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What could make the difference is the state of the roads and of some vehicles.

Which should of course like weather conditions be taken into account when driving. You don't drive a pickup with a 4 ton load at 100km/hr on a road that is full of potholes, has a bad camber, and twists and turns during a tropical thunderstorm do you? DELETED

2nd most dangerous roads in the world and on the way to number 1.

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Funny when approaching a roundabout they stop on the roundabout so the whole thing comes ro a stand still , why dont they teach them the ethics of how a roundabout works

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because if you don't, theres a 100 bike going right that are gonna come by the left, block you from going when its your turn and go.

you'll be there the next morning. Bike drivers are way too clueless in thailand to allow any kind of logical driving from the cars.


An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

Yeah well most would be able to figure training is a lot stricter in UK also the UK motoring is probably 10X the cost, go figure.


Actually, they are pretty good drivers, you just need to remember that the "passing lane" in Thailand is actually the "overloaded p/u truck lane".gigglem.gif


An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

How many people have scooter/ bike and how often they use the scooter/bike in UK?I think if the bike was used in UK so often as in Thailand satatistic be another

Of course it is still have a factor of education, and a factor greater probability of avoiding punishment.

Factor -quality and speed of emergency.


Agree entirely with the emboldened part.

When I first came here the driving frightened the life out of me, but now I'm used to the 'style' of driving and so have learnt to assume that vehicles will pull out in front of me/cut me up etc. - its easy to give them space in case they do this. Nowadays, its only every now and again I'm taken by suprise and think the driver a complete idiot - and quite often these drivers are tourists or Westerners. I give tourists on scooters a far wider berth than I give Thais...

People driving along the wrong side of the road (on the hard shoulder) don't bother me as its easy to see them, and those taking off early from traffic lights don't bother me either - as its their life not mine, and those I've seen (many) always made sure there was no traffic coming before doing so.

I have noticed though that some days are fine, whereas other days many people seem to be driving badly blink.png .


Been here 14 years.

2 accidents:

1st one was a drunk tourist hit me,

2nd one was a Thai guy who rear-ended me because the road was wet and his tires were bald.

All in all, I'd say they are not bad drivers.

Although as you can see if you ever take the Thai driver's test: their reaction time from the gas to the brake pedals is much slower than the farangs taking the test. ( I saw about 20% of the Thai's pass on their first try and 100% of farangs pass)

The bigger problem is law enforcement of course.

If 50% of people run the red lights, or anticipate the green by 5 seconds, you are going to have more accidents.

Same with speeding, lack of stop signs, driving on the wrong side of the road and antics by the teenagers (saw a guy yesterday with a red plastic film taped over his headlight)

Just beware and learn the unwritten rules (passing on both sides is OK, the bigger the vehicle, the more right of way they are given, motorbikes will do whatever they want, etc.

The death toll is conclusive evidence that Thais are bad drivers, unless you are saying that they kill themselves deliberately.
As Ardokano mentioned before - motorbikes add up the death toll & skews the numbers.....

I believe when I last found the statistics motorbike fatalities.....I believe it was over 90% {93?} attributed to motorbikes & the rest other vehicles.....

I don't allow our family to have/ride on the things....

I owned & ridden everything from Honda 50's to Harley's & Ducati's - almost cashed in all my chips on my Gold Wing......

Unfortunately motorbikes are cheap & vunerable transportation here & far exceed the number of 4 wheel vehicles....Thai's just accept it quickly when someone they know dies on one.....Shame....

Flip side is - if everyone/most drove cars the fatality rates would plummet....

However the roads & highways would be parking lots - the infrastructure could not accomodate it......


I would say that Thais are not so much "bad" drivers ( they can mostly control the vehicles )

but they are impatient,un attentive and inconsiderate drivers

together with poorly designed and built roads with very little policing of traffic laws makes Thailand number 2 in the most dangerous roads rankings.

Agree - this pretty much explains it...

- Impatient

- Inattentive

- Inconsiderate

- Poor Road Design

- Poorly maintained vehicles

- Little Policing of traffic laws

Thai drivers seem to be able to drive in much greater proximity to other vehicles than I see back in the UK. I get the impression that when generalising Thai's are better a judging the distance from their Car etc, so in some respects Thai drivers may actually be more skilled. However, the rest of the driving requirements for safe roads as listed above are lacking... resulting in grave consequences.

Poor road design is a major factor...


Been a topic that's kicked about more than a few times.

My view is there's good and bad drivers what ever country you go to.

You would only use public transport where I live if you wanted to be bored. biggrin.png

And like in any country , women are worse drivers ....especially the parking ones.

Out one Friday evening and a car comes to park outside the restaurant we were at outside of. I turned to my friend on one side and sniggeringly said "Watch this. Want to bet if they can get it parallel and <=20cm of the curb/kerb? My bet is they'll need a taxi to get from the car to the curb, and will be no less than 25 degrees off parallel after at least 3 attempts".

To my amazement it was reverse parked text book perfect first time. Then to my embarrassment I realised the driver was the Wife of an acquaintance to the other side of me.

"I'm guessing your Wife had proper driving lessons and not just gone and got a licence?".

"Oh definitely. She wanted a car and part of the deal was that I wouldn't get in it unless she learned to drive it properly, and if I don't have use of it (taxi him on the odd occasion when he fancies a beer or three) then I'm not buying it".

Well that lernt me.

So she did indeed have lessons, responded well to them, and she was every bit as good as you could hope for. I wish a few more would put a simple clause into the deal when buying their respective partners a vehicle.

I know that was little to do with the dangers of driving as per OP, but considerate parking is nice to see, and doesn't add unneeded variables for other road users.


Accident and death figures speak for themselves, yes they are appalling bad drivers on the whole and have the lack of a real driving test and common sense to blame, selfishness and no consideration for others does not help either


An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

Yeah well most would be able to figure training is a lot stricter in UK also the UK motoring is probably 10X the cost, go figure.

What has the cost of motoring got to do with bad drivers?


Back in the UK I only knew a few brave enough to ride motorbikes. One of them was killed and another suffered a broken arm. UK drivers are not used to 'bike riders being about, and so do not take them into consideration.

The driving is definitely different here - but at least they expect 'bike riders to be about, and generally (not always) take them into consideration.

Edit - mind you, I avoid going out after dark when the drunks are out and about....


In N. America drivers tend to adhere to the law or face a stiff penalty. Otoh, there is less civility and more road rage incidents which often leads to accidents.

In Thailand and much of SE Asia, there tends to be more civility and far fewer road rage incidents, though drivers tend not to adhere to laws as they are not strictly enforced, which often lead to accidents.


If we take the ratio of foreigners at the wheel and the number of violations(including hard - cut, red etc) of rules I see from them. Can say-

foreigners in Thailand badly drivers than Thai.biggrin.png


If we take the ratio of foreigners at the wheel and the number of violations(including hard - cut, red etc) of rules I see from them. Can say-

foreigners in Thailand badly drivers than Thai.biggrin.png

They're different (self anointed/appointed/important) - they KNOW they own the road.....God forbid a Thai should get in THEIR way.....

Correct, there are a lot of horrid, stupid & aggressively "dominant" farang drivers out there.....See them almost daily.....

I'm sure the Thai drivers are patiently leery of more than a few of us too......

True - but counter intuitive for the thread & it's chosen Thai whipping "experts"......


An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

Yeah well most would be able to figure training is a lot stricter in UK also the UK motoring is probably 10X the cost, go figure.

What has the cost of motoring got to do with bad drivers?

Nothing, but the Thai apologists will say stupid rubbish, and defend, but never accept Thais are pathetic drivers.


An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

Yeah well most would be able to figure training is a lot stricter in UK also the UK motoring is probably 10X the cost, go figure.

What has the cost of motoring got to do with bad drivers?

Nothing, but the Thai apologists will say stupid rubbish, and defend, but never accept Thais are pathetic drivers.

The thing is, almost 100% of farang i see on bikes and in cars are completely retarded

while the thai's number is at 30-40%

I don't think its about the dna


If you want to know about daily accidents or reports you will need to follow twitter @JS100radio @91fmtrafficpro or @Weather_th Thai language but many posts with photos.


My other half (who doesn't read my Thaivisa posts) is one of the worst drivers in Thailand. He's fine behind the wheel until the car is in motion.

Oversteer,Understeer, breaking late, changing lanes every 10 seconds, cutting off people, his foot is on/off accelerator constantly even on the highway.

He also likes to stay in the right lane on the highway like many Thais do.

I could go on but I haven't got 2 hours to type this post.

I refuse to get in his car anymore.

He has many scratches/dings on the car and always blames the other cars/bikes.

To make it worse he has a lifetime licence.

BTS/Taxi is fine with me.

Didn't realise you knew my brother in law.


The thing is, almost 100% of farang i see on bikes and in cars are completely retarded

while the thai's number is at 30-40%

I don't think its about the dna

And yet it's the Thais who are dying on the roads. Why is that? The falangs that are killed are usually struck by a Thai driving like a lunatic.


There has to be a reason, that Thailand is nearly number 1 in the world by per capita Road death rate.whistling.gif


It's because they are perfectly capable drivers according to some. blink.png

I thought - because,

Thais are really bad-reckless-ruthless drivers and do not use seat belts and a really fitting helmet - not such mostly used, kind of salad bowls-helmets, all times! blink.png


Yes! No other answer would be appropriate! Thai's do not take drivers training! Thai's will flunk their drivers test and then pay a bribe to get their license.

I have seen this with my own eyes. It took me 3 times to pass my written and motorcycle driving test, but I persevered and got my license without the

500 baht bribe. So, many Thai's are learning to drive with their license. I have been driving here for 13 years and half of the Thai's do not have insurance

on their cars, so be sure and have complete class 1 insurance to protect yourself when they hit you! I do not drive on the highways at night. The bus and truck

drivers are taking something to keep themselves awake. You can see the results in the newspaper every morning. So be careful and protect yourself!


The thing is, almost 100% of farang i see on bikes and in cars are completely retarded

while the thai's number is at 30-40%

I don't think its about the dna

And yet it's the Thais who are dying on the roads. Why is that? The falangs that are killed are usually struck by a Thai driving like a lunatic.

theres about 58million more thais than farang in thailand

also when it comes to motorbike accidents, farangs usualy have helmets so only substain major injuries instead of death more often.


most death of farang come from road accidents


To me these threads are very sad.. whiney farang bellow the intelligence average threshold trying to make fun of more intelligent or evenly matched thais because they themselves feel superior as western society has brain washed them into seeming more intelligent by having to follow all the rules constantly.

Remove the motorbikes and enforce a few rules and thailand will be a lot safer, nothing to do with the people, it has to do with the people keeping the common thai captives in their ignorance.

Really have no idea why this topic has not been closed. If you've ever done a school run you'll know that farang parents are just as horrible and dangerous as the thai soccer moms that only drive when its school time.

Most likely, every negative post in here has been made by people who speak absolutely no Thai


I do not drive on the highways at night. The bus and truck

drivers are taking something to keep themselves awake. You can see the results in the newspaper every morning. So be careful and protect yourself!

Night, the largest percentage of drivers with respect to other- in my opinion its mean GOOD drivers.

They give way, not cut. If the road with one lane to help you overtaking (right turn signal - do not overtake a car in front ,left turn signal - you can overttake , the road clean.) etc.


Almost every my trip I prefer to do at night..



I prefer night driving for long trips.Less mocy wobblers an freakin kids goin to School.Stay Frost for tinted window prats and it nice n quiet i find


General standard of driving is ok and comparable with other countries except Iran, India and Turkey where they are f_ing crazy.


* too many motorbikes with untrained, inexperienced and downright stupid riders. Earlier this week I saved someones life for the fourth time in 9 years here, by looking in my mirror before turning right to see a Darwinian youth out-running my well-signalled right turn at high speed.

* too many overworked, overhours, untrained and non-regulated commercial drivers of buses and trucks, many of whom take drugs to allow them to drive the long hours greedy transport bosses demand

* some here call it inconsiderate driving; I call it d_mn selfish and impolite (and so does my Thai wife, having seen how polite most UK drivers are): that said - there are many similar countries of a Latin or Arabic nature IME. Mostly this does not cause accidents - just frustration

Take away the motorbikes from anyone younger than 25 (or have rigorous training and testing of those older than 18 and ban kids - back to bicycles please), regulate the commercial drivers hours, introduce some government TV advertising on good road practice .... and the death rate would come way down.

Oh, and pay the police to target bad driving rather than their current tea money focus on the safest bits of open roads.

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