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GOP unite in denouncing Trump comments on judge


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GOP unite in denouncing Trump comments on judge

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading Republicans united Tuesday in an extraordinary denunciation of Donald Trump's attacks on a federal judge, with House Speaker Paul Ryan calling them the "textbook definition of a racist comment" though he stood by his endorsement of the presumptive presidential nominee.

Trump asserted that his comments were being "misconstrued" but did not back down or apologize for saying repeatedly that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

"I do not feel that one's heritage makes them incapable of being impartial, but, based on the rulings that I have received in the Trump University civil case, I feel justified in questioning whether I am receiving a fair trial," Trump said in a lengthy statement that repeated his claims that students at Trump University, far from being fleeced as some claim and as evidence suggests, were overwhelmingly satisfied.

Moments before Trump issued his defiant statement, a GOP senator who had previously indicated support for Trump withdrew his backing, as Republicans' attempts to unite behind Trump looked at risk of unraveling.

"While I oppose the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump's latest statements, in context with past attacks on Hispanics, women and the disabled like me, make it certain that I cannot and will not support my party's nominee for president regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party," Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, who is in a competitive re-election race, said in a statement.

"I have concluded that Donald Trump has not demonstrated the temperament necessary to assume the greatest office in the world," Kirk said.

Kirk was the first leading Republican to publicly disavow earlier support for Trump. Most others, including Ryan, reaffirmed their plans to support him, but the situation exposed the peril for Republicans with the volatile and unpredictable Trump as their standard-bearer. Time and again, they are forced to answer for Trump's latest divisive comment, distracting from their own agendas as well as their goals of winning back the White House and hanging onto Senate control.

On Tuesday, Republicans were squirming over what might have been the billionaire's most incendiary stance to date — the claim that Curiel couldn't preside fairly over the Trump University case because the U.S.-born judge is of Mexican heritage and Trump wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

"I regret those comments he made. Claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment," Ryan said at a morning news conference where his attempts to focus on a new House GOP poverty-fighting agenda were overwhelmed by questions about Trump. "I think that should be absolutely disavowed. It's absolutely unacceptable."

"But do I believe Hillary Clinton is the answer? No, I do not," Ryan said.

Others avoided the word racist but made their disapproval crystal clear.

"My advice to our nominee would be to start talking about the issues the American people care about and to start doing it now," said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. "In addition to that it's time, to quit attacking various people that you competed with, or various minority groups in the country and get on message."

Ron Weiser, one of the recently named top fundraisers for Trump and the Republican Party, said the nominee's comments on the judge are "obviously making it more difficult" to raise money.

Stanley Hubbard, a Minnesota broadcast company billionaire, recently gave $100,000 to a pro-Trump group and describes himself as a reluctant Trump backer. He said of Trump's judge comments: "It's ridiculous. He's out of line. You don't attack a federal judge, and you certainly don't attack him on the heritage of his parents. It's totally off the wall, and I don't even have words to explain it."

Only his fear of Democrat Hillary Clinton picking Supreme Court justices is enough to keep him giving money to Trump, Hubbard said.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the only black Republican senator, called Trump's comments on the judge "racially toxic" yet said, "He needs to get on to the general election and we need to win."

"Let's face it, meet the old Trump, just like the new Trump," said Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who has long opposed the billionaire's candidacy. "We've got what we've got. That's not somebody who can win the White House."

"Where there's no talk of a convention challenge or anything else, this might spur it," Flake added of Trump's comments on the judge.

Democrats ridiculed Republicans for denouncing Trump's comments yet continuing to back the mogul, in evidence of how much ammunition Trump is giving them as they try to boost their own deeply flawed presumptive nominee in Clinton.

"If Republicans believe that a man who believes in religious and ethnic tests for federal judges is fit to be president of the United States, they must explain why this is an acceptable position," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.


Associated Press writers Mary Clare Jalonick, Alan Fram and Julie Bykowicz contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-08

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District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Just what is wrong with that - it's a possibility - pathetic PC brigade bah.gif

So from now on all judges must match the ethnicity, sexual orientation etc of the accused? Suppose if a paedophile is on trial the judge should be one too?

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Good to see the grown-ups in the GOP calling this for what it is.

The standards you let your candidate adopt unchallenged are the standards that you, and by extension your party, represent

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District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Just what is wrong with that - it's a possibility - pathetic PC brigade bah.gif

So from now on all judges must match the ethnicity, sexual orientation etc of the accused? Suppose if a paedophile is on trial the judge should be one too?

In the UK in the 70's, they usually were.


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Good to see the grown-ups in the GOP calling this for what it is.

The standards you let your candidate adopt unchallenged are the standards that you, and by extension your party, represent

Trump and his lies fall into the same category as so many businessmen who are crooks but look at being dishonest as a grey area. They are crooks but cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.

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So Republican leaders denounce and condemn Trumps remarks. But they will be back on board next week. Ah the sweet smell of BS

They cannot change horses in midstream as there is no other horse. They must stick with this old nag through thick and thin thats politics.

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Just some background information about that La Razza judge, for those who are interested and can stomach the idea that Mr. Trump could possibly have a point: La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel and the Hispanic National Bar Association…

The Hispanic National Bar Association published a press release on July 2nd 2015 which specifically stated their intention to target the “business interests” of Donald Trump:


To me this sounds like an agenda... No?

Now imagine you were a business owner and you and your business is an official target of this "Hispanics-loyal" organisation... And you get a member of this organisation to judge your business... I too, were very concerned and wouldn't personally appreciate this, to say the least.

And this comes from a club of honourable people who are supposed to "be blind", uphold the law and nothing but the law. There must be no place for such agendas. Disgusting. Why does a supposedly unbiased judge join (or stay in) such a club in the first place?

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Just some background information about that La Razza judge, for those who are interested and can stomach the idea that Mr. Trump could possibly have a point: La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel and the Hispanic National Bar Association…

The Hispanic National Bar Association published a press release on July 2nd 2015 which specifically stated their intention to target the “business interests” of Donald Trump:


To me this sounds like an agenda... No?

Now imagine you were a business owner and you and your business is an official target of this "Hispanics-loyal" organisation... And you get a member of this organisation to judge your business... I too, were very concerned and wouldn't personally appreciate this, to say the least.

And this comes from a club of honourable people who are supposed to "be blind", uphold the law and nothing but the law. There must be no place for such agendas. Disgusting. Why does a supposedly unbiased judge join (or stay in) such a club in the first place?

Interesting, I hadn't looked at this point since the day the "damning" internal TU documents were released. I did find ref to this, as well as the Firm behind the class action lawsuit had documented ties to the Clintons.

All the MSM is quoting, however, and not unsurprisingly, is Trump's own words - that the judge is bias because of his Mexican heritage. While that may be a factor in Trump's logic, it would of been much better for him to outline the judge's potential bias based on political and ethnic affiliations of the judge, as well as the legal firm's own background.

Not a smoking gun but worthy of closer look if presented correctly. At this point though, Trump has lost the initiative and is being roasted alive in the media. He could of handled this much, much differently and in the process, not only shut Hillary up but also make her look suspect. A lost opportunity.

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It is bizarre that the republican establishment have come out to condemn their own candidate. It's a bit late now to realise what a moron he is. You could just throw in the towel now but that would rob us all of the wonderful circus that this election has become. Let's all enjoy the ride for now until Clinton gets elected and reality sinks in.

I suspect that it actually won't be the TOTAL disaster that we all fear and that Clinton will muddle through the next four years

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District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Just what is wrong with that - it's a possibility - pathetic PC brigade bah.gif

So from now on all judges must match the ethnicity, sexual orientation etc of the accused? Suppose if a paedophile is on trial the judge should be one too?

In the UK in the 70's, they usually were.


Usually means more often than not, therefore a higher percentage are positively peadophile than are not paedophile. That being the case, I am sure you are able to quote names? Or are you just talking bs?whistling.gif

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I would suggest some of our right wing racists do a little research on who this judge is before defending the lying, misogynist, racist, bigoted, fascist orange monster. Oh hell most of them don't have the brain power to do research. Oh, so the right wing lying dailycaller says so, smoking that right wing crap again some posters are. Ok so they can't do the research I took 3 minutes and did it for you. .............................. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/us/politics/donald-trump-university-judge-gonzalo-curiel.html?_r=0............




Last and not least from a right wing rag well know to many of you that believe crap makes good coffee....... http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2016/06/03/dishonest-attempt-associate-gonzalo-curiel-la-raza/...........

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It is bizarre that the republican establishment have come out to condemn their own candidate. It's a bit late now to realise what a moron he is. You could just throw in the towel now but that would rob us all of the wonderful circus that this election has become. Let's all enjoy the ride for now until Clinton gets elected and reality sinks in.

I suspect that it actually won't be the TOTAL disaster that we all fear and that Clinton will muddle through the next four years

I think it's about time, that Mr. Trump is slowly leaving the sandbox and is ready to bring up the really heavy guns.... Which Bernie wasn't willing to use against Mrs. Clinton.

Anyway, let's stack up the popcorn and enough beer for next week :-).

I haven't seen him making such a bold announcement during his campaign... Let's hope he can deliver and we are all going to have a lot of fun.

I wonder if these fools of the GOP leadership will again unite in denouncing Trump's findings and comments...

Yes, of course, they will, silly me, because this will be further proof that he must be a misogynist... and racist, that's a given.

And it will show again the GOP leadership as the fools they are. What a coward bunch of pathetic hypocrites.

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District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Just what is wrong with that - it's a possibility - pathetic PC brigade bah.gif

So from now on all judges must match the ethnicity, sexual orientation etc of the accused? Suppose if a paedophile is on trial the judge should be one too?

In the UK in the 70's, they usually were.


Usually means more often than not, therefore a higher percentage are positively peadophile than are not paedophile. That being the case, I am sure you are able to quote names? Or are you just talking bs?whistling.gif

What makes you think he was talking about pedophiles?

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Just some background information about that La Razza judge, for those who are interested and can stomach the idea that Mr. Trump could possibly have a point: La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel and the Hispanic National Bar Association…

To me this sounds like an agenda... No?

Now imagine you were a business owner and you and your business is an official target of this "Hispanics-loyal" organisation... And you get a member of this organisation to judge your business... I too, were very concerned and wouldn't personally appreciate this, to say the least.

And this comes from a club of honourable people who are supposed to "be blind", uphold the law and nothing but the law. There must be no place for such agendas. Disgusting. Why does a supposedly unbiased judge join (or stay in) such a club in the first place?

Have you even made the effort to at least understand the facts of this case? Basically, it's about a rich guy and his army of high-pressure salespeople, taking advantage of thousands of unsuspecting Americans. It was a fraudulent scheme from the beginning that fleeced these Americans to the tune of around $40 million. These students/victims are the ones bringing the lawsuit, not the judge. Why don't you go after them?

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District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Just what is wrong with that - it's a possibility - pathetic PC brigade bah.gif

And since white voters favor Trump then the judge shouldn't be white either?

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Just some background information about that La Razza judge, for those who are interested and can stomach the idea that Mr. Trump could possibly have a point: La Raza Judge Gonzalo Curiel and the Hispanic National Bar Association…

The Hispanic National Bar Association published a press release on July 2nd 2015 which specifically stated their intention to target the “business interests” of Donald Trump:


To me this sounds like an agenda... No?

Now imagine you were a business owner and you and your business is an official target of this "Hispanics-loyal" organisation... And you get a member of this organisation to judge your business... I too, were very concerned and wouldn't personally appreciate this, to say the least.

And this comes from a club of honourable people who are supposed to "be blind", uphold the law and nothing but the law. There must be no place for such agendas. Disgusting. Why does a supposedly unbiased judge join (or stay in) such a club in the first place?

The NRA opposes criininal background checks for gun buyers. 83% of NRA members support criminal background checks for gun buyers. https://cdn.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/17054452/PPP-GunOwnersPollResults-11.17.15.pdf

So, should a judge who's a member of the NRA recuse herself from a 2nd amendment criminal backgrouond case because she's a member of the NRA?

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District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Just what is wrong with that - it's a possibility - pathetic PC brigade bah.gif

What is wrong with that? Seriously? Let me splain it to you, although I doubt you're going to get it.

If a man can't do his job because of his heritage, isn't that the definition of racism? He was then asked if a Muslim judge or a woman judge should also be accused and he agreed. Only white guys need a apply.

He's a low-information racist supported by low-information racists.

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Update: Judge sets Trump University hearing for first day of GOP convention

Of course, this is not proof that the La Razza guy could be partisan, it's a pure coincidence, really.

And if Mr. Trumps dares to say something, anything, to the question "why", it would just be more prove that he is a racist; And for this, Mr. Trump had it coming, all his fault!

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Update: Judge sets Trump University hearing for first day of GOP convention

Of course, this is not proof that the La Razza guy could be partisan, it's a pure coincidence, really.

And if Mr. Trumps dares to say something, anything, to the question "why", it would just be more prove that he is a racist; And for this, Mr. Trump had it coming, all his fault!

Yeah agree with that, best post you've made. You win a biccy! clap2.gif

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