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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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My understanding is that Trump and his lawyers have not brought this issue (the judge's ethnicity) before the court.

And that's because it has no merit whatsoever.

This "Mexican" nonsense is only for his poorly educated, bigoted fanboys to consume, because Trump knows the fallout from this case is going to be devastating.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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My understanding is that Trump and his lawyers have not brought this issue (the judge's ethnicity) before the court.

And that's because it has no merit whatsoever.

This "Mexican" nonsense is only for his poorly educated, bigoted fanboys to consume, because Trump knows the fallout from this case is going to be devastating.

Indeed. A Motion for Recusal is a huge deal with far reaching implications. It is not to be done lightly, as it can have repercussions for the lawyer bringing it (if done in bad faith), as well as sour the judge in the case. In other words, if the judge wasn't biased against Trump before, he likely would be after the filing of such a frivolous motion. Additionally, even if such a motion is very heavily supported, they are rarely granted.

It is the last thing you would do in a case, a desperate act, but to publicly drag the federal judge through the mud in the nation's media is even worse. Horrible practice, horrible classless actions by a classless neanderthal of a billionaire. It shows contempt for the legal system, contempt for lawyers and the judicial process, and shows how Trump treats sacred institutions as toys in his sandbox.

Again, shameless and low class. Trump is thumbing his nose at everything and everyone.

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Watched the video and the guy is insane ....

Won't even vote him to be a school prefect but in America system an idiot like him can come this far to sew up the nomination for his party.

Kindly get back to us the morning of November 9th plse thx.

Perhaps give us the dose as of then of the CCP contempt of democracy per se.

We don't know how many CCP Trumps there are in the Party because all Party members are hidden from public view. There are a swarm of Trumps in the everyday citizenry as it is. In a Party of 88 million members to include a gang of new billionaires we can bet there are a couple of million Trumps on the loose.

In contrast to some meek and feeble tourism and hotel business guy.

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Watched the video and the guy is insane ....

Won't even vote him to be a school prefect but in America system an idiot like him can come this far to sew up the nomination for his party.

You nailed. He's a madman. If the USA freely elects him president the USA will have gone insane. Republicans lining up with him now are immortal. May their party go down in flames.
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Watched the video and the guy is insane ....

Won't even vote him to be a school prefect but in America system an idiot like him can come this far to sew up the nomination for his party.

Kindly get back to us the morning of November 9th plse thx.

Perhaps give us the dose as of then of the CCP contempt of democracy per se.

We don't know how many CCP Trumps there are in the Party because all Party members are hidden from public view. There are a swarm of Trumps in the everyday citizenry as it is. In a Party of 88 million members to include a gang of new billionaires we can bet there are a couple of million Trumps on the loose.

In contrast to some meek and feeble tourism and hotel business guy.

You need to rehash your history books ..,Chinese is communist mate and we have just one less party than yours ...looks like 2 is not enough have mad nominees ? Where are your independents ?

Remember trump as businessman bully is a different comparison as a president elect ?

You guys like to laud the system being fair and free world and and not rubber stamped ...about to get the dumbest president in your country ever ...he's almost at the White House ...he will probably change it trump mansion when he wins


Honestly if these two idiots represent democracy ...one has to go nuts to get excited about either ...

Edited by LawrenceChee
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On race and ethnicity, Trump has always been a divider

"Every few days Donald Trump challenges us with his obsession with race, ethnicity, religion and gender and with his relentless effort to alienate us from each other."

"Even more importantly, Trump's statement is just one of many he has uttered during the presidential campaign, and throughout his life,
that reveal a warped perspective on what it means to be a citizen of a diverse country where differences are respected and valued."
"Trump's kind of thinking was common in the 1950s, when he was a boy. This is the period evoked when he says he wants to "Make America Great Again."
In fact, the 1950s were marred in many ways, including by the stereotypes people clung to about group identity."
Great to see that the Press is putting the Bloviator's ignorant, bigoted rhetoric into perspective. thumbsup.gif
More to come.
Soon, more true Americans will be informed of this boorish, incapable lout and shun him like the abhorrent, blustering blowhard at a party.
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Actually, it has been proven again and again during the Primary Campaign that Trump supporters simply don't care about his racist and misogynist attitudes. They also could care less that he tells lies in almost every speech.

Over the past few decades America's working class has been slipping from 'lower middle class' to just plain 'lower class'. Housing and education costs have skyrocketed while blue-collar wages have stagnated. Trump is the only politician who is addressing this and when his isn't frothing at the mouth over some immigrant or woman, he stays on topic. He's telling people what they want to hear and they are just ignoring the rest of the bile, vitriol and nonsense that comes out of his mouth.

I hope that I am wrong, but I suspect that there is a better than even chance that he will be elected in November. If Trump gets the Southern states, the rust-belt and the non-coastal Western states, the it will come down to Florida and maybe one or two other swing states. The only hope is that Florida's large Hispanic minority will defeat him.

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It's true trump supporters don't care that he lies constantly. Actually, they LIKE it. But to suggest that weird base of white racists will translate into an electoral majority is ridiculous. He could win but he will need to expand greatly from his base, and the way he continues to insult minorities shows he probably won't.

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

I watched a rather interesting take on the candidates yesterday...the fellow offered that both sanders and trump are 3rd party candidates, but because of necessity must run in the conventional two parties...perhaps the USA is actually a 4 party electorate...emerging from both parties, moderates who are satisfied with the status quo and more radical voters who feel disenfranchised...

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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.

The judge released the files in the case so the public could see the case against Trump in its specific details and in its full breadth.

If all the files regarding Hillary's crimes over the past 3 decades were made public it would dwarf the combined number of files Snowden & Manning stole and leaked.

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"There are a whole lot of Latinos who are disrupting the media’s anti-immigrant narrative pushed by the mainstream media.

Mark F. (@Immigrant4Trump) put together a video making the case for why Angelo Gomez supports Donald Trump for president, and why many other Latinos do, too."


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NJ primary is a few days away. Trump has a lot of experience with judges, .....and with bankrupting casinos.

Add them together: Trump + NJ + manipulation of judges = Trumpism exemplified. Below is an except from today's article in NPR:

But Trump's greatest success came with New Jersey casino regulators, who repeatedly gave him the green light to borrow more money and build more casinos — even as investigators probed his ties to the mob, and even as his businesses were going bankrupt.

Hillary Clinton is now highlighting this part of Trump's career on the campaign trail. "He could bankrupt America like he's bankrupted his companies," Clinton said. "I mean, ask yourself, how can anybody lose money running a casino?"

Better question: How can anybody lose money running a casino and continue to, well, run casinos? Short answer: Casino regulators in New Jersey were notoriously forgiving when it came to Trump. Two regulators who approved Trump casino licenses even as his businesses were crashing were months later appointed to highly coveted judgeships.


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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.

The judge did not just unilaterally decide the release the documents. The Washington Post filed a Freedom of Information Act request to see them. Trump's lawyers then protested, saying that there was proprietary information about Trump's business practices in them. The judge (or more likely his clerks) examined the documents and concluded that most of the information had already been published. So, after some redactions, the documents were released.

Maybe Trump's Supreme Court pick will go after the Freedom of Information Act... just after he or she finishes investigating Clinton's emails! facepalm.gif

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

I watched a rather interesting take on the candidates yesterday...the fellow offered that both sanders and trump are 3rd party candidates, but because of necessity must run in the conventional two parties...perhaps the USA is actually a 4 party electorate...emerging from both parties, moderates who are satisfied with the status quo and more radical voters who feel disenfranchised...
Yeah. That makes sense. The people crying for a parliamentary system but alas the two party model has been the standard for a very long time. But constitutionally it doesn't have to stay that way.
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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.

The judge released the files in the case so the public could see the case against Trump in its specific details and in its full breadth.

If all the files regarding Hillary's crimes over the past 3 decades were made public it would dwarf the combined number of files Snowden & Manning stole and leaked.

Scaling back on the rhetoric are we...I'd expected the unbroken line of paper to the moon flourish instead of the combined files of a couple of numbnuts...yawn.

Good to see some restraint in the rhetoric coming from way out over there however...


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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.

The judge released the files in the case so the public could see the case against Trump in its specific details and in its full breadth.

If all the files regarding Hillary's crimes over the past 3 decades were made public it would dwarf the combined number of files Snowden & Manning stole and leaked.

Scaling back on the rhetoric are we...I'd expected the unbroken line of paper to the moon flourish instead of the combined files of a couple of numbnuts...yawn.

Good to see some restraint in the rhetoric coming from way out over there however...


Yeah watch it mopes, we're everywhere...

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This judge is deeply affiliated with the racist group "La Raza." La Raza aka "The Race" is 100% dedicated to exclusively Latino issues in a decidedly supremacist manner. This judge should recuse himself not because he's Latino but because he is a known Clinton supporter and activist in the racist, leftist la Raza, and btw, also Latino.

Contrast: If whites organized a for whites outcomes only organization called "The Race" it would be scandalous. But because la Raza are May Day Leftist supremacists they get a pass.

La Raza are actively organizing violence in numerous locations, and have done so for years. They agitate against all existing American traditions and institutions using our free speech and association protections, exclusively to the benefit of "The Race!" They are a leftist militant group. Long tolerated, now America pays the price as they're malfeasance is now commonplace in the Democratic orbit.

I rarely cite Alex Jones but seeing his commentary today is later then my comments on this racist I'll include it: this guy is pretty much a Grand Dragon of la Raza. [Paraphrase].


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trump is gonna stay trump.

Racism and all!

Aren't we lucky?rolleyes.gif

The latest trumpet from the vile monster is that a MUSLIM judge would be biased against him too.

What is important is that we can now dismiss the notion that Trump will adjust his rhetoric or his issue positions to accommodate the general electorate. That idea is totally and completely false. There is no Trump 2.0, no reinvention of Trump as more inclusive or less combative waiting just on the horizon. This is it.


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Contrast: If whites organized a for whites outcomes only organization called "The Race" it would be scandalous. But because la Raza are May Day Leftist supremacists they get a pass.

They do it's called the Republican Party. Apparently they want to round up all the Hispanics, and remove all Mexican Judges that rule against the White Folk. The current leader advocates and incites violence and torture too. He wants to put his political opponent in jail on some Trumped up charges.

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Are Trump fans still claiming that he's not part of the establishment? What a sick joke. He's embedded deeply in wheeling-dealings of establishment. He may not have ever been elected to anything, but he has constantly wheeled and dealt with elected and appointed politicians - often underhandedly. If you take a mafia-like manipulator and mix him in with politicians and judges, you get Trump.

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Only white elder men should preside as judges in Tump's many litigations. Note to Trump, be careful what you ask for. You may get someone like Judge Hoffman (who presided over the Chicago 7 trial and slapped 'contempt of court' charges on many participants).

Oh wait, he was Jewish, so he would be recused also. Let me re-phrase my opening statement: Only white, elder, Christian male judges should preside over Trump court cases. Reason? ....Trump has offended every other group.

Addendum: Trump wouldn't mind having private access to that judge during proceedings. He wrote the book on back-room dealings - to gain favors. Perhaps that's another reason Trump doesn't like the Indiana judge who was appointed to preside over the fake U case; Maybe Trump can't assert influence over the judge from clandestine outside-of-court meetings, as Trump is accustomed to doing in his prior court cases.

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Only white elder men should preside as judges in Tump's many litigations. Note to Trump, be careful what you ask for. You may get someone like Judge Hoffman (who presided over the Chicago 7 trial and slapped 'contempt of court' charges on many participants).

Oh wait, he was Jewish, so he would be recused also. Let me re-phrase my opening statement: Only white, elder, Christian male judges should preside over Trump court cases. Reason? ....Trump has offended every other group.

Addendum: Trump wouldn't mind having private access to that judge during proceedings. He wrote the book on back-room dealings - to gain favors. Perhaps that's another reason Trump doesn't like the Indiana judge who was appointed to preside over the fake U case; Maybe Trump can't assert influence over the judge from clandestine outside-of-court meetings, as Trump is accustomed to doing in his prior court cases.

Very presidential behaviour indeed from trump who thinks the world affairs are like his board meetings ...I can see his meeting style ...no discussion and just his points ...him and Kim are going to establish a new global world order and court where the decisions will be TK style ...say yes or be nuked

still prefer Bill from a scandal point was a nice guy that fell with his pants ...but at least that is an established man's folly ...

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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.


Btw, former SecState Hillary Clinton has not attacked any judges, investigators, inspectors, prosecutors, nor has Mrs. Clinton attacked the US Judiciary which is established by and operates in accordance with the US Constitution. The rightwhingers trying to bend or shred the Constitution in each case do have this purpose.

The Republican Party supports this.

Nor has the horrible witch or any of her fellow racketeers willingly participated in the OIG's investigation. Oh, and there's the Pagliano 5th amendment plea on a civil FOIA lawsuit, nothing to see here (hehehe).

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Btw, former SecState Hillary Clinton has not attacked any judges, investigators, inspectors, prosecutors, nor has Mrs. Clinton attacked the US Judiciary which is established by and operates in accordance with the US Constitution. The rightwhingers trying to bend or shred the Constitution in each case do have this purpose.

The Republican Party supports this.

Nor has the horrible witch or any of her fellow racketeers willingly participated in the OIG's investigation. Oh, and there's the Pagliano 5th amendment plea on a civil FOIA lawsuit, nothing to see here (hehehe).

Not only is she a 'horrible witch' but she lies under your bed at night, ready to grab any lingering fingers or toes to sink her fangs into.

Back to the real world: HRC introduced and got legislation passed which aided first responders, soon after 9-11. She was officially commended by NYC firefighters for that. What did Trump do after 9-11? He speculated on property and claimed that many Muslims were cheering the destruction from across the Hudson. Odd that no one else heard or saw what Trump saw. Some drug-addled hallucination by the hate-monger, perchance?

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What a bufoon this guy is.

I suppose he'd rather a judge that loves DT?

His assumption that a judge can't be professional or impartial in that case actually says more about Trumps own approach and ways of thinking.

The guy is just the epitome of dodgyness. He's a fatcat for F's sake!..no different from Thaksin

actually Thaksin probably gave his people a lot more than this one ever will.

He's all for the rich, even admitting hes going to give them tax breaks.

Everything he stands for is exactly what all his supporters are rebelling against.

"Jobs for Americans" but any business he is involved in will hire the cheapest of overseas staff..so he makes more.

Dopey Donald..wht will he come up with next?!

I just can't believe Americans are buying this sh_t

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This judge is deeply affiliated with the racist group "La Raza." La Raza aka "The Race" is 100% dedicated to exclusively Latino issues in a decidedly supremacist manner. This judge should recuse himself not because he's Latino but because he is a known Clinton supporter and activist in the racist, leftist la Raza, and btw, also Latino.

Contrast: If whites organized a for whites outcomes only organization called "The Race" it would be scandalous. But because la Raza are May Day Leftist supremacists they get a pass.

La Raza are actively organizing violence in numerous locations, and have done so for years. They agitate against all existing American traditions and institutions using our free speech and association protections, exclusively to the benefit of "The Race!" They are a leftist militant group. Long tolerated, now America pays the price as they're malfeasance is now commonplace in the Democratic orbit.

I rarely cite Alex Jones but seeing his commentary today is later then my comments on this racist I'll include it: this guy is pretty much a Grand Dragon of la Raza. [Paraphrase].


These claims of yours have been proven incorrect already quite a few times.

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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.


Btw, former SecState Hillary Clinton has not attacked any judges, investigators, inspectors, prosecutors, nor has Mrs. Clinton attacked the US Judiciary which is established by and operates in accordance with the US Constitution. The rightwhingers trying to bend or shred the Constitution in each case do have this purpose.

The Republican Party supports this.

Nor has the horrible witch or any of her fellow racketeers willingly participated in the OIG's investigation. Oh, and there's the Pagliano 5th amendment plea on a civil FOIA lawsuit, nothing to see here (hehehe).

The right has been after the Clintons every day for going on 30 years making it up as they go along. The Clintons are not perfect by any means but the important point is that they're still standing.

So now finally and at long last, Donald Trump comes along openly in favor of torture of all enemies of the right USA.

Torture is the only way to get the Clintons to say what the rightwhinge has been trying to bamboozle us in to believing, each and every day for 30 years. laugh.png

Because it is true and well established that a Clinton name on a ballot in a November means the right gets beat. This is what all of it from the Right and the Republicans is all about and has always been about. Clinton = Win. The only way the right and Republicans can stop 'em is to lock 'em up on anything the right can invent. And make no mistake, the right is in charge.

In this election, Donald Trump is the Deliverance of the Right's wildest wet dreams.

Torchlight Trump. clap2.gif

Snake eyes.

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What a bufoon this guy is.

I suppose he'd rather a judge that loves DT?

His assumption that a judge can't be professional or impartial in that case actually says more about Trumps own approach and ways of thinking.

The guy is just the epitome of dodgyness. He's a fatcat for F's sake!..no different from Thaksin

actually Thaksin probably gave his people a lot more than this one ever will.

He's all for the rich, even admitting hes going to give them tax breaks.

Everything he stands for is exactly what all his supporters are rebelling against.

"Jobs for Americans" but any business he is involved in will hire the cheapest of overseas staff..so he makes more.

Dopey Donald..wht will he come up with next?!

I just can't believe Americans are buying this sh_t

I just can't believe Americans are buying this sh_t

We aren't.

Good post if I may say so btw.

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This judge is deeply affiliated with the racist group "La Raza." La Raza aka "The Race" is 100% dedicated to exclusively Latino issues in a decidedly supremacist manner. This judge should recuse himself not because he's Latino but because he is a known Clinton supporter and activist in the racist, leftist la Raza, and btw, also Latino.

Contrast: If whites organized a for whites outcomes only organization called "The Race" it would be scandalous. But because la Raza are May Day Leftist supremacists they get a pass.

La Raza are actively organizing violence in numerous locations, and have done so for years. They agitate against all existing American traditions and institutions using our free speech and association protections, exclusively to the benefit of "The Race!" They are a leftist militant group. Long tolerated, now America pays the price as they're malfeasance is now commonplace in the Democratic orbit.

I rarely cite Alex Jones but seeing his commentary today is later then my comments on this racist I'll include it: this guy is pretty much a Grand Dragon of la Raza. [Paraphrase].


These claims of yours have been proven incorrect already quite a few times.

Latest refute...

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with “La Raza”

What they are attempting to do is associate Curiel with the National Council of La Raza, the radical left-wing and pro-illegal-immigration group that has gained significant notoriety in the news over the years as a group that is both anti-American and open to fomenting violent pro-immigration protests.

Curiel, however, has no affiliation with this group whatsoever. He is a member of La Raza Lawyers of California – aka the Latino Bar Association of California.


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