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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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Let's take into account what has happened in both campaign's legal problems:

On 25 May 2016 the Office of the Inspecting General released the scathing report on Clinton's numerous violations to both security and federal records keeping (Freedom of Information act).

On 29 May 2016 the judge released hundreds of pages on Trump U., in such a fast member that he had to reorder the sealing of many of the documents as they were not individually reviewed.

Just like what is happening on this topic it is all smoke and mirrors for the liberals. They are turning the subject on Trump while main stream media gave the scumbag Clinton about 5 minutes last week on her piss poor judgement and unlawful acts. Meanwhile Trump continues to get most of the media attention in an effort to debase his credibility while giving the vile b-itch a free pass.

Trump should have made it a liberal issue, not "Mexican" but that is no excuse for the judges political aims, as shown in his "timely" releasing the information. Judge needs to go.


Btw, former SecState Hillary Clinton has not attacked any judges, investigators, inspectors, prosecutors, nor has Mrs. Clinton attacked the US Judiciary which is established by and operates in accordance with the US Constitution. The rightwhingers trying to bend or shred the Constitution in each case do have this purpose.

The Republican Party supports this.

Nor has the horrible witch or any of her fellow racketeers willingly participated in the OIG's investigation. Oh, and there's the Pagliano 5th amendment plea on a civil FOIA lawsuit, nothing to see here (hehehe).

the OIG's investigation

A gang of superpatriot right wingers out to protect their turf and ideology of the 21st century.*

All of it is political and politics. The Clinton name on a November ballot means win. It is a well established reality going back to the 1970s in Arkansas right up to the present.

The IG's are colluding with Republican US Senators led by Charles Grassley who's had to put more time and work in to his reelection campaign in Iowa given so many R senators up for reelection this year are watching the creek rise against 'em. Iowa is now a Blue state and Grassly is Red and he is an old man right winger from way back. So Your Project has slowed down some.

Regardless, anyone who'd help his fierce enemy would be nuts. Anyone who'd be expected to help the enemy destroy him/her would indeed be suicidal. Instead, Hillary Clinton has remained calm, collected, confident. She's not attacking anyone in authority or in law enforcement.

The forever self-tortured right.

*The rank and file professionals in the Homeland and national security agencies are meanwhile doing their job to keep us safe.

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Are Trump fans still claiming that he's not part of the establishment? What a sick joke. He's embedded deeply in wheeling-dealings of establishment. He may not have ever been elected to anything, but he has constantly wheeled and dealt with elected and appointed politicians - often underhandedly. If you take a mafia-like manipulator and mix him in with politicians and judges, you get Trump.

May be, but in all fairness he hasn't played favorites between political parties. :)

Oh, if you want to compare anyone to the mafia, this is your (wo)man....

Hillary Clinton’s Al Capone moment?


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I watched a rather interesting take on the candidates yesterday...the fellow offered that both sanders and trump are 3rd party candidates, but because of necessity must run in the conventional two parties...perhaps the USA is actually a 4 party electorate...emerging from both parties, moderates who are satisfied with the status quo and more radical voters who feel disenfranchised...
Yeah. That makes sense. The people crying for a parliamentary system but alas the two party model has been the standard for a very long time. But constitutionally it doesn't have to stay that way.

What people? Your post is the first I have ever heard of anyone wanting a parliamentary system in the US.

It seems non-Americans don't understand our system because they do not vote directly for their leaders. In most cases the party with the most seats at the end of the election selects the Prime Minister. Isn't that right? If not, how many people voted for Cameron last time?

If the majority party does select the leader, then I guess Obama would have been gone after 2010 when the Republicans took over the House. Hmmm...maybe the parliamentary system isn't all that bad after all... :)

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The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Do you even know what “La Raza” is ??? The judge is a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, which is a group of California Latinos in law trying to support and advance other Latinos in law. “It’s a pretty basic concept for a professional organization” (quoting Vox online). And it has absolutely nothing to do with the National Council of La Raza, which is a Latino advocacy organization. You’re completely obfuscating the issue with irrelevant information, perhaps unintentionally. But try reading even just a scratch below the surface.

It's very difficult to accept the truth after you've told something different by the Fox News media echo chamber.

Wingnuts will defend Trump's racism and stupidity till the end, right off the cliff.

Thanks for putting the truth out there.

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"There are a whole lot of Latinos who are disrupting the media’s anti-immigrant narrative pushed by the mainstream media.

Mark F. (@Immigrant4Trump) put together a video making the case for why Angelo Gomez supports Donald Trump for president, and why many other Latinos do, too."


Wow! There is actually a Latino supporter of Trump.

Don't be ridiculous. Trump has statistically no Latino support. That said, congrats on finding one.

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Oh look!

Angelo Gomez, a Las Vegas, Nevada Intern who works for Trump made a video.

Well, actually, the Trump Organization made a video. biggrin.png

They neglected to mention that in the link posted... whistling.gif

"A unifier". Poor kid must not be reading the papers.



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Of course there will be Hispanics that support Trump, bit like the 'pet' African American he has.

He is never in a million years going to get a majority of the Latino vote, so these little photo op's make for good twitter posts, which seems to be DJT's preferred policy dissemination platform of choice

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This judge is deeply affiliated with the racist group "La Raza." La Raza aka "The Race" is 100% dedicated to exclusively Latino issues in a decidedly supremacist manner. This judge should recuse himself not because he's Latino but because he is a known Clinton supporter and activist in the racist, leftist la Raza, and btw, also Latino.

Contrast: If whites organized a for whites outcomes only organization called "The Race" it would be scandalous. But because la Raza are May Day Leftist supremacists they get a pass.

La Raza are actively organizing violence in numerous locations, and have done so for years. They agitate against all existing American traditions and institutions using our free speech and association protections, exclusively to the benefit of "The Race!" They are a leftist militant group. Long tolerated, now America pays the price as they're malfeasance is now commonplace in the Democratic orbit.

I rarely cite Alex Jones but seeing his commentary today is later then my comments on this racist I'll include it: this guy is pretty much a Grand Dragon of la Raza. [Paraphrase].


Such ignorance in so many ways expressed in such a small space. Almost inpressive. For starters, La Raza doesn't necessarily mean "The Race" in Spanish. Wikipedia captures it nicely:

The Spanish term La Raza translates as "the Race", Spanish raza having themeaning of "race, ethnicity; breed, strain, lineage". The term expresses ethnic or racial pride, and is used with somewhat different shades of meaning in Spain and in Hispanic America.

It refers rather to ethnicity. Which makes sense because anybody who knows anything about Mexico, or, for that matter, the Latino world, iknows that its people come in a very wide variety of shades and features. The notion of race, as dubious sciientifically as it is, and as it used in English, doesn't apply here.

Also, and you, like many others seem immune to this fact, There is a lawyers association named La Raza Lawyers of California and there is the National Council of La Raza. Two different organization. You know, the full name of Mexico is Los Estados Unidos de Mexico. In other words the United States of Mexico. According to your way of thinking Mexico and the United States are the same thing. (And i'm sure some paranoid commenter here will say that is what La Raza wants and doesn't much care which La Raza it is.)

And as for the Alex Jones commentary, it was so nuts I just couldn't be bothered to stick with it to the end.

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I just skipped to the last so don't know if anyone mentioned that the LIbertarian candidate will be on the ballot in all 50 states and therefore must be included in the debates, and he might be able to change the entire ball game. I just know that more than one of my Dem friends became a Trump advocate due to hating Hillary so much. The thought of Queen Hillary in the White House is more frightening to me than Trump who seems to be too much of a loose cannon, so I have an alternative for sanity, and his stance on marijuana is the first indication. We Americans who still have a stake should try to listen or watch the debates if possible.

Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico.

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I just skipped to the last so don't know if anyone mentioned that the LIbertarian candidate will be on the ballot in all 50 states and therefore must be included in the debates, and he might be able to change the entire ball game. I just know that more than one of my Dem friends became a Trump advocate due to hating Hillary so much. The thought of Queen Hillary in the White House is more frightening to me than Trump who seems to be too much of a loose cannon, so I have an alternative for sanity, and his stance on marijuana is the first indication. We Americans who still have a stake should try to listen or watch the debates if possible.

Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico.

Wrong. He does not need to be included in debates unless he reaches a level of support that he probably won't reach.

Next ...

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I just skipped to the last so don't know if anyone mentioned that the LIbertarian candidate will be on the ballot in all 50 states and therefore must be included in the debates, and he might be able to change the entire ball game. I just know that more than one of my Dem friends became a Trump advocate due to hating Hillary so much. The thought of Queen Hillary in the White House is more frightening to me than Trump who seems to be too much of a loose cannon, so I have an alternative for sanity, and his stance on marijuana is the first indication. We Americans who still have a stake should try to listen or watch the debates if possible.

Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico.

Wrong. He does not need to be included in debates unless he reaches a level of support that he probably won't reach.

Next ...

Hmmm...That was not what was reported recently, I believe on CNBC...as a news item on AOL which included some excerpts of an interview with a reporter. He would have a level of support if enough people took the time to check him out and that might require some grass roots efforts. He has an accomplished resume as a responsible rational leader. From where I sit, he's a clear choice over the other two. According to the polls,Hillary would trump Trump as the lesser of two evils, but according to polls, Kasich would have beaten Hillary. Do you really want Hill and Bill running the show again? All it really takes for people to take notice is to ask friends to check him out on Wikipedia and if they like what they see, to ask their friends until enough people see that there is actually a choice for sanity..

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So you're hijacking this thread, which has nothing to do with "Libertarian" because you want to promote your candidate? Good luck with that.

The ticket needs to poll at at least TEN percent to get in the debates.


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Of course la Raza and its affiliates are front and center of this election, not withstanding intellectually faulty disassembly earlier. The judge is part of the same Insurgevt race based organization that the San Jose police boss is, another example of la Raza folks being central to agitation and agenda.


La Raza- "The Race." (Besides the nonsense previously google translate concurs, The Race!)


Google- images 'La Raza San Jose police chief.

La Raza is a militant leftist supremacist organization and has been for many years. The judge's association is a conflict of interest. Expect more la Raza violence- that's what they do. They ate the tip of a supremacist Latino spear.

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Of course la Raza and its affiliates are front and center of this election, not withstanding intellectually faulty disassembly earlier. The judge is part of the same Insurgevt race based organization that the San Jose police boss is, another example of la Raza folks being central to agitation and agenda.


La Raza- "The Race." (Besides the nonsense previously google translate concurs, The Race!)


Google- images 'La Raza San Jose police chief.

La Raza is a militant leftist supremacist organization and has been for many years. The judge's association is a conflict of interest. Expect more la Raza violence- that's what they do. They ate the tip of a supremacist Latino spear.

And again the same nonsense.

Your claims have been defuted many times, just accept it and move on to your next project. This one failed miserably.

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Trump's own lawyer pointed out what an idiot Trump and his racist followers are today by rejecting the idiot notion that he might file a Motion for Recusal of the Judge. It would be professional suicide to file a baseless, illegal motion and subject Trump's lawyer to discipline for breach of Professional Responsibility.

“It would have zero legal merit,” said Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor who specializes in legal ethics. “A judge’s ethnicity, gender and race is never a grounds for recusal. It’s quite clear. A lawyer would not make that motion without fear of being sanctioned.”


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Of course la Raza and its affiliates are front and center of this election, not withstanding intellectually faulty disassembly earlier. The judge is part of the same Insurgevt race based organization that the San Jose police boss is, another example of la Raza folks being central to agitation and agenda.


La Raza- "The Race." (Besides the nonsense previously google translate concurs, The Race!)


Google- images 'La Raza San Jose police chief.

La Raza is a militant leftist supremacist organization and has been for many years. The judge's association is a conflict of interest. Expect more la Raza violence- that's what they do. They ate the tip of a supremacist Latino spear.

It always strikes me as bizare when someone cites a link that doesn't support their case. Even worse that this is the best (the worst?) you could do in citing that right wing rag. Here is quote from the article. Fair use rules prohibit me from citing more. "Critics of the San Jose Police Chief tweeted at Garcia a January tweet of his announcing his participation in a La Raza of California round table discussion. It is unknown if this organization helped organize the protest, but the Latino activist organization known as the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) already stated to The Washington Post their organization was not involved in the San Jose demonstrations and that their organization’s name is routinely confused with others who use a similar name."

I also went to the other link you cited. Not surprised that someone who would use Alex Jones as a source would also cite this website. Won't bother to go into detail but by this website's logic the NAACP was and is a racist organization. In fact, by this webstie's logic any organization that mutual help group organized on the basis of ethnicity or race or religion is necessarily bigoted.

As for the meaning of La Raza, you might want to go to a scholarly book on the subject instead of google: Unless this book, Handbook of Hispanic Culture-Anthropology was published in the last week, it long predates the current controversy. "Gente de la Raza is a phrase which has long standing as a means for designating self identity. It refers to a recognition of a common history and ethnic position rather than to a sense of 'racial purity'"


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Of course la Raza and its affiliates are front and center of this election, not withstanding intellectually faulty disassembly earlier. The judge is part of the same Insurgevt race based organization that the San Jose police boss is, another example of la Raza folks being central to agitation and agenda.


La Raza- "The Race." (Besides the nonsense previously google translate concurs, The Race!)


Google- images 'La Raza San Jose police chief.

La Raza is a militant leftist supremacist organization and has been for many years. The judge's association is a conflict of interest. Expect more la Raza violence- that's what they do. They ate the tip of a supremacist Latino spear.

It always strikes me as bizare when someone cites a link that doesn't support their case. Even worse that this is the best (the worst?) you could do in citing that right wing rag. Here is quote from the article. Fair use rules prohibit me from citing more. "Critics of the San Jose Police Chief tweeted at Garcia a January tweet of his announcing his participation in a La Raza of California round table discussion. It is unknown if this organization helped organize the protest, but the Latino activist organization known as the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) already stated to The Washington Post their organization was not involved in the San Jose demonstrations and that their organization’s name is routinely confused with others who use a similar name."

I also went to the other link you cited. Not surprised that someone who would use Alex Jones as a source would also cite this website. Won't bother to go into detail but by this website's logic the NAACP was and is a racist organization. In fact, by this webstie's logic any organization that mutual help group organized on the basis of ethnicity or race or religion is necessarily bigoted.

As for the meaning of La Raza, you might want to go to a scholarly book on the subject instead of google: Unless this book, Handbook of Hispanic Culture-Anthropology was published in the last week, it long predates the current controversy. "Gente de la Raza is a phrase which has long standing as a means for designating self identity. It refers to a recognition of a common history and ethnic position rather than to a sense of 'racial purity'"


Pointing out the truth to the wingnuts doesn't work. The truth about La Raza was pointed out above, there are two La Raza organizations.

That didn't stop arj from using the same bullshit all over again. I wouldn't waste much more time on this. They're gonna believe what they want to believe...all to justify Trump's and their own racism. coffee1.gif

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I think Cesar Chavez knew a little bit more about how the term, "La Raza," is used than some of the people on this thread. And, yes, Chavez, was a strong opponent of illegal immigration, because he knew it crushed the wages of the farm workers he represented.

In Peter Mathison’s 1969 book, “Sal Si Puedes (Get Out If You Can), Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution,” Chavez is quoted as saying, “I hear about la raza more and more. (Some) people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say la raza, you are saying an anti-gringo (white) thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican. And then it will be anti-poor Mexican, and anti-darker-skinned Mexican.”


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'Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov.'

(also the moment one realizes how low the bar has been set in quoting Arnie as reasonably level-headed in comparison to Trump;)

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Then why is the National Council of La Raza on the La Raza lawyers' links and affiliates page?

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Then why is the National Council of La Raza on the La Raza lawyers' links and affiliates page?

Where exactly??


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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Then why is the National Council of La Raza on the La Raza lawyers' links and affiliates page?

You mean because they're linked they're necessarily affiliates. The usual reason why there are links on pages is that it's a way of boosting your website in searches. It's something webmasters do routinely. Did you find anything in the literature of either group that establishes they are affiliates?

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