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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Then why is the National Council of La Raza on the La Raza lawyers' links and affiliates page?

Where exactly??

Go to this post I made earlier in the topic. It contains the links to primary sources, including the Curiel's senate judicial questionnaire and the La Raza lawyer's affiliates and links page. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/922456-trumps-personal-attacks-on-judge-spark-gop-concerns/?p=10819948

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You mean because they're linked they're necessarily affiliates. The usual reason why there are links on pages is that it's a way of boosting your website in searches. It's something webmasters do routinely. Did you find anything in the literature of either group that establishes they are affiliates?

It's because the La Raza lawyer's page entitled the tab "Links and Affiliates," not because I made it up. How would you react to a link to the American Nazi Party appearing on some political candidate's page?

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The La Raza lawyers have linked themselves to the National Council of La Raza. And btw it doesn't matter if they were linking themselves to the La Raza Snowcones and Puppy Dogs Club. As I pointed out above, Cesar Chavez himself declared that the term "La Raza" was racist. And I'm betting Cesar Chavez knew a lot more about what was going on in his movement than posters on TVF.

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You mean because they're linked they're necessarily affiliates. The usual reason why there are links on pages is that it's a way of boosting your website in searches. It's something webmasters do routinely. Did you find anything in the literature of either group that establishes they are affiliates?

It's because the La Raza lawyer's page entitled the tab "Links and Affiliates," not because I made it up. How would you react to a link to the American Nazi Party appearing on some political candidate's page?

Geez, give it a rest already. You may not realize this, but Trump has high-priced lawyers working this case. And his own lawyers haven't seen fit to raise this conflict-of-interest issue with the judge. Why do you think that is? Because there's no conflict-of-interest!

Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the evidence points to the fact that Trump University is in fact, a fraud? Trump is playing these silly games because he knows he's going to lose this case. He's not fighting for America, he's fighting for Trump's pocketbook. You're just a paid minion. Ooops, sorry, you're not getting paid.

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I think Cesar Chavez knew a little bit more about how the term, "La Raza," is used than some of the people on this thread. And, yes, Chavez, was a strong opponent of illegal immigration, because he knew it crushed the wages of the farm workers he represented.

In Peter Mathison’s 1969 book, “Sal Si Puedes (Get Out If You Can), Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution,” Chavez is quoted as saying, “I hear about la raza more and more. (Some) people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say la raza, you are saying an anti-gringo (white) thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican. And then it will be anti-poor Mexican, and anti-darker-skinned Mexican.”


I"m so glad you approve and put trust in the words and actions of Cesar Chavez. Because, as you know, he was one of Saul Alinsky's most prized and trusted workers.

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I think Cesar Chavez knew a little bit more about how the term, "La Raza," is used than some of the people on this thread. And, yes, Chavez, was a strong opponent of illegal immigration, because he knew it crushed the wages of the farm workers he represented.

In Peter Mathison’s 1969 book, “Sal Si Puedes (Get Out If You Can), Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution,” Chavez is quoted as saying, “I hear about la raza more and more. (Some) people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say la raza, you are saying an anti-gringo (white) thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican. And then it will be anti-poor Mexican, and anti-darker-skinned Mexican.”


And here's a quote from Cesar Chavez' autobiography

"When La Raza means or implies racism, we don't support it. But if it means our struggle, our dignity, or our cultural roots, then we're for it."


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Clinton doesn't want all the Trump U sleaze splashed all over the press is all.

It reveals him to be what he is. A two-bit con artist who'll do anything to scam people out of money.

He doesn't care a jot about the little people, which is why he tried to use eminent domain to evict an old widow just so that he could build a car park for limousines for one of his failed casinos.

It shows the intelligence of many of his supporters that they don't bother to find this sort of thing out and just blindly swallow every lie he tells.

Edited by Chicog
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I think Cesar Chavez knew a little bit more about how the term, "La Raza," is used than some of the people on this thread. And, yes, Chavez, was a strong opponent of illegal immigration, because he knew it crushed the wages of the farm workers he represented.

In Peter Mathison’s 1969 book, “Sal Si Puedes (Get Out If You Can), Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution,” Chavez is quoted as saying, “I hear about la raza more and more. (Some) people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say la raza, you are saying an anti-gringo (white) thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican. And then it will be anti-poor Mexican, and anti-darker-skinned Mexican.”


And here's a quote from Cesar Chavez' autobiography

"When La Raza means or implies racism, we don't support it. But if it means our struggle, our dignity, or our cultural roots, then we're for it."


Except it doesn't say that on the link you provided.

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Yea, unrelated. It's amazing the degree to which people peddle agenda masked as other.

The SDLRLAs website includes a side-panel on their site titled Community which includes links to a variety of groups, including the National Council of La Raza. Curious if they've uncoupled this and start sterilizing other connections.

SDLRLA, includes community links to Nat Counc LR. It's actually not stretching a darn thing to connect the dots. No one in their right mind would choose La Raza for an associative name unless by specific choice. Irrespective of word soup La RAza has been long self defined as racist. Commonly known but ignored out West.

If I set up an org called 'The Race' and used all LRLA preambles and replaced 'Latino' or 'Hispanic' with 'white' I'd be run out of town. "...an organization to help/defend white people... represent white people interests..." Etc

How fatuous that Reuters and others muster the falsity to obscure this issue. If I started a lawyers firm called 'KKK lawyers' or 'Weathermen Underground' lawyers association the public would scream affiliation...and they'd be correct. These names, irrespective of what they're parts could be rationalized as meaning, have been defined in the public space previously. So too has La Raza long emblazoned the meaning of La Raza to be a racist activist agitprop group. The thing is it's evolved in a friendly environment without great critique.

If my Lawyers group linked to David Duke College Fund or The White Race advocacy group the world would scream. Apologists now stamp their feet and say "unrelated," yet clearly the lawyers group advocates La Raza. It can't be defended, as Alberto Gonzales, former Attny General allows. La Raza affiliates with La Raza.

Of course The White Race Lawyers Association would be racist. You can scream 'White' means cloud not Caucasian Race, but it's a lie! America gets what it deserves. Crap in crap out.

* If it was the Celtic Army and a Celtic Army lawyers association, yes, there may be connection. What's offered above is false analogy. Thing is, I doubt the poster sees it.

Edit: add- http://spectator.org/rigged-the-trial-of-trump-university/

Edited by arjunadawn
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All of this La Raza rubbish is simply to try and distract from

( a ) Trump is being sued for being a two bit snake oil peddler.


( b ) He's annoyed that he can't buy off a judge, so he's trying to force him off the case by trying him in the court of dumb Trumpeter opinion, by telling them he's Mexican and that he hates them.

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I think Cesar Chavez knew a little bit more about how the term, "La Raza," is used than some of the people on this thread. And, yes, Chavez, was a strong opponent of illegal immigration, because he knew it crushed the wages of the farm workers he represented.

In Peter Mathison’s 1969 book, “Sal Si Puedes (Get Out If You Can), Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution,” Chavez is quoted as saying, “I hear about la raza more and more. (Some) people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say la raza, you are saying an anti-gringo (white) thing, and our fear is that it won’t stop there. Today it’s anti-gringo, tomorrow it will be anti-Negro, and the day after it will be anti-Filipino, anti-Puerto Rican. And then it will be anti-poor Mexican, and anti-darker-skinned Mexican.”


And here's a quote from Cesar Chavez' autobiography

"When La Raza means or implies racism, we don't support it. But if it means our struggle, our dignity, or our cultural roots, then we're for it."


Except it doesn't say that on the link you provided.

Here it is again. https://books.google.co.th/books?id=Y-etl1SXIp0C&pg=PA131&lpg=PA131&dq=%22When+La+Raza+means+or+implies+racism,+we+don%27t+support+it.+But+if+it+means+our+struggle,+our+dignity,+or+our+cultural+roots,+then+we%27re+for+it.%22&source=bl&ots=9aGtjoZd5_&sig=W5Jokoz_wwDVXssj4jkdx_BReM8&hl=th&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9ltbY75XNAhXCQ48KHeeeCmcQ6AEIJjAB#v=onepage&q=%22When%20La%20Raza%20means%20or%20implies%20racism%2C%20we%20don%27t%20support%20it.%20But%20if%20it%20means%20our%20struggle%2C%20our%20dignity%2C%20or%20our%20cultural%20roots%2C%20then%20we%27re%20for%20it.%22&f=false

Google may have some way of blocking links because of copyright considerations. If that's the case again, just copy the quote and do a search.

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For God's sake, why can't you guys get it through your thick heads that the phrase La Raza is used in a myriad of ways. I've heard it, used it all my life, as I've said before, it just means Community. The fact that Curiel is a member of a Latino Bar association with 'La Raza in it's name doesn't mean it's associated with any militant organization which happens to also have La Raza in it's name.

We might as well tie the Celtic Bar Association of Orange County to the Irish Republican Army for Christs sake!

Cesar Chavez said it was racist. I think I'll listen to Chavez instead of you.

He wasn't talking about 'La Raza Lawyers of California' AKA 'The Latino Bar Association of California'.

This mindless attempt to tie that to another organization, is totally nonsensical

Yea, unrelated. It's amazing the degree to which people peddle agenda masked as other.

The SDLRLAs website includes a side-panel on their site titled Community which includes links to a variety of groups, including the National Council of La Raza. Curious if they've uncoupled this and start sterilizing other connections.

SDLRLA, includes community links to Nat Counc LR. It's actually not stretching a darn thing to connect the dots. No one in their right mind would choose La Raza for an associative name unless by specific choice. Irrespective of word soup La RAza has been long self defined as racist. Commonly known but ignored out West.

If I set up an org called 'The Race' and used all LRLA preambles and replaced 'Latino' or 'Hispanic' with 'white' I'd be run out of town. "...an organization to help/defend white people... represent white people interests..." Etc

How fatuous that Reuters and others muster the falsity to obscure this issue. If I started a lawyers firm called 'KKK lawyers' or 'Weathermen Underground' lawyers association the public would scream affiliation...and they'd be correct. These names, irrespective of what they're parts could be rationalized as meaning, have been defined in the public space previously. So too has La Raza long emblazoned the meaning of La Raza to be a racist activist agitprop group. The thing is it's evolved in a friendly environment without great critique.

If my Lawyers group linked to David Duke College Fund or The White Race advocacy group the world would scream. Apologists now stamp their feet and say "unrelated," yet clearly the lawyers group advocates La Raza. It can't be defended, as Alberto Gonzales, former Attny General allows. La Raza affiliates with La Raza.

Of course The White Race Lawyers Association would be racist. You can scream 'White' means cloud not Caucasian Race, but it's a lie! America gets what it deserves. Crap in crap out.

* If it was the Celtic Army and a Celtic Army lawyers association, yes, there may be connection. What's offered above is false analogy. Thing is, I doubt the poster sees it.

Edit: add- http://spectator.org/rigged-the-trial-of-trump-university/

Well, according to your political perspective Alex Jones is a respectable source. So I think we know how to judge your opinion of the La Raza Lawyers Association. Or, for that matterThe National Council of La Raza. I've looked in vain on both of heir websites to see if their program accords with how you portray them and I just don't see any evidence. There are plenty of white race advocacy groups on the internet and they're pretty upfront about their racism. No need to pose hypotheticals.

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And here's a quote from Cesar Chavez' autobiography

"When La Raza means or implies racism, we don't support it. But if it means our struggle, our dignity, or our cultural roots, then we're for it."


Except it doesn't say that on the link you provided.

Here it is again. https://books.google.co.th/books?id=Y-etl1SXIp0C&pg=PA131&lpg=PA131&dq=%22When+La+Raza+means+or+implies+racism,+we+don%27t+support+it.+But+if+it+means+our+struggle,+our+dignity,+or+our+cultural+roots,+then+we%27re+for+it.%22&source=bl&ots=9aGtjoZd5_&sig=W5Jokoz_wwDVXssj4jkdx_BReM8&hl=th&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9ltbY75XNAhXCQ48KHeeeCmcQ6AEIJjAB#v=onepage&q=%22When%20La%20Raza%20means%20or%20implies%20racism%2C%20we%20don%27t%20support%20it.%20But%20if%20it%20means%20our%20struggle%2C%20our%20dignity%2C%20or%20our%20cultural%20roots%2C%20then%20we%27re%20for%20it.%22&f=false

Google may have some way of blocking links because of copyright considerations. If that's the case again, just copy the quote and do a search.

So, what you did was to take a quote out of context. The middle sentence of two sentences, which properly should be read as "[W]e oppose this some of this La Raza business so much. We know what it does. When La Raza means or implies racism, we don't support it. But if it means our struggle, our dignity, or our cultural roots, then we're for it. I guess many times people don't know what they mean by La Raza, but we can't be against racism on the one hand and for it on the other."

Not to mention forgetting the quote right below it, from Chavez. "La Raza? Why be racist. Our belief is to help everyone, not just one race. Humanity is our belief."

Now, of course, Chavez was not some statue who emitted a sentence and never had a second thought or changed his mind, which is why context is so important. Like anybody else, he would have developed his ideas as experience led the way. Yet the proper context of that quote reveals questions about La Raza, not its affirmation. And the second one, listed right below it in the book, identifies La Raza, once again as a racist idea.

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Clinton doesn't want all the Trump U sleaze splashed all over the press is all.

It reveals him to be what he is. A two-bit con artist who'll do anything to scam people out of money.

He doesn't care a jot about the little people, which is why he tried to use eminent domain to evict an old widow just so that he could build a car park for limousines for one of his failed casinos.

It shows the intelligence of many of his supporters that they don't bother to find this sort of thing out and just blindly swallow every lie he tells.

As pointed out by that famous astronomer dude on Real Time if you dislike trump you also dislike his supporters.
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Clinton doesn't want all the Trump U sleaze splashed all over the press is all.

It reveals him to be what he is. A two-bit con artist who'll do anything to scam people out of money.

He doesn't care a jot about the little people, which is why he tried to use eminent domain to evict an old widow just so that he could build a car park for limousines for one of his failed casinos.

It shows the intelligence of many of his supporters that they don't bother to find this sort of thing out and just blindly swallow every lie he tells.

As pointed out by that famous astronomer dude on Real Time if you dislike trump you also dislike his supporters.

Does that in any way detract from the fact that they don't seem to care or want to find out if he tells lies the time?

He's STILL whining about the judge "treating him unfairly".

Settle the case or face the music then Donald, it's not rocket science.

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What will make America Great Again is celebrating a man born of immigrant Mexican parents who reaches the lofty heights as a Federal Judge. Quite an achievement. Bravo

You mean quite an achievement for a person of Mexican heritage? Why? Is it usually difficult for someone born a US citizen from Mexican parents to reach lofty heights? Quite an achievement more so than other people from other races or what? Are you suggesting people from Mexican heritage are usually more dull and he is an exception? Or his background is more disadvantaged than other disadvantaged groups. Or was he even disadvantaged at all? Or is this just liberal left racial patronizing?

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What will make America Great Again is celebrating a man born of immigrant Mexican parents who reaches the lofty heights as a Federal Judge. Quite an achievement. Bravo

You mean quite an achievement for a person of Mexican heritage? Why? Is it usually difficult for someone born a US citizen from Mexican parents to reach lofty heights? Quite an achievement more so than other people from other races or what? Are you suggesting people from Mexican heritage are usually more dull and he is an exception? Or his background is more disadvantaged than other disadvantaged groups. Or was he even disadvantaged at all? Or is this just liberal left racial patronizing?

Immigrants have it harder than natural born Americans, due to language and cultural differences, lack of mentors and support network, income, etc. Very few natural born Americans reach the "lofty heights" of federal judge, so this son of immigrants did well. We've always celebrated this, whether the immigrant is Italian, Irish, Cuban, Mexican....whatever their heritage. This is a quintessential American success story. What's your problem?

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It's very difficult to accept the truth after you've told something different by the Fox News media echo chamber.

Wingnuts will defend Trump's racism and stupidity till the end, right off the cliff.

Thanks for putting the truth out there.

Oh no the dedicated Pinot Fox News echo chamber again and again and again and again .......

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What will make America Great Again is celebrating a man born of immigrant Mexican parents who reaches the lofty heights as a Federal Judge. Quite an achievement. Bravo

You mean quite an achievement for a person of Mexican heritage? Why? Is it usually difficult for someone born a US citizen from Mexican parents to reach lofty heights? Quite an achievement more so than other people from other races or what? Are you suggesting people from Mexican heritage are usually more dull and he is an exception? Or his background is more disadvantaged than other disadvantaged groups. Or was he even disadvantaged at all? Or is this just liberal left racial patronizing?

Immigrants have it harder than natural born Americans, due to language and cultural differences, lack of mentors and support network, income, etc. Very few natural born Americans reach the "lofty heights" of federal judge, so this son of immigrants did well. We've always celebrated this, whether the immigrant is Italian, Irish, Cuban, Mexican....whatever their heritage. This is a quintessential American success story. What's your problem?

No problem, most people are descended from immigrants at some stage or another. Gonzalo Curiel wasn't an immigrant. By all accounts his life was no more or less remarkable than any other natural born American.

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"Donald J. Trump, who said last week that a Mexican-American judge was biased against him because of his heritage, said on Tuesday that his remarks had been “misconstrued” and that he did not think that the judge’s ethnicity created a conflict of interest."

Here's his comments from a week ago.

“I’m building the wall, I’m building the wall. I have a Mexican judge. He’s of Mexican heritage. He should have recused himself, not only for that, for other things.”

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What will make America Great Again is celebrating a man born of immigrant Mexican parents who reaches the lofty heights as a Federal Judge. Quite an achievement. Bravo

You mean quite an achievement for a person of Mexican heritage? Why? Is it usually difficult for someone born a US citizen from Mexican parents to reach lofty heights? Quite an achievement more so than other people from other races or what? Are you suggesting people from Mexican heritage are usually more dull and he is an exception? Or his background is more disadvantaged than other disadvantaged groups. Or was he even disadvantaged at all? Or is this just liberal left racial patronizing?

Immigrants have it harder than natural born Americans, due to language and cultural differences, lack of mentors and support network, income, etc. Very few natural born Americans reach the "lofty heights" of federal judge, so this son of immigrants did well. We've always celebrated this, whether the immigrant is Italian, Irish, Cuban, Mexican....whatever their heritage. This is a quintessential American success story. What's your problem?

No problem, most people are descended from immigrants at some stage or another. Gonzalo Curiel wasn't an immigrant. By all accounts his life was no more or less remarkable than any other natural born American.

That's right, this man was just living his life, serving the public as prosecutor, then judge. He never looked for notoriety, which is why we never heard of him. He never made any issue of his ethnicity. It was Trump who did.

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"Donald J. Trump, who said last week that a Mexican-American judge was biased against him because of his heritage, said on Tuesday that his remarks had been “misconstrued” and that he did not think that the judge’s ethnicity created a conflict of interest."

Here's his comments from a week ago.

“I’m building the wall, I’m building the wall. I have a Mexican judge. He’s of Mexican heritage. He should have recused himself, not only for that, for other things.”

Arrogant clown. What he doesn't realize is that by his actions, he has already severely prejudiced his case with this judge and with his staff.

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You mean quite an achievement for a person of Mexican heritage? Why? Is it usually difficult for someone born a US citizen from Mexican parents to reach lofty heights? Quite an achievement more so than other people from other races or what? Are you suggesting people from Mexican heritage are usually more dull and he is an exception? Or his background is more disadvantaged than other disadvantaged groups. Or was he even disadvantaged at all? Or is this just liberal left racial patronizing?

Immigrants have it harder than natural born Americans, due to language and cultural differences, lack of mentors and support network, income, etc. Very few natural born Americans reach the "lofty heights" of federal judge, so this son of immigrants did well. We've always celebrated this, whether the immigrant is Italian, Irish, Cuban, Mexican....whatever their heritage. This is a quintessential American success story. What's your problem?

No problem, most people are descended from immigrants at some stage or another. Gonzalo Curiel wasn't an immigrant. By all accounts his life was no more or less remarkable than any other natural born American.

That's right, this man was just living his life, serving the public as prosecutor, then judge. He never looked for notoriety, which is why we never heard of him. He never made any issue of his ethnicity. It was Trump who did.

Therefore the judge should not be denigrated nor praised because of or by reason of his ethnicity.

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