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US court: No right to carry concealed weapons in public


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Court: No right to carry concealed weapons in public

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Dealing a blow to gun supporters, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday that Americans do not have a constitutional right to carry concealed weapons in public.

In a dispute that could ultimately wind up before the Supreme Court, a divided 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said local law enforcement officials can place significant restrictions on who is allowed to carry concealed guns.

By a vote of 7-4, the court upheld a California law that says applicants must cite a "good cause" to obtain a concealed-carry permit. Typically, people who are being stalked or threatened, celebrities who fear for their safety, and those who routinely carry large amounts of cash or other valuables are granted permits.

"We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public," Circuit Judge William A. Fletcher wrote for the majority.

The ruling overturned a 2014 decision by a three-judge panel of the same court that said applicants need only express a desire for personal safety.

In a dissent, Circuit Judge Consuelo M. Callahan said the ruling "obliterates the Second Amendment's right to bear a firearm in some manner in public for self-defense."

Three other federal appeals courts have ruled similarly in the past, upholding California-like restrictions in New York, Maryland and New Jersey. In addition, another federal appeals court struck down Illinois' complete ban on carrying concealed weapons.

The 9th Circuit covers nine Western states, but California and Hawaii are the only ones in which the ruling will have any practical effect. The others do not require permit applicants to cite a "good cause." Anyone in those states with a clean record and no history of mental illness can get a permit.

The National Rifle Association called the ruling "out of touch."

"This decision will leave good people defenseless, as it completely ignores the fact that law-abiding Californians who reside in counties with hostile sheriffs will now have no means to carry a firearm outside the home for personal protection," said NRA legislative chief Chris W. Cox.

The New York-based gun control organization Everytown hailed the decision as "a major victory for public safety."

The California case began in 2009, when Edward Peruta filed a legal challenge over the San Diego County sheriff's refusal to issue him a permit. Peruta said he wanted a weapon to protect himself, but the sheriff said he needed a better reason, such as that his occupation exposes him to robbery.

Peruta, who is known as something of a legal gadfly, said he is neither a hunter, collector or target shooter but challenged the law because he believed it violated the Constitution. The NRA joined him in fighting the law.

The San Diego Sheriff's Department said Thursday that since the 9th Circuit tossed out the law two years ago, it has received 2,463 applications from people seeking a concealed-weapon permit without having to show good cause.

Sheriff's lawyer Robert Faigan said the department hasn't processed those applications and will continue to hold on to them while it waits to see what the Supreme Court does.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-10

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My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.

Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

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My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.

Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

"God love this part of America." Oh, no he doesn't !

Any you wonder why so many mass shootings with guns so available to one & all.

For what it's worth, I was a gun owner & enthusiast from age 12 to 55, when I no longer had the need or opportunity to shoot.

The good ol US of A ! When one of your presidents has the gonads to address this situation, problem the better for you all.

Like you, I'm ready for the ambush.

Cheers..... Mal.

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Well bully for you malt25...You are not a US citizen, you don't live there, and you probably never will. However, when uninvited Americans show up in your neighborhood with weapons, please feel free to comment. In the meantime, rather than worrying about the American constitution, why not focus on your own country's problems? NOYFB!

My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.
Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

"God love this part of America." Oh, no he doesn't !

Any you wonder why so many mass shootings with guns so available to one & all.

For what it's worth, I was a gun owner & enthusiast from age 12 to 55, when I no longer had the need or opportunity to shoot.

The good ol US of A ! When one of your presidents has the gonads to address this situation, problem the better for you all.

Like you, I'm ready for the ambush.

Cheers..... Mal.

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Well bully for you malt25...You are not a US citizen, you don't live there, and you probably never will. However, when uninvited Americans show up in your neighborhood with weapons, please feel free to comment. In the meantime, rather than worrying about the American constitution, why not focus on your own country's problems? NOYFB!

My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.

Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

"God love this part of America." Oh, no he doesn't !

Any you wonder why so many mass shootings with guns so available to one & all.

For what it's worth, I was a gun owner & enthusiast from age 12 to 55, when I no longer had the need or opportunity to shoot.

The good ol US of A ! When one of your presidents has the gonads to address this situation, problem the better for you all.

Like you, I'm ready for the ambush.

Cheers..... Mal.

Sorry ol mate. "NOYFB!" WRONG ! Public, open forum. I've as much right to comment as you have to disagree. That's what forums are all about.

I'm not at all worried about you're out of control gun situation. Just passing a comment re the number of pointless mass shootings you poor souls are experiencing due to the availability of guns.

Keep shooting, your aim ain't real good so far. Go & have a coldie or a nookie, you'll feel lots better.

Cheers, again. :-)

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Keep shooting boys. Then there will be an unpopulated country from which we can then feed the rest of the world. The sheer stupidity of allowing these weapons to all and sundry continues to stagger all of us from those other educated countries where gun violence is rare. You dumbarse citizens of the USA keep quoting the 2nd ammendment which was written when you were fighting for your freedom and independance and not meant to apply to a free, independant and civilised??? country.

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This ruling is for concealed carrying of weapons. So is there any restriction on strapping on a gun (or guns) cowboy style, slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder, or simply carrying a 50 round magazine auto-shotgun?

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Oh sorry mate....like you say, its a public forum so you have every right to blather about things you are not concerned about. I'll spit the binky back to you and suggest if you wish to criticize another country's constitution on a public forum, at least be armed with some knowledge. I'm guessing you know very little about the 2nd amendment of the US constitution. Since your country probably doesn't have gun ownership embedded in it's constitution, the idea of Americans having the constitutional right to own firearms probably scares you. The commonwealth ilk frequently argues that if the American population was simply disarmed, this would stop the murderous rampages in our country....WRONG MATE! You need to improve your aim. I doubt this the true reason you dislike American's having the right to gun ownership.

Moreover, does mass murder by any mean need a point? Crimes of this nature are committed worldwide you don't need a gun to kill a large groups of people. ...car ramming comes to mind, Should governments be more restrictive on motorized vehicle ownership because there is an increasing incidence of mass murder by car ramming? Motor vehicle ownership probably isn't written into many countries constitution so why not start there?

Americans currently have the right to bear arms in the US, and you probably don't have the same right under your constitution. Sorry, you can whinge all you want about our constitution, but your opinion is of little consequence. But oh....I forgot you said aren't worried about "out gun control laws" so maybe we should just drop the conversation there.

Well bully for you malt25...You are not a US citizen, you don't live there, and you probably never will. However, when uninvited Americans show up in your neighborhood with weapons, please feel free to comment. In the meantime, rather than worrying about the American constitution, why not focus on your own country's problems? NOYFB!

My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.
Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

"God love this part of America." Oh, no he doesn't !

Any you wonder why so many mass shootings with guns so available to one & all.

For what it's worth, I was a gun owner & enthusiast from age 12 to 55, when I no longer had the need or opportunity to shoot.

The good ol US of A ! When one of your presidents has the gonads to address this situation, problem the better for you all.

Like you, I'm ready for the ambush.

Cheers..... Mal.

Sorry ol mate. "NOYFB!" WRONG ! Public, open forum. I've as much right to comment as you have to disagree. That's what forums are all about.

I'm not at all worried about you're out of control gun situation. Just passing a comment re the number of pointless mass shootings you poor souls are experiencing due to the availability of guns.

Keep shooting, your aim ain't real good so far. Go & have a coldie or a nookie, you'll feel lots better.

Cheers, again. :-)

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My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.

Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

Good old cowboy times arriving again.

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us

now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust
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I don't have a big problem with concealed carry. Many states require a carry license anyway. I do have a problem with the idiots that walk around trying to prove how macho they are by toting semi-auto military style rifles in Target, etc. Of course they are all white, if black they would be shot on sight. I made a living with guns for many years. Always carried concealed. Open in uniform (backup concealed) and semi-open when bouncing in clubs. America's problem with the mass shootings does not stem from the available guns, it stems from sick people that before the Regan regime would have been locked up and/or receiving the mental care they needed. I'll add that I do think in general America has long lost it's morals (not that religious bull-real ones), ethics and oh hell, brains. Along with everything else the Regan regime destroyed was the mental health system. When I lived in the mountains of New Mexico I often had, pistols, my long range 300 Win. mag, shotgun and AK-47 in my truck, my wife carried pistol. After a divorce from hell I moved back to Texass, just carried my .45 and AK-47 in truck or SS Camaro. I had what many here would consider an arsenal, many of my friends had 3 times as much. Guns aren't the problem, people are.

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us

now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust

Fantastic post, I agree. Well said.

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My state of Virginia allows open carry,issues concealed carry with application/passing authorized training course and doesn't require gun registration,,in fact you can't as there's no system in place for it. God love this part of America.

Okay fire at will,,I promise not to shoot back.

In australia the federal government had to create a mass shooting to get the public to go along with its draconian laws! The "offender" had an IQ of 66 and there was never a coronial inquest or a proper trail, he's been in solitary confinment for 20 years, he's not even allowed to speak to his mother!

That's what you get when you get a anti-firearm government in power at the national level!

Fight for your right of self defence, in Australia,you may not use a firearm for self defence, it's not allowed under the law, no matter how dangerous the situation or to whom!! sad.pngwhistling.gifbah.gifwai.gif

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us

now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust

Fantastic post, I agree. Well said.

Agreed, the same applies to Oz pollies of both persuasions! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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Keep shooting boys. Then there will be an unpopulated country from which we can then feed the rest of the world. The sheer stupidity of allowing these weapons to all and sundry continues to stagger all of us from those other educated countries where gun violence is rare. You dumbarse citizens of the USA keep quoting the 2nd ammendment which was written when you were fighting for your freedom and independance and not meant to apply to a free, independant and civilised??? country.

You sound like an aussie who watches the ABC and votes "green", why do you think 'merica is still free and independant? 20 million armed citizens....that's why!! Don't hold the UK or Oz up as "free and independant", not with the pollies in either country!thumbsup.gifwink.pngsad.pngwai.gif

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Keep shooting boys. Then there will be an unpopulated country from which we can then feed the rest of the world. The sheer stupidity of allowing these weapons to all and sundry continues to stagger all of us from those other educated countries where gun violence is rare. You dumbarse citizens of the USA keep quoting the 2nd ammendment which was written when you were fighting for your freedom and independance and not meant to apply to a free, independant and civilised??? country.

You sound like an aussie who watches the ABC and votes "green", why do you think 'merica is still free and independant? 20 million armed citizens....that's why!! Don't hold the UK or Oz up as "free and independant", not with the pollies in either country!thumbsup.gifwink.pngsad.pngwai.gif

Do you really believe what you wrote here?

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us

now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust

I agree with neverdie, a great post apart from the first paragraph. I fear that your Government have already buried the US population and they do not even know it. The Patriot Act and essentially ungoverned illegal surveillance are but two of a huge list of Government systems brought in to limit the freedom of US citizens.. It is interesting observing from a distance, you know the old story (which is true) about putting a frog into a pan of very hot water and it will leap out immediately. Put it into a pan of cold water and put the pan on a low heat you can boil the frog alive and it will not move.

Your analysis of "THE REAL REASON FOR AMERICA'S MASS KILLINGS" is candid and unusual to hear from someone from the USA and that gives many of us hope I am sure. Thank you, keep spreading your valuable word.

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I wanted to propose that the US give Kalifornia to Mexico. At this point I would want to pay Mexico to take the Land of Fruits and Nuts. The scariest thing is if the corrupt liar Hillary gets elected, the Supreme Court will have a majority of liberals.

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I wanted to propose that the US give Kalifornia to Mexico. At this point I would want to pay Mexico to take the Land of Fruits and Nuts. The scariest thing is if the corrupt liar Hillary gets elected, the Supreme Court will have a majority of liberals.

Yo, brother, GREAT Idea !

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