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Ali dead but Thai TV makes "The Greatest" howler yet


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Ali was the greatest, yet Thai tv insults his memory by showing another mans photo !!DISGUSTING !!

You need to sit down, have a nice cup of tea and a bottle of chill pills. Talk about over reaction facepalm.gif It could have been much worse they could have put Henry Coopers picture up.

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>>Here's an bit of info about the man who was "just a brain-damaged boxer" :

Continuing a mission that he began during his boxing career by holding fights in such countries as Zahir and the Philippines, Ali has done extensive charity work to champion the causes of developing nations. He has also done much to support charities in the United States, visiting soup kitchens and hospitals, helping such organizations as the Make-a-Wish-Foundation and the Special Olympics, and advocating laws to help protect children. Ever the controversial figure, Ali has made goodwill missions to such pariah nations as Afghanistan, North Korea, and Cuba, and during the Gulf War traveled to Iraq to negotiate the release of American hostages.

For both his achievements as an athlete and his charitable work since his retirement, Muhammad Ali has received countless honors and awards. During the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics he was chosen to light the Olympic flame; in 1998 he received the United Nations Messenger of Peace award; in 1999 Sports Illustrated and the BBC named him Sportsman of the Century; and in 2005 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 1999, decades after Muhammad Ali won his first heavyweight title...<<

I liked him but Ali was a Racist .He objected strongly to people of different races having a relationship or marrying . There is one notorious interview with Michael Parkenson ,UK TV ,(available on Youtube ) where he goes on a rant about it ,and he was serious for once .

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Let's face it the OP and the vast majority of replies here have little to do with the great Mohammad Ali, the actor Will Smith or the mistake of portraying a photo confusing the former with the latter.

The truth is that this gives ammunition to both the divisive nature of TV, and the racist, anti-Thai brigade to once more vent their true nature.

Acts that the Greatest, Muhammad Ali dispised and took the courage to speak out against.

May he rest in peace and his fight against injustice and racial prejudice prevail one day. Maybe even on this website.

I've lived here most of my life. It is not racist to say the Thais are ignorant to world affairs. It's a fact. They also have a skewed moral code. Happy to denigrate westerners for our easy going manners, and yet are oblivious to local vice. That ad of the generalissimo that crapped on about when Thais are hungry they share. When Thais are poor they give, when Thais are tired they help those in need. Let me tell you, that is the biggest load of rubbish you will ever hear. The Thais are generally mean, selfish and couldn't give a toss about those in need. But because it's on the telly, it's gospel. Lol
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>>The Thais are generally mean, selfish and couldn't give a toss about those in need. But because it's on the telly, it's gospel. Lol <<...

​I would take a guess that you live or mainly just have experience of Pattaya or Phuket .I dont recognize the Thais that you talk about .

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'Anchor Kitti said in a rambling explanation on Twitter that sometimes stills were taken from video by his production team and no mistake like this had been made in the previous eight years on his show ...' Well, Thai TV certainly has. Deja vu seems appropriate.

'In April 2013 TV Channel 5 executives had to make a groveling apology after an image of Hollywood actress Meryl Streep from the movie "The Iron Lady" (2011) was used after legendary British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had died.'

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It just shows how interested Thais are in the outside world . Mohammed Ali who ??

So the producer do a google search and find a picture from the movie Ali , that's him , lets use it.

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Yeah, right...

Yeah, right. Obviously, I'm aware that most of you have barely ever seen a Thai that wasn't either fetching you a beer, driving a taxi, or lying on their back hoping you get it over with soon, so I don't expect you to agree with me.

My 'yeah, right' was aimed at your claim that you rarely see non Thais reading.

As for the rest of your comments aimed at me

A: I rarely drink.

B: Yep I use taxis.

C: Apologise for that repulsive insinuation.

The assumptions you make are appalling at times.

You know nothing about me and the associations I have in this country and perhaps you should bear that in mind before making such crass slurs about someone in the future.

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Ali was the greatest, yet Thai tv insults his memory by showing another mans photo !!DISGUSTING !!

Does it really matter much here, after all he wasn't Thai !

I love & respect my Thai wife and family of several years , but, I understood a long time ago in the eyes of the vast majority of Thais, Farang do not rate even close in...............................

Well, someone tell me?

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Perhaps you should learn not to take an obviously general comment personally - or maybe just stop feigning offence for dramatic effect.

Typical cowardly responce from you.

Now apologise.

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A Thai cook working in the U.S. embessy in Iran sheltered one of the American officials in Tehran, Iran after the storming of the U.S. embessy there.

The official was later brought back to the U.S. by American agents.

The Thai was later congratualted by the then U.S.pesident for his actions in hiding and helping to get the American out of Iran.

The U.S news media showed the picture of the Thai cook, and described him as being a person from Taiwan.

True story.

Just wondering if you could supply the address of this "embessy"

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Of course all American actors speak Thai, how else can they talk in the films? sad.png My mrs asked me after watching Planet of the apes if they were real monkeys or actors. She still believes some of them were real monkeys, even though they spoke English, sometimes you just have to give up. My mates gf asked him if planet of the apes was a real story cheesy.gif

Reminds me of a meeting with a Thai Uni dean, he was planning to open an MBA program as follows:

- Students from Europe come to Thailand and 4 years of intensive study of Thai language to the point where they can converse, read, write, comprehend Thai to read all materials in Thai, converse in the classroom total Thai every lesson and complete all projects, assignments, exams in total Thai language.

- Then they actually start their 2 year of full time MBA study.

- Then 1 year (at the same uni, not at home) participate in a program to get their thesis completed and accepted, total Thai language.

- Total 7 years of study, vast expense: fees, travel and living expenses.

- In reality most MBA students are part-time week-end / evening students, they have already started work and need to work to survive.

All the other participants in the meeting said no, no and no. All supported the argument that this approach was totally unattractive to 99% of European students, they would never again use Thai language, so why would they take this program?

The dean was not convinced and he sent his proposal to the central committee which must approve programs etc. Instant no.

Same dean also tried to get approval to have 3 or 4 western experienced farang MBA professors just walk around the campus all day engaging the students in simple English conversations, 'Hello, how are you today?' etc. (Meaning engaging those students who wanted to talk.) Maximum time of 3 minutes so it doesn't disturb the students too much.

He was convinced that in no time this would raise the overall English of all students level to 'advanced English'.

Budget committee killed the idea in 10 seconds.

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Yet again a common type of modern mistake in the modern era, depending solely on using software instead of your own eyes, happens to some hapless Thai and all the ex-pat scum are quick to jump on all Thais. Why would younger Thais know Ali? He has been out of the international limelight for decades. Boxing did not become popular in Thailand until the 1980s with Khaosai Galaxy, long after Ali's era. How many of you would recognize a photo of Khaosai, the greatest Thai boxer of all time? So some young Thai TV staffer Googles Ali looking for a photo to use on the news and finds a nice bright photo-shopped pic from the Will Smith movie. That is a perfectly understandable mistake,a type of mistake that happens all the time. Have my fellow Americans who are so quick to disparage the Thais already forgotten about the US Postal stamp that shows the replica of the Statue of Liberty located at the New York-New York Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip rather than the original Statue of Liberty in New York?

I thought the whole point of the thread would be almost impossible to miss. But you managed it.



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He was part Irish his great grandfather came from Innis county Clare, Ali visited in 2009

Its Ennis .

When Ali Came to Ireland is a 2012 Irish documentary film directed by Ross Whitaker.[1] It tells the story of how Killorglin-born circus strongman and publican, Michael "Butty" Sugrue, put up £300,000 and persuaded Muhammad Ali to make his first visit to Ireland to fight against Alvin Lewis in Croke Park on 19 July 1972.[2]

Ali went to Ireland with an entourage on 11 July 1972 to spend time training for the fight.[3] While there, he was interviewed for RTÉ Television by Cathal O'Shannon and was taught the rudiments of hurling by Eddie Keher.[4][5]

Ali won the Lewis fight with a technical knockout in the 11th round, and Sugrue lost a lot of money bankrolling it. The documentary was first broadcast on RTÉ One on 1 January 2013.[6][7][8]

Ali returned to Ireland twice in later years. He took part in the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics in Dublin in 2003,[9][10][11] and he visited the birthplace of his great grandfather, Abe Grady, in Ennis in 2009, where he was made an Honorary Freeman of the town.[12]

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https://youtu.be/wA8_th5nYBU (TRAILER of when Ali came to Ireland )

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Of course, Westerners are perfect beings!

Never makes a mistake.

Never lie.

Always considerate of other beings... Kind, compassionate, helpful, generous, polite...

Thank you all. What would we lesser beings do without you?

Hold your heads up and be proud of your goodness!


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