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Canadian bueracacy

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My fiancee and I have been wanting to get married for some time now but as I was previously married and don't have my divorce papers, I have some work to do.

The first step was to apply for a marriage search because I didn't remember the exact date in which I was married.

So I applied online on the Service Canada website at the beginning of January.

Supplied my name and my ex wife's name when I married her as well as the approximate date of when we were married as per the application and paid the $15 dollar fee.

Sounds easy right. Well think again.

A month and a half later I receive a letter indicating that more information is required.

The information required was, what other last names my ex wife used.

F-knows was my thought.

So I filled in the information for myself and then supplied my ex wife's maiden name again along with a hand written letter detailing the information I had available.

Faxed it off to Service Canada.

Long and behold a month and a half later I receive another letter from Service Canada requesting additional information.

This time they were asking for my father's name and my mother's name, as well as her maiden name.

Called numerous times and was always told they were working in it.

Fax that off to them and then 1 week later get a phone call from them asking me to confirm the information I sent them.

I was furious at this ridiculous request.

Anyway verbally confirmed the information to the dick on the other end of the phone and he says, ok application is complete and we will mail it out tomorrow.

And here we are over a month later and I still haven't received my marriage search document.

They must be sending it snail mail each time because I don't think it should be taking over a month each time to have received those letters.

I've never dealt with a more useless service in my life.

BTW. Apparently, my ex wife was previously married and even though she was legally divorced and had changed her name back to her maiden name they were requesting her last name from when she was previously married.

Service Canada, you suck.

Rant over.


So you don't have you'd divorce papers, don't know your marriage date and blame Canadian bureaucracy.

Sounds to me you're the one who doesn't know the basics required.

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