided hold the key, when most if not all don't knows will simply not vote, it is not compulsory to vote in the UK.

It is, as other replies say, impossible to predict exactly what will happen if we vote to "Leave", but we do know the EU will be much poorer as the UK is one of only two net contributors to the EU coffers of the 28 members. We also know if the vote goes with the "Remain" camp we will get MORE EU by the boat load and the few concessions Cameron "negotiated" will likely be fast forgotten.

Vote Leave or forever regret it.


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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

It's pretty hard trying to sort out all the lies, half truths, bias, spin etc

So I would say go with your conscience in or out what you would like to be the outcome,

Personally I don't think one person's vote will decide the outcome it will be decided by the thousand's so go with your heart.

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This is typical, Labour MP numbskull that thinks the undecided hold the key, when most if not all don't knows will simply not vote, it is not compulsory to vote in the UK.

It is, as other replies say, impossible to predict exactly what will happen if we vote to "Leave", but we do know the EU will be much poorer as the UK is one of only two net contributors to the EU coffers of the 28 members. We also know if the vote goes with the "Remain" camp we will get MORE EU by the boat load and the few concessions Cameron "negotiated" will likely be fast forgotten.

Vote Leave or forever regret it.


the UK is one of only two net contributors to the EU coffers of the 28 members

It is the second largest net contributor after Germany but it appears that there are a total of eleven net contributors.


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Yesterday the British Bookmakers were giving odds of 3/1 in favour of Britex,Nigel Farage had a bet of £1000 @ 3/1. Never underestimate the power of the Big Bookmakers to get it right! i've lost count of the times they have got it right!

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

As far as I can see, Turkey, Albania and Serbia will be among the poorer members of the EU and as such the will expect or perhaps demand more money and better treatment. They will be net gainers and not contributors so of course they want to join. Meanwhile the few net contributors (5 countries in all IIRC) will be expected to pay even more into the Euro money box to subsidise them.

Albania has only about 2.7 million people, Serbia has about 7.2 million and Turkey has close to 75 million people. That means that about 85 million extra people will be eligible to travel freely within the EU IF they are all accepted.

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Well Turkey, Albania and (I think) Serbia want in, so it is still an attractive proposition for some.

Me, I simply don't know which side to vote for as both campaigns seem to be based on frightening the crap out of people: 'Who scares, wins' as it is being said in the UK. For every 'fact' and prediction, the other side seem to have an equally plausible sounding response and set of statistics of their own.

If any of you on here would like to have a go at persuading me I should vote for their side, I am all ears...

Off coarse it's an attractive proposition for Turkey, Albania and Serbia to join because they will all want to go to the UK for some prosperous UK ££££££'S

Just like the Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians, Czeck's etc, etc.

I agree with "ourmanflint" if it was a referendum to whether the UK should join the EU in the current state it is in, i pretty sure it would be a unanimous NO!

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Ermmmm 3-1 in favour of staying, 9-4 of leaving at Ladbroke, which only means 1 thing, money for Ladbrokes. Fairer odds at betfair. I'm in favour of leaving, but expect Scotland to swing it the other way. Could have joined up themselves when they had the chance couple of years ago. Why they rejected independence then vote 90% SNP I'll never know.

You know all I hear from the pro euro campaign is "oh... It will be so difficult if we leave, we'll have to re-negotiate treaties, bo-hoo we'll have to do some work" . Useless fks. They love Brussels with the 2 hour expenses claimed 5 star lunch break, nap in the office, go home early (I used to work there long time ago).

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This clueless Labour MP Gardiner is a mouthpiece for the Bankster and other financial interest's who are the ones to benefit from remaining in the EU. The British electorate are as naive as any other nation, and probably vote to remain, knowing little of the consequences of their decision, not understanding that it will be the last vote they will ever have. The EU is based on the " Kalergi Plan" Central Control of hundreds of mlllion's of dupes ruled by Cultural Marxist's of the Frankfurt School, the new Bolshevism. Check out Brian Gerrish on Y/T on " Common Purpose". All will be revealed.

THANK YOU! I'm so pleased to read another specifically targeting the roadmap that is being navigated. The Clovenhouve-Kalgeri PanEurope plan is exactly what this all is!

The recent importing of hoards of people is a pillar of this plan based on long ago calculations of an aging EU population. Besides the eugenics and cultural genocide of the plan, it's not widely known and certainly not voted on. I speak to folks on the street everyday and sadly the ones I speak to say they will vote Brexit but they fear the Remain will win.

It is a twisted socialism, a stalking despotism. It is contrary to everything that was learned about people and governments since the Age of Enlightenment. It is regressive, revisionist, and must of necessity destroy the former Europe. Why the hell would anyone want to be a oarmen on a sinking socialist ship?

*I think many Ameicans are closely following this as a portent of things to come in their own socialist insurgecy.

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It does seem UK will suffer economically immediately after exit and will need time to negotiate new trade deals. UK manufacturing has been in dolrums for years and loss of the EU market will further wither the industry. If and when new deals can sufficiently replace or better UK's current economic in the EU to sustain and improve economic growth in the long run is debatable.

Economic powerhouse USA seems more committed to the security of the EU as a whole than the UK and would not likely accelerate new trade deals with the UK without consultation with the EU. It is afterall the whole of the EU that serves as a military and econmic bulkworks against current Russian expansionist.

But it is appears that the most significant argument for exit has devolved to less than economic reasons than to soveriegnty issues. The dreams of restoring Brittania PAX - where the world held the UK as a superpower affecting the affairs of other nations. The call for nationalism has more attraction than the complex economics that surround BritExit. While the call for greater UK soveriengty may resonate in England, it may not throughout the rest of the UK. The result may see not only the breakup of the UK but also the dissolution of the Commonwealth.

I think equating the call to nationalism with a chase of Pax Britania is a false conclusion.
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Being in EU provides 'security'? The country is flooded with millions of unknowns!

As with everywhere else, there's a patronising undertone here to those that want to leave. Either way, I'll be glad when it's over as am tired of the bickering.

" I'll be glad when it's over as am tired of the bickering. "

Then it should be time for another referendum on Scotland going independent and President Trump can suggest that the UK build a wall in the English Channel to keep out the French. A lot to look forward to.

Funny you should segue into Trump and Scotland but now that you have we should note the Romans seemed to find Hadrian's wall useful.

Note: Walls are on earth not water.

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Great point! Were the people in fact ever asked if they wanted to join?

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If the referendum question were reversed, how many would vote to join the EU? I think the answer is overwhelmingly no, so why on earth would we vote to stay in the EU?

Great point! Were the people in fact ever asked if they wanted to join?

No one was asked and no vote ever took place.

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This clueless Labour MP Gardiner is a mouthpiece for the Bankster and other financial interest's who are the ones to benefit from remaining in the EU. The British electorate are as naive as any other nation, and probably vote to remain, knowing little of the consequences of their decision, not understanding that it will be the last vote they will ever have. The EU is based on the " Kalergi Plan" Central Control of hundreds of mlllion's of dupes ruled by Cultural Marxist's of the Frankfurt School, the new Bolshevism. Check out Brian Gerrish on Y/T on " Common Purpose". All will be revealed.

Hello! its the Conspiracy Team on board the BREXIT float. BNP flavour.

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